

The Impact of Channel Equity Based on Resource View Over Enterprise Performance

【作者】 唐华

【导师】 吴小丁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着企业持久竞争优势的难以维持,渠道越来越成为重要的企业资源。从加入WTO以来,以渠道为基础的购并、参股等运营方式高达数百起。为什么会有如此多的以渠道为基础的并购及参股行为的发生呢?营销渠道承担着向顾客传递价值和创造价值的任务,渠道关系的“非立即消亡性”、“立即转移性”(吴开亚,邸允柱,2003)和销售网络逐渐成为制造商获取商机的关键环节。如何衡量渠道资产的价值成为以渠道为基础的并购等运营方式的核心问题。理论上,中西方关于渠道理论的研究主要集中在三大领域:渠道结构、渠道行为和渠道关系。“渠道资产”的研究处于三大领域的交叉地带。Srivastava等人于1998年首次提出“渠道资产”概念,迄今仅十余年,相关的理论研究和实践较为缺乏,对渠道资产的认识仅处于初步阶段,现有的理论在不同程度上存在着缺陷:①理论与实践对渠道资产的内涵和本质没有深入分析,缺乏对隐藏在渠道网络中资源的足够认识。②在渠道资产分析中,多数研究将渠道资产管理归为营销领域内的理论,至今还没有“渠道资产”价值计量的理论依据,且在研究中没有提出有效的营销模型,以衡量渠道资产的价值③对作为战略资产的渠道资产提升企业绩效的作用模式尚不清晰,缺乏实证分析支持。所以,理论中和实务中均迫切需要建立和完善渠道资产理论与分析模型以帮助企业评价待并购公司的渠道资产价值。有鉴于此,本文尝试从资源角度来重新审视“渠道资产”问题,采用理论研究与实证分析相结合,定性分析与定量分析相结合和模型构建研究方法,从以下几个方面展开基于资源观的渠道资产对企业绩效影响的研究,系统地探讨渠道资产的概念和内涵,以推动和完善渠道资产理论体系:(1)详尽探究了经济学关于资产的概念,在此基础上进行概念拓展,理由充分地诠释了“渠道资产”内涵——基于“渠道网络”载体的“渠道关系”,运用关系营销理论、渠道关系理论、关系资本理论、市场资产理论和社会网络理论,采用未来收益观界定了资源观下的渠道资产概念,并进行了内涵解析和特点说明,指出渠道资产是企业在培养和维持与特定组织关系网络过程中形成的、可使用的,能带来未来经济利益的无形经济资源。渠道资产是一种网络资源,通过嵌入渠道关系网络,获得网络提供的信息、资源、市场和技术,并指明渠道资产与市场资产、营销资源的关系。(2)提出了渠道资产是渠道网络资源的价值体现和营销学意义上的测度,通过访谈和理论分析,阐释了渠道资产操作性要素识别的可行性,即营销渠道作为多组织联盟,其渠道内部成员间的关系正是社会网络关系的典型代表(Contractor和Wonchan,2002)。渠道资产测量指标包括关系结构、关系质量和关系认知三个维度,并进行了维度分析及指标,提出了一个包含24个题项的企业渠道资产的测度量表,并对量表进行了探索性和验证性因子分析,以验证渠道资产量表的合理性。(3)构建基于资源观的渠道资产管理框架体系,强调企业营销能力和技术能力作为渠道资产驱动力的重要性。本文借鉴资源基础观的策略分析框架,运用规范分析,构建了“渠道资产—企业能力—企业绩效”的概念模型,运用验证性因子分析和结构方程模型分析,实证检验了渠道资产对企业绩效的直接和间接影响,并进行了中介效应的比较,进而从更为微观的层次指出了企业通过渠道关系网络实现企业绩效的内在机理,阐明了渠道资产的价值性,从而更深入地解释了拥有同样渠道商的企业具有不同收益的原因。(4)明晰渠道资产对企业绩效的作用模式。企业渠道资产通过营销能力和技术能力的中介传导作用间接影响企业绩效,其间接影响程度要大于渠道资产对企业绩效的直接影响;同时,渠道资产的状态决定了企业能力发挥作用的路径,关系质量维度对企业营销能力的作用系数最大,说明关系质量通过营销能力的传导会实现更多的企业绩效;关系认知维度对企业技术能力的影响最显著,这可能是因为相似的语言(术语)为技术信息和知识的获取、吸收等搭建了平台,是企业技术创新活动的必要前提和有效保证。渠道资产三个维度对企业绩效影响的显著性有差别,关系质量对企业绩效的影响最为显著;关系认知维度次之,最后是关系结构维度。通过资源观下渠道资产内涵的界定及对企业绩效影响的研究解决了目前渠道资产研究理论基础不清晰、研究内容仅从关系或知识单一视角为基点的局限以及无法测量的状态,推进了渠道资产理论体系的发展,有利于企业对企业间关系的认识和掌控,将为企业提供识别其与下游渠道成员的哪些方面受益,从而解决渠道关系管理中的营销短视行为;同时,通过透析处于渠道网络中的企业异质性资源的获取机理,从企业资源视角揭示了构成竞争优势的渠道关系运作规律,明晰了渠道网络构成竞争优势具体作用路径,有助于企业掌握渠道资产对企业绩效的贡献程度,以在渠道并购中作为参考的依据,同时也为企业经营“渠道关系”,政府和行业组织支持、辅助企业从而促进社会流通提供决策性参考。

【Abstract】 With the competitive advantage of the difficult to maintain, channel has become an increasingly important business resources. Since accession to WTO, the operating mode of channel-based mergers and acquisitions is up to hundreds. Why is there so much behavior of channel based acquisition happen? Marketing channels bear tasks of delivering and creating value to the customer, channel relationships has "non-immediate extinction", "immediately metastatic" (Wu Kaiya, Di Yun-chu, 2003), and sales network,which is becoming the key areas of business opportunities in for manufacturer. How to measure the value of channel equtiy become the core of channel-based mergers and acquisitions the way manufacturer operate.In theory, the theoretical study of channel focused on three areas: channel structure, channel behavior and channel relationships. "Channel equity" is the cross-zone of three areas. Since Srivastava et al first proposed "channel equity" concept in 1998, so far only ten years, theory and practice related is more lack, understanding of channel equity is only at a preliminary stage, the existing theory flawed to varying degrees:①content and nature of channel equity is not in-depth analysis in theory and practice, lacking sufficient knowledge hidden in the channel network resources.②Most analysis of channel equity is classified as marketing management areas in theory, has not yet concered value of " channel equity " in the theoretical basis, and not raised effective marketing model to measure the channel equity in the study③the mode of value action of channel equity as a strategic asset to enhance enterprise performance is not yet clear, lacking empirical analysis support. Therefore, the theory and analysis model of channels equity is urgently needed to establish and improve in both the theory and practice to help companies evaluate the value of channel equity acquired companies. In view of this, this paper attempts to reexamine "channel equity"from a resource perspective, using theoretical research and empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis and model building methods, systematically exploring the concept and content of channel equity and impact on firm performance from the following aspects in order to promote and improve the theoretical system of channel equity:(1) The paper studies a detailed concept of assets in economics, based on this concept of development, well-founded interpretation of the "channel equity",that is meaning "channel network" based "channel relationship", using relationship marketing theory, channel relationships theory, relational capital theory, market-based assets theory and social network theory, under view of resource using concept of future earnings as defined the concept and features of channel equity for content analysis and description of channel equity. The research suggests that channel equity is the intangible economic resources that companies develop and maintain specific network of organizations formed in the process, can be used, can bring future economic benefits. Channel equity is a kind of network resources, through the embedded channel relationship network, providing access to network information, resources, markets and technologies, and identifing the relationship among market assets, marketing resources and channel equity.(2) Channel equity is a channel network resources and the sense of measure reflected marketing value, through interviews and theoretical analysis to explain the elements of channel equity identified the feasibility. The marketing channel is seen as a multi-organizational alliances and channels relationship between members is a typical representative of social networks (Contractor and Wonchan, 2002). Channels equity, including three dimensions: the relationship structure, relationship quality and relationship cognitive. The research explained dimensional analysis and indicators and proposed a 24-items contained measure scale of enterprise channel equity and verified reasonableness of scale of channel equity through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.(3) The paper builds the channel equity management framework of resource-based view, emphasizing the importance of business capacity as the driving force of channel equity. This paper follows strategic analysis framework resource based view through normative analysis to construct a " channel equity - corporate capability - corporate performance" concept model, using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis, this paper examines direct and indirect effects of channel equity on firm performance, compared to the intermediate effect, and then analyze the internal mechanism about channel network affecting the enterprise performance from the more micro level, illustrates the value of channel equity, which explains in more depth with the reasons why business enterprises of the same channel have different return.(4) The paper clears mode of action about channel equity on firm performance. Enterprise channel equity have a direct and indirectly impact on business performance, corporate marketing and technical capabilities through the intermediary role of indirect effects to business performance, and its indirect effects of channel equity is greater than the direct impact on business performance;meanwhile, the status of channel equity determine the path of enterprise capabilities, the role of relationship quality dimensions to marketing capability is the largest coefficient, indicating that the relational quality between the conduction through the marketing capabilities will be more enterprise performance; cognitive dimensions to technological capability is the most significant impact, this may be because similar language (terminology) for the technical information and knowledge acquisition, absorption form a platform which is an effective guarantee of enterprise technical innovation. The three dimensions of channel equity have significant differences impact on firm performance: the most significant is relationship quality, followed by cognitive dimension, and finally the relationship structure dimensions.The research defines the concept of channel equity based resource view and explains impact of channel equity on the business performance,which solves the current situation that theoretical basis research of channel equity is not clear, that there is not scale of measurement be measured, to promote and develop the theoretical system of channel equity, conducive to business understanding and controlling of relationships between enterprises, providing companies how to identify aspects benefited from downstream channel members, so as to solve the marketing channel relationship management myopia. While, though dialysising mechanism that company is access to the channel network achieving heterogeneous resources, the research reveales the modus operandi of channel relationships constituting a competitive advantage from the perspective of enterprise resourses, clearing path of role that channel network constitute competitive advantages , helping companies master the contribution of corporate performance and understand as a reference basis in mergers and acquisitions of channel, but also manage“channel relationships" for business, support by government and industry organizations, assist enterprises to promote social circulation to provide information of decision-making.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】F274;F272;F224
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】605
  • 攻读期成果