

An Introduction of Biological Economy --The Preliminary Study on a New Economic Form

【作者】 李嘉

【导师】 吴宇晖;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 人类社会迄今已经经历了四个经济时代的变迁,相应的形成了狩猎采集经济、农业经济、工业经济和信息经济四种经济形态。目前,信息经济已由创新阶段进入成本竞争阶段,对经济增长的拉动作用明显减弱。经济发展和社会进步的内在冲动会激励技术不断创新和突破,以生命科学和生物技术研发与应用为基础的生物科技革命正在成为人类社会发展史上的又一次伟大的技术变革,由此形成的生物产业将成为第四次产业革命的主导或支柱产业和21世纪可持续发展的新的经济增长点,其必将启动一种全新的经济形态——生物经济时代的来临。随着经济持续发展和生活水平不断提高,人们对生活质量日益关注,在医药保健、营养卫生、资源环境等领域产生了强烈预期和需求。与之相对应,“人口剧增、资源匮乏、环境恶化”等痼疾深深困扰着人类的发展和进步。20世纪90年代以来,生命科学和生物技术基础研究不断取得重大突破,由此引发的生物技术原始创新成果在医疗保健、农业、环保、再生能源、轻化工、食品及生物智能等重要领域对改善人类健康与生存环境、提高农牧业和工业产量与质量等方面不可替代的作用日趋显著。生物科技已经成为国际科技竞争的焦点和全球增长最快的产业之一,统计结果显示,生物产业的销售额每5年翻一番,增长率高达25%-30%,是世界经济增长率的10倍左右。照此发展趋势,2020年以后,生物产业将成为世界经济的主导产业或支柱产业,生物经济也将进入其成熟阶段。美国、欧盟、日本等发达国家以及印度、古巴、巴西等发展中国家政府都对生物经济的发展在政策、资金、技术、人才等要素上提供了不同程度的支持,其中发达国家政府在生命科学基础研究、技术创新及产业化方面政策灵活、投入充足、体制先进,整体处于领先水平。我国生物技术产业总体水平处于发展中国家领先地位,但与世界发达国家相比,在生命科学基础理论研究及生物技术产业化方面存在较大差距。我国是一个拥有13亿人口,领土、领海广袤的发展中国家,生物种质资源丰富,发展生物经济具有得天独厚的自然条件。综观世界生物产业发展趋势,未来15年左右的时间将是我国生物经济发展的关键时期。当前我国生物经济发展正处在一个重要关口,抓住这次科技革命和产业革命的机遇,我国就可以实现跨越式发展,缩小与发达国家先进水平的差距,甚至有可能在某些领域或某些行业实现赶超,带动我国经济社会的全面发展,实现中华民族的伟大复兴。反之,我国不能突破在资金、技术、人才、政策及法律等方面的制约因素,将会使我国生物技术产业与世界先进水平差距不断扩大。在全球经济一体化和我国加入WTO的新形势下,一旦跨国公司形成市场垄断后,我国不仅失去跨越式发展的先机,民族生物产业也将走向边缘化,再次与新的科技革命和产业革命失之交臂。通过对国内外生物经济发展实践进行科学、全面地分析和总结,梳理凝练出十个具有广泛代表性的生物经济发展模式范例:一、二、三产业相融合发展模式;高原山区沟域发展模式;并购、合作发展模式;生物产业集群发展模式;以价值链为核心的网状和条状集聚模式;产、学、研、官、金相结合发展模式;“分散-集中式”—公司+科研+政府+基地+农户发展模式;国际合作发展模式;生物技术自主创新模式;大型跨国生物公司及生物技术创业公司发展模式,这些经验模式必将对我国现有的生物企业、生物技术创业公司以及即将介入生物产业的大型国企产生示范和推动作用。综合以上分析,针对性提出我国生物经济发展对策建议。(1)生物产业立国战略。我国生物产业秩序尚不规范,相关产业政策缺失,构筑具有中国特色的生物产业政策体系十分必要。我国生物产业即将成为国家“十二五”规划新兴战略产业之一,通过制定“中国生物产业政策大纲”;建立健全生物产业发展的法律法规体系尽快提升其到立国战略高度。(2)体制创新战略。根据生物经济特征和成长规律,切实形成有利于加快产业发展的体制和制度。政府通过合理的制度安排以增加市场要素的流动效率和保证其正确的流向,并对有着很大外部效应、逐利性私人企业不愿投入的要素予以支持。(3)技术创新战略。我国应当推进管理体制与运行机制创新,使企业真正成为技术创新的主体,并建立“产、学、研”相结合的发展模式,从而加强我国基础研究和前沿高技术研究的原始性创新,努力实现从以跟踪模仿为主向以自主创新为主的深刻转变,才能提高我国的生物技术原始创新和集成创新水平。(4)知识产权、标准化战略。技术标准的实质和核心就是技术体系中对于技术所拥有的知识产权。为此,培育和发展国家综合竞争能力,大幅度提高自主知识产权的数量和质量,提高知识产权保护和管理的综合能力,推动技术创新、技术扩散,提高产业技术水平,完善知识产权的法律环境、政策环境、市场环境。(5)人才战略。我国应当推进科技人才制度创新,完善人才激励机制,培养既懂技术又懂管理的复合型人才并吸引海外优秀留学人员归国创业,从而造就一支尖子人才队伍,这是生物经济发展的决定性因素。(6)资金战略。我国要形成既有政府拨款、又有企业自筹资金,既有国内金融贷款、又有国外金融投入,既有无偿使用的经费、又有有偿使用的资金,从而建立全社会多渠道、多形式的投融资体系,为生物产业发展提供充足的资金。(7)生物资源保护战略。完善生物资源管理的法规和制度,建立和健全国家生物资源的收集、整理、保藏与利用体系,建立濒危野生动植物基因资源库,进一步加强我国濒危野生动植物基因资源的保护和管理,防止我国重要基因资源流入别国。(8)国际化战略。我国利用潜在的巨大市场的比较优势,按照国际惯例积极与大型跨国公司建立战略联盟关系,在国内合作建立合资企业,合作开发新产品,合作开拓国际市场,学习发达同家的高科技企业的管理经验。(9)其他对策建议。制定适应生物企业发展的税收优惠政策,对增值税、所得税等税种进行改革;优化组织管理体系,加强组织领导和统一规划,促进生物产业健康、协调、快速发展;优化管理基础,加强统计工作;优化国民教育,举国各界同心合力,积极营造生物经济发展的良好社会环境。以生命科学和生物技术研发与应用为基础的生物科技革命正在成为人类社会发展史上的又一次伟大的技术变革,我们由于闭关锁国已经错过工业革命发展的良机,由于十年文革已经痛失信息技术革命带来的黄金发展机遇,我们没有理由再次丧失生物技术革命带来的这次飞跃式发展的良机。目前,只有清醒地认识到我国生物经济发展现状,找到限制其发展的制约因素,并借鉴国外的一些先进经验,采取相应的发展模式和一系列的对策措施,我国才能在新一轮的科技革命和产业革命中占有一席之地,实现跨越式发展。

【Abstract】 The human society has already gone through four economic eras so far, Correspondingly forming four kinds of economic forms—hunting-and-gathering economy, agricultural economy, industrial economy and information economy.At present, information economy has already entered the cost competition stage from the innovative stage, its pulling function to the economic growth being obviously weakened. Inherent impulse of economic development and social progress will stimulate technology to innovate and break through constantly. Bio-tech revolution that is based on research and development and use of life science and biotechnology is becoming another great technological innovation in human history of social development,therefore biological industry will become the leading or pillar industry of the fourth Industrial Revolution and new economic growth engines of sustainable development in the 21st century, which will start a kind of brand-new economic form--arrival of bio-economic era.With the sustained economic development and living standard improved constantly, people pay more attention to life quality day by day, having produced strong expectancy and demand in the fields of medicines and health protection , nutrition health , resource environment etc.. Correspondingly, "increasing population severely,shortages of the resource, deterioration of the environment "and so on,these perplex human development and progress deeply.Since 1990s,basic research of life science and biotechnology have constantly made the great breakthrough,therefore the primitive innovative achievement of biotechnology will play an irreplaceable role in improving human health and living environments, farming and animal husbandry , industry’s output and quality ,etc. in the important fields of the medical treatment and health care, agriculture, environmental protection, recycled energy, light chemical industry, food and biological intelligence and so on.Biotechnology has already become the focus of international scientific and technological competition and one of the industries with fastest-rising in the whole world. As is the statistics shown, sales amounts of biological industry double every 5 years and the growth rate are up to 25%-30%, which are about 10 times of world economic growth rate. Therefore, 2020 years later,the biological industry will become the leading or pillar industry of international economy and bio-economy will enter its mature stage too.Both developed countries,such as USA,European Union and Japan,etc. and the developing countries,such as India,Cuba,Brazil,etc. have offered the support in various degree to the development of bio-economy on such key elements as the policy , fund , technology , talent ,etc.Developed country,living a leading position wholly, have flexible policy, sufficient investment and advanced system in basic research of life science, technological innovation and industrialization.The overall level of the bio-industry in China is in leading position of developing country,however,compared with developed country ,there is greater disparity in basic theoretical research of life science and biotechnology industrialization.Our country ,which is the large developing countries of territory,territorial waters,having 1.3 billion people and abundant biological resources,has gifted natural conditions in the development of bio-economy. Taking a broad view of the development trend of the world bio-industry, future will be the key period for bio-economic development of our country in 15 years or so.The present bio-economic development of our country is in an important pass,catching this opportunity of the revolution in science and technology and the Industrial Revolution, thus our country can realize the great-leap-forward development , narrow the gap with advanced level of developed country, even realize catching up with and surpassing in some fields or some trades probably so as to drive the development in an all-round way of the economic society of our country and bring about a great rejuvenation of Chinese nation. On the contrary,if our country can’t break through the restriction factor in such aspects as fund , technology , talent , policy and law ,etc.,the level of bio-industry in our country will have more disparity with international advanced standards constantly. Under global economic integration and new situation of accession to the WTO of our country, once after the trans-corporation forms market monopolisation, our country not only loses the first chance of great-leap-forward development, nationality’s bio-industry will also move towards the marginalisation, thus narrowly missing with new revolution in science and technology and Industrial Revolution again.Through domestic and international practice of bioeconomy development,we scientificly,comprehensively analysis and summary ten examples of bioeconomy development mode:First, second and third industry integration development model;Plateau、Mountain and Ditch Development Mode;M & A, co-development mode;Bio-industry cluster development mode;the network and bar gathering mode by the value chain as the core;Industry, academia, research, government, and microstructure combining development mode;"Distributed - Centralized"—company+ research+ government+base+ farmer development mode;International Cooperation development mode;Biotechnology innovation mode;Large multinational biotechnology companies and biotechnology start-ups development mode. The empirical model plays an important role in bio-businesses, bio-technology start-up companies and the upcoming large-scale state-owned enterprises involved in biotechnology industry.Synthesizing the above analysis, pertinence puts forward the countermeasure and suggestion of bio- economic development of our country.(1)Bioindustry Country Strategy. Not regulate the order of bio-industry and lack of relevant industrial policies,so,it is necessary for bio-industrial policy system constructed with Chinese characteristics is necessary. Chinese biological industry will become one of emerging strategic industries in national " The Twelveth Five" planning. Through drafting "Chinese biological industry policy framework" and establishing a sound legal system ,it will be upgraded as Bioindustry Country Strategy. (2)Institutional innovation strategy. According to Economic characteristics and growth laws of bioeconomy,forming institutions and systems as industrial development. Through reasonable institutional arrangements,government increases market efficiency and liquidity factors and ensures the correct flow,simultaneously,supports reluctantly investing elements of great external effects and profit-driven private enterprise.(3)Technological innovation strategy. Our country should advance the innovation of management system and operating mechanism,make enterprises really become the subject of technological innovation, set up the development model combined in " production, learning and research ", thus strengthening the primitive innovation of basic research and front high-tech research of our country, making great efforts to realize it from relying mainly on following and imitating to the deep transition relying mainly on autonomous innovation so as to improve the biotechnological level of primitive innovation and integrated innovation of our country.(4)Intellectual property right and Standardization strategy. The essence and core of technical standards is intellectual property rights.Foster and develop national comprehensive competitive power, improve the quantity and quality of the independent intellectual property right by a large margin , improve the integration capabilities of the intellectual property protection and management, promote the technological innovation , technological diffusion, improve industry’s engineering level, perfect legal environment , policy environment , market environment of the intellectual property right.(5)Talent’s strategy. Our country should advance skilled personnel’s system innovation , perfect talent’s incentive mechanism, train the inter-disciplinary talent of understanding technology as well as being good at management and attract the outstanding students abroad to return to the homeland to start an undertaking, thus bringing up one top talent team. This is a decisive factor of bio-economic development.(6)Strategy of the fund. Our country should form that there are the government’s allocating funds as well as enterprise’s self-raised funds, there are domestic financial loans as well as foreign financial inputing, there are funds used free as well as the fund used repayed, thus setting up multi-channel , multi-form investment and financing system of the whole society, offering the sufficient fund for bio-industry’s development. (7)Strategy of biological resources protection . Perfect the regulation and system of biological resource management, set up and perfect the system of the collection , arrangement ,preservation and utilizition of biological resource, set up the endangered wild animals’ and plants’ gene resources bank, strengthen the protection and management of the endangered wild animals’ and plants’ gene resources of our country further, prevent important gene resources of our country from flowing into the other countries. (8)Internationalization strategy. Our country should utilize the comparative advantage of the potential enormous market, establish strategic alliance’s relation with the large-scale trans-corporation actively according to international practice, set up the joint venture cooperatively at home, develop the new products cooperatively , cooperate in exploring world market, study the experience of the high-tech enterprise’s management of developed country. (9)Other countermeasures and suggestions. Make the tax revenue preferential policy which meets biological enterprise’s development, carry on the reform to such tax categories as the value-added tax , income tax ,etc;by organization management system optimization,strengthening organizational leadership and a unified plan , it will promote bio-industry health coordination, rapid development;optimization of the management basis,strengthening the statistical work;optimization of national education,actively creating a good social environment bio-economic development.Bio-tech revolution that is based on research and development and use of life science and biotechnology is becoming another great technological innovation in human history of social development.We have already missed the good opportunity of industrial revolution development owing to seclusion, and have already lost the opportunity for development of gold brought in information technical revolution due to the Culture Revolution in ten years bitterly,so we have no reason to lose the good opportunity of this leap type development brought in bio-tech revolution again.At the moment, only realize the bio-economic status of our country, find the restriction factor of limiting its development, use some advanced experience abroad for reference, take the appropriate development mode and a series of countermeasures, our country will occupy a space in revolution of science and technology and Industrial Revolution in new round and realize the great-leap-forward development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期