

Knowledge Integration in Enterprises’ Integrative Technology Innovation

【作者】 林向义

【导师】 张庆普;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 面对世界经济日趋激烈的竞争,我国企业为了在竞争中求得生存和发展、获取竞争优势,都在努力打造和培育自身的核心竞争力。自主创新是企业培育核心竞争力和获取竞争优势的重要途径。根据我国企业目前的创新发展水平,集成技术创新是目前和今后一段时期内是我国企业开展自主创新的主要模式。企业集成技术创新的实质就是知识向人工制品或服务的转化以及生成新知识的过程,因此知识管理在集成技术创新过程中起着十分重要的作用。知识整合作为知识管理的关键环节是有效利用各种知识提高企业的集成技术创新能力的推进器。目前,关于集成技术创新中知识整合的内容与流程、知识整合的机理与模式、知识整合的影响因素、知识整合能力评价及完善知识整合策略等的研究还很缺乏,这对利用知识整合提升企业的集成技术创新能力设置了障碍。因此,本文拟对企业集成技术创新中的知识整合问题进行研究,以丰富和完善企业集成技术创新中知识整合的理论与方法,提升知识整合对企业集成技术创新能力的作用效果。首先界定了企业集成技术创新的概念和特点,建立了集成技术创新的框架,明确了知识的概念和分类,提出了知识整合的概念和内涵。在此基础上,深入分析了企业集成技术创新中的知识所具有的复杂性、分散性、内隐性和粘滞性等特点,并根据知识整合对企业创新绩效的影响提出了知识整合是企业集成技术创新的加速器。分析了企业集成技术创新中知识整合的内容包括不同知识主体的知识整合、显性知识和隐性知识的整合、原有知识和新知识的整合、WSR系统知识的整合及个体、团队与组织学习的整合。提出了集成技术创新中知识整合流程应包括需求分析与知识识别、个体知识整合、团队知识整合和WSR系统知识整合等四个阶段,这四个阶段在不断循环的过程中实现知识整合的动态优化。本文根据企业集成技术创新中知识的特点提出了集成技术创新中知识整合的机理包括动态择优机理、知识涌现机理、粘性削弱机理、择优弃冗机理;提出了企业可根据其创新水平选择复制式、渐进式和突破式知识整合模式来开展集成技术创新。从知识特性、组织结构、知识整合手段、组织学习、文化氛围、管理者态度六个方面对企业集成技术创新中知识整合的影响因素进行了实证研究。依据收集问卷调查结果,对被调查者的背景资料进行描述性统计分析,并对量表的信度和效度进行分析。然后运用结构方程对测量模型和结构模型进行识别,计算各种拟合度指标,据此对相关假设进行验证来确定集成技术创新中知识整合影响因素的影响程度和影响方向。构建了评价企业集成技术创新中知识整合能力的指标体系,该指标体系包括知识的识别能力、获取能力、共享能力、系统化能力、合作化能力、社会化能力和发展能力等7项一级指标。鉴于知识整合能力的模糊性和复杂性,论文采用模糊一致偏好关系对知识整合能力进行评价。根据专家打分结果,利用模糊一致偏好关系对一级指标及二级指标根据重要程度进行排序,找出关键能力要素为知识整合提升策略的制定提供依据。最后,本文从知识整合机理与模式、知识整合的影响因素和知识整合能力三个角度提出完善企业集成技术创新中知识整合的策略。其中,基于机理与模式的知识整合策略为高效协调个体、团队和组织间的知识整合、加强知识整合机理的协调应用和合理选择知识整合模式;基于影响因素的完善策略为促进隐性知识显性化、降低知识粘性、建立创新型组织结构、创建学习型企业、构建高效的知识整合平台;基于知识整合能力的完善策略为提升知识共享意愿、构建多维知识共享网络、完善知识系统化过程、提升知识再创新及应用能力和构建综合集成研讨厅。

【Abstract】 Facing the increasingly fierce competition of the world economy, Chinese enterprises are trying to cultivate and build their core competences in order to survive and develop, and acquire competitive advantage. Independent innovation is an important way for enterprises to cultivate core competence and gain competitive advantage. According to the current innovation levels of Chinese enterprises, integrative technology innovation, as the transition period of re-innovation with introduction and absorption of foreign advanced technologies to original innovation should be the dominating mode of independent innovation at present.The core of integrative technology innovation is the process that knowledge to be transformed to new products or new service and new knowledge. Knowledge management is very important during the process of integrative technology innovation. As a key part of knowledge management, knowledge integration is an accelerator of utilizing all kinds of knowledge to improve enterprises’integrative technology innovation capability. But, knowledge is very specific under the conditions of integrative technology innovation which results in knowledge integration very complex. There are some urgent theoretical and practical problems, such as contents and process of knowledge integration, knowledge integration mechanism and mode, influencing factors and knowledge integration capability can’t be solved about knowledge integration. So, this thesis will study knowledge integration in integrative technology innovation in order to perfect theory of knowledge integration in enterprises’integrative technology innovation, enhance the effectiveness of knowledge integration in integrative technology innovation, and improve the technology innovation capability of Chinese enterprises.First, the research defines the concept and characteristics of enterprises’integrative technology innovation, constructs the framework of integrative technology innovation, defines the concept and classification of knowledge, and presents the concept and meaning of knowledge integration. The characteristics of knowledge in integrative technology innovation are analyzed in its complexity, disparity, tacitness and stickiness. According to the influence of knowledge integration to innovation performance, knowledge integration plays as an accelerator in enterprises’integrative technology innovation.The contents of knowledge integration include knowledge integration between different ontologies, knowledge integration between explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge, knowledge integration between existing and new knowledge, knowledge integration of WSR System, and knowledge integration among individual, team and organizational learning. This research presents the knowledge integration process in enterprises’integrative technology innovation. The process includes demand analysis and knowledge identification, individuals’knowledge integration, groups’knowledge integration and organizational WSR knowledge integration. Dynamic optimization is realized by mutual influence of these four stages. Four knowledge integration mechanisms that knowledge integration in integrative technology innovation should follow: dynamic optimism mechanism, and emerging mechanism, stickiness weakening mechanism, and preferential absorption mechanism; there are three modes: replicated knowledge integration mode, incremental knowledge integration mode and breakthrough knowledge integration mode for different stages of integrative technology innovation.The research carries out an empirical study on influencing factors to knowledge integration in enterprises’integrative technology innovation with questionnaires and structural equation model in the view of knowledge characteristics, organizational structure, knowledge integration means, organizational learning, culture climate and managers’attitude. Descriptive statistics is employed to analyze the interviewees’backgrounds. Reliability and validity of scale are verified in detail. Structural equation model is used to discern measurement model and structural model, calculate goodness of fit in order to test hypotheses of the research in order to determine the influencing degrees and directions of factors to knowledge integration.The research constructs the index system of knowledge integration capability evaluation in enterprises’integrative technology innovation, which includes seven indexes: knowledge identification capability, knowledge acquisition capability, knowledge sharing capability, knowledge systematization capability, organizational cooperating capability, organization socialization capability, and knowledge development capability. It presents Consistent Fuzzy Preference Relations to evaluate knowledge integration capability in the light of fuzziness and complexity of knowledge. It ranks first level indexes and second level indexes according to importance which can determine the key capability factors to provide basis for drawing up countermeasures of knowledge integration performance.Finally, the research provides proposals for improving knowledge integration performance in enterprises’integrative technology innovation in the perspective of knowledge integration mechanism and mode, influencing factors and knowledge integration capability. It proposes highly effective coordinating knowledge integration among individuals, teams and organization, strengthening cooperation of knowledge integration mechanisms, selecting proper knowledge integration mode based on mechanisms and modes. It puts forward enhancing transforming tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge, reducing stickiness of knowledge, optimizing organizational structures, establishing learning enterprises, and perfecting knowledge integration platform. Strategies based on knowledge integration capability are enhancing knowledge integration capability, promoting knowledge systemization capability, improving knowledge development capability and improving organizational cooperating capability.
