

Performance Based Designs and the Dynamic Reliability Analysis of TMD/AMD for High-rise Structure

【作者】 卜国雄

【导师】 周福霖;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 被动调谐质量阻尼器和主动调谐质量阻尼器(TMD/AMD)作为有效的结构振动控制手段,正逐渐被运用于大量的实际工程中。但现阶段在TMD/AMD理论分析和工程应用中存在着一些亟待解决的难点和不足,制约了TMD/AMD的进一步研究和实际工程应用的推广。基于此,本文以广州新电视塔为实际工程背景,针对整个设计、计算和实施主被动混合控制(HMD)装置中遇到的实际问题,对TMD/AMD在优化设计、理论计算方法、动力可靠度性能及模型试验等方面进行了系统的深入研究,同时考虑了实际结构的不确定性。这对于进一步推进TMD/AMD控制的深化研究和在实际工程中的应用具有重要的意义。本文的主要研究内容包括以下几个方面:1.以能量作为性能指标,进行了基于能量法的TMD/AMD优化设计研究。首先根据能量法原理,对TMD/AMD体系的能量平衡进行了较详细的分析,深入了解其在整个地震过程各部分能量的分配组成和传递机理;然后以主结构在整个地震过程中吸收的能量值最小作为优化准则,考虑了主结构阻尼的影响,通过非线性规划的数学方法得出TMD的最优频率比和最优阻尼比,并采用最小二乘法拟合出相应设计参数的数学表达式,进一步分析了TMD质量比、阻尼比、频率比与主结构能量的影响关系。2.传统复模态法在求解TMD-结构体系随机响应时,存在推导复杂、精确度不高及难以计算非平稳响应等不足。本文基于状态空间表达的TMD/AMD-结构动力微分方程,运用虚拟激励法,并引入精细积分法进行计算,提出了一种精确、快速的求解平稳/非平稳随机地震作用下TMD/AMD-结构的响应分析方法。同时,对非平稳随机地震下TMD的减振性能进行了研究,并采用结构的最大弹性层间位移角限值作为控制指标建立极限状态方程,基于首次超越破坏理论,进行了无控和TMD控制下结构的可靠度对比分析。3.研究了TMD-高耸结构体系的随机风振响应分析。首先,考虑复杂超高耸结构具有自由度数多、小阻尼及振型密集等特点,针对传统方法在处理大型复杂实际结构受多点随机激励中的不足,提出了基于虚拟激励法的复杂超高耸结构的随机风振响应分析方法;其次,针对实际高耸结构在设置TMD控制装置时,存在TMD行程受限的问题,进行了带限位TMD的抗风动力可靠度研究。即采用虚拟激励法求解TMD-结构体系的随机风振响应,基于随机振动的首次超越破坏准则,研究TMD装置在容许行程范围内不同重现期风荷载下的动力可靠度,为实际工程运用中TMD参数的选取提供指导和更好地评估TMD的性能。4.考虑到实际工程结构的不确定性,进行了MTMD/AMD控制下随机结构的动力可靠度分析。以神经网络响应面法为基础,通过引入遗传算法的全局搜索功能,提出了一种基于遗传优化的神经网络响应面法的随机结构动力可靠度分析方法;并对不确定性结构在TMD及MTMD控制下的动力可靠度进行对比分析,进一步验证了MTMD对频率调谐的鲁棒性和有效性,对随机结构,MTMD比TMD能更好地提高结构的动力可靠度性能指标。5.进行了TMD/AMD模型的模拟振动台试验研究。对整个TMD/AMD装置和现阶段比较流行的直驱式AMD直线电机系统的相关特性进行了深入的研究;引入能量法对试验结果进行分析,验证了TMD/AMD体系的能量平衡理论,并从能量这一性能指标对TMD/AMD的减振效果进行了评估。接着结合实际工程要求,基于首次超越破坏准则,对主结构和带限位TMD的动力可靠度进行了相应的探讨。6.以投资-效益准则作为性能指标,提出了基于性能的TMD/AMD减振装置的优化设计方法。首先分析TMD装置系统的全寿命周期费用LCC(Life Cycle Cost)的构成及与减振效果之间的关系。然后,进行TMD装置的效-费比分析,以效-费比为优化性能指标,求出减振控制系统的最优参数,以最低的费用,达到最好的效果,节约资源。此外,提出了减振控制装置全寿命费用和效-费比的概念,为各种减振控制策略的有效性、经济性及可靠性等提供一种评价指标。

【Abstract】 As an effective methods of structural vibration control, Passive/Active Tuned Mass Dampers (TMD/AMD) have been widely used in a great number of practical civil engineerings gradually. However, at present, there are some difficulties and deficiencies in theoretical analysis and engineering applications of TMD/AMD to be solved urgently, which would greatly constrain the further research and promotion of them. Based on this, in the engineering background of Guangzhou New TV Tower, according to the practical problemes encountered in design,calculation and implementation of the HMD device, a systematic in-depth study in the optimal design, theoretical calculation method, dynamic reliability and model test of TMD/AMD are conducted in this dissertation, taking into account the uncertainties of the actual structure. This is of great engineering significance in practical engineering application and further research of TMD/AMD control.The main research contentsof this dissertation are listed as follows1. A new optimal design method of TMD based on energy method was approached. First, a detail energy balance analysis of TMD/AMD is made, then based on the optimization criterion of minimizing the absorbed energy of the main structure during the earthquake, the optimal frequency ratio and optimal damp ratio of TMD are gained by nonlinear programming method, including the affect of the damping of the main structure, and the mathematics formula for corresponding parameter is formed by using the least square method. Furthermore, the influence relation between the parameters of TMD and the energy of the main structure are analyzed.2. The stochastic response analysis of the TMD/AMD-structure and the study on the damping properties of TMD with a kind of non-stationary random seismic excitation have been carried out. Based on the state-space expression of the dynamic differential equation of the TMD-structure, both the pseudo-excitation method and the precise integration method are applied to calculate the responses of the TMD-structure under the non-stationary random seismic excitation. This method can avoid the complicacies of complex mode method and the difficult in processing the non-stationary response, which is fast and accurate method in calculating the TMD-structure with non-stationary random seismic excitations. And a study on the damping properties of TMD is proceeded. Based on the first-passage failure theory, the comtrast analysis between the structure with/w.o TMD by using the reliability index with the boundary of the maximum story drift angle is made.3. The random wind-induced response of TMD-structure has been made. Firstly, the conventional random vibration methods would be very difficult to calculate the complex high-rise structure with multiple-points excitations because of the low efficiency and high complexity, a highly efficient random vibration algorithm, the pseudo-excitation method (PEM), is developed for the random response analysis of of the complex high-rise structures. Secondly, the space of the high-rise tower structure is very inadequate in practical engineering application and the stroke of the TMD device is always limited in real design, so the wind-resistant dynamic reliability of TMD with limited spacing under different returning periods of wind loads is conducted in this paper. First, the random multiple-point wind-induced responses of TMD-structure are calculated. Then, based on First Excursion Failure Criterion, the wind-resistant dynamic reliabilities of TMD shock absorber within an acceptable level of TMD stroke are investigated under different returning periods of wind loads, which can give a good selection of the TMD parameters and conduct the limited design of the TMD control device.4. Considering the uncertainties of practical civil engineering structures, the Neural Network Response Surface Method optimized by Genetic Optimization Algorithm has been proposed to calculate the dynamic reliability of stochastic structure with AMD/ MTMD. This method has both of the advantages of Neural Network Response Surface Method and the global search of GA, which can approach to optimum solution accurately of the performance function. And the iteration steps of JC method can be reduced effectively. Furthermore, a contrast analysis of the dynamic reliability of stochastic structure with TMD and MTMD is made. The results show that the MTMD can greatly improve the dynamic reliability than TMD for the stochastic structure.5. Simulated shaking table test of TMD/AMD. Experimental researches on the characteristics of TMD/AMD devices and the AMD Linear Motor system which is popular used at the present are conducted; then, the energy balance theory of TMD/AMD system is verified according to the energy analysis of the test results, and the control effectivenesses of TMD/AMD based on energy performance index were evaluated. Lastly, combination with the actual engineering, and based on first passage failure criterion, the dynamic reliability analysis for the main structure and the TMD with limited spacing were carried out accordingly.6. The composition of the life-cycle cost (LCC) of TMD control device is analyzed and an optimal design method for TMD /AMD device is proposed based on cost-effectiveness criterion. Firstly, the life-cycle costs and control effectiveness of the TMD system with different mass ratios are calculated, respectively; then, an analysis of the effectiveness-cost ratio of the TMD device is carried out. On the premise of meeting the specific performance requirements of the owners, the optimal parameters of the TMD system are obtained by using the performance index of the effectiveness-cost ratio, and the best control performance will be achieved with a low cost and the resources will be saved greatly. Moreover, the LCC and the effectiveness-cost ratio of the control device are proposed, which can make a good evaluation on the effectiveness, economy and reliability of different vibration control strategies
