

On the Strategy of Talent-oriented Economic Development in Jiangxi Province

【作者】 郭评生

【导师】 廖进球;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 产业经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 党的十七大提出了“更好实施人才强国战略”的总体要求。国内外实践反复证明:发展需要人才,人才引领发展。特别是在科技日新月异的时代,人才在经济社会发展中的先导性、战略性、决定性作用更加突出,发展的差距实际就是人才的差距;谁拥有人才的优势,谁就拥有发展的优势。作为经济欠发展发达的江西,正在大力推进新型工业化、新型城镇化,提出了建设鄱阳湖生态经济区的重大发展战略,以推动江西又好又快发展,全面建设小康社会。要实现这一目标,切实转变发展模式,提升发展水平,支柱在产业,关键靠科技,归根到底靠人才。当前,国际金融危机还在扩散蔓延,全球经济复苏信号尚不明显。从这次国际金融危机中可以清楚地看到,越是重视凝聚人才、越是重视发挥人才作用、越是重视自主创新的地方和企业,抗冲击能力就越强,反之亦然。江西如何在经济波动期、发展转型期、人才流动加速期,真正做到化危为机,使之成为科学发展、加速崛起的重要机遇期,必须确立人才优先发展的战略地位,充分发挥人才和科技的作用,加快实现由“人力支撑”向“人才引领”、“投资驱动”向“创新驱动”、“资源依赖”向“科技依托”的转变,以抓项目建设的力度抓人才建设、像招商引资一样招才引智,为经济增长提供持续后劲,以人才的大发展促进江西的快崛起。本文在借鉴、吸收前人研究成果的基础上,以江西人才优先发展为主题,以实现江西科学发展、加速崛起为目标,综合运用了管理学、经济学、教育学、社会学、人才学等学科的理论,以定性分析和定量分析相结合、规范分析和实证分析相结合、历史分析和逻辑分析相结合、个别访谈与问卷调查相结合等方法,考察了人才发展与经济发展互动关系,研究了江西实施人才优先发展战略的可行性和紧迫性,分析了制约江西崛起的人才发展“瓶颈”及其成因,围绕扩大人才总量、增强人才素质、改善人才结构、优化人才环境、提高人才资本贡献率,提出了加快江西经济发展、加速江西崛起的人才优先发展战略选择和政策建议。全文分以下六章展开研究:第一章,确立实施人才优先发展战略的时代使命。首先,对论文研究的背景展开了分析,应对次贷危机引发的全球金融危机和经济危机、促进科学发展、实现江西崛起新跨越的现实课题,为论文的研究提供了时代背景。其次,在对人才、人才资本、人力资本与人力资源、人才资源等概念进行界定的基础上,对国内外关于人力资本与经济增长、人才发展与经济发展、人才发展与产业发展的互动关系研究进行综述。再次,对本文研究的主要内容、研究思路和方法进行了说明,对论文的创新之处及不足方面进行了总结。第二章,总结实施人才优先发展战略的理论基础。在回顾现代人力资本理论、经济增长理论、区域经济发展主要理论的基础上,研究了经济发展中的人才发展理论,对人力人才资本促进经济增长的内在机理、人才供求的一般规律进行了分析,并从人才结构与经济结构、人才聚集与经济集群、人才市场化与经济市场化等几个方面,分析了人才发展与经济发展的互动关系,进一步阐述了发展是第一要务、人才资源是第一资源、人才要素是科学发展的第一要素、科学技术是第一生产力的重要论断。第三章,阐述实施人才优先发展战略的实践意义。走新型工业化道路,推进新型城市化,建设鄱阳湖生态经济区,是江西实施人才优先发展战略的现实需要;美国追赶英国(1870s—1910s),日本追赶美国(1950s—1990s),以韩国为代表的“亚洲四小龙”追赶欧盟(1960s—1990s)的成功经验,是江西实施人才优先发展战略的历史依据;对人才对经济增长的贡献率进行了实证分析,在2001-2007的7年期间,江西物质资本投入、人才资本、一般劳动力对经济增长的贡献份额分别是46.3%、51.9%、6.04%,人才资本对经济增长的贡献份额大于物质资本。同时,从2010—2020年经济发展对人才的需要看,人才总量、层次、结构的供需缺口比较大。上述这些因素,指出了作为欠发达地区的江西加快人才发展的重要性、紧迫性和可行性。第四章,分析实施人才优先发展战略的主要障碍。一是经济基础上的障碍。主要是经济总量小、人均水平低,仍属传统农业大省、工业小省、财政穷省、经济弱省,经济欠发达地位仍未改变,这是江西最基本的省情,也是最大的省情。经济发展水平制约了人才的教育培养,影响了人才的配置使用,制约人才的吸引能力。二是人才发展现状的障碍。从总体上看,与全国及其他一些省份相比,江西人才资源的规模和密度偏小,文化、专业素质重心偏低,人才的创新创业能力偏弱,人才结构分布不合理,人才环境和体制机制比较落后。三是人才在总量及结构方面的增长与经济增长均不太协调。从2001年到2007年间的人才与经济系统的耦合实证分析看,人才的增长无论是总量还是结构的耦合离差值均偏离协调值0,表明了人才的增长在总量和结构方面均与经济增长不够协调。第五章,构建人才优先发展战略的思路设计。在战略原则上,要坚持人才优先与服务发展相结合、坚持扩大人才总量与调整人才结构相结合、坚持省内培养和国内外引进相结合;在战略目标上,要立足当前,着眼长远,使人才教育、人才引进、人才使用达到新的水平;在战略重点上,要做到人才资本投入优先保证、人才结构分布优先调整、人才体制机制优先创新;在战略保障上,提出抓好人才法规建设、人才载体建设、人才工作队伍建设。第六章,提出实施人才优先发展战略的政策建议。结合江西中长期经济发展的实际,主要讨论本研究的政策含义。一是大规模培养战略人才,特别是加强优秀企业家、科技创新人才、高技能人才的培养。二是大力度引进高端人才,以更宽的眼界、更宽的思路、更宽的胸怀吸引人才,放宽人才准入政策,搭建发展平台,让海内外优秀人才引得进、留得住、用得好。三是大幅度调整人才结构,包括改革人才产业结构、人才区域结构和人才城乡结构。四是大市场配置人才资源,从健全人才市场体系、建立人才信息网络系统、创新人才市场管理等方面入手,更大程度地发挥市场在人才资源配置中的基础性作用。五是大范围改革人才制度,不断健全人才考核评价机制、改革人才选拔使用制度、完善人才激励分配制度、着力破解制约人才发展的体制机制障碍。论文从以下三个方面展现独到之处:一是研究视角的创新性。立足人才优先发展这条主线,界定了人才与经济发展的相关概念和内涵,揭示了人才系统与经济系统相互作用、相互影响的互动规律,构建了人才优先发展的理论分析框架。二是研究方法的可行性。根据经济学、产业发展学和管理学、人才学等学科的基本原理,综合运用科学的分析方法和研究工具,对江西的人才发展和经济发展进行了评价分析,资料可靠,数据可信,方法可行。三是研究成果的实践性。对江西经济发展中的人才发展现状和贡献率进行了研究,对经济发展的人才供需进行了预测,并就人才优先发展战略的实施和政策措施的制定提出了建议,为江西省相关部门在制定人才规划、调整人才结构、完善人才政策等方面的决策提供了较为系统、详实的参考依据,具有较强的实践价值。

【Abstract】 The 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has proposed the general requirements of building a stronger country by implementing the strategy of talent orientation. And domestic and foreign practices have proved that development needs talent and talent leads development. Particularly, in the era of ever-changing in science and technology, the guiding, strategic and decisive functions of talent are becoming increasingly prominent in economic and social development. And the development disparity is actually the talent disparity. Jiangxi Province, as an undeveloped region, is vigorously boosting the new type industrialization and urbanization, and has proposed the significant development strategy of constructing the Poyang Lake ecological economic zone in order to impel Jiangxi’s better and faster development and to build a moderately prosperous society. To achieve this goal, talent will play the foremost role in transforming the development pattern and in boosting economic development.Presently, the international financial crisis is still spreading and the global economic recovery is not obvious. When facing with the crisis, we have witnessed clearly the differences of anti-impact capability both at home and abroad. Where there is creative talent, there will be stronger anti-impact capability in the face of the crisis. During the period of economic fluctuation, development transition and human resource flow acceleration, Jiangxi Province must turn crises into opportunities so as to accelerate its economic development. To make this come true, we must establish the strategic status to give preferential development for talent, and implement the strategy of talent-oriented economic development.On the basis of previous research findings, this paper discusses the strategy of talent-oriented economic development in Jiangxi by employing the theories of management, economics, pedagogy, sociology and science of talent. It adopts the methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis, the standard analysis and the empirical analysis, the historical analysis and the logic analysis, the individual interview and the questionnaire survey and so on. It also analyzes the feasibility of the implementation of the strategy and illustrates the possible obstacle in the course of the implementation. At last, the author proposes some thoughts on the implementation of the strategy from the perspectives of talent education and training, talent structure and distribution, talent environment as well as human capital contribution rate. The dissertation consists of six chapters.Chapter 1, the introduction, is about the background of the research, the literature review, the research method as well as the definition of key terms. Firstly, the paper analyzes the research background. Secondly, on the basis of defining the concepts of talent, talent capital, human capital and human resources, talent resources the paper discusses the interactive relationships between human capital and economic growth, talent development and economic development, talent development and industrial development. Thirdly, it illustrates the major points, research methods and summarizes the contributions and insufficiencies.Chapter 2 deals with the theoretical foundation of talent development and economic development. On the basis of the theories of modern human capital, economic growth and regional economic development, it studies the talent development theory in economic development and analyzes the inner mechanism of human capital in promoting economic growth as well as the general law of talent supply and demand.Chapter 3 elaborates the significance and feasibility of the strategy of talent-oriented economic development in Jiangxi. This part is mainly about the practical needs, the empirical analysis of previous successful experiences of other countries and regions and the analysis of the gap of talent supply and demand in 2010-2020 in China, through which the paper analyzes the significance and feasibility of implanting the mention strategy in Jiangxi.Chapter 4 analyzes the major obstacles of implementing the talent-oriented development strategy. The possible obstacles mainly include the underdeveloped economic foundation, the insufficient talent structure and distribution and flow, and the unreasonable coordination of talent system and economic system.Chapter 5 illustrates the strategic planning of talent-oriented economic development in Jiangxi. This part consists of the principles, the objectives, the highlights and the security guarantee of the strategy.Chapter 6 is the proposition of implementing the talent-oriented strategy. Combining with long-term economic development reality of Jiangxi Province, it mainly focuses on the policy implications of this study, including the education and cultivation of strategic talents, the introduction of scarce talents, the adjustment of talent structure, the allocation of talents, and the reform of talent system and mechanism.The paper demonstrates the original characteristics in three aspects:the first is the originality of research perspective. The second is the feasibility of its research method. And the third is the practicability of the research findings. In short, this paper provides a systematic and detailed reference on talent planning, restructuring and decisions-making for Jiangxi’s related departments. Though it may have some inadequacies, it has academic and applicable value.

  • 【分类号】C964.2
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1443