

The Modern Transformation of Chinese Musical Historiography

【作者】 陈永

【导师】 陈聆群;

【作者基本信息】 上海音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文是关于中国音乐史学在近代形成与发展过程的历史研究。全文由绪论、正文、结论三个部分组成。绪论部分,讨论了本论文的选题缘起、研究意义、研究现状,以及本文写作的相关概念诠释和研究方法等内容。正文三章,将中国近代的音乐史学的历史发展进程,划分为三个阶段。立足于原始文献,梳理和呈现了中国音乐史学的近代行程。第一章,中国音乐史学的传统承续与近代发轫(1895—1919),主要讨论了“晚清传统音乐史学术的余荫”、“清末民初的中国音乐史学研究”和“萧友梅的《中国古代乐器考》”等问题;第二章,中国音乐史学的近代转型与发展(1920—1936),主要叙述了“以各类期刊为依托的中国音乐史学研究”、“中国传统音乐研究中的音乐史学学术资源”、“中国音乐史专著的迭出”、“近代的‘当世’中国音乐史研究”等历史事实;第三章,中国音乐史学的多元汇流与整合(1937—1949),论述了“新音乐史论的研究”、“传统音乐研究中的音乐史学学术资源”、“新旧音乐史学的整合”等问题。结论,基于全文的史料事实,对“中国音乐史学的近代转型”这一核心问题,从音乐史观的转型、音乐史著书写范式的转型、音乐史学研究方法的转型三个方面,进行了综合性的论述。结论中认为:在近代中国音乐史学发展进程中,经历着“通”与“变”的双重变奏,现代意义的中国音乐史学学科的形成,是中国古代音乐史学传统的原动力与近代西方文化交互作用的发展结果。

【Abstract】 This thesis focuses on the process of forming and developing of Chinese musical historiography in modern times. It consists of three parts:the introduction, the main body and the conclusion.In the introduction part, the author discusses the reasons, the value, the present research achievements, correlative concepts, and the research methods of this subject.The process of Chinese modern musical historiography could be divided into three periods, which are accordingly discussed in the three chapters in the main body of the thesis. Based on plenty of firsthand information, this dissertation analyses and unfolds the modern process of Chinese musical historiography.The chapterⅠis about the traditional sustaining and modern establishment of Chinese musical historiography (1895-1919), which concentrates on the following topics:the influence of traditional musical academic from late Qing dynasty, the Chinese musical historiography research in late Qing dynasty and early 20th century, and Dr. Xiao Youmei’s "study of ancient Chinese musical instruments" etc. Then, in the chapterⅡ, the author expounds the modern transformation and development of Chinese musical historiography (1920-1936), accounting the research approach of Chinese musical historiography based on all kinds of musical periodicals, historical facts about the musical historiography resources of traditional Chinese musical research, the musical historiography monographs which are published one after another, and modern "present" Chinese musical historiography achievement etc. The last chapter is related to the multi-type integration in the Chinese musical historiography (1937-1949), the author discusses the research on the "new musical history" in modern China, the musical historiography resources of traditional Chinese musical research in this period, and the integration process of the old and new musical historiography etc.Based on all the historical materials mentioned in the thesis, the conclusion of this dissertation presents a synthetic discussion around the nuclear point of modern transformation of Chinese musical historiography from three aspects which include transformation of musical history conception, writing model of musical history works and the research methods of musical history. The author holds the opinion that the establishment of the discipline of Chinese musical historiography in modern meaning in the process of modern Chinese musical historiography which went through the dual-variation of "inheriting" and "transforming", is the interact result of the motivity of Chinese ancient musical historiography tradition and modern western culture.

  • 【分类号】J609.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1570