

A Study on the Coal Mine Safety Management Pattern Based on Second Order Change Theory

【作者】 袁秋新

【导师】 何学秋; 张万红;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近年来我国煤矿安全管理水平有了长足的进步,但是我国煤矿安全管理正处于从传统模式向现代模式转变的过渡时期,不断提高煤矿安全管理水平是广大煤炭行业研究人员、管理人员共同面对的重大课题。群论系统研究群的特性与群内要素的变化规律;逻辑类型论则把群与子群之间的逻辑关系加以界定;第二序改变理论强调当群内部的改变无法解决系统困境时,应当突破系统的逻辑边界,在高一级的逻辑类型系统中寻求解决方案。本文将第二序改变理论的思想应用到煤矿安全管理当中,探索我国煤矿安全管理模式的创新与重建。根据我国煤矿安全管理面临的核心问题,提出了创新的两个重要方向:一是煤矿实现员工安全自主管理;二是煤矿转变生产方式实现本质安全。煤矿安全管理模式是煤矿企业为解决煤矿的安全生产问题而制定的一整套安全管理理念、管理方法、管理程序、管理制度体系。针对传统煤矿安全管理系统的模式改变已经不是煤矿安全管理系统内部的改变,而是进入了更高逻辑类型的第二序改变。煤矿安全管理模式的创新是煤矿安全管理创新的集中体现与重要内容。煤矿2S安全管理模式是旨在实现煤矿安全自主管理的创新模式。通过文化力而不是传统的说教或强制来实现人的自律行为,从而实现煤矿的安全生产。煤矿2S安全管理模式是一种体现人本思想的企业安全文化,是保障矿井安全生产和员工身心健康的一种管理氛围。其核心理念是“自己的安全自己管,指望他人不保险”的安全管理思想;其基本管理方法是体现方圆交融、刚柔共济的12种煤矿安全管理方法。煤矿安全责任经营化管理模式是依据第二序改变理论,为实现煤矿安全自主管理而提出的解决方案。煤矿安全责任经营化管理模式将安全隐患作为一种商品,依据规定的管理规则进行交易,发现隐患的一方可以将隐患作为商品出售给隐患责任方,从而促进各类人员进行安全自主管理的意识。其核心思想是以市场化的手段代替传统煤矿安全管理中机械说教与简单罚款的安全管理方法。煤矿绿色安全管理模式超越了传统煤矿安全管理系统的边界,把煤矿安全问题与节能减排、发展低碳经济等问题结合起来,通过转变生产作业方式实现煤矿安全与节能两大目标,是煤矿安全管理发展的重要方向。煤矿绿色安全管理本质上是一种生命管理、绿色管理,其核心理念是把设备与资源看做与人一样具有生命,并通过煤矿绿色安全技术的研发与实施,使三者的生命质量得到保障,生命价值实现最大化。本文论述了以上三种安全管理模式在协庄煤矿的创新、实践过程,以及实施效果。并对协庄煤矿2001年1月以来连续3400多天安全生产的经验进行了分析总结。

【Abstract】 China has made a great progress on coal mine safety management in recent years.However, the coal mine safety management pattern is shifting from traditional to modern.For improving it rapidly, all scholars and practitioners in the sector should pay moreattention to the relevant research.As basic theoretical thoughts, group theory, logic type theory and second order changetheory, were applied into the practice of coal mine safety management innovation. Thepaper indicated two important directions. One is to achieve coal mine safety selfmanagement, another is to achieve coal mine intrinsical safe.Coal mine safety management pattern is a kind of system of ideas, approaches, processesand regulations. The change of coal mine management pattern is not simply a changewithin the traditional coal mine safety management system. It is the second order changebeyond the old system and is core of coal mine safety management innovation.Coal mine 2S safety management pattern focused on achieving self management of coalmine safety by the power of orgnization culture. Coal mine 2S safety management patternis a kind of orgnization culture aiming to make mining safely and miner healthy. The paperanalized 12 approaches of this safety management pattern.Coal mine safety responsibility business management pattern was also made to achieveself safety management based on second order change theory. It makes potential safetyhazard“goods”that could be traded. Who found the potential safety hazard could sale it tosomeone who should be responsible for it. In this way, coal mine potential safety hazardscould be removed thoroughly.Conbined with coal mine safety and environment problems together, the paper createdcoal mine green safe management pattern trying to solve two problems by changing miningmethods. Coal mine green safe management pattern is a kind of life managemt respectingnot only the value of men but also equipment and environment.The paper introduced the practice of the above three safety management patterns atXiezhuang coal mine. And the safety management experience of Xiezhuang for more than3400 days since 2001 also had been summed up at last.
