

Research on Performance of Fiscal Expenditure for Agriculture

【作者】 黄小舟

【导师】 王红玲;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国社会主义革命和建设的实践表明,中国的问题主要是农业、农民、农村“三农”问题,我国社会主义改革就是首先从农村开始的。农业要从传统落后的小农经济中走出来,逐步建设现代农业,这就离不开政府对农业的大力支持,这是被世界上发达国家和新型的工业化国家农业发展的历史经验所证明了的。改革开放前,我国政府为实现工业化,走的是一条牺牲农业、人为压低农产品价格和提高工业品的价格,通过剥夺农业部门利润为国家工业化提供资金的原始积累,满足城市和工业化优先发展的战略需要,极大地削弱了农业自生的积累能力;改革开放以来,实行了家庭联产承包责任制,由此产生的激励机制,推动了资源配置的优化和劳动效率的提高,激发了农民的生产积极性,在农业生产技术水平没有多大变化的情况下,农业得到了迅速的发展,解决了长期困扰我国的农产品短缺问题。但是农业的脆弱状况和自身积累发展能力依然没有改变。现阶段,我国农业已进入发展新阶段,需要提高农业综合生产能力,改善农业基础设施,优化生态环境,提高农业生产效率,增加农民收入,加快农村经济发展,就必须要加大政府财政对农业的投入。农业的公共产品特性,决定了政府对农业的支持和保护,但同时也是由于公共产品的特性,决定了其最优产量难以确定,实际的供给量都会小于最优(或称均衡)供给量。在我国的财政支农的实践中就表现为支农规模的不足,财政支农结构的不合理,结构失衡。规模不足、结构失衡等严重地制约了财政支农绩效的发挥。因此要确定财政支农的合理规模,求解适宜的财政支农结构,提高财政支农绩效,发挥财政资金在新农村建设中的巨大作用。本研究综合运用农业经济学、产业经济学、比较经济学、应用统计学、计量经济学和农业自然科学等学科的知识与原理,遵循理论与实践相统一的原理,采取宏观分析与微观分析相结合、实证研究与规范研究相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合以及比较分析与统计分析等多种方法,系统地梳理了财政支农的理论基础,研究财政支农及其结构对农业GDP的增长和农民收入水平的提高间的数量关系,评价各项财政支出的实际效果,比较了世界发达国家和新型化工业化国家提高财政支农绩效的做法,总结这些国家农业部门发展的成功经验,提出了改善我国财政支农绩效的政策措施。论文按照内在逻辑顺序共分为六章。第一章阐明了本研究的目的、意义与国内外研究动态,概述了论文的指导思想、研究方法、基本思路和框架结构,归纳了论文的主要创新点;第二章对财政支农绩效的理论进行了介绍分析。首先界定了本研究中的几个基本概念及财政支农支出分类,然后介绍了财政支农绩效研究的理论基础,主要有经济增长理论和公共产品供给理论。第三和第四章为实证分析,主要运用描述性的统计分析方法分析了财政支农绝对规模的绩效、相对规模的绩效和比较规模绩效,运用了数理统计和计量经济学方法建立计量模型,从动态和静态的角度分析财政支农总量和结构对农业GDP和农民收入的实际效果,得出了财政支农中的一些结论和存在的问题,为制定提高财政支农绩效的路径选择提供依据。第五章为比较分析,主要是通过对西方发达国家和新型的工业化国家农业部门的发展历程中财政支农的情况进行比较,找到财政支持农业发展的规律,总结出对提高我国财政支农绩效的经验借鉴。第六章为提高财政支农绩效的路径选择,本章主要阐述了财政支农的总体原则,以及在财政支农过程中要处理好的几个关系,最后,针对在第三、第四章分析财政支农中存在的影响财政支农绩效问题并借鉴发达国家财政支农的经验,提出了我国未来财政支农的相应政策措施。

【Abstract】 The issue of agriculture, farmer and rural area is Chinese government’s main concern which is demonstrated by the practice of Chinese socialist revolution and construction. As a matter of fact, Chinese government took its very first step of reform policy in its rural area. And its heavily committed support will be a vital part in progressively transforming the present lagged traditional small-scale peasant economy into an advanced highly-developed modern agriculture which is also justified by the process of the agricultural development of those developed countries and newly industrialized countries as well.Before the adoption of the reform and opening policy, Chinese government sacrificed the development of agriculture for accelerating its industrialization by refraining and controlling the price of agricultural products on purpose and at the same time, elevating the price of its industrial products. In this way, the requirements of the strategy of giving priority to the development of urban area and industry is satisfied by building up the primitive accumulation of capital for national industry at the cost of large amounts of agricultural profits which, in turn, greatly impaired the accumulative ability of agricultural spontaneity. Since the last two decades of last century, with the policy of the reform and opening-up, the instituting of the household contract responsibility system and its resulting incentive system have enabled the allocation of resources to be further optimized, the labor efficiency to be enhanced and farmers’incentive to produce to be stimulated. As a consequence, even with bare improvement in the level of agricultural production technology, there is a boom in agricultural development which settled the long pestering problem of the shortage of agricultural products. Nevertheless, the fragile situation of agricultural development and its accumulative ability of agricultural spontaneity remain to be tough problems calling for solutions. Currently, being in a brand-new stage, the development of China’s agriculture should be focused on the improvement in the overall production capacity, the amelioration in the infrastructure of agriculture, the optimization of ecological environment, the increase in production efficiency, the raise of farmers’ income and the fast pace of the development of rural economy which definitely required the government to increase its financial input and to ensure a more effective role being played by its financial funds in constructing a new socialist countryside.In the dissertation, by applying the theories and principles of disciplines of Agricultural Economy, Industrial Economy, Comparative Economy, Applied Statistics, Econometrics and Agricultural Natural Science to practice, the author makes a logical presentation of the basic theories of financial assistance to farmers, and likewise, the author makes a detailed analysis of the quantitative relations between finance assistance and its structure and the growth of agricultural GDP and the farmers’income, furthermore, the author evaluates objectively the actual effect of fiscal expenditure from every aspects and makes a comparison of the policies of assistance and protection to agriculture of developed countries and newly industrialized countries without failure, and, in the end, by summarizing those successful factors of those countries, the author provides feasible political measures to take to improve the performance of our financial assistance to agriculture by adopting methodologies of the combination of Micro and Macro analysis, Empirical and Norm study, Quantitative and Qualitative research and comparative and statistic study.There are altogether six chapters in this dissertation.ChapterⅠis served as an overall introduction to the domestic and international background of the research, the purpose of the research and its significance, the methodology involved in the research, the outline and framework of the paper, its creative opinions and its limits.ChapterⅡis mainly the section of theoretical analysis. The theoretical basis of financial assistance to agriculture is analyzed in great detail which involves the Public Finance Theory and Economy Growth Theory.In following three chapters, chapterⅢandⅣare about the empirical analysis. In this part, descriptive statistical analysis methods are applied to analyze the performance of both absolute scale and relative scale of financial assistance to agriculture. Also, mathematical statistics and econometric approaches are used to establish metering models to analyze the actual effect of the structure of financial assistance to agriculture on agricultural GDP and farmers’income from both dynamic and static angles. Thus, at the end of this part, some conclusions are drawn and some problems are put forward for inspiring the ways to improve the performance of financial assistance to agriculture.ChapterⅤis to be a section of a comparative analysis. The processes of agricultural development of developed countries and newly industrialized countries are fully compared to seek the patterns of development of their agriculture that can be valuable lessons for China’s agricultural development.The last chapter, chapterⅥ, is employed as part of conclusions and policy suggestions. The overall principles of financial assistance to agriculture and several relations which must be managed are expounded and elaborated. Finally, referred to the experiences of developed countries’, some specific policies and tentative measures are proposed to solve the existing problems in China’s present financial assistance to agriculture.

  • 【分类号】F812.8;F224
  • 【被引频次】20
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