

Super High Yield Cultivation and Its Control Measures in Rice

【作者】 潘圣刚

【导师】 曹凑贵;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 水稻是人类重要的粮食作物,世界上约50%的人口以稻米为主食。超高产水稻育种已经取得较大的进步,与之相匹配的水稻超高产栽培技术的研究越来越引起人们重视。本研究于2005-2009年在大田栽培条件下,通过采取不同的农艺措施,设计一系列的田间试验(秧苗素质试验、栽插密度试验、氮肥运筹试验、水肥互作试验、大面积高产示范试验),研究不同农艺措施对杂交水稻的生物学特性、养分吸收利用、水分利用效率、产量形成及稻米品质的影响,整理归纳超高产水稻的关键技术指标,构建不同产量水平结构的水稻群体,形成超高产栽培技术体系。主要研究结果如下:1、秧苗素质(单株带蘖数、秧龄)及栽插密度对水稻的生物学特性及产量的影响与单株带蘖数为2、3的秧苗相比,栽插单株带蘖数为4、5、6壮秧,可以显著增加水稻不同生育时期的干物质积累,提高水稻单位面积有效穗数和每穗总粒数、结实率,显著增加水稻的产量。移栽时秧苗秧龄越大(50天秧龄),水稻不同生育时期的叶面积指数越小,从而导致水稻生长后期积累的生物量显著降低和经济产量减少。大秧龄秧苗(秧龄大于50天)栽插时,增加栽插密度和每蔸基本苗数,可以显著增加水稻单位面积的穗数和经济产量。2、水肥互作对杂交水稻的产量、品质及水分利用效率的影响厢沟灌溉处理(W3)和干湿交替灌溉(W2)处理水稻的产量和单位面积有效穗数显著高于长期淹水灌溉(W1)。氮肥水平对水稻产量、有效穗、穗长、一次枝梗数、每穗总粒数、每穗实粒数、结实率的影响都达到显著或极显著水平,而对千粒重的影响不显著。水氮互作效应对水稻单位面积有效穗数产生极显著影响。不同灌溉模式对稻米的糙米率和胶稠度的影响达到显著水平。W3处理稻米的糙米率和胶稠度显著高于其它处理,值为76.25%和64.16 mm。在0-270 kg/hm2的范围内,稻米的糙米率、精米率、整精米率和蛋白质含量均随着氮肥水平的提高而显著增大,稻米的直链淀粉和胶稠度却与之相反。水分和氮肥水平互作效应对稻米的垩白粒率、蛋白质含量和胶稠度的影响达到显著水平。不同灌溉模式显著影响稻田灌溉水用量和水稻的水分利用效率。W2、W3处理稻田灌溉用水量显著低于W1处理,值分别为299.40、310.62、408.65 mm,而水分利用效率显著高于W1处理,值分别为1.56、1.60、1.21 kg/m3。氮肥处理水分利用效率也存在显著差异,其值介于1.06-1.96 kg/m3。施氮量(180 kg/hm2)处理水稻的水分利用效率显著高于其它处理,值为1.71 kg/m3。3、氮肥运筹对杂交水稻的生物学特性、产量、稻米品质及养分吸收利用的影响(1)氮肥运筹对杂交水稻的产量和品质的影响在0-330 kg/hm2施氮范围内,增施氮肥和采用基肥:分蘖肥:穗粒肥=30%:20%:50%的施氮比例,可以显著增加水稻孕穗期叶面积指数和齐穗期叶面积指数及高效叶面积率,增加水稻不同生育时期干物质积累总量以及花前干物质向籽粒的转移,提高花前干物质对籽粒产量的贡献率。水稻产量随着氮肥水平的提高先增加而后降低,在240 kg/hm2施氮水平下,采用基肥:分蘖肥:穗粒肥=30%:20%:50%的施氮比例,水稻单位面积有效穗数和每穗总粒数较多,产量较高,值分别为400.1×104穗/hm2、221.39粒/穗、10.31 t/hm2。在0-330 kg/hm2施氮范围内,提高氮肥水平可以显著增加稻米的糙米率、精米率、整精米率、蛋白质含量及垩白度。然而,却导致稻米的直链淀粉含量显著降低。采用基肥:分蘖肥:穗粒肥=30%:20%:50%的施氮比例,蛋白质含量显著提高,直链淀粉含量显著降低。稻米的糙米率与精米率、整精米率、蛋白质含量存在显著或极显著正相关关系,相关系数分别为0.6201、0.7213、0.5062。而稻米的蛋白质含量与直链淀粉含量存在显著的负相关关系,相关系数为-0.6003。(2)氮肥运筹对杂交水稻养分吸收积累和肥料氮素(15N)的影响在0-330 kg/hm2施氮范围内,提高氮肥水平可以显著增加水稻成熟期氮素积累总量(TNA)、磷素积累总量(TPA)和钾素积累总量(TKA),而且也显著增加了水稻对土壤氮和肥料氮的吸收及肥料氮(15N)在土壤中的残留数量。高氮处理(240kg/hm2)水稻吸收积累的氮素总量、土壤氮和肥料氮(15N)分别为176.15、150.09、110.25,显著高于中氮(150 kg/hm2)处理的100.13、65.91和49.97 kg/hm2,而且肥料氮(15N)在土壤中的残留数量也显著增加,值分别为32.69和24.92 kg/hm2。采用基肥:分蘖肥:穗粒肥=30%:20%:50%的施氮比例,可以显著增加水稻齐穗期和成熟期TNA,提高水稻的氮素吸收利用率和农学利用率,显著增加水稻吸收的肥料氮(15N),而且还可以显著提高肥料氮素(15N)的土壤残留率,降低氮素(15N)的损失率。(3)氮肥运筹对杂交水稻基施氮肥(15N)和追肥氮肥(15N)吸收利用的影响在0-330 kg/hm2施氮范围内,提高氮肥水平可以显著增加水稻吸收积累的基施氮肥(15N)和穗粒追肥(15N)。在高氮(330 kg/hm2)水平下,全部用作基肥施用的方法,水稻分蘖期、幼穗分化期和齐穗期吸收积累的基施氮肥(15N)显著高于其它处理,而采用基肥:分蘖肥:穗粒肥=30%:20%:50%的施氮比例,水稻吸收积累的穗粒追肥显著增多。水稻在分蘖盛期和成熟期吸收积累的基施追肥(15N)所占比值较少,分别为11.94%-26.12%和12.31%-27.82%,而幼穗分化期和齐穗期吸收积累的基施追肥(15N)所占比例较大,分别为30.36%-33.24%和27.78%-30.34%。(4)氮肥运筹对稻田水体氮素浓度的影响稻田田面水NH4+-N和TN的浓度与氮素水平存在显著的正相关关系,而渗漏液N03--N和TN的浓度和氮素水平也存在显著的正相关关系,相关系数均大于0.8105。采用基肥:分蘖肥:穗粒肥=30%:20%:50%的施氮比例,可以显著降低田面水NH4+-N浓度和渗漏液N03--N和TN的浓度。4、超高产水稻的主要群体特征与高产(产量约为9.0 t/hm2)水稻相比,超高产(产量≥12.0 t/hm2)水稻的主要生育特性可概括为以下几点:①产量构成方面:总有效穗数≥250×104穗/hm2,分蘖成穗率≥68.0%,结实率≥88.2%,千粒重≥29.0克。②叶面积指数(LAI)方面:分蘖盛期的LAI为3.0-3.5左右,幼穗分化期为6.5-7.2左右,齐穗期为8.5-8.9左右,灌浆期(齐穗后10天)为6.5-7.0左右。而且,齐穗期的高效叶面积比率(上3叶面积占有效叶面积的比率)为60.0-66.5%。③生物量积累方面(t/hm2):分蘖期为2.1-2.5,幼穗分化期为8.5-10.0,齐穗期为≥13.5,灌浆期≥15.0,成熟期为≥25.0。

【Abstract】 Rice is the most important food crop, which is looked on as staple food by 50% of the population in the world. Breeding in rice have made great progress, while studies on super high yield cultivation are more and more paid attention. Therefore, there are some important meanings in improving nitrogen use efficiency and saving irrigation in rice by using suitable agronomic measures. Field experiments were conducted by taking different agronomic measures and designing a series of field experiments(such as the experiment on the qualities of rice seedling, transplanting density, nitrogen management, actions between water and nitrogen, super high yield in the large area) during 2005-2009. Rice population was constructed in different yield levels to study biology characteristics, nutrition absorption, water use efficiency, yields and grain qualities in rice. Main skill indexes are analyzed and plant systems are brought forward in super high yield cultivation of rice. Some main results are as follows,1. The influences of seedling quality and transplanting density on biology characteristics and yield in rice.Compared by rice seedling with 2,3 tillers per plant, transplanting rice seedlings with 4,5,6 tillers per plant could increase biomass at different growth stage, improving productive panicle per m2 and the number of spikelets per panicle and seed setting rate, raising the yield in rice. When the age of transplanted seedlings were older, LAI at the growth stage were fewer, which could induce significantly fewer biomass at the late stage and lower yield in rice. Therefore, the old-age-seedlings(age≥50 days) were transplanted, productive panicle per m2 and yield were noticeably raised by increasing transplanting density and the numbers of seedling per hill in rice.2. The influences of actions between water and nitrogen fertilizer on yield, grain qualities and water use efficiency in rice.There were significant differences in the yield and productive panicle per m2 under different water regimes. Rice yield and productive panicle per m2 under alternate wetting and drying irrigation (W2) and raised-bed irrigation (W3) were higher than that under traditional flooding (W1). Remarkable differences were also found in the yield, panicle number, panicle length, the first branch, total spikelets per panicle, solid grain spikelets per pernicle and seed setting rate among nitrogen treatments. However, there was no significant difference in 1000-grain-weight. Furthermore, obvious effects of interaction were discovered between water and nitrogen on productive panicle per m2.There were remarkable differences in BRR and GC (Gel consistency) among different water regimes. BRR and GC were higher in W3 than other treatments, which were 76.25% and 64.16 mm, respectively. There were higher trends in BRR and MRR and HMR and PC as the increase of more nitrogen applied in the 0-270 kg N/hm2. Opposite trends were found in AM and GC. There were significant effects of interaction between water and nitrogen on rice CP and PC and GC.There were significant differences in the volume of irrigation water and water use efficiency. The volume of irrigation water was less in W2 and W3 than W1 treatment, which were 299.40,310.62 and 408.65 mm, respectively. And there were opposite trends in water use efficiency, which was 1.56,1.60 and 1.21 kg/m3, respectively. Significant differences were found in water use efficiency among nitrogen treatments, which were in ranges of 1.06-1.96 kg/m3. Water use efficiency was higher in the treatment of 180 kg N/hm2, which was 1.71kg/m3.3. The influences of nitrogen management on biology characteristics, yield, quality and nutrition use efficiency in rice.(1) The influences of nitrogen managements on yield and quality in rice.More nitrogen applied in the range of 0-330 kg N/hm2 could remarkably increase leaf area index (LAI) at panicle initiation stage (PI) and LAI and leaf areas of high efficiency ratio to population area at heading stage (H) in rice at a nitrogen ratio for basal fertilizer (BF):first topdressing fertilizer (FT):second topdressing fertilizer (ST)=30%:20%:50%. It was increased in total biomass at the growth stage and dry matter translocation before heading, then, contribution of pre-anthesis assimilates to seed was also raised. Rice yield was increased firstly and then dropped as the increase of nitrogen applied in the level of 0-330 kg/hm2. There was the maximum values in yield, productive panicle per m2, total number of spikelet per panicle and 1000-grain-weight, which were 10.31 t/hm2,400.1×104 panicle per hm2,221.39 spikelets per panicle and 29.78 g, respectively, by using BF:FF:SF=30%:20%:50% at 240 kg N/hm2.Increase of nitrogen application in the range of 0-330 kg N/hm2 could improve brown rice rate (BRR), milled rice rate (MRR), head milled rice rate (HMR), protein content (PC) and chalkyness (CN) in rice. However, there was opposite trend in amylase (AM). Compared by using BF:FT:ST=40%:30%:30%, PC was increased and amylase (AM) was decreased remarkably by using BF:FT:ST=30%:20%:50%. There were also distinctly positive correlations between BRR and MRR and HMR and PC, which were 0.6201,0.7213,0.5062, respectively. However, Remarkably negative correlation was found between PC and AM, which was-0.6003.(2) The influences of nitrogen managements on the absorption of nutrition and nitrogen(15N) derived from fertilizer (Ndff) by using label isotope urea(15N) in rice.Nitrogen applied could increase remarkably total nitrogen accumulation (TNA), total phosphorus accumulation (TPA) and total potassium accumulation (TKA) at maturity stage (M) in 0-240 kg N/hm2. Furthermore, the absorption of Ndff and nitrogen derived from soil (Ndfs) were also raised, too. There were TNA, Ndfs and Ndff in the treatment of 240 kg N/hm2 as for 176.15,150.09,110.25 kg/hm2, more than those of 100.13, 65.91 and 49.97, in 150 kg N/hm2. Moreover, the residual amount of Ndff in the soil was remarkably increased, which was 32.69 and 24.92 kg/hm2. Compared by using BF: FT:ST=40%:30%:30% treatment, TNA at H and M and nitrogen recovery efficiency and agronomic efficiency were obviously increased, as well as residual rate of Ndff in the soil by using BF:FT:ST=30%:20%:50% treatment. Unaccounted rate of Ndff was also decreased, too.(3) The influences of nitrogen management on the absorption of basal fertilizer (15N) and topdressing fertilizer (15N) in rice.More fertilizer applied in 0-330 kg N/hm2 could increase remarkably basal fertilizer (15N) and topdressing fertilizer (15N) at the growth stage in rice. The amounts of basal fertilizer (15N) absorbed at mid-tillering stage (Mt) and PI and H were much higher in the treatment of 330 kg N/hm2 by using all fertilizer applied as basal fertilizer application than other treatments. There was more topdressing fertilizer (15N) absorbed by using BF:FT:ST=30%:20%:50% treatment than BF:FT:ST=40:30%:30%. The ratios of basal fertilizer (15N) absorbed at Mt and M were in ranges of 11.94%-26.12% and 12.31%-27.82%, respectively. However, the ratios of basal fertilizer (15N) absorbed at PI and H were in ranges of 30.36%-33.24% and 27.78%-30.34%, respectively.(4) The influence of nitrogen managements on the nitrogen concentration in the surface water and leachate from rice field.There were obviously positive correlations between nitrogen concentrations of NH4+-N and total nitrogen (TN) in the surface water, moreover, positive correlations were found between nitrogen concentrations of NO3--N and TN in the leachate. All correlation coefficients were more than 0.8105.Compared by using BF:FT:ST=40%:30%:30% treatment, the concentration of NH4+-N in the surface water and NO3--N and TN in the leachate were remarkably decreased by using BF:FT:ST=30%:20%:50% treatment.4. Main population indexes of super high-yield rice.There were some biology characteristics in super high yield rice (yield≥12.0 t/hm2) than high yield rice (yield>9.0 t/hm2). The first aspect:yield and its components. As productive panicles≥250×104 per hm2, productive tiller percentage>68.0%, seed setting rate≥88.2%,1000-grain-weight>29.0 g. The second aspect:LAI at different growth stage. LAI at Mt, PI, H and GF were 30.-3.5,6.5-7.2,8.5-8.9 and 6.5-7.0, respectively. Ratio of leaf area of high efficiency at H was about 60.0%-66.5%. The third aspect:total biomass. Total biomass at Mt, PI, H, GF and M was 21.-2.5,8.5-10.0,≥13.5,≥15.0 and≥25.0 (t/hm2), respectively.
