

A Study of Coordinated Development Mechanisms of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone

【作者】 张宇

【导师】 张炜;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 区域经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 经济全球化推动着经济资源和生产要素在全球范围内大规模和高强度的流动,全球经济发展进入了相互依存、相互联系的时代。经济全球化的深入发展在全球范围内形成不同区域之间的分工,进而在区域内部形成不同地区间的分工,让每个地区都融入到全球产业链中,加强各地经济的相互依赖性。经济全球化的深刻作用和影响使经济区发展不能在封闭的环境中进行,经济区内各地区之间必须加强相互间的分工合作,才能增强经济区的竞争力,否则就会在全球竞争中落伍,经济区协调发展的重要性和必要性显得越来越重要。经济全球化背景下,市场机制、政府机制和组织机制在经济区协调发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用:市场机制是以效率为原则推动要素有序自由流动、促进资源配置优化的运行机制,它能够降低交易费用、促进区域经济分工与合作,推动区域经济协调发展的整体效益达到最佳;政府机制是政府综合运用经济、计划及法律等手段对经济区运行和发展进行合理适度的调节和控制,促进经济区协调发展目标实现的运行机制,在各种生产要素向优势区位集中的过程中,需要区域内政府的有效作为来降低生产成本,通过合理的制度安排产生规模经济,缩小区域内经济差距;组织机制是经济区协调发展中独立于政府和市场之外的企业及中介组织,为经济区市场正常运行和政府有效干预调控,以及政府和市场相互沟通起到桥梁作用的运行机制。在经济全球化背景下,市场、政府和组织构成了促进区域经济协调发展的三种主要力量。改革开放以来,在高度集中的计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制逐步转型的过程中,市场机制、政府行为和组织行为在经济区协调发展中发挥着非常重要的作用。伴随着市场经济体制的建立和逐步完善,经济决策权逐渐从中央政府向地方政府转变,空间成本成为经济主体在经济活动决策时的重要因素,地理位置相邻的地区之间经济往来密切,对构建统一市场体系的要求越来越强烈。20世纪90年代以来,我国逐步形成了多个跨省或跨区市的、各具特色的经济区域,如长三角、珠三角、环渤海经济区等。经济区发展趋势的增强,是政府、企业和市场及其相互关系等制度基础和体制环境变化的结果。然而目前我国的经济区发展仍面临着诸多问题:经济区的发展面临着行政壁垒的阻碍,地方保护主义的存在和产业同构现象突出,难以实现在市场经济条件下地区间资源的有效配置,难以形成区域内统一的共同市场,最终将会导致这个区域的经济增长的成本加大,增长速度放缓,严重地阻碍了经济区的进一步发展。在经济全球化和区域经济一体化的新阶段,亟需发挥市场、政府、组织三方面的共同力量,构建和完善经济区发展的协调机制,清除经济区发展过程中的地域和体制障碍,完善各项服务体系,实现人流、物流、资金流的畅通,提升整体经济发展水平。成渝经济区是西部地区开发历史最悠久、产业基础最好、科教实力最雄厚、经济实力最强、发展潜力最大的区域之一。加快成渝经济区发展,是国家继续推进西部大开发战略的重大举措,对于推动川渝和整个西部地区加快发展,推动全国区域和城乡协调发展,具有十分重要的意义,并受到社会各界的广泛关注。但从全国各经济区加快发展的大背景来观察,成渝经济区进一步发展面临许多制约,其中,发展机制不健全、发展关系紊乱是一个深刻的原因,这需要我们深入研究成渝经济协调发展中的现有机制构建,即经济区协调发展政府调控、市场机制和组织机制三方面的共同力量,单纯依靠市场力量并不能实现经济区协调发展。成渝经济区如何转变政府职能,构建适应区域协调发展需要的体制基础和制度保障解决行政区划与经济协调发展之间的矛盾,如何通过体制机制创新从根本上改变二元结构制约,推进统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区建设,是一个必须要研究的重要理论和现实问题。基于以上这些背景,本文以“成渝经济区协调发展的机制研究”作为博士论文研究主题,其目的在于通过运用区域经济学、城市经济学、、产业经济学等相关学科知识和方法,对区域经济协调发展理论及经济区相关理论的系统梳理,把握推进经济区协调发展中市场机制、政府机制和组织机制构建的理论原理,推动成渝经济区新的发展;本文写作的现实目的在于通过分析成渝经济区经济发展实际,探索其在经济协调发展方面的现状及机制,剖析其存在的主要问题及原因,进而提出协调成渝经济区发展的思路和对策,为推动成渝经济区协调发展提供可操作的实践途径。全文在研究思路上遵循从理论构建到应用分析的展开次序来进行,全文共分为8章,除第1章导论,第2章、第3章、第4章是理论构建部分,第5章、第6章、第7章是应用分析部分,第八章为总结。各章的主要内容如下:第1章,导论。主要内容包括:说明本文的研究背景、理论价值与现实意义;对国内外相关研究进展进行回顾;在此基础上提出本文的研究方法与研究结构,并概括出本文的主要创新与不足之处。第2章,经济区协调发展基本理论探索。本章从二元经济结构理论、区域经济均衡增长理论、区域经济区非均衡增长理论、系统论、三元结构理论等方面对经济区协调发展的基础理论进行探索,力图构建起本文的理论基础。第3章,经济区协调发展的涵义、内容及其评判。本章在分析区域、经济区、协调、发展等概念的基础上,结合第二章的理论分析内容详细阐述了经济区协调发展的前提、内容规定和具体表现,构建出经济区协调发展的评价指标体系。第4章,经济区协调发展的机制分析。本章分析了市场机制、政府机制、组织机制在经济区协调发展中的作用及相关问题,提出经济区协调发展“三位一体”的运行框架。第5章,成渝经济区协调发展的现状及问题。本章首先对成渝经济区空间范围进行界定,接着详细阐述了成渝经济区发展历程、资源禀赋和经济区位,然后分析了成渝经济区内部经济联系强度的变化,运用协调度模型对成渝经济区协调发展的现状进行评价,最后对主要问题进行简要小结。第6章,成渝经济区协调发展机制分析。本章对应理论部分的研究内容,详细分析了市场机制、政府机制、组织机制在成渝经济区协调发展中的作用、缺陷及存在问题。第7章,构建和完善成渝经济区协调发展机制的路径探索。本章提出了构建市场、政府、组织三位一体的成渝经济区协调发展机制的框架,并提出了相应的对策建议。第8章,主要结论与研究展望。本章从理论和实证两方面归纳全文的主要结论,并对本文的后续研究进行了展望。本文在吸收前人研究成果的基础上,对经济区协调发展机制问题进行了较为系统深入的研究,从而在理论构建和应用分析两方面取得了一定程度的拓展。(1)论文对经济区协调发展机制研究提供了一个较为完整的分析框架。区别于传统的基于市场或政府单一视角的经济区协调发展机制研究,本文构建以市场、政府、组织三位一体为切入点的经济区协调发展机制框架,对市场机制、政府机制、组织机制在经济区协调发展中的作用机理进行了较为深入的探索;在对经济区协调发展基础理论进行梳理和概括的基础上,清晰界定了经济区协调发展等核心概念的内涵,在一定程度上弥补了现有文献对经济区协调发展研究的不足。(2)论文对经济区协调发展程度提供了一种可操作性的评价体系。本文构建出经济区协调发展的综合评价指标体系,这有助于对具体经济区协调发展态势作出具体判断,在现实中具有一定可行性;本文应用现代统计方法,通过功效函数法进行多指标综合评价分析,有助于对经济区协调发展发展态势作出更客观、更直观的判断。(3)论文对成渝经济区协调发展的态势进行了系统判定和解释。本文全面分析了成渝经济区协调发展的现状和问题,并运用理论部分中构建的评价指标体系对成渝经济区协调发展的态势作出全新的综合评价,在现实中具有一定的参考价值。(4)论文对成渝经济区协调发展的推进提供了有价值的政策建议。本文较为详尽探讨市场机制、政府机制、组织机制在成渝经济区协调发展中的状况,并在此基础上提出了针对性对策建议,对于提高成渝经济区整体运行效率、增强成渝经济区综合竞争力具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 Economic globalization propels the economic resources and production factors circulate in the international scope with greater intensity. The global economic development entered a new era of coexistence, cooperation and development. Deepening the labor division causes the formation of economic divisions among different regions in the whole world and further causes the divisions of different places even within the same region. This has every region join the global industrial chain, increases the economic dependence of different regions and makes every region realizes that it is impossible to develop its economy in a closed environment and they have to collaborate and cooperate to avoid lagging behind in the global competition, In all, the coordinated development of economic zones is becoming more and more important and necessary.Against a background of economic globalization, market mechanisms, government mechanisms and organization mechanisms play an increasingly important role in the coordinated development of economic zones. Enterprises, in the market-oriented economy, must become independent market entities, and this demands an unified market system which can make economic factors circulate freely and reasonably to reduce the costs of market exchanges and this also demands market mechanisms which can combine regional economic division and cooperation to achieve the best overall efficiency of the coordinated development of economic regions; when various kinds of production factors are attracted to the advantageous places of a specific economic region and the talent, capital and technology are all transferred to the developed places, it is very necessary for the governments within the economic zone to coordinate and cooperate with each other in order to reduce the production costs and to narrow down the economic gap within the economic region with rational institutional arrangement that can achieve economies of scale and of scope; and because the progress of economic globalization has promoted the development of "public community", enterprises, non-governmental and non-profit social organizations and groups are playing an increasingly important role in the coordination and management of economic society. Therefore, in the context of economic globalization, markets, governments and organizations become the three dominating forces which can promote the coordinated development of regional economy.Since the reform and opening up, the socialist market-oriented economic system which replaced gradually the previous highly-centralized plan-oriented economic system became the dominating form of resources allocation in Chinese economic development. With the establishment and gradual improvement of market-oriented economic system, the economic decision-making rights have been shifted from the central government to local ones, and spatial costs become an important factor which is considered by the economic entities as important elements in economic decision-making activities, and therefore regions of geographical proximity have a closer economic relationship and have a stronger and stronger demand of constructing a unified market system. Since the 1990s, lots of inter-provincial and inter-regional economic regions gradually came into being in our country, such as the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, and Bohai Economic zone, etc. The increasing tendency of economic zones development is the result of changes of government, enterprises, markets and their relationship. However, there are still many problems impeding the development of economic zones in our country, such as the development of economic zones facing the administrative barriers, the existence of local protectionism and the similar industrial structure. All this makes it difficult to realize the efficient resources allocation among different regions in the market-oriented economic system, difficult to form a unified market within the economic zone and finally it leads to enlarged economic growth costs of this economic zone, slows down its development and seriously hinders the further development of the economic zone. At the new stage of economic globalization and regional economic integration, it is in great need to unify the strengths of markets, government and organizations to construct and improve the coordination mechanisms of economic zones development, to clear up the regional and institutional barriers of economic zones development, to improve the whole service system, and to realize an unimpeded flow of people, production and capital and raise the overall level of economic development.Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone is the oldest economic zone which has the best industrial foundation, the most developed science and education, the strongest economic strength and the greatest potentialities. To promote the development of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone is an important initiative of our country to implement deeply the Western Development Strategy, which is of great significance to promote the development of Chengdu-Chongqing and the whole Western area and to push the Urban-rural coordinated development of the whole country. But observed from the perspective of all the economic zones of our country developing quickly, Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone is not well developed and lags behind the social expectation far away. This makes us to focus our attention on the present institutions of the coordinated economic development of Chengdu-Chongqing which are heavily dependant on the markets only and can not realize the coordinate development of the economic zone, In order to bring it into reality, the three aspects of government mechanisms, market mechanisms and organization mechanisms have to work jointly. How to adjust the functions of government, to construct the mechanism and institutions fit for the regional coordinated development and to resolve the conflicts between administrational division and the coordinated economic development and how to change the urban-rural binary structure by renovating mechanisms and institutions and to promote the construction of the overall-planned urban-rural comprehensive reform pilot area are important issues.According to the above analysis, this paper is titled as "A Study of Coordinated Development Mechanisms of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone" and aims to, by employing theories from Regional Economics, Urban Economics and Industrial Economics, systematically study theories about regional economic coordinated development and other theories related to economic zones, to comprehensively analyze the market mechanisms, government’s regulation and control mechanisms and institutional mechanisms which can promote the coordinated development of economy, to provide theoretical reference to mechanisms studies of economic zones’ coordinated development and finally to further advance the theoretical study in this area. Practically speaking, this paper, by analyzing the present situation of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone, aims to explore the present situation and mechanisms of its economic coordinated development, to analyze the major problems and their reasons, to put forward measures and suggestions for the development of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone and finally to find operational and practical way to the coordinated development of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone.This study is composed of the theoretical construction part and the application analysis part, which can be branched into seven chapters. Chapter one is the introduction part; Chapter two, three and four belong to the theoretical construction part; and Chapter five, six and seven belong to the application analysis part. Chapter one is Introduction. This part includes the research background of this paper, its practical values and practical significance and a brief review about the related previous foreign and domestic studies. After that, the research methods and structures are discussed and the new points and weak ones also are generalized.Chapter.two is about the exploration about the fundamental theories of the coordinated development of economic zones. This part tries to construct the theoretical basis of this paper by systematically and detailed studying such fundamental theories of the coordinated development of economic zones as the dual economic structure theory, the regional economic balanced growth theory, system theory and the ternary structure theory.Chapter three is the connotative analysis of the coordinated development of economic zones. After analyzing the concepts of region, economic zone, coordination, development, this part with the theoretical analysis of Chapter two carefully discusses the prerequisites, the content requirements and specific manifestations of the coordinated development of economic zones and defines the concept of the coordinated development of economic zones more comprehensively.Chapter four is about the mechanisms analysis of the coordinated development of economic zones. This part analyses the functions of market mechanisms, government mechanisms and organization mechanisms in the coordinated development of economic zones and other related problems and put forward the "trinity" operating framework of the coordinated development of economic zones.Chapter five is about the present situation and problems of the coordinated development of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone. This chapter, firstly, defines the spatial scope of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone and discusses carefully the development process, resource endowment and economic status of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone; secondly, it analyses the changes of the economic relation strength within Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone, constructs the corresponding evaluation index system and evaluates the present situation of the coordinated development of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone by employing the Coordination Model; finally, it makes a brief summary about the major problems.Chapter six is about the mechanism analysis of the coordinated development of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone. This chapter, corresponding to the study of the theoretical part, detailed analyses the functions, defects and problems of market mechanisms, government mechanisms and organization mechanisms in the coordinated development of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone.Chapter seven is about the mechanisms exploration of constructing and improving the coordinated development of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone. This part proposes the mechanisms framework of the coordinated development of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone which is the trinity of market, government and organization and put forward the corresponding measures and suggestions.Basing on the previous studies, this paper conducts a systematical and in-depth study of the mechanism of the coordinated development of economic zones, which is carried out at both the theoretical construction level and the application analysis level. The major new points of this study are as follows.(1) It can provide a comparatively complete analysis framework for the mechanisms study of the coordinated development of economic zones. Different from the traditional mechanisms study of the coordinated development of economic zones which are conducted from a market-only perspective or a government-only one, this paper combines market, government and organization together to construct the mechanism framework of the coordinated development of economic zones and explores in depth the functions of market mechanisms, government mechanisms and organization mechanisms in the coordinated development of economic zones; then, after sorting out and generalizing the basic theories of the coordinated development of economic zones, it clearly defines its key concept---he coordinated development of economic zones, which, in some degree, can improve and develop the previous studies of the coordinated development of economic zones.(2) It supplies new judgment methods for the coordinated development of economic zones. This paper constructs a feasible and comprehensive evaluation index system about the coordinated development of economic zones, which will be helpful to judge precisely the coordinated development tendency of economic zones; the modern statistical methods are employed in this paper and has a multi-index comprehensive evaluation analysis with the Active Functional Method, which will help to make a more objective and direct judgment for the tendency of the coordinated development of economic zones.(3) It makes systematic judgment and explanation for the coordinated development tendency of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone. This paper comprehensively analyzes the present situation and problems of coordinated development of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone and uses the evaluation index system constructed in the theoretical part to make a completely new comprehensive evaluation to the coordinated development tendency of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone, which will be of great referential significance in the reality.(4) It comes out with valuable policy suggestions which can promote the coordinated development of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone. This paper discussed in detail the situation of market mechanisms, government mechanisms and organizations mechanism in the coordinated development of Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone; basing on that, it proposes specific suggestions, which will of great referential value to improve the overall operating efficiency of the whole Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone and to raise the comprehensive competitive ability of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone.
