

Cooperative Information System for Forest and Greening Resources Monitoring of Metropolitan

【作者】 谢阳生

【导师】 唐小明;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林经理学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 大都市是社会经济发展到一定阶段的产物,我国近几十年来大都市数量有了巨大的增长,同时每个大都市的规模也在持续扩大。大都市普遍具有人口高度聚集、工业高度集中、交通拥挤、环境污染危害严重等特点,森林和绿地作为维护生态环境的重要自然基础设施,对大都市来说尤为重要。因此管理好森林和绿地越来越成为大都市经济和社会发展的重要保障措施,以获取森林和绿地资源信息为目标的森林和绿地资源监测也越来越受到重视。本研究在查阅大量国内外森林及城市绿地资源监测、协同信息系统研究以及城市生态建设相关学科文献的基础上,以国内外森林及城市绿地资源一体化管理研究成果为基础,综合森林经营管理、城市绿地规划设计、生态学以及信息科学等理论,针对当前国内大都市存在的森林及绿地资源管理分离、监测技术体系不统一、森林及绿地资源数据不能全面反映生态环境状况的问题,采用比较研究法、系统整合法等研究方法,从理论、技术方法和实践三个方面对森林及绿地资源监测信息协同进行了研究和探讨。提出了大都市森林及绿地资源监测信息协同体系,并在北京进行了实证研究。取得了以下四个方面成果:1)提出了大都市森林及绿地资源监测信息协同的概念,即:协调大都市森林资源监测和绿地资源监测这两个对象,以信息的集成为手段,建立相应的协同机制,共同完成资源监测。认为大都市森林及绿地资源监测信息协同可以从指标体系、区划、调查、更新以及应用与服务五个环节来进行研究。2)在对森林资源监测和绿地资源监测业务过程进行梳理的基础上,分析了监测业务中需要解决的业务协同、部门及人员协同、数据协同问题,并分别从五个环节进行了协同关系和协同问题的阐述:a)指标体系,两者在监测尺度、监测内容、监测目的、监测方式上均有不同,两个指标体系分别有一致、包含、相关、重叠、交叉、互补、不完全、独有的关系b)区划,大都市森林资源与绿地资源由于管理分离,区划各自进行,加上所使用的数据的精度和尺度问题,造成区划范围的重叠或缝隙;c)调查,两套调查体系的运作方式不同,调查独立开展,之间缺少信息共享,调查的技术手段和方法差异,导致信息的协调度差、综合性有局限;d)更新,两个监测体系在更新数据来源、更新时间、更新手段和技术标准的差异,以及更新涉及的部门和人员的复杂性,导致更新数据的不一致;e)应用与服务,两个监测在应用与服务中提供的服务接口不一、服务质量不同、服务内容有交叉和重叠。3)构建了大都市森林及绿地资源信息协同模型及体系。协同体系由协同元素层、协同机制层和协同实现层构成。协同元素层是信息协同实现的基本元素,包含数据、业务、部门及人员等,协同机制有共享机制、约束机制、流程协同机制、角色协同机制以及评价机制。并在此基础上,对指标体系、区划、调查、更新、应用与服务五个环节分别进行了协同模型的构建,实现各环节的信息协同,进而实现大都市森林及绿地资源信息的协同。4)分析了大都市森林及绿地资源监测信息协同系统的用户和主要功能,提出了基于SOA的系统架构,将系统分为客户应用层、应用支撑层、协同服务层、数据资源层、基础设施层五个层次;具体分析了与系统实现相关的关键技术,包括监测业务流程协同技术、监测信息协同安全与访问控制技术、区划数据完整性约束技术以及监测信息协同系统智能客户端设计。通过在实验区北京市进行开发搭建形成系统,整合了森林资源监测和绿地资源监测的业务,实现了协同关键技术,为各级监测部门监测信息协同工作的开展提供工具,为北京市森林和绿地资源监测服务。本研究的主要贡献包括:1)首次以大都市森林及绿地资源共同为研究对象进行监测信息协同的系统性研究。截至2010年3月的文献检索结果显示:对大都市森林及绿地资源监测信息协同技术体系的系统研究,本文尚属首例。2)从协同目的、协同对象、协同内容以及协同特点等各个角度全面地解析了大都市森林及绿地资源监测信息协同内涵,初步奠定了大都市森林及绿地资源监测信息协同的基础理论。3)构建了指标体系、区划、调查、更新、应用与服务五个关键业务环节的协同模型,并提出了大都市森林及绿地资源监测信息协同体系架构。

【Abstract】 The metropolis is the result of social and economic development to a certain stage. The number of metropolises has increased enormously in China in recent decades. At the same time, the scale of them has also been further expanded. Forests and greening as natural infrastructure to preserve the ecological environment is more important to metropolis, which is characterized by great denseness in population, concentration of industry, traffic congestion and pollution serious damage the environment, than ever. Therefore, manage forests and greening becomes important security measures to the economic and social development of metropolis. Accordingly, attention is given to the forests and land resources to monitoring, which has the target of gathering forests and greening resources information.Based on many documents about forest and greening resources monitoring, study on cooperative information system and science of ecology construction in urban, combining the research results of forest and greening resources management and the theories of forest management, greening planning, ecology and information science, the monitoring information cooperation of forest and greening resouces was studied and discussed on the sides of theory, technology and application by the method of comparison and synthesis. A metropolitan forest and greening resources monitoring information cooperation architecture was put forward and was proved in Beijing.There are four results as following are made in the dissertation:1)The conception of metropolitan forest and greening resources monitoring information cooperation was brought forward, viz, cooperating the two objects of forest resources monitoring and greening resources monitoring in a metropolis by means of information integration and founding cooperative mechanism to finish resources monitoring tasks together. It was considered that metropolitan forest and greening resources monitoring information cooperation can be studied in the aspects of index system, subdivision,survey, updating and application services.2) Based on the reorganized results of forest resources monitoring and greening resources monitoring, the problems about business cooperation, departments and workers cooperation and data cooperation in monitoring businiss was analyzed. The cooperative relations and cooperative problems were also elaborated from the five aspects.3) Information cooperative architecture of metropolitan forest and greening resources monitoring was constructed. It is composed by cooperative elements, cooperative mechanism, and cooperative implement. Cooperative elements are basic elements of realizing of information cooperative. It included data, business, and department and so on. Cooperative mechanism is composed by sharing mechanism, restraint mechanism, process cooperative, role cooperative and assessment system. Based on all of these, cooperative models were constructed in five key points in metropolitan forest and greening resources monitoring. There are index system, management subdivision, survey, updating and application service.4) Users and functions of information cooperative system of metropolitan forest and greening resources monitoring was analyzed. The architecture of the system was put forward based SOA. The system was divided to five levels, which were client application, application supported, service, service supported and supporting infrastructure. The dissertion concretly analyzed key techniques, including role-based access control, the technique of integrity of subdivision data, and smart client. A system was constructed in Beijing by using the techniques said above.The main contribution of this research:1) This dissertation make systematic research on cooperation monitoring information by taking metropolitan forest and greening resources as the research objects for the first time. Up to March 2010, the result of Literature Retrieval shows that the research on information cooperative system of metropolitan forest and greening resources monitoring is the first example.2) Connotation of information cooperative of metropolitan forest and greening resources monitoring was analyzed in cooperative purpose, cooperative objects, cooperative content and cooperative characteristics. Theoretical basis was laid a preliminary foundation of information cooperative of metropolitan forest and greening resources monitoring.3) A method was put forward to construct information cooperative architecture of metropolitan forest and greening resources monitoring. A Frame work was proposed of this system. The system was studied in five aspects which was index system, management subdivision, survey, updating and application service.
