

Studies on Characteristics of Arthropod Community and Countermeasures of Primary Pest in Agroforestry System of Apricot in Xinjiang

【作者】 李宏

【导师】 张建国;

【作者基本信息】 中国林业科学研究院 , 森林培育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 杏是新疆维吾尔自治区的主要栽培果树之一,随着新疆林果业的快速发展,新疆杏树的种植面积也得到迅速的扩张,截止2009年新疆杏种植面积已达280万亩,其栽培面积和产量均居全国各省(区)之首。随着杏种植面积的迅速扩大,害虫的危害是影响杏产量的主要因素。因此对害虫实施持续生态调控,是杏产业蓬勃发展的重要保证。本文阐述了2类复合生态杏园节肢动物群落结构和动态,探究了杏园节肢动物群落的稳定机制,揭示间作作物节肢动物群落与杏园节肢动物群落以及杏、害虫、天敌之间相互关系和作用机理,并对复合生态系统杏园的主要害虫生物学、生态学特性进行了研究,最后提出了复合生态系统杏园主要害虫综合治理策略。概述如下:1.复合生态系统杏园节肢动物结构2006年杏粮复合生态系统杏园亚系统共查得害虫、天敌、中性昆虫个体8829头,分属于昆虫纲9目、48科,蛛形纲1目、4科等。2007年杏粮复合生态系统杏园亚系统共查得害虫、天敌、中性昆虫个体20995头,分属于昆虫纲10目、51科,蛛形纲1目、4科等。2006年杏棉复合生态系统杏园亚系统共查得害虫、天敌、中性昆虫个体9035头,分属于昆虫纲9目、40科,蛛形纲1目、6科等。2007年杏棉复合生态系统杏园亚系统共查得害虫、天敌、中性昆虫个体25976头,分属于昆虫纲10目、48科,蛛形纲1目、4科等。2.间作作物对节肢动物群落的调节作用间作作物小麦、玉米、棉花对杏复合系统节肢动物群落有重要的调节和稳定作用,复合生态系统节肢动物群落结构比杏亚系统更趋向于合理和稳定,抵御外界环境干扰的能力更强,即更不利于害虫的爆发。随着间作作物小麦、玉米和棉花的生长与收获,杏亚系统节肢动物群落结构也发生着明显的变化,当间作农作物在生长盛期,杏亚系统节肢动物群落也更趋向于稳定和合理。间作作物对杏园天敌的繁殖、调节方面起着重要的作用;在杏粮复合生态系统中随着间作作物的生长周期的波动,杏园和粮田之间存在着较大的天敌物种流动;当间作作物生长旺盛时,杏亚系统的天敌向粮田内迁移;当间作作物系统崩溃后,天敌又向杏亚系统迁移;突出表现在蜘蛛类和瓢甲类等天敌类群。在杏棉复合生态系统中不存在重大的物种流动,但棉田对稳定和调节杏园亚系统节肢动物群落也起到了重要作用。3.杏复合生态系统的主要害虫和天敌的控害作用在杏粮复合生态系统中不存在大量相互转移、严重危害粮食作物和杏树的共同害虫;杏亚系统植食性节肢动物群落中蚧类、小蠹虫类、小卷叶蛾类(食心虫类)害虫为主要害虫类群,而叶蝉类、蚜虫类、蓟马类、木虱类、螨类、盲蝽类等害虫均为次要害虫类群;杏粮复合生态系统粮田亚系统中蚜虫类、叶蝉类、蓟马类等为主要害虫类群。在杏亚系统中存在的天敌完全控制了杏亚系统中蚜虫类、螨类、叶蝉类等害虫的发生与为害,对蚧类害虫也起到了一定的控制作用。在杏棉复合生态系统中不存在能互相转移、严重危害棉花和杏树的共同害虫;在杏亚系统植食性节肢动物群落中蚧类、小卷叶蛾类(食心虫类)、小蠹类为主要害虫类群,叶蝉类、蚜虫类、蓟马类、飞虱类、盲蝽类、螨类、金龟甲类等为次要害虫类群;棉田中蚜虫类、蓟马类、盲蝽类、夜蛾类和叶蝉类等为主要害虫类群。在杏亚系统中存在的天敌对蚜虫类、螨类、叶蝉类等害虫的发生与为害也起到了完全控制的控制作用,但对蚧类害虫起到的控制作用较小。4.吐伦球坚蚧、桑白盾蚧生物学、生态学研究吐伦球坚蚧1年发生1代,为局部聚集为害;以2龄若虫在1年-2年生枝条上越冬, 4月中下旬雌虫开始产卵,单雌产卵量在153粒-1863粒之间,平均为816.9粒。5月上旬卵开始孵化,幼虫孵化后在附近叶片、果实上固着为害;叶落前,2龄若虫从叶片上转移到1-2年生枝条上越冬。在自然状况下吐伦球坚蚧种群下一代数量增长4.70倍。自然杏园中“捕食及其它”控制作用最大;其次是寄生性天敌,寄生性天敌于7月中旬和8月中下旬达到高峰期。破壳对吐伦球坚蚧越冬若虫的防治效果最好,药后7天的平均防治效果为83.99%,最高防治效果为88.52%,虫口减退率可达95.01%,但化学防治对寄生性天敌的影响较大,中毒杀虫剂对天敌的杀伤作用高于生物源杀虫剂的杀伤作用。根据吐伦球坚蚧的种群密度和杏产量损失率之间的关系,通过回归模拟,建立了回归模型y = 24.671Ln(x) - 16.56(y为杏产量损失率,x为种群密度,单位为头/30cm),相关系数(R2)为0.8226,并初步确定了不同杏价格下的常用药剂防治指标。桑白盾蚧1年发生2代,以受精雌成虫在枝干上越冬,3月中下旬开始吸食树汁液,蚧壳变大、变厚。4月中、下旬产卵,产卵期6天,卵经过10天左右孵化为若虫,若虫经20天-30天化为成虫。6月雄虫羽化后与雌成虫交配,受精雌成虫开始膨大,7月中旬产卵。第2代若虫于7月底出壳,固定后形成白色蚧壳。8月下旬出现雄蛹,雄虫于9月上旬羽化,并与雌虫交配。5.多毛小蠹发生与为害规律的研究多毛小蠹世代重叠严重,1年可以发生3个完整的世代;4月上旬始见多毛小蠹成虫活动为害,中旬达到高峰期,并产卵; 5月中下旬,6月下旬、7月下旬、8月中旬和9月上旬达到高峰期,7月、8月活动最为频繁。高度在80-110cm的枝干和东、南方向生长的枝干易遭受为害;在树势弱的杏树和有腐烂病、伤口的枝干上,多毛小蠹的卵和幼虫的成活率较高,易定居繁衍;遭受多毛小蠹为害后的杏树树势变弱,韧皮部可溶性糖含量随着为害程度的加重而逐渐升高,含水量逐渐降低,不同为害程度杏树韧皮部的可溶性糖含量和水含量存在差异;多毛小蠹-韧皮部可溶性糖含量和水含量-树势-栽培管理模式4者之间的关系密切。6.梨小食心虫与苹果蠹蛾发生与为害规律的研究在杏园蛀食杏的主要害虫为苹果蠹蛾、梨小食心虫和桃条麦蛾,在杏果实逐渐成熟糖度逐渐增大时(5月中下旬)才有蛀果现象,6月上旬(即果实预成熟期)出现第1次蛀果高峰,6月底7月初(即果实采收末期)为第2次蛀果高峰。梨小食心虫1年可以发生4代,成虫分别于4月下旬、6月上旬、7月中旬、8月下旬至9月中旬达到高峰。苹果蠹蛾1年可以发生3代,成虫分别在4月下旬、5月下旬至6月上旬、6月下旬至7月中下旬达到高峰。7.杏园主要害虫的综合治理策略本文根据本人和前人的研究结果总结了包含农业防治、生物防治、物理防治和化学防治的杏园主要害虫的综合治理措施;并制定了杏园主要害虫的年度管理计划。

【Abstract】 Apricot is one of the main planted fruit trees in XinJiang Uygur autonomous region. Apricot-cotton intercropping and apricot-grain intercropping are the major the pattern. The implementation of sustainability ecological control to the pest is the important pledge for the development of apricot industry in XinJiang. This article describes the structure and dynamic of arthropod community of two types of agroforestry system in apricot orchard, revealed the arthropod community of crops and apricot orchard .The mechanism of interrelation and interaction among the apricot, insects and natural enemy were revealed. The biology and ecology characteristic of major insect in apricot orchard of agroforestry were studied. Finally, the integrated pest management strategy in apricot orchard of complex ecosystem were put forward, the results show that:1. The structure of arthropod agroforestry system in apricot orchardThere were 8829 individual pests, natural enemy and neutral inscet in apricot-grain agroforestry system apricot orchard sub-system in 2006’s investigation, they belong to Insecta 9 Order ,48 family; Arachnida 1 Order,4 family; there were 20995 individual arthropods in 2007’s investigation, they belong to Insecta 10 Order ,51 family; Arachnida 1 Order,4 family. There were 9035 individual arthropods in apricot sub-system of apricot-cotton agroforestry system in apricot orchard in 2006’s investigation, they belong to Insecta 9 Order ,40 family; Arachnida 1 Order,6 family; there were 25976 individual pests, natural enemy and neutral inscet in 2007’s investigation, they belong to Insecta 10 Order ,48 family; Arachnida 1 Order,4 family.2. The adjustment effect of intercrop to arthropod communityThe intercrop played an important role on the adjustment and stability of arthropod community in apricot complex ecosystem and apricot sub-ecosystem. They played an important role on the propagation and adjustment of natural enemy in apricot orchard as well. With the undulating of growing period of intercrop in apricot-grain complex ecosystem, there were more migration of natural enemy between grain field and apricot orchard. When intercrop were vigorous growth, the natural enemy migrated from apricot sub-ecosystem to grain field. When intercrop ecosystem declined, the natural enemy migrated to apricot sub-ecosystem. This phenomenon displayed obviously on natural enemy categories like Araneae and beetles etc. There were no obvious species movement in apricot-cotton complex ecosystem, but the cotton field played an important role on the adjustment and stability of arthropod community in apricot sub-ecosystem.3. The effect of harmful control of main pest and natural enemy in apricot complex ecosystemThere were no common pest which a great deal of mutually transfer and serious danger of intercrop or apricot trees in the apricot-grain complex ecosystem and apricot-cotton complex ecosystem. Coccidae、bark beetles、leaf rollers(borers)were major pest group of types, and Cicadellidae、Aphidinea、thrips、Psylla、mites、Mirini etc. were secondary pest group of types in apricot-grain complex ecosystem apricot sub-ecosystem . The occurrence and damage by secondary pest group of types in apricot sub-ecosystem was controlled by the natural enemy which in the 2 complex ecosystem apricot sub-ecosystem, and it played a role on controlling the scale insect pests as well。4. The biological and ecological study of Rhodococcus turanicus and Pseudaulacaspis pentagonaThe occurrence pattern of R. turanicus was one generation annually. Its second instar nymph over winter in the annual to biennial branches. The female insect began to lay egg in the middle ten-day to third ten-day period of April, the productivity per female insect was 153 to 1863, averagely 816.9 per female insect. The egg began to hatch in first ten-day period of May. It damage the leaves and fruits by fixation, and developing to second instar nymph, it migrated to annual to biennial branches before the leaves fallen, the second instar nymph overwintered. The population number of R. turanicus can increase 4.70 times in one generation with natural condition.The“predation and others”played the most important controlling effect in natural apricot orchard. The second natural enemy was parasitic enemy, its number got the summit period in middle ten-day Jul. to third ten-day Aug. The regression model between the loss rate of apricot and Rhodococcus turanicus. population was established as follow: y = 24.671Ln(x) - 16.56 (y:the loss rate of the yield, x: the population density of Rhodococcus turanicus,the unit was head/cm2),the correlation coefficient was (R2) 0.8226.The occurrence pattern of P. pentagona was two generation annually. Its fertilized imago overwinter in the branches. It began to take its food, and develop in middle ten-day to third ten-day March, the female insect began to lay egg in the middle ten-day to third ten-day period of April, the eggs began to hatch in ten days more or less. The nymph can develop imago. The mating occurred between male and female imago in June, the female began to lay egg in July. The second generation was hatched in the end of July. The second male pupa generaton came out in the end of Aug.The male insect eclosion and mating with female occurred in frist ten-day of Sep.5. The study of occurrence pattern and damage of Scolytus seulensis Mur.The occurrence pattern of S. seulensis was three generation annually.The damage can be see by S. seulensis imago in the first ten-day of May, the summit damage period happened in the middle ten-day of April, and it began to lay eggs.The active summit period occurred in the last ten-day of May, and the last ten-day of June and July, and the middle ten-day of Aug, first ten-day of Sep. The most active frequent was in July and August. The stem and branches which was 80-110cm and south-east orientation were damaged easily. There were high survival ratio of egg and larva in weak growth tree , rot disease, stem and branches with wound. The growth power became weak after being damaged,and the solubility sugar content in phloem increased gradually with the degree of being damaged, and the water content decreased gradually. There was some difference on solubility sugar and water content in apricot tree phloem to varying degree of being damaged.6. The study of occurrence patten and damage of Grapholitha molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and codling moth, Cydia pomonella(L.)The codling moth,Cydia pomonella(L.), Grapholitha molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and Anarsia lineatella Zeller were the main insects which bore the apricot fruit in apricot orchard, it occurred when the fruit was maturing and the sugar content was increasing gradually(the third ten-day of May). The frist fruit boring summit period occurred in the frist ten-day of June ( prior ripen of apricot fruit). The second fruit boring summit period occurred in the end of June to beginning of July ( end picking period of apricot fruit). The occurrence pattern of Grapholitha molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) was four generation annually. The imago population increased the summit period in the last ten-day of April, the frist ten-day of June, the middle ten-day of July, the last ten-day of Aug. to the middle ten-day of Sep.The occurrence pattern of codling moth,Cydia pomonella(L.) was three generation annually. The imago population was in the summit period in the last ten-day of April, the last ten-day of May to the frist ten-day of June, the last ten-day of June to the middle ten-day of July.7. The comprehensive control and management strategies to main pest in apricot orchardAccording to the results of the outhor himself and the predecessor’s, the agricultural, biological, physical and chemical prevention and control techniques to main insects in apricot orchard were summarized in this paper, the annual management plan of the main pest in apricot orchard were established.

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