

Research on Grain Industry Policy of China

【作者】 尹义坤

【导师】 胡胜德;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 时光荏苒,国情境迁,中国已经迎来工业反哺农业的时代,以科学发展理念为指引,采取政府推动,市场带动方式,城乡正在经历着经济统筹发展、社会共同进步,生态协调改善的二为一体,三维并进的科学发展态势。从经济角度来看,粮食是一种消费者生活必需品、工业原材料、农民收入重要载体与国民经济稳健发展的基础依托。粮食产业通过生产、流通与消费三个部门活动将城乡社会、经济与生态紧密地联系在一起,有着促进城乡共同发展,实现城乡由二元分割走向一体整合的经济潜能。从政治角度来说,粮食涉及一国居民生存、社会稳定与国家安全,从而使得粮食产业成为国家粮食安全目标实现的产业载体,承载着社会长治久安的基本功能。正是因为粮食产业具有经济与政治双重功能,引起粮食产业管理倍受各国历朝各代政府青睐与重视,尤其是在当前WTO规则框架下,我国正在坚定不移地利用各种对策措施,不遗余力地加强粮食产业管理工作,其中,通过朝纲政令来强化粮食生产、管制流通与引导消费,是最常用也是最有效的措施手段。运用粮食产业政策来引导粮食产业良性发展,需要以粮食产业政策有效力为前提条件,通常情况下,控制政策效力大小的决定因素之一在于政策设计是否存在缺陷,因此,粮食产业政策能否取得期望效绩,关键在于政策设计本身的科学性。理论上说,政策科学设计工作是一项无止境的工作,若政策存在设计不足,需要寻找问题的现实成因,然后有的放矢地根除病因,修复政策应有功效;若政策设计科学,未雨绸缪,需要对未来潜在问题进行防微杜渐地探析。从我国实践上来看,目前,新经济背景正在催动粮食产业政策发生流变,以工农平行发展为背景的粮食产业政策正在向前演进,适合新国情、新粮情的粮食产业政策体系正在生成,然而,新政策体系在辅射效能的同时,一些原有不合宜政策仍然被使用,在相当程度上羁绊着当前粮食产业发展,新政策潜在的问题正在逐渐浮出水平,在一定程度上制约着粮食产业的长足发展,这些问题都在说明当前运行的粮食产业政策并不理想,而问题重要成因在于演进设计存在缺陷,因此,科学设计粮食产业政策,生成合理的粮食产业政策体系已成为促进粮食产业新一轮发展的必然选择,本文依托这一现实背景,辟章分节地对中国粮食产业政策问题进行探索性研究:对粮食产业政策概念进行界定,归纳出粮食产业政策是指政府制定的对粮食产业整体进行效率性生产调控、均衡性结构调整,并给予粮食生产部门公平性特殊发展扶持、直接或间接干预粮食生产、流通与消费的生产、经营、流通与交易活动,引导粮食商品、服务、金融等市场形成和市场机制的建立,以及促进社会保障均等化实现的政策总称,基本内涵是粮食政策目标、政策主体与政策手段,其结构为生产政策、流通政策与消费政策;其次使用定性分析方法,从经济增长、公共品、政策效力和制度等四个角度对粮食产业政策的功能、供给主体、效力及设计条件等内容进行理论诠释,得出结论是:粮食产业政策属于公共品范畴,有辅助粮食产业经济稳定健康发展的巨大潜能,对粮食产业供给有效力的粮食产业政策是政府责无旁贷的责任,而有效力的政策一则要求一个政策目标需要由多个政策来支撑运行,二则需要满足有效制度的五个条件,从而使粮食产业政策研究有了深厚论理论的支持。对粮食产业政策历史沿革进行梳理和对现状进行描述,研究表明,在1949年至2009年期间,粮食产业政策呈现出财政投入项目内容逐步扩大,投入数量波动递增的趋势变化,从2004年以后,粮食支持政策项目容量出现迅猛扩增,财政支撑强度迅速走高,从而锁定依靠财政投入来支持粮食产业政策运行,引导粮食产业又好又快发展的路径。从现状来看,2004年之后,粮食生产政策发展速度最快,其次是流通政策,最后是消费政策,从而使粮食产业政策出现非均衡演进变化,这种变化不利于粮食产业政策整体效能的发挥,有可能将粮食经济引入政策“失灵”上的陷阱,使得粮食经济长效增长机制不保,佐证当前我国粮食产业政策演进存在问题。采用实证分析方法对我国粮食产业政策中存在的问题进行探寻,认为当前存在7个主要问题,从基础上阻碍着政策引导粮食产业发展的绩效,从深层次上制约政策期望目标的实现,最终束缚着我国高水平粮食安全建设的长足发展。问题成因主要归结为4个主要方面,一则政策体系本身固有的矛盾;二则政策设计存在不足;三则特殊经济发展阶段原因;四则政策运行存在不足。从经济、社会与生态三个角度对粮食产业政策进行评析,发现目前我国粮食产业政策经济绩效整体向好,但局部存在问题;社会效益不是十分明显,而且,在粮食安全度贡献率较偏的实情下,人口增长支持度走低趋势,将引起未来粮食产业政策社会总效益降低的风险;生态效益不佳,而且未来状况更另人堪忧。从总体绩效状况来看,目前,我国粮食产业政策不优良,需要系统设计和修偏演进。对世界主要国家与地区的粮食产业政策有益经验进行总结分析。研究表明,下面一些国际经验值得我国借鉴:美国粮食生产、流通与消费政策都是在统一框架下设计而成,政策体系内部呈现出明显的关联性、递进性与统一性特点;巴西完善的粮食价格政策体系,保证其粮食产业生产经营活动按计划有序展开,消费政策与社会救济政策相结合,取得粮食社会与经济效益共同增长的有益结果;欧盟实行有特点的收购与储备政策、鼓励粮食加工业技术研发政策和严格食品进口标准化控制政策,对减弱外部市场的冲击,保护欧盟内部市场的作用明显;日本运行重点补贴政策、粮食进口技术壁垒政策与口粮消费本土化引导政策,在促进粮食产业发展,改善粮食安全水平方面都起到积极的作用。在提出粮食产业政策设计思想和条件基础上,从短期、中期与长期等三个时间阶段入手,按照主体政策与配套政策内在相关联的要求,分别对粮食生产政策、流通政策与消费政策主体内容进行了科学严密地设计,客观地提出每一主体政策的配套政策,从而设计出一个短期、中期、长期相兼顾,主体政策与配套政策相兼容的相对完整政策体系设计。重点厘清短期粮食产业政策运行机制,研究表明,按照本文短期政策体系设计,生产政策以收入补贴为中核心,通过7支推动力、8支双侧动力与19支辅助动力,形成一个生产政策运行机制网络;流通政策以粮食流通企业发展政策为核心,以15支推动力、4支拉动力、5支双侧动力与17支辅助动力为基础,形成一个流通政策运行机制网络;消费政策以口粮食消费安全政策为核心,以8推动力、3支拉动力、1支双侧动力与9支辅助动力为基础,形成一个消费政策运行机制网络。通过三个核心政策按着一定的动力秩序运动,将三个政策板块联结为一个有机的粮食产业政策整体。针对破解粮食产业政策中存在的问题以及促进本文所设计政策的顺利运行,提出8项对策建议:建立推动粮食产业政策运行的观念支持;创新粮食产业政策运行所需要的产业发展思想;形成粮食产业政策运行的大环境;建立粮食产业政策监控机制;理顺粮食产业政策投入结构;强化粮食生产政策基础工作建设;加强粮食流通政策关键部位建设;加强粮食消费政策重点工作建设。

【Abstract】 With the time passing and changing of the chian′s situation, the great age which industry nutures agricultuer is coming in China, by the leading of the scientific development ideas, and taking the ways of government forcing and markt driving, the developments between citise and countries take on scientific states, that is, economics are developing with plan as a whole, and societies are jointly progressing, as well as entironment are harmoniously improving. From the economic point of view, the grain is a kind of necessities for the consumers to live, industrial raw matierials, and important carrier of income for the farmers, as well as basis for the national economy to smoothly develop. Through three department′s activities of grain industries among of the production, circulation and consumption, the social, economic and ecological are closely linked togerther between citise and countries, which is useful to jointly develope, to get achievement that the dual urban-rural situation integrate into one whole.From the political perspective, the grain industies is the basis of achieving the national grain security objectives, which carry long-term functions of social stability because the grain involves in survival of the population of a country, social stability and national security. Because grain industries have dual function of the economic and political, leading to the all of governments in the world have greatly paid an attention to manage grain industries all time and all the heritages, especially under the current WTO rules, China determines to use the variety of countermeasures in order to enhance grain industry management with the all of effort, through decree to strengthen grain production, control circulation and guide consumption, is the most commonly used tool that is the most effective measures.The effecitive policies are prerequisites for the smoothly development of grain industry. Usually, policy effectiveness degree are mainly determined by whether the policy design has flawed, therefore, the key factors are scientific design of policy for the grain industry to get expectational achievements. In theory, scientific design work is an endless job, it needs to find the real reasons caused the problem if the design is inadequate, then targeted to eradicate the cause, and repair the effectiveness of the policy, if the policy design is science, it needs to analyse portential problems in future. In the practical view, at present, the grain industrial policies are speedly changing and evolving under the new economic background and, new grain policy system is forming to fit the new conditions, however, some of the original policies are still used that have restrained development of the grain industry, and the new issues are becoming increasingly visible to greatly restrict the rapid development of grain industry, which explaine that the policies of grain industry is not ideal and the major causes attribute to the flaws of the design, so it needs to be designed by scientific ways, which has become a necessity for generating a reasonable system of policy to promote the development of grain industries, this dissertation relies on the background of this reality to research as follows:It defined the concept of the grain industrial policy, namely the total polices of grain are generated by the government, in order to control the efficiency of the whole grain industry, to balance the structural in the structure among of production, circulation and consumption, and to specially give production sector fairness to support it′s development, to directly or indirectly interfere with grain′s production, management, distribution and trading activities, and to guide development on grain′s commodities, services, finance market and market mechanisms, as well as to realize the equalization of social guarantee, the basic connotation of grain policies include policy objectives, main body and policy tools, its structure is mde up of the production policies, circulation policies and consumer policies. Secondly, using qualitative analysis methods, this paper researched on the function of the grain industry policy, effectiveness, main supply and design conditions, mainly drawing a conclusion that: the policies of grain industry belong to public goods which have enormous potential to support grain induxtries to stably and healthily develop, and it was duty-bound for the government to supply policies of the grain industry, while on the one hand the effectiveness of the policy calls for one objective to be supported by more policies,on the other hand it must meets the five conditions of the effective institution, so that the study of grain industry has been strongly supported by the theories.With the historical analysis in the dynamic and static methods, this paper described historical and current status, which showed that the grain industrial policy took on the gradual expansion for the financial input, and the increase of quantity in the period from 1949 to 2009, the financial support appeared rapid expansion and enhancing since 2004, and thus locked on the path of financial input to guide the grain industry for fast development., From the present status to view, after 2004, policy development of grain production wais the fastest, followed by circulation policies, and finally the consumption policy, so that it experienced non-equilibrium evolution, which unfavorably performed for policies of the grain industry, and it is possible to lead to policy "failure" of the grain economy, thus blocking the long-term growth of economic mechanisms in grain unsecurity, which indicated that the current evolution of China’s grain policy had some problems.With empirical analysis methods, this article found seven main issues that impede the achievement of policy to grow on the basis, and restricted realization of expectational goals of grain industry policy from more deeplevel, finally constrainted our country’s grain security to build. The primary cause came down to four main areas: (1) the policy system inherent contradictions, (2) shortcomings in policy design, (3) special stages of economic development reasons, (4) runing deficienciesFounding mathematical models and using economic indexs to evaluate performance of grain industry policy. Through evaluating from the economic, social and ecological point, we found that as a whole our economic policy performance was good, but still had local problems, social benefit was not obvious, and the lower rate of current grain safety contribute and the trends to support population for lower growth would lead the risk of lower benefits in grain industry policy in future, eco-efficiency was poor, and the future status was more worried.In a word, at present overall performance was not good, based on the promotion of the existing problem-solving, it needed to be systematically designed and repaired.It summarized and analysed beneficial experiences of major countries and regions in the world. Studies have shown that American grain policies of production, circulation and consumption were unified under the common framework, which took on the obvious correlation, progressive nature and uniformity characteristics. Brazil had the perfect grain price policy system , so as to ensure that the production of grain industry and business activities orderly ran according to government′s plans, the consumer policies and social assistance policies were combined to achieve growth between social and economic benefits of grain and to strengthen the role of the government’s macroeconomic control. European Union had the characteristics purchasing and reserving policies, encouraging to develop the technology of grain′s production, and implementing the strict food import standards control policy, which had obvious role to diminish the impact from external markets and protect the internal market.; Japan ran the focus subsidies policy, technical barriers policy of grain imports and grain consumption policy of localization, which had active role to promote grain industry development, and to improve grain security levels.According to objectively put forward policy design guiding ideology and conditions, this paper researched on system design of grain policy. From three periods of the short-term, medium-term and long-term, the main policies were respectively designed on production, circulation and consumer according to internal connection between the main policies and assistant policies, and designing a integrated system that three periods policies contact each other. The operating mechanism was clarified on short-term grain industry policies. Studies have shown that, according to this short-term policy system design, income subsidy was the core in production policies, and 7 drivers, 8 bilateral power and 19 auxiliary power to form a mechanism network, enterprises development was the core in circulation policy, and 15 drivers, four pull-power, 5 bilateral power and 17 auxiliary power to form a mechanism network, the security of food consuming was the core in consumption policies, and 8 drivers, 3branch pulling power, a bilateral power and 9 auxiliary power to form a mechanism network, three mechanism networks connected as a whole according to a certain dynamic order of movement.It put forward 8 countermeasures and suggestions in order to resolve problem in grian industrial policy and to promote the policy to smoothly operate, namely it should found the concepts to support operation of grain industrial policy; The ideas should be innovated to promote the grain industrial runing; The favorable environment of grain industry policy should be set up; It should establish control mechanisms for grain industry policy; It should rationalize the investment structure; The basic work should be strengthened in grain production policies, and in the key component of grain circulation and consumption policies.
