

【作者】 侯兴华

【导师】 何平;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 世界民族与民族问题, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 一个人不能两次踏入同一条河流,这不仅因为河流是流动的,同样,踏入河中的人也是流动的,而由无数独特个体组成的人类社会及其所创造的丰富的文化更是无时无刻不在流动中发展和变迁着。历史上,由于受自身生计因素和战争等外部因素的影响,致使傈僳族先民们不断迁徙。他们从青藏高原一路而下,进入雅砻江、澜沧江流域,翻过碧罗雪山到达怒江流域,然后再翻越高黎贡山辗转到缅甸、印度东北部和泰国北部地区,最终形成了主要横跨中国、缅甸、泰国、印度四国和散居世界各地的跨国境分布的跨国民族。由于他们之间相隔千里,地域环境的差异及主要受其所在国主体民族主流文化的影响,在整个社会发展过程中,傈僳族的社会文化随之发生了巨大变迁。本文主要运用宋蜀华先生的“纵横观”比较法,把历史文献研究法与民族学的实地田野调查法两种研究方法有机结合起来,以泰国清迈府的班伦寨为研究个案,探讨和研究傈僳族迁徙到泰国后及近40多年来他们的社会发展和文化变迁情况。这些发展和变迁包括社会组织与功能的发展及变化、经济的发展与演变、教育的发展及存在的问题、婚恋习俗的发展及嬗变、节日文化的发展和演变、宗教信仰的发展和演变、语言的变化、与泰族及政府关系的演变与发展。文化是一个极其抽象的概念,它的内涵和外延都比较宽泛,因此,文章从婚姻、节日、宗教、语言等方面的变化来阐述泰国傈僳族文化变迁的内容。当然,文化变迁还包含诸如建筑风格的变迁和服饰、饮食变迁等内容,但由于相关资料的缺乏和笔者个人能力所限,文章并没有或较少涉及到这些内容。根据结构,文章可以划分为绪论、正文和结语三个部分;根据内容,正文部分又可以进一步划分为四部分,即第一章为第一部分。这部分就傈僳族的族称族源、历史演进、迁徙原因、泰国傈僳族的由来与人口分布作了简要介绍,对后面的写作起到铺垫的作用;第二、三、四章为第二部分,这部分探讨了泰国傈僳族的社会变迁,内容包括社会组织与功能的演变,经济的发展与演变,教育的发展及其存在的问题;第五、六、七、八为第三部分,这部分从婚恋习俗、节日文化、宗教信仰和语言四个方面描述了泰国傈僳族的文化变迁;第九章为第四部分,本章专门研究了傈僳族与泰族及其政府关系的演变。下面逐一介绍各章内容。绪论部分交代了本论文的选题缘由与意义、国内外研究现状及评述、本文采用的研究方法、实地田野调查的过程和班伦寨的大概情况、本文的创新点与不足之处等五个方面的内容,目的是让读者对本文的前期写作准备情况及来龙去脉有一个大致的认识和了解。第一章介绍了傈僳族的历史源流,主要包括族称探析、族源追述、历史演进与发展、傈僳族迁徙的原因、泰国傈僳族的由来及人口分布等内容,对傈僳族各个时期的历史与发展进行了简单扼要地梳理。第二章理论联系实际,通过在“葫芦纠纷案”、“密之死”和“黄牛吃玉米”等具体案例中对人们行为方式的分析和比较,描述了泰国傈僳族过去及目前社会组织及其功能的不同,阐述其社会组织与功能的演变。第三章阐述了泰国傈僳族经济的演变和发展。文章首先介绍傈僳族传统的经济及文化,接着介绍泰国北部傈僳族50、60年代的经济结构,最后介绍今天班伦寨经济的发展与变化。第四章简单介绍了傈僳族传统的家庭、社会教育和学校教育的发展情况,分析了目前学校教育存在的问题——学生辍学人数较多的主要原因。第五章首先介绍了傈僳族传统的婚恋习俗,接着描述了泰国傈僳族传统的婚恋习俗,最后阐述了今天班伦寨婚恋习俗的嬗变——婚姻圈的扩大、歌声求爱场景的逐渐消失、结婚年龄的增加、聘礼的高涨和义务劳动的缩减、择偶要求和标准的变化。第六章首先介绍了中泰傈僳族最重要的登埂澡塘会、新米节、刀杆节、新年等传统节日,在此基础上阐述了泰国傈僳族新年文化内涵、外延及其功能演变的表现与原因。第七章通过介绍傈僳族原始传统宗教,班伦寨传统宗教信仰在村民们日常生活中的表现及其基督教传播概况,以此阐述其宗教信仰的演变。第八章主要通过比较泰国傈僳语的语音与我国傈僳语标准音的异同,介绍泰国傈僳语的变化。第九章首先介绍了历史上班伦寨与泰族的关系——由于相互误解,他们的关系一度非常紧张,被描述为欺骗与被欺骗的互相不信任的敌对关系;然后介绍了班伦寨与当局政府关系现状,即由于经济的发展,出现了国家利益与集体利益的不能兼顾的情况,导致村民们时常与国家森林局的工作人员发生冲突。但由于政府做了大量的工作,这些冲突很快得到平息,这说明,村民们与政府的关系已经出现缓和的局势。最后介绍了泰国傈僳族的自我认同与国家认同。

【Abstract】 A person can not enter a same river twice.This is not because the rivers are flowing all the time,but aslo the person are changing and the society which consists of unique persons and it’s colourful social culture are developing and transforming during the flow.In the history,because its livelihood and wars from outside, Lisu migrated frequently. They ran from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau into the Yalongjiang and Lancangjiang areas.Climbeding up the Mountain Biluo Snow into the Nujiang areas, getting across the Mountain Gaoli,they went to the Myanmar, Northeast parts of Indian and Northern Thailand and formed a cross--border ethnic group which mainly distributes in China, Myanmar, Thailand and India.Because of the far distance from each other and the influence of the main ethnic group’s culture where they live,during the social development Lisu society changed a lot.The dissertation uses the Mr.Guan Song Shuhua’s the Zong-heng method,mainly combines the methods of historical literature and field study,taking Ban Lum village as an example to research Lisu’s 40 years social and cutural transformation which includes Lisu traditinal social organization and its function developmenent and changes,economic development and changes,the developmen of education and its problems,the marriage custom’s development and changes,the religion’s development and changes,the language’changes,the Lisu-Tai and Tai government relashionship developmen and change. Of caurse, cultral transformation includs costume,diet and other changes.But because there is enough material available and the author’s low ability,the dissertation gives up them. According to its structure,the dissertation is divied into three parts,that is,the preface, the body and the tag; According to its content, the dissertation body is divided into four parts,that is, the first is the first part. This part gaves a brief introduction on Lisu’s historical background, migration reason, Thailand Lisu’s coming and population distribution; The second,third and fourth chapters are the second part. This part explores Lisu’social transformation, including its social organization and its function transformation; Economy development and transformation; Education development and problems. The fifthe sixth, seventh and eighth chapters are the third part. From marriage customs, festival culture, religion belief and language four aspects, This part expatiates Lisu’s cultural transformation. The ninth chapter is the last part which focus on relationship evolvement between Lisu people and Tai people and Tai government. As follows:The preface explains why the author chooses the subject and its significance, expatiates current studies of the scholars at home and abroad, research methods and give a brief introduction to field study, and innovations and shortage.The first chapter introduces the Lisu’s name,origins, evolvement and development. Discusses why Lisu migrate, its population and distribution.Via cases analysis, the second chapter describes the differences between former social orgnization and its function and current social orgnizaion and its function, telling its system’s evolution.The third chapter expounds Lisu’s economy change and development. The article first introduces Lisu’s traditional economy, then the Lisu traditinal economy in Northern Thailand, the economic change and development in Ban Lum village at last.The fourth chapter brifly introduces Lisu tradional education, such as famil education,society education and school education, then mainly focuses on school education’s problem, that is,lots of students drop out from schools.The fifth chapter first describes Lisu’s traditional marriage customs, then describes Tai Lisu marriage customs, describes Lisu marriage custom changes in Ban Lum, that is the enlargement of the marrigae range, the disappearing of court song,increase of marriage age, the upswing of betrothal gift and the curtailment of compulsory labouring,the changes of request and criterion for choosing a spouse.The sixth chapter discribes Lisu’s traditional festivals in China and Tailand, then discusses Tailand Lisu Spring festival transformations of its cultural meanings, extension and functions.The seventh chapter introduces Lisu’s traditional religion, the traditional religion behavior and Christianity development conditions in Ban Lum village to show Lisu religion’s evolution.The eighth chapter makes a sound camparison between Thailand Lisu and China Lisu to introduce language changes.The ninth chapter first introduces relationships between Thai and Lisu in history,that is, deceived and being deceived, mistrust; then the article introduces their current relationships, that is, with the social and economic development the benefit conflict between the state and villagers emerges. Villagers sometimes fight with government officials, but because government has done much work for villagers before the conflict quiets down soon. This aslo shows that the relationship between villagers and Thai government has eased up. And the dissertation introduces Lisu’s identity and national identity.

【关键词】 泰国傈僳族社会发展文化变迁
【Key words】 ThailandLisuSocial developmentCulturral Transformation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期
  • 【分类号】D562
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】787