

【作者】 张学琼

【导师】 肖宪;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 世界史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 冷战结束后,全球范围的第三次民族主义浪潮高涨。作为世界上最大的没有自己国家的民族,库尔德人争取自治或独立的斗争更加活跃。从1991年海湾战争到2003年伊拉克战争,从土耳其越界追剿PKK到土耳其加入欧盟,中东库尔德问题日益成为国际关注的焦点。事实上,库尔德问题由来已久,迄今已有近百年的历史。库尔德人长时间的民族主义运动贯穿了中东现、当代史。而自一战结束、奥斯曼帝国崩溃,库尔德人被分割到中东四个国家以后,库尔德问题就不仅挑战所在国内政,又深刻地影响着地区和国际关系。1958年伊拉克“七月革命”推翻君主制建立共和国、1967年的阿以“六·五”战争和1973年的“十月战争”、1979年的伊朗伊斯兰革命和1980-88年的两伊战争等,许多对中东有关国家乃至整个中东地区有重大影响的事件中,都可以看到库尔德问题在其中所起的作用。要真正全面、深入地了解中东地区,对库尔德问题的研究必不可少。加强对该问题的研究,有助于了解中东地区和中东主要国家的历史、现状及未来走向;有助于把握中东地区和国际政治格局,预测地区与国际关系的发展趋势;对中国发展同有关国家的关系、制定中国的有关对外政策也有重要意义。作为世界上重要的民族问题之一,库尔德问题的一些现象和规律,具有普遍意义。他山之石,可以攻玉,研究该问题,对认识和处理世界其他国家和地区的民族问题(包括我国的民族问题),也会有启示意义。目前国内学术界对中东库尔德问题的系统研究基本上还是空白,发表的论文屈指可数,尚无公开出版的专著。《当代中东库尔德问题》的写作以查阅英文文献资料为主,运用有关的民族主义理论和国际关系理论,以时间为经、以空间(库尔德人所在国)和重大历史事件为纬展开,包括历史回顾、现状分析以及对发展趋势的预测和展望,力图对中东库尔德问题的由来、发展、现状和走向作较系统、全面的梳理和审视。

【Abstract】 After the Cold War the third wave of nationalism rose all around the word. As the largest people without a country in the world, the Kurds’struggle for autonomy or independence became more active. From the 1991 Gulf War to the 2003 Iraqi War and from Turkey’s cross-border hunting PKK to Turkey’s effort for joining the EU, the Kurdish issue has increasingly become the focus of international concern. In fact, so far the Kurdish issue has long stand about one hundred years. The Kurds’long-time nationalist movements have gone through the modern history of the Middle East. Since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire by the end of the World War One and the Kurds were divided into Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, the Kurdish problem has not only challenged the domestic affairs, but also affected the regional and international relations deeply. July Revolution of Iraq occurred in 1958 overthrew the monarchy and established the Republic, Arab-Israeli wars of 1967 and 1973, Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979 and the Iran-Iraqi war during 1980-88, the role of the Kurdish question could be found in all of the events which concerned the related countries and the whole Middle East.To understand the Middle East comprehensively and deeply, the study of the Kurdish Issue is essential. The study of the issue will help us to understand the history, current situation and the future trends of the related countries and the whole Middle East, to grasp the regional and international political situation and forecast the developing trend of international relations. While all of these will be significant for China to promote relations with countries concerned and develop foreign policy. As one of the most important ethnic questions in the world, a number of phenomena and laws shown by the Kurdish question have general meaning. To observe and learn from these phenomena and laws will help us to understand and deal with the ethnic questions of other countries and regions (including our own ethnic questions).Currently, the systematic study of the Kurdish question is basically blank in domestic academic community. Only a handful of papers were published and there is no publicly published monograph. The writing of the Kurdish Question in the Contemporary Middle East is on the basis of accessing the English literatures mainly. The paper is organized in chronological order and focuses more on major events, trying to look through systematically and comprehensively the origin of the Kurdish question, its development, its current situation, its trend and outlook by using relevant theories of nationalism and international relations.

【关键词】 中东民族库尔德人库尔德问题
【Key words】 the Middle EastEthnic groupKurdsKurdish question
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期
  • 【分类号】D815.4
  • 【下载频次】806