

【作者】 吕志燕

【导师】 刘永佶;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 由于大量次级贷款形成坏帐,多家大型金融机构宣布破产,2008年的美国终于爆发了严重的金融危机,其影响迅速波及欧洲、日本等世界主要金融市场,次贷危机由此演变为一场世界性的金融“海啸”。21世纪初的这场金融危机,在号称有着全世界最先进、最完备的金融体系和管理制度,集中了全世界的金融精英的美国爆发,不能不引起国内外学者的广泛关注和热烈讨论。作为一个马克思主义理论的学习者和研究者,笔者也不禁陷入了沉思。自1825年英国爆发第一次普遍性生产过剩危机以来,周期性的经济危机就成为资本主义国家挥之不去的阴影。通过考察经济危机的历史不难看出,经济危机在不同历史时期以不同的形式爆发,表现出不同的特点。20世纪以前经济危机多以生产过剩的面貌出现,而到了20世纪30年代则表现为经济“大萧条”,到了70年代是“滞胀”,20世纪末期又以一些新兴市场国家爆发金融危机为主要特征,此次则以美国次贷危机为导火索。那么,不同类型的经济危机之间有何内在联系,其共同的矛盾根源是什么,危机形态演变的逻辑又是什么?经济矛盾是经济学理论的研究对象,自从有了经济危机,相关研究成果也就层出不穷,其中有些观点因得到广泛认可而成为经典危机理论。笔者将这些经典的危机理论归为两类:一是资产阶级经济学家的经济危机成因理论,二是马克思主义经济危机成因理论,并逐一进行了考察。变化了的现实要以发展了的理论作指导,在批判性的继承前人理论的基础上,笔者建立了一个分析经济危机的新视角,即从资本的内在矛盾运动出发去寻找危机爆发的根源和演变逻辑。扩张性是资本的本质属性,扩张是资本权利的扩展。随着资本权利的扩展,资本控制力得以强化,这就加深了资本与其控制对象之间的矛盾和斗争,也因此阻碍资本的进一步扩张。而经济危机正是资本矛盾激化的必然产物。只要资本在社会经济关系中居于主导地位,就必然会出现其扩张性与控制力的矛盾,经济危机也就不可避免。在资本主义发展的不同阶段,之所以会出现不同类型的经济危机,是因为在不同历史时期处于统治地位的资本形态不同,而不同形态的资本虽然面临的都是扩张性与控制力的矛盾,但矛盾的具体表现却是不一样的。产业资本是资本最早实现规模性扩张的资本历史形态,对于产业资本来说,其扩张集中表现为生产规模的扩大,在扩张过程中产业资本不断增强自身对劳动等生产要素和殖民地的控制力,这种控制力日益强化,抑制了社会购买力,使得扩张生产的大量商品资本无法转化为货币资本。因此,产业资本主导下的矛盾集中表现为生产过剩。尽管生产过剩的危机一再爆发,资本仍未停止扩张的步伐,且逐步演变到垄断阶段,通过垄断进一步强化资本对各种生产要素的控制,强化大资本对小资本的控制,强化工业资本对商业资本的控制,以此获取超额垄断利润。垄断使得产业资本的矛盾愈加尖锐,危机的爆发频率加快,破坏程度加剧,这些都迫使资本不得不寻求新的方式进行扩张和增殖,金融资本就在这样的形势下应运而生,并取代产业资本成为居主导地位的资本形态。金融资本是银行资本与产业资本的联合,是资本的统一体,因而其规模和扩张能力都空前提高。金融资本的扩张不仅在银行部门内进行,而且向其他经济领域全面渗透,这就意味着金融资本的扩张是产业领域和金融领域的双重扩张,因而引发的矛盾也是双重的,既表现为银行危机,又表现为生产过剩。金融资本的矛盾终结了资本在实体经济领域继续扩张的企图,资本开始寻找不经过物质的生产和流通也能增殖的新渠道——虚拟资本。货币完全虚拟化后,借助于各种金融衍生工具和大量混业经营的金融机构,虚拟资本在全球范围内追逐着疯狂扩张的梦想。然而,虚拟的帐面增殖最终还是要靠实体经济中的剩余价值来提供,一面是被控制而萎缩的实体经济,一面是疯狂扩张的虚拟经济,二者之间的矛盾终将以金融危机的形式爆发。直到今天,虚拟资本依然主宰着世界经济,发达国家通过印制所谓的“硬通货”而可以不用生产就享受发展中国家提供的各种物质产品和服务,资本主义的腐朽性和寄生性在虚拟资本身上表现得淋漓尽致。人类要想彻底消除经济危机的影响,就必须彻底摆脱物对人的控制,摆脱资本对劳动的控制。

【Abstract】 Since a large amount of subprime lending formed the bad account, several large financial institutions declared their bankruptcy; a serious financial crisis was ultimately breakout in US,2008. Its influence spread over the major financial market (as EU and Japan) worldwide rapidly. So the sub-prime crisis evolved into a global financial "tsunami." This financial crisis break out in the US, Which claims to have the world’s most advanced and complete financial system and management system, concentrate the global financial elite, attracted extensive attention and discussion from both the domestic and foreign scholars. As a learner and researcher in the domain of Marxist theory, I felled into meditation.After the first universal overproduction crisis broke out in U.K., cyclical economic crisis became a lingering shadow for the capitalist countries. Through studying the history of economic crisis, we can find that economic crisis break out in different forms various with the times development and present its distinctive characteristics. The economic crisis before the 20 century break out in the form of overproduction; while in the 1930s the economic crisis emerge in the way of "great depression"; by 1970s the economic crisis appear as "stagflation"; in the end of 20 century, the crisis was characterized by the financial crisis break out in some "emerging market countries"; In this crisis, the U.S. sub-prime mortgage crisis becoming the detonation cord. So, what is the internal links among different type of economic crisis? What is the common contradiction of various economic crisis? What is the logic of crisis Morphological evolution?Economic contradiction was the research object of the economic theory, a lot of related research outcomes appeared since the emergence of economic crisis. Some of these viewpoint received a widely recognition and became the classic crisis theory. The writer grouped these classic crisis theories into two categories, one is the causes of the economic crisis theory by the bourgeois economists; the other is the causes of economic crisis theory in the domain of Marxism. The writer studied them intensively. The changed reality should be guided by the theory that has already been developed. On the basis of critical inherited the predecessors’theory; the writer established a new perspective for analyzing the economic crisis, which is to start from the inner contradictory movement of capital to find the root causes of the crisis and the evolution of the logic. Expansionary is the nature of capital, and also expansionary of capital’s rights. In the process of the growth of the capital’s rights, the control force of capital is also been increased gradually and the contradiction between capital and the others under its control. It will restrain the expansionary of capital. The economic crisis is the inevitable production of the capital’s contradictions being intensified. As long as capital occupied the dominant status in the socio-economic relations, it is inevitability to exist the contradictory between expansionary and control force, this lead to the arise of economic crisis.The reason for various type of economic crisis emerge in different stages of capitalist development is that in different historical periods the dominant form of capital is different, although different type of capital confront the same category of contradiction between expansionary and control force, the concrete manifestation of the contradictions is diverse. Industrial capital is the first historical form of capital to achieve the scale of expansion. For the industrial capital, its expansion concentrated on the expression of production scale. In the process of expansion, the industrial capital continually improves his control force to the factor as labor and colonial. When this control force increased to a certain extent that inhibits the social purchasing power, a large amount of production which has been expanded would not be converted into monetary capital. So, the contradiction under the guidance of industrial capital epitomized overproduction.Despite the repeated break out of overproduction crisis, the capital was still not stop the pace of expansion, and gradually evolved into the monopoly stage. Through monopoly the capital further strengthen the control to various factors of production, large capital strengthen the control to the small capital; industrial capital strengthen the control to the commercial capital; in this way they can obtain excess monopoly profits. Monopoly makes the contradictions of the industrial capital increasingly acute, the frequency of the crisis breakout been speed up, the disruptive level been increased, these compelling capital to seek new ways for expansion and proliferation. In such a situation financial capital emerged, replaced the industrial capital and became the dominant form of capital.Financial capital is not only the combination of bank’s capital and industrial capital, but the unity of capital. Hence both its ability to expand and the scale have been unprecedented increased. The expansion of financial capital not only limited within the banking sector, but also penetration to other economic sectors. This means the expansion of financial capital is the dual expansion both in the industrial areas and the financial sector, this triggering the contradiction is also double, which showed in the ways of the banking crisis and the overproduction. The contradictions of financial capital stop the attempt of capital continue to expand in the real economy. Capital began looking for a new channel that could proliferation without going through the production and circulation of material---that is fictitious Capital. After the full virtualization of currency, the fictitious capital chasing the crazy dream of expansion globally on the basis of a variety of financial derivative instruments and a large number of mixed financial institutions. However, the proliferation of virtual book ultimately depended on the residual value of the real economy, one side was the shrinking real economy that had been controlled, the other side was crazy expanding fictitious economy, the contradiction between these two sides eventually leaded to the broke out of financial crisis.To this day, fictitious capital still dominated the economy globally. Developed countries enjoy a variety of physical goods and services by the developing countries through the printed of so-called "hard currency" rather than their own production. The decadent and parasitic of capitalism show vividly in the fictitious capital. If Humans want to eliminate the impact of the economic crisis completely, we must get rid of the Materials’control to people and the capital’s control to the labor.
