

【作者】 徐薇

【导师】 王建民;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 人类学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文通过角色来展现自我与社会之间的互动关系。角色联结着自我与社会。自我怎样通过符号、行为阐明其自身在社会中的角色?自我的经验中哪些是由特定的历史地域文化背景造成的?哪些是人类所共有的?对于这些看似宏大复杂的问题,人类学的解答方式是从微观的田野民族志个案入手。本文所讨论的自我是游走在乡间的二人转艺人,他们生活在黑龙江乡村社会特殊的地域历史文化背景中,有着民间艺人的特殊身份职业背景。二人转艺人有着独特的生活经历与生命体验,他们所扮演的角色既表现在舞台上,又反映在日常生活中。这些角色嵌入在更广阔的社会文化背景中。探讨艺人自我与角色之间的关系及其变化,能帮助我们理解二人转与乡土社会文化中稳定与变化的部分。我试图捕捉这些关系与变化,探寻艺人角色的转变,追述他们的理想与愿望,并重点解析艺人在不同场景与情境中的行为与话语,以及与艺术创作行为之间的关系。以此来了解艺人创作的文化理念,发现背后的概念系统和意义体系,认识并理解与之相关的其他许多因素。最终目的在于理解与阐释二人转艺人的生活方式与文化内涵,实现人文学科共同的学术取向:通过人解读文化,通过文化解读人。艺术反映了人们的关系,人们的关系也构成了艺术。‘各种仪式场合赋予艺人展现自我及其艺术风格的空间,仪式以强烈的情感对社会与文化作出某种迂回间接的表达,仪式亦使抽象的伦理道德观念、宗教原则等规范更加戏剧化,使这些枯燥的内容具体化并与人们的现实经验相结合。这是人类学研究产生洞见的地方,要通过田野调查来发现,以民族志的方式来呈现。然而我们必须看到,诸如二人转这样的传统民间戏曲,它更多地流传在人们的日常生活里,不论是艺人还是百姓,从小浸染其中的人们“张口是戏,闭口还是戏”,可见,传统戏曲化人之深。于是,对二人转的理解就不只是在表演它的地方,更需要对人们日常生活实践的理解和关注,同时不能忽视演绎这门艺术的人,他们的人生经历、情感愿望,通过艺术形式来呈现,所谓人生如戏,戏如人生。本文由导论、五章正文和结论组成。导论部分,我在反思借鉴前人研究的基础上,提出了自己的理论取向和研究方法,并对相关术语进行解释。本文的主体部分按照艺人在不同场景中的转换分为五部分,包括村子、家庭、江湖、仪式、信仰等。第一章介绍艺人生活的背景,人与自然环境是互为依存的关系,地域环境影响着人的生活方式,反过来,人的生存方式赋予地域环境以文化意义。第二章考察黑龙江乡土社会中民间艺人小平与小玲夫妇的个体生存状态,他们不仅传承和发展了二人转,也将这种特殊的表演生活与个人生活交织起来,形成了一种特殊的生活方式。第三章进一步理解艺人生存与斗争的场域——江湖。这是一个外在于家庭、内在于社会的场域,有着自成一体的规则与秩序,是艺人自我社会化的必由之路。第四章重点分析艺人在红白喜事中的表演过程,艺人通过表演沟通了传统与现代、阳世与阴间、活人与神鬼,他们乐此不疲地穿梭其间,并根据社会环境和人们观念的改变而随时进行改编和创造。第五章考察了民间信仰“跳大神”,分析民间艺人如何推动这一民间信仰的变迁及其背后的原因。在结论中,我指出艺人扮演了再现与推动乡村社会变迁的角色,艺人的角色随着社会的变迁以及表演场合的变化,有着潜移默化的改变。在乡村社会中,艺人成为乡土传统的承载者、传播者与改造者。为了更好地理解艺人与历史、与社会、与艺术互为建构的关系,把握艺人的情感与愿望,本文力图将田野调查与文献研究相结合,强调切身体验的重要性,充分关注艺人的所思所欲所想,同时尝试民族志电影的拍摄与制作,努力实现“分享”的人类学。这些均成为本项研究在理论和方法上的创新之处。

【Abstract】 This dissertation shows the interaction between the self and society by means of role which joins up the self and the society. But how does role express itself by symbols and actions? Which kind of specific historical and regional backgrounds form the self experience? Which part of these backgrounds is shared by all the human beings? Anthropology has its own way of researching specific cases and individuals to answer these questions which seem macroscopic and complicated.The self in this dissertation are the performing artists of Errenzhuan Performance who travel around the countryside. They live in a special regional and historical culture which is the countryside in the Heilongjiang Province in China. These performing artists, as folk artists, have a special occupation and status in society. Their roles on the stage will affect their real lives and this gives them a different experience and understanding of life. Research on the changing relationship between the self (artists) and their roles helps us to capture and understand the stable or changing relationship between Erenzhuan Performance and culture in the countryside society. The dissertation tries to capture those changes and to investigate the transition of roles of artists, and to learn their dreams and aspirations. And it also focuses on their actions and languages in different scenes and occasions so as to discover the conception system and other factors behind their art creations. The ultimate aim is to understand and express Erenzhuan artists’life styles and culture connotation, so as to carry out the academic orientation of humanities:Study the culture from man, and/or to study a man from the culture.Art reflects the relation between people; people’s relation breeds the art. All kinds of ceremonies and occasions give artists a stage to express themselves and their artistic style. The ceremonies reflect the society and its culture in a certain indirect way through strong emotions as expressed by the artists. These ceremonies dramatize the ethics, morals and general behavior of society, and try to link the audiences with their real life experiences. This is the point which gives insight to the anthropologists, as to how the study should be carried out through field work and ethnography. But we should notice that, the traditional folk performances such as Erenzhuan performance spreads better in people’s normal lives than only in ceremonies. Whether it’s the artists or the audiences, they’re all deeply influenced by the performance. Thus, to understand Erenzhuan, the study should concentrate not only on the artists’performance but also should focus on all the peoples’daily lives and social practices, including the self of artists. The entire world is a stage and everyone has his/her part.This dissertation is formed by Introduction, the body (5 chapters) and Conclusion. In Introduction, the dissertation raises its own theory and research methods based on the reference and introspection on existing researches. The 5 chapters in the body detail 1) the village,2) the home,3) the Errenzhuan society,4) the ceremony and 5) faith and beliefs. The first chapter introduces the background of artists’lives. The regional environment affects life there and the people’s life gives cultural meanings to the environment. Man and environment rely on each other. The 2nd chapter investigates normal lives of artists Mr. Xiaoping and Mrs. Xiaoling. They are a couple who developed Erenzhuan, and they interlaced the art performances and real lives together forming their special life style. The 3rd chapter researches further into the field where the artists struggle with each other for life in their own world. This is a field outside home but inside society which has its own rules and order. The 4th chapter analyzes the Erenzhuan performance in weddings and funerals. Artists, by performance, linkup between traditional and modern worlds, between this world and the ’nether world’, between human beings and gods. They never get tired to do so and they can make change and creations according to the changing society and people’s minds. The 5th chapter inspects ancient’vision quests’, and investigates how and why the Erenzhuan artist developed it. In conclusion the dissertation points out that the artists played a role to reconstruct and drive the transition of countryside society, and the role changes unobtrusively according to the performance occasions and developing society. In countryside society, these artists are the carrier, blazer and modifier.In order to understand the interacting relations between artists and history, society and art, and to learn the emotions and willing of artists, the dissertation tries to combine field research and documentary research, emphasizes importance of self awareness, and pays enough attention to artists’ thinking and wiling. In the meantime, the ethnography movie recording and editing are being tried.

【关键词】 二人转仪式表演自我角色社会变迁
【Key words】 errenzhuanceremony performanceselfrolesociety transition