

【作者】 高小岩

【导师】 郝时远;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 回族是拥有1000万左右人口的中国最大少数民族之一,数世纪以来已经形成了中国大多数城市里的回族社区。如今这些传统的回族社区和居民正在面临着城市化和现代化的双重压力和冲击。由于其人口广泛地分布在中国各大城市,与主流社会的频繁互动和置身于世俗社会中传统宗教和生活方式,回族可以作为范例和观察的视角来研究中国少数民族的认同、适应和协调问题。北京是中国首都,是作为政治和文化中心的大都市,拥有多元多民族的城市文化。北京的居民成分涵盖56个民族,有近30万回民遍布全城。比较起北京,兰州仍然是一个发展中的城市,是相对落后的中国西北的中心城市之一。中国西北是一个民族宗教成分复杂多样的地区,穆斯林文化在这里具有一定的优势,将近一半的回族人口生活在中国西北地区,因此,兰州市保持了相对典型的回族文化,它与北京有共同点,也有差别。认同与文化变迁是研究民族的重要考量指标,回族的认同更是纠葛于国家、宗教和民族的几重交错关系下而显得扑朔迷离。笔者就回族认同的几种说法和建构认同的物化指标以及心理指标一一分析,得出随着城市生活的便捷和居民认知水平的提高,认同将会带有更多的主观选择成分,成为散化趋势下族群社会单元的有机网结点,构建起一张看不见的无形的网络。虽然城市里少数民族一直在增多,但是几乎在各个城市里都能够以点形成面、由面发散点的最具规模的还是要属回族,而其认同曾经是其独特社区结构“斋马提”的心理指标,这种融汇教区和社区的地域基层单元就是流动中建构的生存方式的网络体系。这种基于宗教而形成的架构形式在城市化、现代化和年轻一代意识的多重选择下趋于消褪,以往将宗教与民族混同的认同将让位于民族的认同形式,在都市多元化的冲击下有从族缘转化为社缘关系的可能性。变迁是都市社会重新形塑居民的主要手段,都市回族一直是以高度灵活的适应性来与社会互动和调适融入社会生活中的,改革开放以来的三十年是中国社会发展变化最大的时期,同时也是都市回族文化急剧变迁超过以往的时期。城乡二元体系的逐渐松动、计划经济向市场经济的转轨以及思想意识的整体进步相应的引起都市回族群体衣食住行各方面的变化,其中一部分是与其他族群单位没有区别的普同型变迁,另外一部分是带有民族文化烙印的部分,比如说居住格局“斋马提”的消退、瓦解和重构,婚姻符号中族群边界的弱化效应,经堂教育被国民文化教育丰富其内涵等。认同与变迁既有区别,又有联系,不能用相互隔绝孤立的眼光来看待研究两者,认同对民族起到一种聚合的功能,而变迁则对族群聚合具有解构和销蚀的作用,如果民族文化在强势文化的冲击下,归于瓦解,则势必会影响到族群成员的心理感受,造成归属感的缺失和社会文化转轨的失序,因此越是在变化迅速的全球化时代的都市社会当中,多元文化才显得弥足珍贵,需要留意保护。而认同正是在文化变迁过程中的稳压器与调节阀,任何僵化、封闭的认同都是不存在的,必须用发展变化的眼光来研究认同。回族在城市里始终保持了较有特色的民族社区,并不断随着时空变换,不断调整着适应形式,一方面践行伊斯兰教的天命观积极入世,另一方面坚守自身的文化宗教,“融而不化”又“和而不同”一定程度上是认同和变迁达到某种平衡机制的良性表现。即便在城市里年轻一代的宗教文化意识有所淡化的情况下,以往与“斋马提”相适应的流动中建构的行商经济、诚实守信的价值观念以及互利平等的社区和谐观念等都保留下来了,而且因生活地域条件的差异因地制宜,发展出富有特色的回族文化形式。都市回族是少数民族城市化中的一个范例,基本上保持了自身的民族特点,又与主体社会有着频繁、良性的互动,更丰富了城市多元文化的内涵。从自身来说,都市回族的生存和发展是适应力强的结果,从宏观来说,是中国传统文化中“和合”成分在现实中的反映,其中也包括回族伊斯兰文化中和谐的积极成分,回汉民族关系长期交融,持续接触,已经完全发展出相互熟悉、相互适应的成熟族群相处模式,在很多情况下,彼此关系的表现形式是朋友关系、同事关系和邻居关系等而不是民族关系。与主体社会的积极互动为共同面对和处理好认同与变迁的阵痛创造了很好的条件。都市社会的未来趋势必然是多元化,如何处理越来越多的其他族群融入城市生活的问题,就需要对这种游离中沉淀的回族适应方式进行研究,探讨族群相处的普遍模式,在分析其经济、文化、社会内涵之外,更多蕴含的是一种“尊重差异、包容多样”的价值观和“和合”思想,通过笔者在兰州和北京两地长达两年多的田野调查,揭示了回族的文化认同和亚社会单元结构,使其能够在社会的转轨期中不至于迷失,与主体社会保持“和而不同、融而不化”的关系,始终在社会转轨中调整适应方式,维持族群“合”的有机形式而不至于崩散,这种形式已经持续了一千多年,而且会继续延续下去,变消极适应为主动调整,其维持族群“合”的机制始终是与“和”相伴始终的,既有血缘的联系,又有文化的联系,简言之回族本身就是“起于天方,孕于中华”的产物,回族文化早已沉淀内化为汇聚各民族精华的中华文化的组成部分,成为中华文化合力构建中的涓涓细流之一。而回族亚社会单元始终在城乡经济链条中和社区良性发展中发挥着积极作用,成为多元族群社会中“尊重差异、包容多样”理念在现实中的先导性范例。

【Abstract】 The Hui Nationality is an ethnic minoriy with a biggest population of almost 10 millions in China, which formed the Hui communities in most cities in China in the past several centuries. These traditional communities are facing the same destiny and theme under the background of lash of urban modernization. Hui people can be an example and perspective to observe identity, adaptation and co-operation of ethnic minorities because of wide-spread population all over China mainly in cities and towns, active reaction with mainstream, typical religion and lifestyle different with the secular society.Beijing is the Capital and one of most important political and culture metropolises of China with the multi-culture of Chinese ethnic groups. Beijing is also a city with its residents of different 56 Chinese ethnic groups especially nearly 300,000 Hui people living all around the City. Comparing to Beijing, Lanzhou is still a developing city while it is a center of relatively poor and backward northwest China. Ethnicity and religions in northwest China is complicated and diverse. A lot of people here are affected with dominant Islam culture and a half of population of Hui people live in northwest China, in consequence, Lanzhou remains most typical culture of Hui-people and it has some sameness and difference with the Hui-people in Beijing.Identity and culture transfer are two important indexes in researching ethnic groups and identity of Hui people is extremely complicated because of the relationships among nation, religion and ethnic groups. Considering several viewpoint of identity for Hui people, evidence and psychological index for supporting it, identity will become more subjective and joint-point of multi-ethnicity society just like an invisible net in the trend of dispersion. Although the population of ethnic minorities has been becoming more and more in the past many years, Hui people always have more different communities than any other Chinese ethnic minorities, their identity is psychological index of unique Jammat which based on the education zone and community, Jammat has formed its net-work based on mobile lifestyle. Identity has decreased especially for young generation in modernization and urbanization and it has potential to transfer from relationship of inter-ethnicity to relationship of inter-communities. Identity confused by religion and ethnic groups has replaced by identity for ethnicity absolutely. It is possible that identity will change from ethnicity to community with a shock of multi-culture in urban area.Culture transfer is main method of re-shape residents. Urban Hui people is always adjusting and melting actively to the social life. Past thirty years which carry out Opening and Reforming policy is the fastest periods of the history of Chinese society, it is the fastest period of development of Hui culture than ever too. Loose of separate system of urban city and countryside, transformation of Planning Economy to Market Economy, progress of ideology results in changes in the living of Hui community. Some change has no difference with the other ethnic groups, some of it has effect of ethnic background, such as decrease, collapse and rebuilt of Jammat, weakening ethnic boundary of marriage, replacement of religious education by national education.Identity is different with culture transfer but has relationship with it, so they are not isolated with each other. Identity can make ethnic groups unite closely, meanwhile culture transfer also decrease it. If ethnic culture is destroying by an attack of dominant culture, it will affect feeling of ethnic group members and it also resulting of missing of belongings and disorder of culture transfer, so multi-culture is more and more important in urban cities in a globalization and need to be protected. Identity is just like a valve in the process of culture transfer. There is no any ossified and closed identity, so we should research the Hui people in a flexible way. Hui people have kept their traditional communities and participated in the social life actively according to philosophy of Islam, and adjust the social changes from time to time. Identity and culture transfer are in their balance. Even if the religious ideology of young generation are weaker, original business structure, honesty characteristic and harmony value which based on Jammat are all kept until now, Hui people also have special culture in different areas.Hui people in urban cities is a sample of urbanization of Chinese ethnic minorities, they keep their characteristic basically and interact frequently with the society mainstream as well as contribute with multi-culture in urban area. Urban Hui people adjust the environment quickly and have made mature and suitable brotherhood with Han people because of contacting each other for a long time. This is harmony in traditional Chinese and Islam culture to the real life. The relationship between individuals is more likely relationship between friends, colleagues and neighbors not inter-ethnicity. It is possible to transfer traditional culture to modern culture with an active reaction with society main-stream. The trend of development must be multi-culture.It is necessary to research adjustment of Hui people in order to solve the problem of melting with different ethnic groups in urban life, so study for mobility and adjustment of Hui people is very meaningful to deal with the issue of getting on well with different ethnic groups in common ways. The value of respecting differences and embracing diversity and the philosophy of harmony will become more and more important besides economics, culture and sociology part of research. The secret of Hui people is that melting and adjusting the surrounding flexible though a investment of author in Lanzhou and Beijing for more than two years, that is why identity and sub-society unit of Hui people do not missing. Hui people have insisted on organic livelihood and life style of always melting in society but keeping their tradition for over 1000 years and they will continue in the following future years. The organic system of harmony is combined with consolidation and has consanguinity and culture tie with the rest of society. In a sentence, Hui people is a nationality combined with Islam which originated with ancient Arab and Chinese culture in ancient China, Hui culture is one part of Chinese culture integrated with cultures of all ethnic groups in China. Hui community is always playing an active role in economic chain in countryside and urban cities and precedent sample of respecting difference and embracing diversity in reality.

【关键词】 回族都市认同变迁
【Key words】 Hui PeopleUrban CitiesIdentityVicissitudes