

【作者】 崔明玉

【导师】 徐万邦;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文采用文献法和实地调查、个案分析法,从民族学、民俗学、社会学视角对朝鲜族传统婚礼文化进行专题研究。本研究不局限于文化事象,而是从传统与变迁、仪式的象征、仪式的功能、传承与保护等方面,进行了整体研究。论文共分为八个部分:绪论、结论以及正文六个部分。绪论部分主要写论文选题的意义,梳理国内外的相关研究成果,指出论文与相关研究的联系与区别,并且就论文的研究内容、研究方法予以说明。第一章分三个部分:对延边朝鲜族自治州的总体情况进行介绍;对朝鲜族从朝鲜半岛迁入中国的背景以及迁入过程进行阐述;对朝鲜族文化的构建过程及认同过程进行阐述。第二章分四个部分阐述朝鲜族传统婚礼。第一部分阐述朱子家礼在朝鲜的传播过程。第二部分阐述朝鲜族传统婚俗从“男归女家”过渡到“亲迎”之礼,再次折衷两者演变为“半亲迎”之礼的历史背景、实施情况以及朝鲜族中曾经存在过的几种婚姻形态。第三部分阐述过去朝鲜族传统婚礼的婚礼程序。第四部分对朝鲜族传统婚礼中的服饰、饮食、装身具的文化性质与意义进行探讨。第三章主要分三个阶段回顾在国家意识形态与时代变化的背景下,朝鲜族传统婚礼仪式所发生的变迁。第一阶段是迁入初期至1965年。此时期又可细分为三个阶段。即,迁入至1931年之前;1931年“九·一八”事变后至建国初期;建国初期至1965年。此时期的婚礼文化,虽然发生了一些变化,但它的总体趋势是延续了之前的朝鲜族传统婚礼文化。第二阶段是文化大革命时期。受“左”倾思潮的影响,朝鲜族婚俗中的一些传统被当作迷信的或封建的东西而遭废弃。婚礼程序省略化,婚礼内容简单化,传统婚礼文化处于仪式的断裂时期。第三阶段是1977年至现今。“文革”结束之后,传统婚礼在延边地区重恢复。现今,随着全球化和市场经济的发展,朝鲜族婚礼文化又不断地受现代文明的冲击,进行了传统文化与外来文化的融合。第四章对朝鲜族传统婚礼的仪式过程与象征进行分析。首先,根据范·根纳普(Arnold Van Gennep)的过渡礼仪模式,将朝鲜族传统婚礼分“分离”-“阈限”-“重整”三个阶段,分析其通过仪式过程。其次,对朝鲜族婚礼中的实物象征、行为象征、言语象征、颜色象征和方位象征进行分析。第五章研究朝鲜族传统婚礼的功能与意义。社会和文化系统赋予某一种仪式以特殊的规定性。许多仪式的功能是事先被规定的社会意义所预设,这些价值预设在相应的仪式以及它们的目的和目标上,或在名义上已经有附丽。笔者用一章的篇幅来论述朝鲜族传统婚礼的功能,主要从支付与社会关系建设、教化、传承、认同与凝聚等方面,详细分析朝鲜族传统婚礼对社会群体和个人的功能与意义。第六章在保护非物质文化遗产的视野下,审视朝鲜族传统婚礼的传承,分析朝鲜族传统婚礼中存在的问题,以及为保护朝鲜族传统婚礼提出参考建议。最后在结论部分,概括全文内容。

【Abstract】 Using Literature Review, Field Work and Case Analysis, the paper conduct a monographic study on korean traditional wedding culture from this perspective of Ethnology, folklore and Sociology. The study is not r estricted to research on cultural item,but make a holistic research in cha nges of korean traditional wedding culture, symbol of ceremony, functio n of ceremony, the Inheritance and Protection, and so on.The paper is divided into eight chapters,including introduction,Concl usion, the main text consisted of six chapters.Chapter one is mainly divided into three parts.Firstly, introduces total situation of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture. Secondly, explains historical background and procedure of immigration of Korean nation from Korean Peninsula. Thirdly, states the process of construction and cultural identity of korean culture.Chapter two mainly contains four parts, explaining traditional weddings of Korean nation. Part one state the spread of zhuzi jia-li. Part two mainly explain the changes of traditional wedding customs, including nan gui nv jia, etiquette of qinying, etiquette of half- qinying. Part three expound the real popular wedding procedure of korean traditional wedding. Part four extract wedding dress, wedding diet, wedding zhuangshen et al of korean traditional wedding from culture entirety, and discuss its’nature of culture and meaning.Chapter three mostly reviews the changes of Korean traditional wedding with the changes of national ideology and times in three stages. The first stage is from the start of immigration to 1965, which can be subdivided ino three phases, which is Immigration to 1931, Mukden Incident of 1931 to Early China, Early China to 1965 respectively. During this period of time,although wedding culture made some changes, the overall trend is kind of continuation of Korean traditional wedding. The second stage is Cultural Revolution. Due to the influence of left trend, something of the traditional wedding was thought as superstition and feudalism, and was abandoned. The wedding procedure was reduced, wedding content was simplification. During this period of time, Korean traditional wedding culture was classified as lag period of ceremony. The third stage is from 1977 until now. after the Cultural Revolution, Korean traditional wedding is springing up again in Yanbian. Nowadays Korean traditional wedding continuously suffers the impact of modern civilization, and has been carring out the blending of traditional culture and exotic culture.Chapter four mainly analyzes the procedure and symbol of ceremony of Korean traditional wedding. Firstly,according to ceremony mode of Arnold Van Gennep,the paper divide Korean traditional wedding into three phases, which is isolation, liminality and Restructuring respectively, and explain the ceremony procedure. Secondly,the paper analyzes the symbol of physicals, symbol of actions,symbol of speeches, symbol of colors and symbol of directions during the process of Korean traditional wedding.Chapter five mostly study the function and meaning of Korean traditioanl wedding. Every ceremony is endowed with special meaning by the system of society and culture, in other words,the function of many ceremonies are fixed through society meaning in advance. Conducting ceremony research, we should particularly emphasize its’intern function of integrity except emphasizing the external function, idiosyncratic function and analytical function. The chapter,from the respective of construction function of social relation, social indoctrination and enhancing national cohesion and identity,mainly detailed analyze the significance of korean wedding for social groups and individuals.In the sight of intangible cultural heritage,Chapter six mostly inspects the Inheritance of Korean traditional wedding, analyzes the existing problem of Inheritance, makes reference suggesstions for protecting intangible cultural heritage of Korean traditional wedding.Chapter seven concludes the paper.

【关键词】 朝鲜族传统婚礼象征功能传承
【Key words】 Chinese-koreantraditionalweddingsymbol functionInheritance