

【作者】 陈安娜

【导师】 曾思奇;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 文学反映生活,在数十年间不断发展壮大的现代台湾原住民文学如同一座内涵丰富的宝山,里面蕴藏着原住民族千百年积累下来的山海经验和人生智慧。本文尝试从现代台湾原住民文学中探寻台湾原住民的历史风貌、文化体系以及当下的生存状态;探讨在当今提倡多元文化的历史背景下,作为台湾非主流文化的原住民文学存在与发展的现实意义。台湾原住民是台湾岛最早的居住者和开拓者之一,语言学、人类学以及考古学的数据表明,他们生活在台湾的历史可以追溯到七千年前。千百年来,台湾原住民在山林海河间过着遗世独立、与世无争的宁静生活,形成了独具特色的风俗文化。这些属于原住民特有的智慧、情感以及体验都在现代台湾原住民作家的笔下释放出与众不同的光辉,让我们得以揭开台湾原住民族的神秘面纱,更真实地感受到他们生命的脉动。随着时代的发展,特别是现代资本主义经济体系对台湾原住民传统社会的冲击,原住民原有的部落氏族制度、传统的宗教信仰以及语言文化都走向衰亡。身处劣势的原住民在传统与现代之间挣扎与彷徨,努力在现实生活中寻求属于自己的生存空间。对此,现代台湾原住民作家以客观的笔调展现了原住民在现实社会中所遭遇的困顿、迷茫以及为改变自己乃至族群的命运而进行的努力与奋斗,真实地反映了原住民在社会变迁中的现实处境。现代台湾原住民文学记载着原住民的过去,述说着原住民的现在,展望着原住民的未来。我们从现代台湾原住民文学中读出了原住民历史文化的厚重感、现实处境的严峻性以及原住民对于本民族发展道路的反思与期待。本文的第一章主要是从现代台湾原住民文学追溯原住民的历史。在原住民传统社会尚未瓦解之前,部落会所制度曾经是保障一个部落正常运转的核心枢纽,而以部落会所为中心的年龄组织,则是原住民男青年生命中必经的成长仪式,它见证了部落少年从青涩走向成熟的历程;部落中传统女性的命运沉浮史也在原住民作家的笔下得以展现,让我们感受到了原住民女性原始的生命魅力;此外,部落中各种传统的祭典仪式也记载着原住民的历史足迹,它们重现了原住民部落昔日的辉煌以及独特的生命礼俗;在近代,台湾原住民族的英勇抗日史则为原住民的历史增添了豪迈的英雄主义色彩;而到了二十世纪80年代,台湾原住民兴起的民族运动则书写了原住民维护民族权力的新篇章。台湾原住民的历史画卷在现代原住民作家的笔下得以一一呈现。第二章主要是从现代台湾原住民文学看原住民别具一格的族群文化。打猎是原住民族古老的生存方式之一,他们在与山林共处的时光里,发展出了独特的狩猎文化,体现了原住民的生存智慧与生存法则。现代原住民文学作品不仅展示了昔日猎人的飒爽英姿,也描写了现代猎人的无奈与悲哀,失去了山林的猎人还能做什么?原住民文学述说了原住民猎人文化从辉煌走向衰败的过程。而与原住民生活息息相关的酒文化,也经历了从神圣到恶俗的命运转折。现代原住民文学在描述原住民族酒文化变迁的过程中,也向我们揭示了原本颇具深刻内涵的酒文化演变成当今原住民社会严重的酗酒问题的社会成因。此外,原住民文学中的黥纹文化则向我们展示了黥面纹身这种被其他民族认为是野蛮落后的风俗习惯,其背后所具有的深刻文化内涵。它在台湾原住民族传统社会中,不仅是神圣庄严的成年礼俗,还有其独特的社会功能,代表着黥面纹身者的社会价值,曾经是原住民引以为豪的标志。对于这些行渐消失的族群文化,许多原住民作家从各个不同的角度表达了缅怀之情。第三章主要是从现代台湾原住民文学看原住民的精神世界。“山”与“海”是台湾原住民族文学作品中永恒的主题。对山的热爱,对海的依恋,以及台湾原住民族在与自然共处的过程中形成的山海经验,都述说着原住民与山林海河之间曾经立下的、至今依然坚守的关于生命的誓言与承诺。山林海河不仅为原住民的族群延续提供了坚实的物质基础,更是他们的精神家园。原住民族的山林哲学和海洋智慧,体现出他们对自然的热爱和尊重,这是他们延续族群生命的法则,也是他们能与自然和谐共处千年的奥秘所在。他们这种朴素的自然观至今仍值得现代社会加以借鉴。而原住民族独特的丧葬习俗,则反映了他们豁达的生死观:死亡是对生命的回归,这些豁达的世界观也铸就了原住民乐观的民族性格,让他们将自己的生活过得“原”汁“原”味,极富族群特色。第四章主要是从现代台湾原住民文学看原住民的现实处境。现代台湾原住民文学作品对原住民在现实生活中的苦难与困惑给予了深刻的关注,探讨了在都市中生存的原住民所面临的一系列社会问题。其次,以原住民作家的成长历程为例,探讨了台湾原住民在身份认同上的矛盾与抉择,写出了原住民在当今台湾社会所遭受的不平等待遇,以及原住民作家对自己身份和族群文化的最终认同与回归,道出了原住民现实生存处境的不易和艰辛。最后,探讨了台湾原住民族文化主体性重构的问题,阐述了原住民作家如何尝试以“第一人称”的主体身份来书写本民族的历史文化,努力开创属于原住民自己的文学书写空间。结语是对现代台湾原住民文学的几点思考。我们从现代台湾原住民文学中看到了台湾原住民这群山海的子民传承千年的历史文化、辽阔的心灵世界以及充满挑战的现实处境。对于台湾原住民文学的未来,我们相信以山林海河为文学传统的台湾原住民文学必将越走越远,获得更广阔的发展空间,因为民族的,就是世界的!

【Abstract】 Literature reflects life. The modern Taiwan aboriginal literature which has continuously developed and grew during several decades, is just like a mountain which had hidden rich culture of forest and marine and valuable life wisdom of Taiwan aborigines. The dissertation tries to discuss the history and culture as well as the real situation of Taiwan aborigines which were showed by the modern Taiwan aboriginal literature, and to discuss the reality significance of existence and development of the Taiwan aboriginal literature under the historical background which calls for multi-culture.Taiwan aborigines are the earliest inhabitants and exploiters in Taiwan. The quantitative data from linguistics, anthropology and archeology have showed that their history could be tracked to seven thousand years ago. They have formed particular mode of existence, customs and culture for thousands of years. All of these are released distinctive life brilliance by the writing of the Taiwan aboriginal writers, which make us unclose the mysterious veil of the Taiwan aborigines and feel pulsation of their life.With the development of the times, the modern capitalism economic system has made impact on the traditional society of Taiwan aborigines, their original tribal clan system, traditional religious beliefs as well as language and culture declined. Taiwan aborigines have been struggling between tradition and modern, and searching for their living space in reality. The modern Taiwan aboriginal writers impersonal exhibited confusion and misunderstanding that aborigines suffered in reality, which have reflected the real situation of aborigines in society.The modern Taiwan aboriginal literature records the history of aborigines, narrates current situation of aborigines and expects the future of aborigines. We have learned the massive sense of aboriginal history and culture, the severity of their current situation as well as the reflection and expectation of aborigines to their folk.Chapter I in the dissertation mainly discusses the history of Taiwan aborigines which was showed by the modern Taiwan aboriginal literature. Before the traditional society of Taiwan aborigines had not collapsed, the clan chamber system was once an important organization which kept a tribe run normally, and age organization which centered around the clan chamber system was the rite of passage for every young man to undergo necessarily in the tribe, which witnessed a little boy become a mature man. And the life impressions of traditional women in tribes also were showed by the writing of the aboriginal writers; we can feel their charming characters from these literary works. Besides, all kinds of traditional tribe fiestas also have kept the trace of aboriginal history, which have recurred their splendid past and particular life customs. In modern times, the history of Taiwan aborigines fighting against Japanese invaders also added a bold heroism to the history of Taiwan aborigines. After 1980s, the modern national movement of Taiwan aborigines has written a new chapter of aborigines asserting national authority.ChapterⅡmainly discusses the particular folk culture of Taiwan aborigines which was showed by the modern literature of Taiwan aborigines. Hunting is the oldest way for aborigines to survive for life. The modern literature of Taiwan aborigines not only showed the heroic bearing of hunters in old days, but also described the grievance of modern hunters. What can the hunters do without mountain and forest? Besides, wine culture that was closely linked to the life of aborigines also underwent the fate transition from holiness to bad custom. The modern literature of Taiwan aborigines explained the reason why good wine culture turned into serious drunk problem in aboriginal society. And tattooing culture in aboriginal literature showed us the particular culture connotation of the custom.Chapter III mainly discusses the spiritual world which was showed by the modern literature of Taiwan aborigines. Mountain and sea are the everlasting theme of the literary works for Taiwan aboriginal writers. Mountain and sea not only provided aborigines with substance, but also was their spiritual home. The forest philosophy and sea wisdoms of aborigines embodied aboriginal respecting for nature, which not only was the rule of continuing ethnicity of aborigines, but also was the knack for aborigines to coexist with nature harmoniously. Besides, the particular funeral customs of aborigines also reflected their broad-minded outlook of life and death, all of these modeled their optimistic characters, and made them live a life which was full of ethnic flavor.Chapter IV mainly discusses the real situation of aborigines which was showed by the modern literature of Taiwan aborigines. These literary works have focused on the tribulation and puzzlement of aborigines in the true-life, and discussed a series of social problems that the aborigines living in the cities had faced to. Then, taking the course of Taiwan aboriginal writers’growth for example, the chapter discusses the conflict and choice of Taiwan aborigines on their identities, all of these showed the difficult and hardship of the aborigines’real life. Last, the chapter discusses how Taiwan aborigines reconstruct their culture as a dominant one, elaborating how the aboriginal writers wrote the history and culture of their folk in the first person and explored the literary writing room belonging to aborigines.The epilogue is the thinking and prospect on the literature of Taiwan aborigines. We have learned Taiwan aborigines’long history and culture, vast spiritual world and challenged real situation from the Taiwan aboriginal literature. About the future of Taiwan aboriginal literature, we believe that Taiwan aboriginal literature taking mountain and forest as a source of creation will go farther and farther and access to a broader space for development, because nation’s is global!
