

【作者】 赵金灿

【导师】 胡坦;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文是一篇描写鹤庆白语的论文。论文采用参考语法的范式和体例,以现代描写语言学、比较语言学、语言类型学为指导,较为详细对鹤庆白语的语音、语法和词汇进行了系统描写,从中归纳出鹤庆白语一些主要特征和语法规则。论文分为四个部分,第一部分“第一章绪论”主要介绍以往白语研究取得的成果和面临的难题,分专著和专题对各家研究作了简要的评价;第二章简要介绍了鹤庆的自然地理和人文社会等背景知识,以及论文采用的理论方法和语料的来源、鹤庆当地语言使用情况。论文的第二部分“第三章语音”详细归纳了鹤庆白语的音位系统,包括音节搭配关系和音变方式。论文第三部分“第四章词汇”主要论述了鹤庆白语的构词方式。第四部分,第五章至第十章是整篇论文的主体,借鉴了汉语语法研究方法,以词法为中心进行语法描写,通过词类划分、词组、句式以及句类和复句的探讨归纳出鹤庆白语语法的若干主要特征。论文最后附有鹤庆长篇语料和白语词汇表。一、鹤庆白语的语音特征:有一套送气清擦音,没有卷舌音。韵母紧喉和非紧喉音对立、鼻化和非鼻化对应整齐;复韵母较多,有一组带卷音色彩的软腭音韵母。有8个声调,包括紧喉的55调。白语音节结构简单,没有辅音韵尾,均为开音节型。白语句尾合音音变的现象很常见。二、词序是鹤庆白语构词主要手段、构词方式有十种。词缀只有为数不多的几个,常见的是a前缓和tsi33、pau55、mau33后缀等。白语四音格词非常丰富,结构形式多样,表达能力强。鹤庆白语受汉语影响深刻,有大量的汉语借词,这些汉语借词具有不同的历史层次,来自不同的汉语方言。三、虚词和语序是白语表达语法意义的主要手段,但同时具有一些形态标志和形态变化。鹤庆白语语序灵活多变,最主要是SVO,但同时存在SOV和OSV两种语序类型,宾语的移动能表达多种语法功能。鹤庆白语量词非常丰富,量词和指示代词、数词结合,在名词后充当后置定语,除了表示数量范畴外,白语量词还有表示事物有定和无定、事物情状等语法功能。人称代词有数和格的变化。传统数词和汉语借用数词两套混杂并用。白语动词多数为单音节词,用虚词来表示各种语法范畴。介词多来源于动词,常和名词或代词构成介宾结构充当句子成分。(?)是最为活跃的助词,有多种含义和用法。白语修饰语多数情况在中心语之前,少数在中心语之后。鹤庆白语既有前置否定词,也有后置否定词和曲折变化的否定词,白语固有的否定词总是在句尾。白语关联词也体现出汉白混合的特点。白语短语可分为五种词组和四种结构,词组的结合方式和句子的结合方式比较一致。与汉语一样,白语的词类和语法成分之间是一对多的关系。鹤庆白语语法与剑川白语、下关赵庄白语有明显差异,特别是在虚词方面。在汉藏语言之中,白语语法和汉语的共同点多于与彝语、藏语等藏缅语言的共同点。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is a description of Heqing Bai language. With reference grammar as its model and guided by the theories of modern descriptive linguistics, comparative linguistics and language typology, a relatively systematical description of sound, grammar, and lexicon of Heqing Bai language has been made. Based on this, some characteristics and grammar rules have been generalized.The body consists of four chapters. Chapter one is an introduction of the achievements and problems in Bai language study. A brief valuation to different schools has been made from monograph and special topic respectively. Also it is introduced as to the theories and methods adopted, source of data, background knowledge of Heqing’s geography and human society in the chapter two. Chapter three is on sound that summarizes the phoneme system of Heqing Bai language, relations of syllable collocation, and principle ways of sound mutation. Chapter four concentrates on word morphology. In this body of four chapters, research methods from Chinese grammar are used for reference. The grammar description focuses on lexicon morphology by classification of word classes, phrases, and syntactical constructions in order to summarize some main grammar characteristics of Heqing Bai language. At the end the long context of data and an appendix of lexicon table of Heqing Bai langauge is provided.(1) The phonetic features, e.g. Relatively more aspirated consonants, having a set of aspirated unvoiced fricative, while lacking of retroflex. Tense and lax vowels are distinctive, nasalized and non-nasalized sounds rightly correspond. Relatively more double finals are found, with a group of retroflex final. There are 8 types of tones, with a tone of tense 55. The syllable structure of Bai is simple, lacking of consonant coda, and all is open syllable.(2) A few affixes. The prefix’a’and suffixes’tsi33’,’pau55’,’mau33’are commonly seen in Heqing Bai language. Heavily influenced by Chinese, there are abundant Chinese loan words in Heqing Bai language. Constituent order is one main way of lexicon formation, which may differ in ten types. Bai language is rich in four-syllable words, which feature with diverse structures and more expressiveness.(3) Empty words and constituent orders are two main means to express grammatical relations in Bai language, meanwhile some morphological markers and morphological changes are available. Constituent orders in Heqing Bai language are flexible and changeable, among them SVO dominates, yet SOV and OSV coexist. Left-movement of an object may yield multifunctional grammar. Similar with Chinese, there exists a one-to-many-relation between word class and grammatical element in Bai language. The way of phrase combination is very much the same to the one of sentence combination.There are rich classifiers in Heqing Bai language. That combining classifier with pronoun and number may be determiner after a noun. Except for indicating meaning of number category, classifier in Bai language also function definite and indefinite, modal and the others. Personal pronoun has mutation in number and case. Two sets of numbers, namely the traditional one and the Chinese-loaned one mix in use. Most verbs in Bai are monosyllable and empty words are available to express various grammatical categories. Preposition develops from verb, and usually constituting PO construction with noun and pronoun to be a syntax element.’n(?)33’is the most active auxiliary which shows more meanings and usages. In most case modifier postposes its head, while a few precedes the head. Three kinds of negatives occur in Heqing Bai language, e.g. preceding negative, postposing negative, and inflectional negative. The inherent negative always locates at the end of a sentence. Connective in Bai language characterizes by a mix of Chinese and Bai language. The grammar of Heqing Bai language differs apparently from the one of Jianchuan Bai language, and Zhaozhuang (at Xiaguan in Dali City) Bai language. In the family of Sino-Tibetan languages, Bai and Chinese enjoy more similarities than the one of Bai with Yi, Tibetan and other Tibeto-Burmese subfamily languages.
