

【作者】 张竞艳

【导师】 丁石庆;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 语言不仅是一种交际工具,更是一种文化载体和信息载体,是人类认知的必要手段和维系民族情感的重要纽带。在某种意义上,语言也是一种民族精神和民族智慧的集中体现。民族文化的盛衰与本族语的存亡直接相关。羌族是我国西部地区一个古老的少数民族。已有研究认为羌语属于活力降低、已经显露濒危特征的语言,当前面临的严峻现实是羌语的交际功能弱化,转用汉语的人群不断增多。母语的代际传承不容乐观,在许多地区已经成为当地羌族“记忆中的语言”。无论从其本身的文化价值还是从使用情况来看,对羌语的调查研究迫在眉睫,其具有极为重要的理论价值和现实意义:其一,可以丰富我国语言国情的调查研究。其二,可以丰富我国的羌学研究。将语言、文化和社会紧密结合的研究目前在学界已逐渐达成共识。本研究将羌语的使用现状与其社会、文化背景紧密结合,弥补了过去在羌语功能研究上的薄弱之处。其三,羌族积累了许多在多语言、多文化的社会环境中保持本族语和本族文化的宝贵经验。对羌族语言现状的调查,我们可以发现影响其社区、家庭和个人语言选择差异的相关和关键性因素。通过揭示羌族语言功能演变与社会、文化的共变性规律,可为我国其他少数民族尤其是无文字民族语言文化的传承与发展提供借鉴,有助于探索我国无文字民族母语的保持模式。其四,5.12汶川大地震以后,羌族文化的保护和重建在国家的重视和民众的关注中拉开了悲壮的一幕,危机背后暗藏机遇,机遇面前又挑战重重。本研究成果可以为相关的语言研究、语言规划、政府决策提供现实的建议和参考。本论文依循人类语言学的研究特点,重视语言的文化性质和文化价值,关注羌族语言文化的历史与现状,强调在社会文化背景中研究语言事实并灵活运用多学科综合的研究手段。论文使用参与观察法、问卷法、访谈法等获得了第一手的田野调查材料;使用社会统计学的方法对调查材料进行数据上的处理;使用文献法,充分利用文献资料和前人的研究成果;综合人类语言学、文化语言学、社会语言学、描写语言学的方法对材料进行阐述。文章根据羌族在语言选择上的社区、家庭和个体差异,首次尝试从语言功能的角度对其进行类型上的划分,并予以系统的分析。论文主要包括以下六章,第二章到第五章是其主体部分。绪论:主要说明选题的目的与意义、相关研究动态、论文的写作思路与框架、写作方法等。第一章:分为三小节。第一节交代羌族的族源和人口分布情况;第二节以羌族的生产方式、身份、社会状况的改变为线索概述羌族的发展情况;第三节从羌语的分布、羌语的特点两个角度概述羌语(南部方言和北部方言)的情况。第二章:汇总羌族主要居住区茂县、汶川等地的田野调查材料和统计数据,从社区语言、家庭语言和个人语言三个角度描述羌族的语言使用现状。第三章:分析羌族语言选择的社区差异。通过对比研究,从语言功能的角度,主要按生存环境、生计方式、居住类型的不同对羌族语言社区进行类型上的划分。第四章:阐述羌族语言选择的家庭和个体差异,并予以分类。家庭差异主要与家庭结构、婚姻状况、社会地位、经济情况等因素相关,个体差异主要与性别、年龄、职业、文化程度等因素相关。第五章:语言自身特点和语言外部因素模塑了一个民族的语言态度。本章以田野调查资料为基础,从语言的自身特点和语言外部因素入手,描述并分析了羌族在语言态度上的差异性。第六章:羌族地区在认同、生态等问题造成的母语危机中进发出的点点微光或许正是母语传承和复兴的希望所在。本章从母语危机、语言政策等角度对羌族的母语传承问题展开讨论,并从物质、制度和心理三个层面对羌族母语传承的趋势进行预测。

【Abstract】 Language is not only a communication tool but also a carrier of culture and information. It is a necessary cognitive means and an important link to maintain national sentiment. In a sense, language is the concentrated expression of national spirit and wisdom. The fate of the national culture is directly related to its language.Qiang is an ancient ethnic group in the western region of China. The previous studies suggest that Qiang language has revealed some features of an endangered language. Its energy is on the decline. It’s a fact that the communicative function of Qiang language has been weakened. More and more Qiang people switch to only use Chinese. So we can not be optimistic about the intergenerational transmission of Qiang language. In many areas that Qiang people inhabited, their mother tongue has become a memory of the elders. The investigation of Qiang’s language status is necessary because of its theoretical and practical significance.Firstly, the investigation is important for the studies of ethnic group’s language situation in our country. Second, it can enrich the studies of Qiang. When a group’s language is studied, the cultural and social background of the group must be given our attention. The way has gradually reached a consensus. This dissertation compensates the study of Qiang for the weakness in this aspect. Third, Qiang people have accumulated much invaluable experience in a multi-language and multi-cultural social environment to maintain their mother tongue and ethnic culture. Through the investigation of Qiang’s language status, we can find out the key factors that affect their communities, families and individuals in language choosing. These researches can be used for the other ethnic groups of our country in their culture heritage and development. It’s very helpful to explore the pattern of maintaining ethnic groups’mother tongues by revealing the developing rules of Qiang language’s function. Especially, it’s significant for those groups having no their native character. Fourth, after 5.12 WenChuan Earthquake, unprecedented attention was given to Qiang culture. The state made a good save to the protection and reconstruction of Qiang culture. Behind the crisis, it’s the opportunities to develop the ethnic group’s culture. But be faced with so many challenges, it’s a long way to go. The researches can provide feasible recommendations and reference for related language research, language planning, and government’s decision-making.Language has the nature and value of culture. This dissertation follows the research way of anthropological linguistics. Based on the past and present situation of Qiang’s language and culture, it brings the research of Qiang language into its cultural background and social environment. The original materials are obtained from field work by using the ways of participant observation, questionnaires, and interviews. Then the dissertation processes the data by using statistical methods of social survey. It also makes good use of previous research findings and available literature on the subject. The author accounts for the peculiarity of Qiang’s language and culture applying methodology of anthropological linguistics, cultural linguistics, social linguistics and descriptive linguistics. The dissertation tries to group the differences of communities, families and individuals in Qiang people’s language choosing from the perspective of language function. Furthermore, it analyses them systematically.The dissertation consists of six chapters. ChapterⅡto Chapter V is the main part.Introduction:This part introduces the purpose and academic value of choosing the topic, the related research developments, the basic ideas and framework of the dissertation, writing methods, etc.ChapterⅠ:This part is divided into three sections. The first section tells the origin, population and distribution of Qiang. The second section outlines the development of Qiang including its mode of production, identity and social status. The third section describes the distribution and features of Qiang language including southern dialect and northern dialect.Chapter II:This part covers the field materials and statistical data of the main residential area of Qiang, Maoxian and Wenchuan. The author describes the status of communities, families and individuals in Qiang people’s language choosing.ChapterⅢ:This part mainly analyses the community differences of Qiang people in choosing language. Through comparative studies, the author classifies the types of communities according to the important differences of environment, modes of production, and living patterns.ChapterⅣ:In this part, the author analyses the families and individuals differences of Qiang people in choosing language. The differences of families are closely related to family structure, marital status, social status, economic conditions and other factors. The individual differences are mainly related to gender, age, occupation, education level, etc.ChapterⅤ:Qiang peoples’language attitude varies widely in different communities and families. The individual differences also exist even in the same family. Based on the field materials and statistical data, this part analyses some decisive factors in these differences.ChapterⅥ:Faced with the crisis of Qiang’s mother tongue in recognition, ecological environment and other problems, the inheritors’passion may be our hope for the inheritance and rehabilitation of the mother tongue. This part discusses the inheritance of Qiang’s mother tongue and predicts its trend of development.

【关键词】 羌族语言选择文化社会社区
【Key words】 Qianglanguage choiceculturesocietycommunity