

【作者】 李剑

【导师】 李鸣;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族法学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “凉山彝族”是操彝语北部方言,自称为“诺苏”的彝族支系,他们主要居住在四川省境内黄茅埂以东至金沙江畔,北至大渡河的地理区域。由于山水的阻隔,古老的彝族“原生态”文化受中央王朝及周边文化的影响相对较少,从而较多地保留了其自身的诸多特性。凉山彝族习惯法源远流长,体系完备,内容详细周全,富有民族特色。运用习惯法调解纠纷,是凉山彝人从古至今延续千百年的纠纷解决方式。本文试图借助具有典型性的案例,考察凉山彝族的纠纷解决体现出来的特点及一般性。论文的写作首先是在描述,描述凉山彝族解决纠纷的传统和特性,展现其中所蕴含的经验智慧和合理性,同时也反映当代的习惯法在国家法律冲击下的变迁。与此同时,本文并不限于陈列规范或者案例,研究个案的落脚点不在其自身,而在于借助个案探讨一些一般性的法学命题。论文的写作希望达到两个目标,一是站在文化相对论的立场,描述凉山彝族特有的历史文化所造就的纠纷解决方式,同时解释文化的特性对于规范和纠纷的影响;另一方面,本文试图从微观迈向宏观,从特别中看到一般,即通过观察凉山彝族这个个案,从中提炼出有关纠纷解决和法律变迁具有普遍性的性质和规律。在方法上,本文围绕案例,并主要采用以“行为主体”为中心的过程分析,即所谓“方法论个人主义”的向度。这种方法强调把焦点对准纠纷中的个人,把规定他们行为的种种具体因素仔细地剖析出来,例如他们置身于其中的社会状况,他们的利益所在,与其他人之间的社会关系,制约着人们行为的各类规范,以及纠纷调解活动的策略运用和程序展开等。论文第一章首先描述“彝人”眼中的规范、秩序与纠纷。凉山彝族在漫长的历史生活中构筑了一个完整而独特的意义世界,彝族人对于自己的法律规范和法律文化自有一套独特的解释系统,这套系统包括本土语汇特有的概念、分类和范畴,还包括本地人对于理想的社会秩序以及纠纷解决的最终目的的看法。借助概念化的描述以及对于案例的分析,本章展示了彝人独特的以“伍兹节威”为核心的规范体系,以及“和谐”与“尊严”并重的价值观念系统。论文的第二章着重分析凉山彝族纠纷解决的事实、规范与合意的问题。在对于“事实”问题的讨论中,文章借助典型案例对“自然事实”与“法律事实”之间的关系进行了分析。通过对比彝族习惯法与国家法律对于“自然事实”的不同关切与认定,继而提出法律上的事实不是自然产生的,而是由文化和社会的逻辑建构的。同时,纠纷解决活动对于习惯法规范的产生具有重要意义,彝区经典判例“盗猫”赔偿规则和“盗羊”赔偿规则的来历使我们看到习惯法规范诞生的鲜活过程。在对于习惯法规范的过程分析中我们发现,纠纷解决的过程不是简单地按照规范对案件进行逻辑推论,因为经常没有什么单一、明晰、现成的规范可以直接用来“推论”。纠纷解决必然需要根据事实搜寻“关联规范”,这个“法律发现”的过程是一种主观能动性的张扬,这个能动性即包括当事人的主张和要求,也包括第三方的判断。本章第三节,我们对纠纷调解的核心问题——合意形成的过程进行了分析,首先,当事人和解的意愿以及最低限度的相互理解和共识是纠纷和解的潜在前提——“前合意”,其次,合意的形成及内容受到多重因素的影响,除了习惯法规范意外,各种“社会学因素”同样发挥着极为重要的影响。论文第三章探讨彝族纠纷解决的角色、程序与策略问题。文章首先对纠纷从产生到和解的流程进行了概述,接着对调解前当事人对于场景策略的运用以及程序的展开等问题进行了描述和分析。而在彝区的纠纷正式调解的过程中,既存在着固定程序的规定,又存在无程序或反程序的临时性安排,彝区调解活动的最终目标始终围绕着“和解”——程序不过是服务于合意的灵活措施,这与法律形式主义将程序本身视为“正义”的理念具有很大的区别。同时,第三方在彝区的纠纷解决活动中发挥着至关重要的作用,文章借助案例,对于第三方的策略、功能、利益以及纠纷解决的模式等问题进行了生动地探讨。论文第四章集中探讨当代凉山彝区法律多元背景下的纠纷解决问题。国家的改革及相关政策法制的推行体现出阶段性的特征,不同阶段的差异直接对彝区的规范与秩序造成了不同的影响。在当代的凉山彝区,国家司法机关的“坎上法庭”与彝族民间调解的“坎下法庭”同时存在,两者不可避免地存在着对于权力领域的争夺。而二元的法律体制也为置身其中的纠纷参与者设置了两难困境——选择任何一种解纷方式,即可能冒着另一种体制的否定评价。笔者认为,当代凉山彝区“国家法-习惯法”的二元分离与对立,既有制度体系、文化价值观念及社会-法律秩序的“真实”成分,也有人为因素以及学术话语的夸大和“想象”的成分。当代彝区法治建设的开展,应当充分尊重作为“主体”的彝族群众以及纠纷参与者的利益、诉求和主观能动性的发挥,只有充分调动彝区社会各种不同的纠纷解决机构的力量,同时分工合作,建立制度化、“立体化”的解纷格局,才能为彝区的秩序稳定、法治发展与纠纷化解营造光明的未来。

【Abstract】 "Liangshan Yi" is speaking the northern dialect of Yi language, self-styled "nousu" branch of the Yi, who live mainly in the Sichuan Province to the east ridge Jinsha huangmao River, the Dadu River to the north of the geographical area. As the landscape of the barrier, the ancient Yi "original ecology" culture by the Central Empire and surrounding cultural influences relatively small, and thus more to retain many features of its own. Liangshan Yi Nationality has a long history of customary law, the system is complete, thorough and detailed, full of national characteristics. The use of customary law, dispute resolution is the continuation of thousands of Liangshan Yi antiquity to the present dispute settlement.This paper attempts with typical cases, examining Liangshan Yi dispute resolution reflected the characteristics and general. Writing paper first in the description, describe the Liangshan Yi and characteristics of the traditional dispute resolution, to show them the experience inherent in the wisdom and rationality, but also reflects contemporary customary law under the impact of changes in national law. At the same time, this article is not limited to specifications, or display case, a case study of the end-result is not its own, but in the case of using some general propositions of law. Thesis writing hope to achieve two goals, one standing on the position of cultural relativism to describe the unique history and culture of the Yi in Liangshan created by the dispute resolution methods, but also explains the characteristics of cultural norms and for the impact of the dispute; the other hand, this paper attempts From micro towards the macro, from the special to see the general, that is, by observing the Liangshan Yi in this case, from which to extract the relevant dispute settlement and legislative changes and laws of universal nature.In the method, this paper around the case, and are mainly used as "agents" as the center of process analysis, that is, the so-called "methodological individualism" in dimension. This approach stressed the need to sharpen the focus on disputes between individuals, to require them to conduct a careful analysis of various specific factors out, such as their exposure to the social situation in which their interests lie, and other social relations between the constrained the people’s behavior in various specifications, as well as the use of dispute resolution activities, strategies and procedures for deployment.Chapter I will first describe the "Yi" in the eyes of the specification, order and dispute. Liangshan Yi in the long history of life, to build a comprehensive and unique world of meaning, Yi people about their legal norms and legal culture has a unique self-interpretation system, this system includes the local vocabulary specific concepts, classifications and categories, also includes the locals for the ideal social order, and the ultimate goal of dispute resolution view. With a description of the conceptualization of and for the case analysis, this chapter shows the Yi unique to "section of wooden cattle-wai" as the core of the normative system, as well as the "harmony" and "dignity" equal emphasis on the values of the system.ChapterⅡAnalysis of papers focused on the fact that dispute resolution in Liangshan Yi, norms and desired issues. When it comes to "facts" discussion of the issue, the article with typical cases of the "natural facts" and "legal facts" to analyze the relationship between the. By comparing the Yi customary law and national law for the "natural facts" of the different concerns and identified and then the legal facts are not naturally occurring, but by the logic of cultural and social constructed. Meanwhile, the dispute resolution activities for the production of customary law norms of great significance, Classic Case Yi District, "Pirates of the Cat" compensation rules and the "Pirates of the sheep," the compensation rules of origin norms of customary law so that we can see the process of live birth. Norms of customary law in regard to the process of analysis, we found that the dispute settlement process is not simply a case according to standard logical inference, because often there is no single, clear, ready-made specification can be directly used to "infer." Dispute resolution entails the search based on the facts "associated norms", the "legal discovery" process is a subjective initiative of Zhang Yang, the initiative which includes the party’s positions and demands, but also including third-party judgments. SectionⅢof this chapter, we have the core issue of dispute resolution-a desired formation process was analyzed, first of all, the parties willingness to settle, as well as the minimum mutual understanding and consensus is a potential dispute the premise of reconciliation-"before the consensual" and secondly, desirable form and content are subject to multiple factors, in addition to customary law norms accident, various "sociological factor" also played an extremely important impact.ChapterⅢof the paper the role of dispute resolution, procedures and strategy. The article first of the dispute settlement process from creation to an overview, and then right before the mediation the parties for the scene tactics, and procedural issues such as the commencement of the description and analysis. Yi areas in the formal mediation of disputes in the process of not only the existence of a fixed procedure, then there is no program or anti-program temporary arrangement, Yi District, has always been the ultimate goal of mediation activities around the "reconciliation"-program is nothing but serve the desired flexible measures, which will process itself with the legal formalism as a "justice" concept has great difference. At the same time, third-party dispute settlement in the Yi area activities play a vital role, the article with case, third-party strategy, functions, interests, and issues such as dispute resolution model of a lively exploration.ChapterⅣfocuses on the papers of contemporary legal pluralism in Liangshan Yi area in the context of the dispute to solve the problem. The country’s reform and related policies reflect the phased implementation of the rule of law characteristic of the differences at different stages of the Yi areas directly to the norms and order resulted in different effects. Liangshan Yi area in the contemporary state of the judiciary, "Hom court" with Yi civil mediation, "Hom Under the court" at the same time there will inevitably exist between the two areas compete for power. The dual legal system for exposure to a dispute in which the participants set up the dilemma-to choose any way of a solution of Fun, which may be braving the negative evaluation of another system. The author believes that the contemporary Liangshan Yi area "state law-customary law" the binary separation and confrontation, both institutional system, cultural values and social-legal order of the "real" elements, but also some of the factors as well as academic discourse exaggerated and the " imagination "element. Contemporary Yi District, the launching of the rule of law, should be fully respected as a "subject" of the Yi people, as well as the interests of participants in the dispute, demands and bringing into full play, and only fully mobilize Yi district wide range of community dispute settlement body strength, while the division of labor cooperation, the establishment of institutionalized, "three-dimensional" Fun pattern of the solution to the Yi area of law and order and development and the rule of law to resolve disputes and create a bright future.

【关键词】 纠纷解决规范合意程序多元
【Key words】 dispute resolutionnormsdesiredproceduresmultiple