

【作者】 胡守勇

【导师】 王庆仁;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 群众文化既是一种文化现象,又是中国特色文化建设的重要组成部分。作为文化现象,它是一个民族或地区整体发展面貌的一种生动体现,作为文化建设的重要组成部分,在我国实现文化大发展大繁荣的历史时期,具有特殊的价值。但是,群众文化战线一直存在着重实际工作,轻理论研究的传统,对群众文化的理论研究一直没有引起学术界的重视。本文以湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州利川市的群众文化建设为个案,运用民族学的理论和方法,综合运用跨学科的知识,旨在尝试性地对群众文化做一次理论研究,以期能抛砖引玉,引起学术界对此的重视,从而推动群众文化的理论研究,服务于群众文化建设实践。在对利川市群众文化建设的实地调查和特征分析的基础上,分析了在社会转型阶段群众文化的生成机制。然后剖析了利川市群众文化建设面临的三大结构性问题,提出利川市群众文化建设的发展路径。在文章结尾部分,首先从研究方法的角度,强调包括群众文化在内的文化建设需要民族学学科发挥作用,民族学学科也应该拓展在文化建设中的应用领域;然后对当前的国家群众文化建设提出了自己的想法。全文共分七个部分。第一章:导论。主要包括选题的理由和意义,研究思路和方法,相关概念界定,本文的创新点四个部分。第二章:群众文化概述。首先详细地从文化现象和文化建设两个层面对群众文化的概念进行了深入的分析,然后沿着文化现象和文化建设两条主线分别探讨了群众文化的社会功能和文化价值。最后回顾了我国群众文化建设在各个历史阶段的基本情况。通过本章的分析,力求对什么是群众文化与群众文化建设有明确的认识。第三章:利川市群众文化建设的现状和特征。在对利川市的基本情况介绍以后,通过公共文化服务体系、民族民间文化形态群众文化的现况、市场因素引起的群众文化的变迁三个方面详细地介绍了利川市群众文化的现状。在分析现状的基础上,概括出利川市群众文化所具有的民族性、民俗性、地域性、分层性、边缘性、多元性特征。第四章:利川市群众文化的生成机制。采取两种理论视野对群众文化的生成机制进行分析。一是采用民族学的整体观,考察生态环境、生计方式、社会组织、意识形态这些外部因素与群众文化的互动;二是采用场域理论,在群众文化场域内部,分析主导文化、民族民间文化、大众文化三种文化形态的竞争态势。通过两方面的分析,概括出利川市群众文化的生成机制。第五章:利川市群众文化存在的问题。经过分析,本文认为,在当前的社会转型阶段,利川市群众文化存在三大结构性问题。一是文化空间的重构过程中,导致的群众文化活动日渐式微;二是群众文化场域内部三种文化形态没有融合,存在离析状态,由此造成三种文化形态的非均衡发展;三是群众文化服务没有跟上群众的文化需求。第六章:利川市群众文化的发展路径探析。一是要坚持主导文化的文化领导权;二是要扶持民族民间文化形态的主体地位;三是要利用市场机制在群众文化建设中的作用;四是要实现文化空间、文化内容、民族文化、城乡文化的整合。第七章余论。一是从民族学的应用角度,分析了文化建设需要民族学,民族学在文化建设中发挥作用的维度,民族学在文化建设中的行动模式。二是认为,在社会转型期,我国的群众文化建设要从“大文化”背景着眼,从“小文化”建设着手,走以县(市)域群众文化的整合之路。

【Abstract】 Mass culture is not only a cultural phenomenon, but also an important part of cultural construction with Chinese characteristics. As a cultural phenomenon, it is a vivid manifestation of the whole development of a nation or region, as an integral part of cultural construction in our country, it has special values, especially in the great development and prosperity period. However, the mass culture front has had a tradition which emphasized on practical work and underestimated theory research, so the theoretical study of mass culture has not attracted the academic attention.In this dissertation, a case study of mass culture construction in Lichuan City, Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Hubei Province, making use of the ethnological theories and methods, cross-discipline knowledge, will try to do a theoretical research of mass culture, with a view to initiate academic attention to this cause, promote the theory study of it, and serve the practice of mass culture construction. After field surveys and characteristics analysis for mass culture in the Lichuan city, the dissertation will analyze the formation mechanism of it in the social transition stage, the three major structural problems for the mass culture construction and then propose a path for the development of mass culture in Lichuan city. In the end, again from the perspective of research methods, the dissertation emphasize on that the cultural construction including mass culture construction needs to let ethnology play a role, and ethnology studies should expand the application fields in the cultural construction; the dissertation also will make some proposals on the national mass culture construction.Full-dissertation will be divided into seven sections.ChapterⅠis introduction which includes the reasons and significance for the research topic, ideas and methods, related concepts defining, and innovative point of this dissertation.ChapterⅡis an overview of mass culture. Firstly, from the two dimensions, cultural phenomenon and cultural construction, the dissertation will analyze the concept of mass culture, the social function and cultural values of mass culture in-depth detail. Secondly, the dissertation will review the history of mass culture construction in our nation. By the analysis of this chapter, the dissertation will strive for getting a clear understanding for you about the mass culture and mass culture construction.ChapterⅢis about the characteristics and status quo of the mass culture construction in Lichuan city. After a introduction for the basic situation of Lichuan, through the three aspects described in detail, the public cultural service system, folk cultural forms of mass culture and the changes caused by market factors, we will get a clear understanding for the status of mass culture in Lichuan city. Basing on the analysis of the status quo, the dissertation will generalize six characteristics for the mass culture in Lichuan City:ethnic, folklore, geographical, hierarchical, marginal, pluralistic.ChapterⅣis to analyze the formation mechanism of mass culture in Lichuan City. The dissertation will take two kinds of theoretical vision to do it. First, using the overall concept of ethnology, will examine the interaction between external factors including the ecological environment, means of livelihood, social organization, ideology, and mass culture. Second, by field theory, within the mass culture field, will analyze the competitive landscape among dominant culture, folk culture, popular culture. Through the two aspects of analysis, will summarize the formation mechanism of mass culture in Lichuan.ChapterⅤis to find out the problems of mass culture construction in Lichuan City. After analysis, the dissertation believes that there are three structural problems of mass culture in the current stage of social transformation in Lichuan city. First is that the reconstruction of cultural space leads to mass cultural activities continuing to decline; Second is that the segregation status among the three kinds of mass culture within the mass culture field causes a non-balanced development of the three kinds of cultural forms. Third is that mass culture services do not keep up with the demands. Chapter VI is to grope a path for mass culture construction in Lichuan city. First, we must adhere to the leadership of dominant culture; The second is to support the form of folk culture; The third is to make use of market mechanisms in the mass culture construction; The forth is to achieve the integration of cultural space, cultural content, national culture, urban and rural culture.ChapterⅦis two added discussions. First, from the perspective of ethnographic application, the dissertation will find out a deep relationship between the cultural construction and ethnology. The before need the after, and the after need the before as well. The dissertation also will find out the dimensions that ethnology can play a role and the modes of operation that ethnology can do in the cultural construction. Second is to give a suggestion that the our country’s mass culture construction go a integrated road in the social transition, basing on county(city) domain, having a "macro-culture" view and focusing on the "small culture".
