

【作者】 杜永豪

【导师】 荣仕星;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族地区公共行政管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文总共分为九个部分,导言、结束语与正文(七章)。导言部分,主要包含两部分内容:一是基本理路,主要交代国家目的、由来;一是国繁荣的考察路径述源。第一章,国家繁荣的概述。分为三个部分,西方繁荣实践史考察、西方繁荣思想史考察、国家繁荣的理论概述。在实践实史考察中,主要选定古代雅典、罗马,近现代英国、美国以作为考察对象。在大体遵循价值、制度、秩序与力量的线索基础上,在合适场合与时机,略有重点地交待其相同与相异处。相同处是后人对前人的继承,’相异处表征了后人对前人的修正。思想史部分,对思想力量在西方繁荣中的角色作用,我略微申明了自己看法,并以培育西方繁荣思想力量的客观基础,间接重申马克思主义唯物史观的主张。在西方思想力量发展与繁荣方面,我取先详后略的策略,抽出西方思想常常存在张力的特征及与之相关的线索,并认为西方后世思想成就,就是围绕这些线索层层剥笋的结果。在国家繁荣理论概述部分,首先进行了国家繁荣的理论追述。一是古典繁荣理论,重点取色诺芬的《经济论》,在近现代部分,重点取斯密的《国富论》、《道德情操论》与李斯特的《政治经济学的国民体系》。此外,约略涉及米塞斯、刘易斯、熊彼特的见解,然后是罗马俱乐部成员、福山、奥尔森、克鲁格曼、德尼·古莱及梅斯奎塔等的反思。一是国家繁荣的一般表述,专门就制度、秩序、力量等,略作表述。不过,我将重点放于西方人在制度、秩序、力量中所注入的“灵魂”之上。第二章,国家繁荣的根基,分三部分。一是问题与制度,一是制度漏洞,一是制度构建、制度安排与制度参与。本章,主要是根据我所掌握材料并结合现实所进行的某些思考。第三章,国家繁荣的机制。本章分三部分,一是制度与秩序,主要从制度形成角度,引入秩序的生成,以及制度所承载的技术性任务诉求与伦理性任务诉求对秩序形成与可持续性的影响作用。一是秩序与碎片化,主要从制度四个整合功能角度,谈及秩序之所以碎片化的原因。一是秩序的维度:规范、有序与活力。认为秩序是创制合理、适用平等的产物,而活力则是秩序所以形成与具备可持续性的表征。第四章,国家繁荣的关键。本章分三部分,一是秩序与力量,通过一些案例而述及秩序与力量的基本关系及其重要性。一是力量获得与壮大。通过分析,提出基本制度正义应当作为根本原则而表现于一切层面,以防止共同体或国家发展出“一切人与一切人作对”的治道模式;抑止社会原子理性,即极端实用主义;主张充实与拓深学校教育与培育社会终身教育理念;给民众一定自主空间,给予并为之创造“自学”机会。一是力量使用,主要是涉外力量,约略述及某些后发国家在强大后的历史教训,主张后发国家在强大后,要学会以新的文明的常态方式与他者打交道。第五章,国家繁荣的障碍。分两部分,一是涉及损害国家繁荣的负面现象,借用“文化休克”、“越战泥沼”、“安然”事件、“破窗户效应”等来指代可能影响国家繁荣的一些典型问题。一是对前述损害国家繁荣的负面现象的导因分析。第六章,国家繁荣在中国。本章分三部分,一是中国社会基本现状,即我们的成绩与问题。一是中国社会发展与繁荣的历史与现实基础。目的只有一个:要求我们在实现国家繁荣中,注意脚下所踩的这片土地。一是影响中国繁荣的要素分析。主要交待体制内与体制外所存现象及其成因。第七章,中国繁荣实践。本章分两部分,一是我们的国家目的。这是重申我在前面所述基本主张。一是中国繁荣的保障、突破与路径。即,就实现全国繁荣与我国边疆繁荣而表达一些个人思考。最后是结束语,这是对我的基本思路的一个总括与我对国家繁荣的三点阐述。现在的中国,正处在一个关口。这关口,不在于人们所倡言的国家竞争。事实上,常态国际竞争会永远存在,不必将之当洪水猛兽,并时常采取非常态手段予以应对。这关口,也不在于经济学家们所倡言的国有企业改制到了攻坚阶段。一国社会没那么多“坚”需攻。相反,在当下中国,我们所面临的优势问题是社会参与的准入制度不公、基础不平等,收入分配差距过大与地区发展不平衡等。对这些问题,我们必须将心态摆正,不要企求“一揽子”解决方案。不过,必须现在动手,在把握社会公平正义的元价值前提下,既有总体布局,又有战略控制,更有微观切入路径,通过在基层细致探索与深度求证,逐步形成切合现实的常态发展战略与路径,辅之以法制的固化,那么,凤凰涅槃之下,必定是我们中华民族大共同体的伟大复兴与共同繁荣!

【Abstract】 This dissertation total is divided into nine parts, Introduction, Conclusion and the text (seven chapters).Introductory mainly consists of two parts:the first is the basic road of national purpose and origin; the second mainly examine the path of national prosperity.The first chapter is an overview of national prosperity, which is divided into three parts:the investigation of the history of Western prosperity in practice and in mind, the overview of the theory of national prosperity. During the real history studying, the main selection consists of ancient Athens, Rome, modern and contemporary United Kingdom and the United States as study objects Based on the clues which are generally followed by the values, systems, order and strength, it focus on the similarities and differences in the appropriate forum and time, The same point is the inheritance among different generations, while the difference is characterized by the improvement from the predecessors to the descendants. In the ideological history, I have some humble views on the role of the power of thought in western prosperity, and reiterate the idea of Marxist historical materialism indirectly by fostering the power of western prosperity. As for the development and prosperity of western ideological power, I find out the tension character of western thought as well as its reference, and view the later achievements of Western thought as the result of clues analysis. In an overview of the theories of national prosperity, I recount the theory of national prosperity. Firstly, I focus on the "Economic Theory" by Xenophon in the classical theories of prosperity, "Wealth of Nations" "Theory of Moral Sentiments" by Smith and "The National System of Political Economy" by Liszt in the modern and contemporary theories. In addition, I roughly list the views of Mises, Lewis, Schumpeter, then the reflections of the members of the Club of Rome, Fukuyama, Olsen, Krugman, Denis·goulet and Meisikuita. Secondly, the general formulation of national prosperity. Here, I briefly discuss system, order, power. However, my focus is the soul based on the system, order, power.Chapter II, the foundation of national prosperity, divided into three parts: One is the problem and the system, one is the loopholes of the system, and the last is system construction, arrangements and participation. This chapter is mainly some thought based on the material I have mastered and the reality.Chapter III, the mechanism of national prosperity. This chapter includes three parts:firstly, system and order, starting from the system formation, it introduces the generation of order, the technical tasks and ethics task demands laid on the system as well as the impact on the formation and sustainability of order. Secondly, order and fragment, which mainly discuss the four functions of the system integration and the reasons for the fragmented. Thirdly, order dimensions:standard, order and vitality. Order is the reasonable and equitable product, while vitality is the symptoms of the formation and the sustainability of order.Chapter IV, the key to national prosperity. This chapter is composed of three sections:firstly, order and power. Through a number of the cases, I illustrate the fundamental relationship between order and power, as well as its importance. Secondly, the acquisition and development of the power. Through analysis, the basic system of justice should be put forward as a fundamental principle reflecting in all levels, in order to prevent any community or country from implementing the hostile governance model; restrain social atomic ration, that is abnormal pragmatism; advocates the enrichment and extension of school education and nurture the concept of life-long education; provide the public a relatively free space and create "self-learning" opportunities for all. Lastly, the use of power, mainly alien forces, here briefly addresses lessons from post-rising, and advocates them to undertake a new normal civilized way to deal with others. Chapter V, the obstacles to national prosperity. Divided into two parts, one involves the negative phenomena of national prosperity sabotage, and refers some cases such as "cultural shock", "Vietnam quagmire", "Enron" incident, "broken windows" effect to the. typical problems of national prosperity. Then, I analyze the reasons of the mentioned damage to national prosperity.Chapter VI, national prosperity in China. This chapter is divided into three parts:firstly, the basic status of Chinese society, precisely our achievements and problems. Secondly, the history and reality basis of China’s social development and prosperity. The only purpose is to require us to pay close attention to the land underneath our feet in the process of achieving national prosperity. Last is factor analysis of China’s prosperity. That is mainly to specify the phenomenon and causes within and out of the system.Chapter VII, the practice of China’s prosperity. This chapter consists of in two parts:firstly, our national goals. This is to reiterate my basic proposition what I stated earlier. Secondly, the security, breakthrough and path of China’s prosperity. That is to express some personal reflection on achieving national prosperity and the prosperity of China’s border areas.Finally, conclusions are drawn and they are the summary of my basic ideas and a three-point exposition of national prosperity.Nowadays, China is at a juncture. Pass this test does not depend on the national competition initiated by the public. In fact, the normal international competition will always exist, does not have to be considered as a scourge, and always takes extreme means to counter it. To pass this test also differ from the economists’declaration:that is the key stage to restructure of state-owned enterprises. A country does not have so many problems to attack. In contrast, in contemporary China, the urge problems we encounter include the inequality of social participation, the large income gap and the regional development imbalance.On these issues, we must put rational attitude, instead of begging "package" solution. However, we must take action at present, under the premise of the meta-value of social equity and justice, adopt the overall layout, strategic control, and even micro-cut method, through detailed exploration and thorough confirmation, and gradually form a practical and normal development strategy, supported by the strengthening of the law. Then, our great community of Chinese nation similar to the nirvana of the phoenix, must can achieve the magnificent rejuvenation and common prosperity!
