

【作者】 王福栋

【导师】 詹福瑞;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 学界对唐代战争诗的研究开始得比较晚,而且主要研究都在边塞诗上。本论文在以往研究成果的基础上,试图对战争诗做更深入的研究,希望能够有所突破。本研究以唐诗中所有与战争有关的诗歌为研究对象,在认真甄选出战争诗以后,对所选的战争诗分类整理,进而研究这些战争诗的艺术特色、时代背景以及思想内容等,以期对唐代战争诗有全新的认识。通过作品分析,对唐代战争诗细致分类,本文阐明了唐代战争诗不仅有边塞诗那样高亢激昂、哀而不伤的作品,还有很多作品冷静地叙事、抒情,却饱含着对战争的思考和批判。分析中特别关注了对战争诗中功名意识的分析,以及对有关女性的战争诗的分析。此外,还对战争诗中的历史想象予以研究。本文力求在认真分析唐代战争诗的基础上,分析唐代战争诗如何反映唐代战争,通过唐代战争诗来认识唐代战争。本文的研究方法:鉴于以往对唐代战争诗的研究都是纵向研究,本文采取纵横结合、以纵为主的方法开展研究;其次,本文主要采用专题研究;本文还紧紧结合历史,以使论证更加可靠;为使文章能够在论述的时候更为充分、清晰,本文还适当采用了计量法。本论文共分五章。第一章是对战争诗概念的辨析以及对以往研究成果的回顾与总结。本文认为凡是描写战争场面的诗,以及那些写出诗人对战争的看法,反映由战争牵引出的各种情感,一切和战争有关的活动只要被写进诗里面,都被看作是战争诗。前人对唐代战争诗的研究从上世纪二十年代开始,至今约八十余年,胡云翼、苏雪林、洪讃等人在唐代战争诗研究史上具有里程碑式的地位。近现代对唐代战争诗研究较多的著述多出自台湾,大陆学者对唐代战争诗的研究成果寥寥可数。第二章是本文对唐代战争诗的概述。在对唐代战争史回顾以后,本文总结了唐代战争诗的总体特征。“安史之乱”前,战争诗以“慷慨”为主要特征;那些经过“安史之乱”诗人的作品具有明显的诗风转变,即由积极向上的诗风而逐渐转为哀伤;“安史之乱”后的战争诗则多了很多现实主义的描写,把战争带给人们的各种影响都表现了出来。第三章主要论述唐代战争诗中的功名意识。功名是唐诗里面经常出现的一个词汇,通过对战争诗功名意识的分析,本文认为战争诗对功名不但有颂扬,还有怀疑和否定。对功名的这种态度的变化反映了唐代战争的发展以及唐代人对战争态度的变化。第四章研究的主要是有关唐代女性的战争诗。此章是本文的主要创新点之一。前人研究唐诗中的女性多在闺怨诗上钻研,这种研究和战争诗有相关之处,可是并不能反映唐代女性面对战争的真实状态。本文不但对初盛唐闺怨诗做分析,更重要的是分析唐代中后期大量写实性的战争诗,这些战争诗广泛地描写唐代女性,反映出唐代女性在战争中的真实生活状态。尤其是杜甫笔下的众多女性形象,这些女性形象不但展示了战争的残酷性,更反映了杜甫对国家命运和人民安危的关注。第五章是研究唐代战争诗当中的历史想象。历史想象本是历史学研究领域的一种方法,把这种研究方法引入诗歌研究之后,唐代战争诗就有了一个新的研究角度。同时,作为一种创作方法,历史想象还让唐人的战争诗具有历史深度,启发他们思考战争。本文通过以上考察,力图对唐代战争诗的研究有更加深入、全面的了解,对以往的研究有所突破和创新,特别是对唐代战争诗的内容和思想有了一个发展的、全新的审视角度。

【Abstract】 The educational circles begeins to study the war poetry of Tang Dynasty a little late. And the researchers mainly analyzes poetry of frontier fortress, but not war poetry. This paper tries to do a deeper analysis on the base of former study.All war-related poetries are chosen from "the Collected Poetry of Tang Dynasty" as the research object. After they have been carefully selected, all of war poetries are classified according to subjects, and then studies their arts features, background, and ideological content and so on, it tries to have a new look on war poetry of Tang Dynasty.After analyzing these war poetries, this paper illustrates that war poetry of Tang Dynasty possesses not only some excited and indignant and distressed poetries in its former half of times, but also a lot of realistic poetries which are full of war thinking and criticism on war in its left time. It pays much more attentions to the war poetry about the consciousness of fame and female in the war. Furthermore, this paper makes a study on the historical imagination of war poetry. The paper tries to understand the war of Tang dynasty on the base of analysis of its war poetry, and make clear the way that used by poets of Tang Dynasty to describe reality. The methods of study in this paper:Firstly, knowing that the previous studies are longitudinal ways, this paper takes the method of vertical and horizontal integration, and the former is the main one. Secondly, this paper has some special topics which are used to look the development of war poetry of Tang dynasty. Thirdly, this paper is used to link the study with history, which can make the reasoning credible. At last, this paper also uses some statistical data when it is necessary.There are five chapters in this paper. Chapter I:making clear the concept of war poetry, reviewing the research results in the past. This paper believes that war poetry is an open concept, if a poetry can describe a war, describe the attitude of people, reflect the feeling that comes from war, then it can be called war poetry, no matter this poetry is Realistic or Imagined. The past study about war poetry of Tang dynasty begins at 20’s of last century, it has been 80 years from then on, but there are not so much academic achievements. Hu Yunyi, Su Xuelin and Hong Zan are three important researchers during this time. The newest paper on war poetry of Tang dynasty mostly come from Taiwan, mainland researchers always have a few academic publications.Chapter II of this article is an overview of war poetry of Tang Dynasty. The general characteristics of war poetry of Tang Dynasty are summarized after a comparatively full review of war in the history in the Tang Dynasty. It is generous as the main feature of war poetry before the rebellion of An and Shi, those poets having the experiences of the rebellion of An and Shi whose works have obvious changes in poetic style, that is from a positive poetry style gradually to a sad one, the poetry after the rebellion of An and Shi is a lot more realistic depictions, the variety of effects which the war brings are demonstrated.ChapterⅢof the paper mainly discusses the consciousness of fame in the war poetry of Tang Dynasty. Fame is a recurring word inside Tang vocabulary, through the analysis to the consciousness of fame inside the poetry, the paper thinks that the war poetry of the fame to which is not only praise, but also suspicion and denial. The changing attitude on the fame reflected in the war development of the Tang Dynasty and the changing attitude of the people to the war as well.ChapterⅣof the paper is mainly about women’s war poetry, and this chapter is one of the principal innovations of the whole article. Previous studies of women in the war poetry of Tang Dynasty lay stress on the boudoir, which research correlated with war poetry; however, it can not reflect the real status of the female in Tang Dynasty as they face the war. This article not only conducts a large number of studies on boudoir in early Tang Dynasty, more importantly, it makes a penetrating analysis of the war poetry in a realistically portrait way in middle and late Tang Dynasty, those poetries carries out an extensive description of women, which reflect the women’s state of real life in the war, especially the women, as described by Du Fu, had not only reflected the image of the brutality of the war, but also reflected his concerns; on the fate of the country and the safety of the people.Chapter V studies the historical Imagination of the war poetry. Historical Imagination is a way of study in history area, after introducing it to the poetry study; Historical Imagination brings a new research perspective. Historical Imagination not only provides a creative way which makes their work the historical depth, but also inspires them to think of the war.Through the investigation, the paper tries to explore a more in-depth, comprehensive understanding, to make a breakthrough and innovations on previous research; especially it provides a development, a new examining angle for the contents and thoughts of the Tang Dynasty war poetry.

【关键词】 战争诗唐代功名女性想象
【Key words】 war poetryTang dynastyfame in the warfemalehistorical imagination