

The Effect of Tillage Regime and Fertilization Management on Soil Arthropod Community in Huang Huai-hai Plain, China

【作者】 朱强根

【导师】 张焕朝;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 森林培育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 农业由于其巨大的土地面积,被认为是世界生物多样性损失最为严重的领域之一。通过对不同耕作方式和施肥处理等农田管理对土壤节肢动物群落的影响调查,结果表明:(1)不同耕作方式和秸秆还田处理对土壤节肢动物群落具有显著的影响,免耕有助于提高土壤节肢动物群落多样性。秸秆还田提高了群落优势度,降低了群落的均匀度,显著增加了群落的丰富度。耕作方式对土壤节肢动物群落的影响主要表现为间接作用,它与土壤层次和秸秆还田之间均有显著的交互作用。免耕加秸秆还田提高了Onychiurus armatus的数量,而秸秆还田与翻耕处理的交互作用显著提高了Proisotoma minuta和Lepidocyrtus pallidus的种群密度。免耕有助于提高Folsomides famarensis和Folsomides parvulus,特别是Sminthurinus sp.和Bourletiella sp.的数量密度,Pongeiella sp.则在翻耕条件下更大。甲螨亚目对耕作和秸秆还田的响应不显著,翻耕和秸秆还田有利于提高中气门亚目的数量,前气门亚目表现为免耕高于翻耕,但其对秸秆的响应不明显。(2)不同施肥处理对土壤节肢动物群落丰富度和多样性有显著的影响。缺磷的NK处理和有机肥OM处理均增加了土壤节肢动物群落优势度,而PK处理下表现相反。土壤节肢动物群落的均匀度在不施肥CK处理下显著增加,有机肥OM处理则相反。施用有机肥或有机无机混合施用的OM和OMNPK处理具有最高的土壤节肢动物群落多样性,而施用氮肥的NPK处理对增加群落丰富度与多样性均没有明显的正效应,缺磷的NK处理群落多样性最低。Onychiurus armatus和Folsomides famarensis在施用有机肥或有机无机混施的OM和OMNPK处理下得到显著增长。蜱螨目与NPK和OMNPK处理有很好的正相关关系,特别是甲螨亚目,但甲螨亚目和前气门亚目均表现与有机肥OM处理没有显著相关性。缺磷的NK处理表现了对土壤节肢动物特别是弹尾目不利,其弹尾目密度低于不施肥CK处理。弹尾目棘跳科对氮肥表现了一定的负面响应,而蜱螨目甲螨亚目则一般随着氮肥用量的增加而增加,但存在氮肥用量的“阈值”(230 kg N·hm-2~250 kg N·hm-2)效应,高氮肥用量(≥230 kg N·hm-2)对蜱螨目中气门亚目和前气门亚目也有拟制作用。

【Abstract】 Agriculture has been identified as one of the largest contributors to the loss of biodiversity worldwide because of the large land area designated to this practice. The effect of agricultural managements such as tillage regimes and fertilizations on soil arthropod community was studied, the results showed that:(1) The effect of tillage regimes and straw returning on soil arthropod community were significant, no-tillage increased Shannon-Weiner diversity index (H’) when compared with tillage treatment. Straw returning increased Simpson domination index (D), while Pilou evenness index (Js) was on the contrary. Patrick richness index (R) was elevated with increased straw returning. The effect of tillage regime on soil arthropod community was mainly indirect and presented that tillage regime was significantly interacted with soil layer and straw returning.Onychiurus armatus benifited from no-tillage plus straw returning, while tillage practices and concurrent straw returning intensively simulated Proisotoma minuta and Lepidocyrtus pallidus. No-tillage increased the population density of Folsomides famarensis and Folsomides parvulus, especially for Sminthurinus sp. and Bourletiella sp., while Pongeiella sp. had a higher population density in tillage plots compared with no-tillage plots. Oribatida was not significantly correlated with tillage regime or straw returning, while tillage plus straw returning increased Mesostigmata. Prostigmata had a higher density in no-tillage plots than tillage plots, but was little correlated with straw returning.(2) The richness and diversity indices of soil arthropod community were significantly impacted by fertilization treatments. Simpson domination index was increased in NK and OM treatment plots, while decreased in PK treatment plots. Pilou evenness in CK treatment plots was significantly increased and was also improved in PK and NK treatment plots, but it was contrary in OM treatment plots. The diversity of soil arthropod community (DG index) was the highest in OM and OMNPK treatment plots and the lowest in NK treatment plots. DG index was not significantly increased in NPK treatment plots.Population density of Onychiurus armatus and Folsomides famarensis was significantly increased by OM and OMNPK treatments. Three suborders (Oribatida, Mesostigmata and Prostigmata) of acari were all well correlated with NPK and OMNPK treatments, especially, Oribatida had a high population density in NPK and OMNPK treatment plots. Both of Oribatida and Prostigmata were little correlated with OM treatment. NK treatment had a very low population density of soil arthropod community, and a lower population density of collembolan even presented in NK plots than CK plots. Applied nitrogen fertilizer negatively impacted Onychiuridae, while positively impacted Oribatida. Increased Oribatida was limited when applied nitrogen fertilizer was higher than 250 kg N·hm-2, and both of Mesostigmata and Prostigmata was increased by applied nitrogen fertilizer at a certain extent, but were intensively constrained when higher than 230 kg N·hm-2.
