

Characterization of Sticky Contaminants and Their Control in Newsprint Production with Recycled Fibers

【作者】 张凤山

【导师】 李忠正;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 制浆造纸工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过对华泰集团新闻纸PM12车间生产线不同操作单元取样进行分析,确定了生产线中不同部位胶黏物的含量和化学成份组成。探讨了主要设备单元对黏性物质的去除效果。研究了废纸贮存条件对黏性物质的影响和用生物酶、阳粒子滑石粉对胶黏物的控制,并进行了生物酶控制胶黏物的生产试验。采用胶黏物筛分仪对不同操作单元大胶黏物的含量测试表明,90%以上的大胶黏物都可在脱墨浮选和筛选过程中去除。对生产线的不同操作单元浆料取样,对浆料纤维组分、细小组分和DCS的黏性物质进行抽出物检测和分析,发现浆料中74%的大胶黏物在制浆过程中被除去,其中黏合剂类物质约占黏性物质总量的85%至96%;35%的微细胶黏物在制浆过程中被除去,其中黏合剂类物质占黏性物质总量的81%至94%;浆料中DCS 57%左右的黏性物质在制浆过程中被除去,其中黏合剂类物质约占黏性物质总量的62%至77%。对烘缸沉积的胶黏物进行分离和分析表明,乙醇抽出物、氯仿抽出物、灰分所占原始胶黏物质量的比例分别为34.3%、4.03%、13.7%。主要成分为聚醋酸乙烯类和苯乙烯丙烯酸酯共聚物类物质。抽提残余物在煅烧后灰分分析主要含有C、O、Al、Si等元素。研究表明废纸的贮存温度对油墨去除率和脱墨浆白度有显著地影响。在20℃贮存条件下大胶黏物的含量最多,而胶体物质的含量最低;而阳离子滑石粉对胶黏物有显著的控制作用,且可提高纸页的灰分,但也导致了纸页物理强度的降低;用生物酶处理涂布损纸中的白色树脂,确定了淀粉酶处理涂布损纸的最佳条件,淀粉酶用量和温度是影响涂布损纸Zeta电位最显著的因素,而淀粉酶处理能降低浆料系统的阳离子需求量,减少系统中阴离子垃圾的含量。用巴克曼公司生物酶Optimyze? 525在车间进行了胶黏物控制的生产性试验,确定了生物酶Optimyze? 525的最佳添加点和添加量。试验表明生物酶能控制胶黏物,减少纸幅断头现象的发生。

【Abstract】 Pulps and water samples sampled from the major operation units of a newsprint machine, PM 12 at Huatai Group were investigated. Compositions of sticky contaminants and their contents were examined. Based on the analyses, the efficiencies of the major operation units for removal of stickies were discussed. Storage temperature on deinking performances and effects on stickies behaviors were studied. Effectiveness of an enzyme and a cationic talc were examined for control stickies, and mill trial with enzyme was carried out in the production line.Macrositckies in pulp samples taken from the major operation units were examined by a PulMac Master Screen combined with a image analysis software. It showed that about 90% macrositckies were removed by screening and floatation processes.Sticky contaminants in fiber and fines fractions and water phases were examined. The results showed that about 74% macrositckies in fiber fractions were removed in the repulping processes, and adhesive substances accounted for about 85% to 96% in macrositckies. About 35% microstickies were removed during the repulping processes, and adhesive substances accounted for about 81% to 94% in microstickies. About 57% dissolved and colloid substances in pulp suspensions were removed in the repulping processes, and adhesive substances were about 62% to 77% among the total sticky substances. Sticky deposits sampled from dryers were analyzed, and the results showed that ethanol extractives, chloroform extractives and ash content were respectively accounted for 34.3%, 4.03%, 13.7% in the deposits. Polyvinyl acetate and styrene acrylate copolymers remained major components in the deposits. C, O, Al and Si were major elements determined in ashes of sticky deposits.Storage temperature affected significantly on behaviors of ink removal and pulp brightness. For the old newsprint stored at 20℃, deinked pulp was showed with the highest content of Macrostickies, and the lowest content of colloidal substances.It showed that the cationic talc can effectively reduce the amount of stickies and DCS, and decrease the cationic demand of the pulp as well as the turbidity of the filtrate. Addition of cationic talc increased significantly the ash content of the paper, meanwhile, influenced negatively the paper strength properties. Enzyme was applied to the coated paper broke for removal of white pitch and optimum conditions were acquired. The dosage and temperature were the major factors to affect the effectiveness of amylase, and resulted in decrease the cationic demand and anionic trashes in the system.Enzyme from Buckman was applied to the PM 12 for control of stickies problems. Suitable dosages and adding points of the enzyme were determined, and the results showed the effectiveness for cleaning the paper machine system and decreasing web breaks due to control of stickies.

【关键词】 废纸脱墨浆胶黏物生物酶表征
【Key words】 waste paperdeinked pulpstickiesenzymecharacterization