

The Research on Narrative Origin of Liao Zhai Zhi Yi

【作者】 冀运鲁

【导师】 董乃斌;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 就中国小说而言,文言小说具有鲜明的中国特色,要研究中国小说叙事传统,文言小说颇能代表中国古代文学语言的叙述方式,因而立足中国文化本位探究文言小说的叙事特色对于建构中国叙事理论体系具有十分重要的意义。作为文言小说的集大成者,《聊斋志异》对中国传统叙事文化有着广泛的继承和借鉴,通过对这一文本的仔细分析来探讨中国小说叙事传统无疑具有很高的样本价值。本文的目标就在于通过《聊斋》叙事艺术之渊源的考察来探究《聊斋》在中国文学叙事坐标中的位置。《聊斋》叙事成就的取得并不是偶然的,而是中国传统叙事艺术长期积累的结晶。蒲松龄秉承“转益多师”的精神,在广泛借鉴其他艺术门类叙事艺术的基础上进行开拓创新,取得了令人瞩目的成就。民间叙事和史传文学为《聊斋》提供了叙事思维机制和基本叙述模式,而传统小说、古文、八股文、书画等艺术则为《聊斋》提供了取之不尽用之不竭的叙事技法。本文共分六章。第一章探讨《聊斋》叙事艺术的民间渊源。民间文化是一座宝库,取之不尽、用之不竭,历来是文人墨客创作的灵感源泉,我国的小说更是一开始就与民间文化分不开。《聊斋》虽为文人作品,但与民间叙事渊源极深。在某种意义上甚至可以说民间文化是《聊斋》叙事的内核。《聊斋》不仅继承了民间果报叙事观念及其思维机制,而且还化用了民间叙事的时空观念和话语体式。在确定了叙事思维机制之后,需要寻找一个合适的叙事框架来结构全文,而成熟的史传文叙事为《聊斋》提供了可资借鉴的丰富资源。这正是第二章要探讨的内容。《聊斋》叙事继承了《左传》、《史记》等史书谋篇布局、结构全文的方法。《聊斋》借鉴了以人物为中心的传记体的叙事结构模式,《聊斋》故事虽不再如唐传奇那般冠以“某某传”或“某某记”,但是以人名命名的方式仍是对纪传体的继承。其叙述模式为:开篇首先介绍传主的姓名、籍贯、身世等,以人为中心、按照时间先后的自然时序贯穿和统领传主的经历,展开故事情节,以“传”的形式围绕传主展开叙事。第三章考察了《聊斋》对传统小说叙事艺术的借鉴吸收。作为小说,《聊斋》借鉴吸收前代小说的叙事艺术是再自然不过的事情了。《聊斋》不仅从多个方面借鉴了历代笔记体志怪小说和传奇小说的叙事技法,同时也吸收了通俗小说叙事艺术的优长。第四章主要从文章学的角度考察《聊斋》叙事艺术的渊源。蒲松龄从小接受古文熏染,对古文及八股文法是相当娴熟的,因而,《聊斋》中就不难见到古文语言体式及古文笔法的踪迹。同时,对八股文的代言笔法也有继承和借鉴。当然,作为一个伟大的开拓者,蒲氏绝不是照搬古文笔法来叙述《聊斋》故事的,其借鉴是在创新基础上进行的。小说是一门综合性非常强的艺术,常常从其他非文学门类汲取各种养分。这正是第五章所要探讨的话题。蒲松龄虽不是书画家,但是《聊斋》还是旁征博引,汲取了书法、绘画甚至兵法理论的养分。书法的顺逆、起结理论,绘画的成竹在胸、传神写意、颊上添毫、白描皴染等理论和技法都成为《聊斋》叙事艺术的源头活水。不仅书法、绘画等邻近艺术门类,就连兵学理论也常被小说家借用于小说叙事。民间叙事为《聊斋》提供了叙事思维机制,史传则为其提供了叙述框架,笔记体志怪和传奇小说、古文笔法、书画兵学理论丰富了其叙事技巧,这些已经足以让《聊斋》叙事曲折动人,然而,蒲松龄还有更高的艺术追求——优美而深邃的意境。为了让做到这一点,蒲松龄采用了诗性叙述策略,使得小说获得了诗性品格和诗性意境。这是第六章主要探讨的内容。《聊斋》在中国叙事传统中的意义绝不只是简单的总结继承,《聊斋》在借鉴吸收这些艺术的优秀叙事手法的同时,还积极地开拓创新,融多种叙事手法于一身,从而在叙事模式、叙事视角、叙事技巧、叙事意境、叙述人称、叙事时空等方面都有重大突破。这些努力让《聊斋》获得了丰厚的回报,在把蒲氏送上短篇小说之王宝座的同时也让《聊斋》成为万口传颂的经典。更重要的是,随着它的广泛传播,《聊斋》的叙事艺术也为越来越多的小说所继承,可以说,《聊斋》是中国叙事传统中一块里程碑,它向上总结和承托着悠久的叙事传统,向下有着重要的开拓启发意义。

【Abstract】 The thesis is aimed at summarizing the narrative tradition of Chinese classical fiction, based on analyzing the case study of the chronologic research of the narrative of Liao-Zhai Zhi Yi. We wish we can conclude the narrative tradition of Chinese classical fiction by the research of Liao-zhai’s narrative art.The thesis contains six main parts. In the first part, we will discuss the relation between folk narrative and the narration of Liao-zhai. Folk beliefs and motifs pervade in Chinese classical fiction, especially in Liao-zhai. They both exert their influences upon the narrative in Chinese classical fiction. The folk narrative influence not only on the narrative contents of Chinese classical fiction, but also on the narrative patterns. In the second part, historical narrative provided extremely rice experience for Liao -zhai and Chinese classical fiction. Liao-zhai inherited the art of of historical narrative, such as the narrative point of view, the narrative structure, the narrative time and space, the narrative spirit. The third part mainly analyzed the influence of classical fiction and drama narrative technique. Pu-songling inherited the excellent narrative tradition of Chinese classical fiction and drama, more important, he innovated it. The forth part mainly discuss the relation between Liao-zhai and Eight-part essay. In theMing-Qing Dynasties, the relationship between classical fiction and the Eight-part essay is rather close. Eight-part essay Contains the bud of the conception“opening, development, change and conclusion”, which give much impact on Liao-zhai. On the base of mastering skeleton and basic characters of Eight-legged essay, this part will discusse what Pu-songling leraned from Eight-legged essay narrative art. In the fifth part, we find that Pu-songling inherited many narrative skills from theory of Painting and Calligraphy. Because of same cultural ideas and same modes of thinking, the Chinese classical fiction borrowed the terms of Calligraphy and Painting, such as the shape-spirit theory, the Outline Drawing (bai miao). In sixth part, we will discuss the rhymed verses narrative in Liao-zhai. Since Tang Dynasty, there has been a trend that more and more classical fiction intermingled with rhymed verses to narrative. It’s known to all that fiction and rhymed verse are totally different literature forms. But now, they intermingled with each other. The rhymed verses which are contained in fiction, have various unique aesthetic functions, such as bring out themes conspicuously, expressing emotions, creating atmospheres, setting off images, portraying characters, analyzing the soul, and so on.The narrative of Liao-zhai not only inherited the previous narrative art, but also had a significant impact on subsequent fictions.With the spread of Liao-zhai, more and more Chinese fiction are deeply impacted by Liao-zhai, not only ideas,also narrative. Therefore, we can think that Liao-Zhai has a role of linking the previous and subsequent narrative art in Chinese narrative tradition. More important, we can also conclude the narrative tradition of the Chinese classical fiction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期