

Between the Cups: Narrative, Textual Criticism and Interpretation of Nanchang Missionary Case, 1906

【作者】 杨雄威

【导师】 陶飞亚;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 1906年2月22日,江西省南昌县知县江召棠应法国教士王安之之邀到法国天主堂赴宴,结果咽喉被利刃所伤,一周后身死。江召棠受伤三日后愤怒的民众焚烧了天主堂和天主教开办的法文学堂,杀死教士王安之和五位学堂教习,并累及英国新教教士金传安一家三口死于非命,这就是轰动一时的南昌教案。南昌教案是晚清最后一个重大教案,也是最后一个由教案引发的重大交涉,在晚清教案史上占有重要地位。在革命范式下,南昌教案的叙事以江召棠被杀为前提,一方面证明清政府的对内镇压和对外妥协,一方面证明天主教和帝国主义的凶残。本文考察并分析了各种相关叙述文本,对其史实进行了详细的考证,并将其放在晚清的历史语境下加以诠释,同时以其为路径探讨晚清的相关世相。本文用七章来叙述,现摘要如下:第一章导言从南昌教案的神话入手,介绍本文的研究趣向、学术意义和材料的搜集与使用。第二章考察南昌教案的背景,先介绍了南昌城和南昌基督教的概况,随后依次考察了晚清官员与教士的交往和南昌的反教传统,为此案的发生提供了空间和时间两个维度的背景。第三章考证了江召棠之死。首先从江召棠的仕途和茌港、新昌两教案两方面揭示了江召棠面临的两难困境;其次对正月二十九日江召棠教堂受伤一事进行了文本分析和考证,认为江召棠颈部之伤是来自被逼自刎,伤不致死,但随着闹教案的发生,不得不以死塞责。江西官场上层从手书中知悉江召棠受伤原因,故而未拘拿王安之和二十九日在场的中国教徒,遭到不明真相的外界舆论的批评。第四章考察二月初三日的闹教事件的具体场景。首先从传教士的视角探讨了他们在中国所面临的种种风险和挑战,随后利用以下两种方法对二月初三日的混乱场景做了深描:一、对二月初三日的各种叙事文本进行分析,从多个视角展示这起骚乱;二、通过对一系列相关史实的提问和考辩进入混乱的现场。第五章叙述和分析南昌教案引发的中法交涉。首先重建了中法之间的交涉过程,发现外务部的态度一度比江西大吏还强硬,但由于梁敦彦的调查报告和西医的尸检报告,外务部态度变软,并最终与法国签订合同,承认江召棠愤急自刎且公示于众。其次考察了南昌教案背后的晚清政治关系,包括外务部、军机处、言路、南北洋和张之洞在南昌教案中的角色及关系,其中重点辨析了江西巡抚胡廷干和臬司余肇康在此次教案前后扮演的角色以及抚藩臬三者的关系。第六章将视线转向中外报纸对南昌教案的报道。首先揭示了由于立场不同报界对南昌教案报道的大相径庭,在上海,中西报界之间围绕江召棠的死因还展开了一场激烈的报战。其次从中国报纸的民族主义情绪和作天下之气思想出发,探讨了南昌教案中展现的舆论与真相的关系。第七章讨论南昌教案的影响。首先,探讨了晚清教案带来的种种祸患,进而考察了二月初三日后南昌城的恐慌景象以及官方的应对;其次,考察了南昌教案交涉期间各界调和民教的呼吁,认为民教调和的共识的达成是国人远离教案的一个重要因素;再次,从南昌教案中的动员与认同问题入手,考察了南昌教案与清末的民族国家建构问题。

【Abstract】 Chiang Chaotang, the magistrate of Nanchang hien of Kiangsi, was injured with his throat in a Catholic church, as he was invited for dinner by the French Catholic Priest Lacruche in Feb. 22nd 1906, and died a week later. The Catholic church and the Catholic school nearby were burned out by the furious mob, and the Priest Lacruche and five teachers were killed. Most sadly, the Protestant missionary Kinghams’were involved into this tragedy and lost their lives. This is the resounding Nanchang Missionary Case, which is the last significant missionary case and the last important diplomatic matter result from the missionary case in Late Qing Dynasty so that it plays a very important role in the history of missionary case in Qing Dynasty. In the revolutionary paradigm, with the hypothesis that Chiang Chaotang’s being murdered, the story of Nanchang Missionary Case is told that the government of Qing is corrupted, on the other hand, the Catholic mssion and the Imperialism is fierce and cruel. Putting it into a historical context and viewing it as a approach to the Qing society, the dissertation have explored and analyzed all kinds of text, and has a detailed investigation with the historical facts. The dissertation has seven parts and its outline is as follows.The first part processes from the myth of Nanchang Missionary Case and introduces the interests and the academic meanings of the dissertation, as well as the collection and operation of the historical materials.The second part deals with the backgrounds of the Nanchang Missionary Case. Firstly it introduces the general situation of the Nanchang City and the basic facts of the Christianity in Nanchang. Secondly it explores the intercourse between the Chinese officials and the missionaries and presents the anti-christian tradition, which provides the spatial dimension and temporal dimension for the case.The third part discusses the death of Chiang Chaotang. First, it shows the dilemma of Chiang Chaotang both through his official career and through two old missionary case, namely, Chigang Missionary Case and Xinchang Missionary Case. Second, it explores the secret of the injury of Chiang Chaotang in Feb. 22nd with the texts and finds out that Chiang Chaotang’s committing suicide. What’s more, it is not a fatal injury, but with the persuasion of his superiors he killed himself so as to absolve himself from responsibility with the occurring of the missionary case. The upper officials in Kiangxi know the truth from Chiang Chaotang’s manuscript so that they haven’t arrested the Priest and the Chinese Christian on the spot, which as a result have been criticized by the public opinion.The forth part explores the concrete scene of the riot in Feb. 25th. Firstly, it discusses the risk and challenge that the missionaries have to confront with in China. Then has a thick description with the disordered occasion with the following two methods: one is the analyzing of the different texts so that shows the riot in different viewpoints, the other is the inquiry and identification to the relative historical facts so as to enter into the disorder locale.The fifth part narrates and analyzes the negotiation between China and France. Firstly, it narrates and rebuilds the process of the negotiation and discovers that the attitude of Waiwupu is stronger than that of Kiangxi’s local government. Due to the report of Liang Tunyen and the autopsy report of the west doctors, Waiwupu changes its attitude and compromises with France. As a result, it signs a contract with France to acknowledge the committing suicide of Chiang Chaotang and show the result to the public.The sixth part turns the view into the reports of the newspapers. Due to the different standpoints, the different newspapers have a different report on Nanchang Missionary Case. Around the reason of the death of Chiang Chaotang, there breaks out a intense newspaper-battle between the Chinese newspaper and the west newspaper in Shanghai. Afterwards, based on the national feelings of the Chinese newspapers, it discusses the relation between the public opinion and the truth during the reports to Nanchang Missionary Case.The seventh part discusses the influences of the Nanchang Missionary Case. Firstly, it discusses all kinds of disasters that the missionary case brings about in Late Qing Dynasty, and then explores the panic in Nanchang city after the riot and the coping strategy of the local government. Secondly, it explores the appeal to peace between the citizen and the Christian during the negotiation on Nanchang Missionary Case, and then thinks that the mutual understanding of the compatibility between the citizen and the Christian is of very importance to the disappearance of the missionary case. Thirdly, starting with the issues of mobilization and identity, it discusses the relation between the Nanchang Missionary Case and the nation-state building in Late Qing Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期