

On the Self-respect and Freedom

【作者】 贺平海

【导师】 陈新汉;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文在哲学的视域中,从个体主体的角度,揭示了自尊基本内涵以及对人的存在的意义,深入研究了自尊形成的内在机制和外化的路径,探讨了自尊与自由、自由人格之间的内在联系,并就当代中国社会转型期自尊的现状及未来发展做了初步思考。自尊是“成为人”的意识,是个体以人的类本质,即以自由的有意识的活动为标准进行自我评价活动的结果。自尊往往与肯定性评价结论相联系。它一经形成,就会成为有自尊的人处理与物、与社会关系的基本标准。自尊是一个人“成为人”的必要条件。偏离自尊则会导致人的自卑和自恋。自尊的形成依托人的主体能力和自我意识发展,它在现实的社会关系中形成,并且总会受到一定社会文化背景的影响。人的自尊形成依赖于自我评价活动机制。在自尊的形成过程中,自我评价活动就是以人的类本质为标准,通过自我评价活动机制,将人的类本质内化于人的自我意识中,从而形成“成为人”的意识。自我评价活动的多重性和自我意识的多层次性,决定了自尊形成过程的复杂性。自尊离不开尊人,自尊与尊人互为前提。人的自尊只有外化出来才有意义。人的社会实践活动和交往活动是自尊外化的现实路径。人以自尊规范自己的实践活动,构建属人的价值世界,从而凸现“天地万物唯人为贵”;人以自尊规范交往活动,肯定自己是目的,同时也把他人当做目的。异化作为对人的异己力量,是对人的否定。异化抽去了人的本质,使人失去现实性,从而使人丧失自尊。自由是实现自尊的前提,追求自由的人才有尊严。有自尊的人在自己自觉自愿的活动中实现自由,展示出人的自尊之美。自尊之美是真与善的统一。人的自尊之美体现为人与物、与他人和社会的和谐,它集中呈现在自由人格中。我国当代转型期的发展,为人的自尊和自由人格发展创造了必要的社会条件。社会发展处于转型期的状况,决定了社会生活中还存在着阻碍自尊发展的因素。因此,创造社会条件,充分发挥人的主体性,是人的自尊和自由人格的发展之道。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation, the author tries to clarify the basic content of self-respect and its significance to the existence of human being, and also probes into the internalizing mechanism and externalizing mechanism of its becoming. Meanwhile, the author deeply discusses the internal connections between self-respect and freedom, self-respect and free personality, and gives a primary review on the current situations and future development of self-respect in the period of social transformation of contemporary China.As a kind of consciousness of being human, self-respects is the result of self-evaluation of the single individual of which the criterion is the species-essence of man, that is to say, free and conscious activity. As a rule, self-respect is usually connected to affirmative conclusions of self-evaluation. It will certainly become the basic norm when we deal with the relations between us and things and other human beings as long as we obtain self-respect. Self-respect has become the necessary condition of one becoming human being. The absence of self-respect results in self-abasement and self-obsession.Self-respect is always affected by some kind of social-cultural background. It depends on the subject ability and self-consciousness and is formed in the real social relations. Its formation is founded on the basis of activity mechanism of self-evaluation through and in which the subject interiorize the affirmative results of self-evaluation according to the species-essence of man. The multiplicity of self-evaluation and multi-hierarchical self-consciousness determine the complexity of the process of formation. Self-respect cannot exist without our respecting others. Therefore, the two aspects serve as mutual prerequisites. The meaning of one’s self-respect is expressed through its externalization of which the two main real paths are social practice and communication activity. We regulate our social practice through self-respect and achieve the realization of harmony between man and nature; we regulate our communication activity to achieve the unity of self-respect and respecting others and realize the social harmony. Alienation, as opposed to man, makes us lose our essence and actuality. As a result, we may lose our self-respect. We must transcend alienation and develop our subjective initiative to regain our human essence.We regulate ourselves through self-respect and realize the freedom in the process of self-conscious and voluntary activity. Therefore, we show the beauty of our self-respect. We who have self-respect express our whole configuration in our activity and form our free personality which is the unity of truth, kindness, and beauty. Only when the free personality has its popularity in the public are we able to own it and achieve the real harmonious society. The beauty of self-respect is unity good and true. Who embodied the beauty of human and material self-esteem, and social harmony with others, which focus on showing in the free personality.With the development of contemporary China in its transformation period, we have many necessary social conditions for our build-up of self-respect and free personality. In the same time, we still have many negative respects in our development of self-respect and free personality. Therefore, we should construct social conditions and give full play to our subjectivity to build up and develop our self-respect and freedom.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期