

Thought Evolution of Public Opinion in Modern China (1834-1949)

【作者】 倪琳

【导师】 戴元光;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 传播学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文主旨是研究近代中国舆论思想的演迁过程及其内容特点。论文从五个层面展开,首先对近代中国时间划分的认定、近代中国的研究范式、思想演迁的写作方法进行了探讨。其次考察了前舆论时期的清议传统,以及晚清清流派现象,特别分析了清议边缘化,舆论高调登上近代中国历史舞台的社会历史原因。第三,以1834-1949年间有关舆论的近代文献为分析对象,对舆论思想在不同的历史条件下所呈现出来的特点进行提炼总结。第四讨论从传统向现代转型的过程中承前启后并且引领时代的知识精英阶层的舆论思想型塑特点。最后,在近现代中西方交流的历史背景下从纵向(华夏传统)与横向(西风东渐)的角度对舆论思想在中国的传播与演迁进行考察。研究发现,一、明清时期的清议已经从秦汉时期的乡评与德行监督演变成为统治阶层的政见之争,当局限于统治阶层的政见之争遭遇大众传播与现代文明时,清议概念不能适应现代社会所需要的理论建构而被舆论所取代。二、每次舆论思想上的波动与转型都与中国时局交替一一对应,保持着较为紧密的联系。近代舆论思想的阐释的枢机所在,往往并不依托于基本的价值理念,而是受制于西方经验与现实环境,从“工具意义”与“对策意义”的角度对基本的理念与原则进行变通式调整。三、知识精英与权力之间的远近关系决定着近代中国舆论思想演迁的特点。距离权力者最远的媒体知识阶层极力持舆论高调论,维护言论自由与舆论自由。对权力处于若即若离的学院派知识精英的舆论思想持舆论中庸论。处于权力中心的党政知识精英从国家意识形态控制角度宣扬舆论统制论。四、西方舆论思想的学术论辩分为两个时期:传统时期与现代时期。传统时期的西方舆论思想本质上就是围绕着普通民众是否有能力理性地参与政府的决策与管理这个中心命题。现代时期则是围绕着对民意调查的方法科学性展开争辩。从文献研究来看,在西风东渐的过程中,近代中国舆论思想长期受到西方传统时期的舆论思想的深刻影响。五、对于public opinion为何翻译成为舆论,从语言学的角度进行了以下推测:(1)受到日语的影响。最早对舆论进行学理性定义的胡汉民、梁启超等近代名士都有留学或旅居于日本的经历。但在日语中为了避免舆论可能会产生的歧义,还有一个专指大众化非理性言论的“世论”,而这个概念被留日的中国学者忽视。(2)在中国历史思想语境下,“公”以“国君”、“朝廷”为词源,与统治权力有着某种程度的重合关系,从而导致中国思想界出于反抗皇权建立民主共和国的时代精神的需要,以及西方的“public”词源为“人民”,故而将public opinion翻译成为“舆论”更符合中国从传统封建帝国向现代民主国家转变的时代潮流。因而,舆论属于现代汉语中的“重返的书写形式的外来词”,不能简单地认为字形完全一样的古汉语词汇可以自然而然地解释其在现代汉语中对应词的含义。在现代化命题与社会转型的时代背景下,本文认为近代中国舆论思想演迁的过程与特点对当下中国产生如下几点启示:一、虽然近代中国舆论思想演迁过程中涉及的思想资源丰富且具有争议,但其中却孕育着一股不可逆转的趋势。它就是民主的参与、自由的表达、多数的选择、透明的权力。这既是告别皇权专制统治之后新生国家的政权合法性与公信力的来源,也是近代中国思潮激荡融合后的普遍共识。二、士的转型分化出新的近代知识群体,他们与大众媒体、西式大学相结合,展现了中国历史上从未有的强大舆论与言论力量,被称之为文人论政,以言报国。虽然这段辉煌历史较为短暂,但如昭示方向的灯塔照耀着媒体人的理想。三、权力愈大的阶层,愈倾向于控制意见的表达,权力中心更是乐于采用统制与操控手段,强调思想与声音的一致。从长远看,信息流动受阻滞、意见表达被压制,那么力量和利益的制衡欠缺,权力决策失误和治理失败在所难免,上层、下层双输的祸国之局亦可能肇因于此。四、西方public opinion本身充满争议。近代以来,将public opinion翻译成“舆论”造成新的歧义。现代汉语中指称人民的意见的词汇比起西方而言,较为贫乏,甚至由褒义逐渐带有贬义,呼吁丰富相关概念。

【Abstract】 This paper aims to study the evolution of public opinion thought in modern China (1834-1949). On the first place, the author tries to discuss time division and historical paradigm of modern China, and research method of thought history. Secondly, it is examined the Qingyi tradition in the ancient China and the phenomenon of Qingqiu in the late Qing dynasty. Besides, it is particularly analyzed the objective causes why Qingyi had to be replaced by the concept of public opinion in the nineteenth century. Thirdly, based on over one hundred first-hand articles of Chinese academic journals and mass magazines collected from 1834 to 1949, it has been found that there are different characteristics of public opinion ideas in different period. Fourthly, specially focusing on how the intellectual elites shape their thought of public opinion in the transition period. Lastly, it describes the dissemination process of public opinion thought according to the background of Cross-Cultural communication.In this paper, three-dimensional perspective to show the evolution of modern Chinese thought: history perspective, Linguistics perspective and Communication perspective. There are sixes main findings: (1) From Ming-Qing Dynasties to Qin-Han Dynasty, Qingyi had been changed from the moral assessment and supervision into the evolution of the political struggles among the ruling class. As a result, public opinion had taken the place of Qingyi for which could not meet the needs of modern ideological trend. (2)Every change of public opinion thought had been maintained relatively closest ties to political situations in the modern China, and deeply been limited by the western practice and domestic reality, rather than the basic values. (3) The relationship between intellectual elites and government power determines their choices of public opinion thought. The farther from political power,intellectual elites more stressed the freedom of public opinion, in other words, the nearer from political power, intellectual elites more stressed the control of public opinion. (4) Academic debate over public opinion thought in western context has been divided into two periods: the traditional debate about whether people have the abilities to participate the political decision-making; and the modern debate about whether polls have scientifically reflected the truth of public opinion. It proves that there is largely influenced by traditional debate in modern China in the terms of literature. (5) There are two main speculations why public opinion has been translated into Yulun instead of Gonglun in China. One is that the term of Yulun is likely influenced by the Japanese, for some famous persons have a study or living in Japan in the late 19th century. The other is Gong in Chinese context means monarch or ruler as the etymology, which is contradictory with the democratic trend. In contrast, Yulun is more appropriate than Gonglun for the overthrow of autocracy. Therefore, we can not simply believe that exactly the same shape of ancient Chinese words can be interpreted naturally in its counterparts in modern Chinese meaning.In the background of modern fate and social transformation, there are four pieces of inspiration for current China: (1) Although the thought of public opinion had been involved in varied and controversial resources, there is an irreversible trend that is the democratic participation, freedom of expression, the majority choice, transparent power, which is the new source of legitimacy after the overthrow the autocratic rule, and the consensus by the stirring debate. (2) New intellectuals who were transformed from the literati had created political power and public opinion through the modern instituations such as mass media and university. It is termed that scholars government or serve government by speech. Although it was very short as a brilliant period of history, it has become the lighthouse shining the ideas of journalists. (3) The class has more power, more inclined to control the expression of opinion. However, the high level tends to have the lack of information to make right decisions for the government, and then they would confront the danger of defeat. (4) As a controversial western concept, public opinion is translated into Yulun, which brings new ambiguity and derogatory. There are few words meaning to opinion expression in modern Chinese vocabulary, we need to enrich and redefine the words and concept.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期