

The Shaping of the National Image of the New China

【作者】 王海燕

【导师】 顾平;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 美术学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 建国17年的绘画艺术由于国家意识形态的特殊影响以及毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》思想的主导,在中国近现代美术史上有着特殊的历史意义,无论是挖掘它的历史价值,或是从历史发展的角度廓清它的客观存在,自20世纪50、60年代以来,一直受到学者和艺术工作者们的广泛关注,就目前学术研究的现实状况看来,以“概念化”、“公式化”对其定位的居多,在很大程度上对一些问题的判断有失公允。作为建国17年绘画艺术创作的重要内容——绘画题材也由于社会性质的转变,从艺术形式到主题思想都发生了鲜明的变化,同时也产生了一系列关乎时代的新的问题。在今天这个更加注重国家形象塑造的当代社会,艺术这一具有民族性和世界性的语言方式在加强和促进国家与国家之间文化沟通、树立本民族形象、提高国家在国际社会上的软实力方面有着积极的、不可替代的社会意义,本选题拟从客观史实的角度出发,在分析建国后17年绘画艺术发展现状的基础上以绘画题材的研究为核心,研究建国17年绘画题材在国家意识形态的主导下,其社会性质何以发生历史的置换,以及如何从传统的艺术发展观转变为对服务于社会的“大众化”艺术的追求,绘画题材又是怎样通过政治叙事最终建立起与国家形象塑造之间的“特殊关系”。特别是新世纪的到来,中国国际社会地位的提高、国力的强盛、文化的繁荣、国家与社会的进一步和谐,本选题的研究对于当代绘画艺术的发展及国家形象的建构都具有重要的现实意义。本选题的文章结构是,首先交代研究对象,由近代以来至建国前后各个历史阶段绘画题材的历史变革推演出建国17年绘画题材的总体面貌,并对建国17年绘画题材的不同类别及主要内容与形式进行客观阐述、分析,进一步呈现建国17年时期绘画题材在中国绘画艺术发展历程中的清晰轮廓,即在以“现实”为主题的基调上,对现实进行理想赞美的同时,也体现了一种时代精神的嬗变——个人主义的消解和集体主义精神的倡扬,突显了建国17年绘画题材的时代个性。由此展开对本选题的进一步研究;其次,从宏观的角度客观的分析新中国特殊的政治、经济、文化情境,揭示形成绘画题材历史必然性的社会氛围,而艺术教育作为新中国社会主义建设的重要部分,其现实主义的教育观与写实主义的教学体系,尤其是写实主义的教学观念和创作方法对建国17年绘画艺术的发展、艺术观念的传播、美术人才的培养以及绘画题材的现实转换都产生了直接的影响,因此运用艺术教育学的方法,可以有助于从艺术本体的角度来挖掘建国17年绘画题材的客观事实和艺术价值。在此基础上,并通过对建国17年绘画艺术在“文艺为工农兵服务”和“为社会主义服务”方针的指导下,其“大众化”意味和“现实主义”的主流形态的深入分析,以揭示建国17年绘画题材“大众化”和“现实化”的根本原因,可以更进一步的了解建国17年绘画题材服务于社会和现实的社会意义;通过对以上史实的研究,我们发现,建国17年绘画题材“大众化”与“现实化”的追求,以及所倡扬的集体主义精神,都是对毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》精神的贯彻和体现,并在这一核心要求的指导下来实现的。《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》,作为艺术创作的指导思想,它同时又是建国17年时期国家的一项重要的政治纲领,于是在这一政治纲领的指导下,建国17年的绘画题材必然带有极强的政治色彩。因此,通过对绘画艺术的政治功利、艺术家的政治使命、绘画题材的政治性、典型题材的特殊意义等一系列带有政治色彩的问题做进一步阐述,可以见证建国17年的绘画题材是对这一时期国家形象的一种“政治叙事”。最后,我们从理论的高度进行总结,在绘画艺术作为塑造国家形象的重要工具这一政治要求下,出于国家利益和社会现实的需要,建国17年的绘画题材对个人主义的消解和集体主义的倡扬,彻底实现了从传统到现实的社会性转型,在突出其“政治叙事”的功能时,其实与塑造国家形象之间存在着特殊的互动性,是对新中国国家形象的一种塑造。

【Abstract】 Influenced by China’s special ideology and instructed by the thoughts expressed by Mao Tse-tung in The Speech of Literature and Art Symposium at Yanan, the Art of Painting in 17 years since the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China is significant in the history of China’s modern art. To explore its historical value and to clean up its objective existence in the perspective of history caught the eyes of the scholars and art workers since 1950s and 1960s. In the present academic research, it was defined by“Conceptualization”and“Formulation”, which is partial to some degrees. As an important content of the art of painting in 17 years since the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China, the painting themes were changed a lot in the forms of art and topics due to the reform of the social nature, which aroused a series of new problems about the times. In the modern society which emphasizes on the shaping of national image, the art, the language of the nationality and the world, plays an active and irreplaceable part in strengthening and promoting the cultural communication between different countries, establishing the national image and improving the country’s soft power in international society. This dissertation begins from the objective historical facts and analyses the painting themes of the Art of Painting in 17 years since the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China, tries to find the reason why its social nature was changed guided by the national ideology, how the traditional concept of art development changed to serve the society’s seeking for the popular arts, and how the painting themes finally established its relationship with the national image by political narration. Especially in the new century, the rising of China’s international status, the national power, the cultural flourishing and the further harmony between China and the international society make it possible for this dissertation, thus make us think and explore more about this spell of history and the art of painting.The structure of the dissertation is the following:The first part of this dissertation is the subjects of the research. The author tries to show the presence of the painting themes of the 17 years since the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China by exploring the historical reform of the painting themes in different history spells before and after the foundation of New China, narrates,analyses the different kinds of the painting themes of the 17 years since the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China, its main contents and forms, and presents the clear profile of the painting themes of the 17 years since the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China in the development history of China’s art painting. In the keynote of the themes of reality, the author praises the reality, finds the change of time spirit---the eliminating of individualism and the advocating of the spirit of collectivism, and makes the individual character of the painting themes of the 17 years since the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China prominentIn the second part of the dissertation, the author tries to find the basic reasons of the popularization and actualization of the painting themes of the 17 years since the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China and its social significance of serving for the society and reality. In this part, the author analyses the special political, economic and cultural background of New China objectively in the macro-prospective view, reveals its social atmosphere of the historical necessity. In the construction of New China’s socialism, the art education focused on the education concept of realism and the teaching system of painting realistically, especially the teaching concept and creative method of painting realistically, influenced a lot on the development of art, the transmission of art concepts, the training of art talents, the practical transformation of painting themes of the 17 years since the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China. In the method of art education, we can explore the objective facts and art value of the painting themes of the 17 years since the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China in the prospective of art feature of thing-in-self. And then narrates the meaning of popularization and the main stream of modernization which were guided by the principles of“The literature and art should serve for the workers, peasants and soldiers”and“Serving for the socialism”.By researching the above historical facts we find that the seeking for popularization and actualization of the painting themes of the 17 years since the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China and the advocated collective spirit are actually the implementing and embodying of the spirit of The Speech of Literature and Art Symposium at Yanan by Chairman Mao Tse-tung, and it was realized in the guidance of this core requirement. As the guidance of art creation, The Speech of Literature and Art Symposium at Yanan was an important political guiding principle of New China in the 17 years since the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China which bestowed the political color to the painting themes of this period. Therefore, by further narration of political nature of the painting art, the political mission of the artists, the political advancement of the painting themes, the special significance of the typical themes, the author concludes that the painting themes of the 17 years since the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China is a kind of political narration of national image at that time.Finally, the author sums up in theory that the painting themes of the 17 years since the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China is the eliminating of individualism and the advocating of collectivism, it realized the society transition from tradition to reality. In highlighting its function of political narration, it interacted with the shaping of the national image, the one of the New China. The reason is that, as the important tool to shape the national image, the art of painting has to meet the requests of the national interest and social reality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期