

【作者】 徐敏

【导师】 刘伟冬;

【作者基本信息】 南京艺术学院 , 美术学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 鸦片战争之后,基督宗教在中国近代开始了广泛的传播,当时西方各国的基督宗教组织凭借武力为后盾,加强了对中国各地的传教活动。这与唐、元、明末清初三次基督宗教屈从于中国传统文化的传播方式截然不同。教堂建筑作为基督宗教精神的象征,使得近代在中国各地的基督宗教教堂建筑也随之大量崛起,这种具有强烈的西化特征的宗教建筑,打破了中国传统建筑一统天下的格局。本论文通过对中国近代基督宗教教堂建筑类型与概况的分析,深入研究中国近代基督宗教教堂建筑特征以及通过横向、纵向的比较,发掘中国近代基督宗教教堂建筑具有的历史意义、宗教意义乃至对中国近代建筑的深刻影响,并且为中国近代城市建设的发展提供了大量的佐证。在此基础上,通过对中国各地的具有特征性的近代基督宗教教堂建筑的实地考察和建筑艺术的评析,揭示出中国传统文化与西方文化观念差异性而表现出的社会意义和影响。

【Abstract】 The Christian Religion had spread widely in modern China since the War of Opium. Christian organizations from western world actively carried on their missionary project with military force as their backup. Compared with its spread in China during Tang, Yuan, Ming (at its final stage) and Qing (at its beginning) Dynasty when it succumbed to traditional Chinese Culture, Christianity executed its mission in an totally different way in modern China. As a symbol of spirit of Christianity, church buildings emerged with great number in many places of China. The construction world of China dominated by native traditional buildings was thus radically changed by this kind of religious building whose characters are intrinsically of western culture. This essay made a survey of general situation and types of Christian Churches built in modern China. Characters of these churches are compared and studied from different angles. Through this way, this work tries to find their historic meaning, religious meaning, and their profound impact on Chinese building during that period. Their role as important evidence witnessing the development of city constructions in modern China is also highly concerned. With field study and artistic criticize on typical churches in different place of China, this work aims to reveal the difference between traditional ideas of China and those of Western culture, and therefore its social meaning and social effects.

  • 【分类号】TU-092;TU252
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1299
  • 攻读期成果