

【作者】 祁斌斌

【导师】 戴嘉枋;

【作者基本信息】 中央音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文对于“音乐期刊”的定义是:“音乐期刊,也称音乐杂志,属于专业期刊之一。它的内容专以音乐界内一切事物为关注、研究对象,按照一定的方针编辑,刊登众多作者与内容的文章,用卷、期或者年、月顺序编号,具有统一标题的定期或不定期的连续出版物。”1937年以前的中国音乐期刊是中国近现代音乐史上一部重要的历史文献。它伴随着20世纪初中国新音乐的发展而产生发展,作为介绍音乐知识、宣传音乐思想、传播音乐创作、交流音乐动态的流动平台,在音乐书籍和资料极为匮乏的20世纪上半叶发挥着重要的宣传与教育功能,是中国近现代音乐史上极为重要的舆论阵地。本文以20世纪初至抗日战争爆发以前30年间中国音乐期刊为研究对象,主要以历史唯物主义的观点,采用实证性与思辨性的双重研究方法,力求通过大量历史文献的整理与研究,对我国音乐期刊的初期发展轨迹进行完整的认识,并在对历史资料的思考与归纳的过程中,对文献予以解读,剖析文献背后的深层动因与潜在寓意,进而探索中国音乐期刊的发展规律。本文综合音乐史学、社会学、传播学、编辑学、定量研究分析法(数据统计)等多种研究角度,将音乐期刊置于社会环境与文化环境的双层结构中,对这一文化产物进行哲理性思考。最终以中景(音乐期刊整体情况)、近景(音乐期刊主要内容)、远景(音乐期刊历史意义)三个步骤来再现抗战爆发以前中国近现代音乐期刊的文化轨迹。全文从我国音乐期刊发展史和音乐期刊文论两大方面进行研究。第一章“1937年以前中国音乐期刊发展概述”梳理30年来中国音乐期刊的发展脉络,讲述期刊的编辑出版情况及期刊主要内容特色,同时指出本时期音乐期刊在地域上的空白点,并总结音乐期刊的出版特点。第二至六章分别从“中国古代音乐沿革”、“现实音乐发展”、“中国音乐教育问题”、“音乐概论与音乐美学”、“西方音乐文化传播”五大方面进行论述,将期刊中的各专题文章进行归类与总结,展现当时音乐期刊的主要内容,并对此予以史学关照和理论剖析。从中展现音乐期刊的进化变革与文化意义。最后在结论中,本文将总结本时期音乐期刊的特征演变、内容演变及社会功能演变,并力求为该30年来的中国音乐期刊发展做以客观公允的历史评价。

【Abstract】 The definition of "musical periodicals (or journals)" in this essay is:"Publications appearing at regular or irregular intervals under a same designation edited according to a specific guiding principle, furnished with serial numbers such as volumes and annual or monthly annual volumes. They contain articles about all objects concerned or studied in the musical world composed by many different writers."The Chinese musical journals that appeared before 1937 are historical documents of important value related with the Modern Chinese Music History. Born and developed by following the Chinese new music development of the 20th century, they acted as a platform for introducing musical knowledge, promoting musical ideas and musical works as well as exchanging news of musical tendencies. Published during the first half part of the 20th century when the country was in deficiency of music books and materials, these journals played an important role in the function of propaganda and education, thus held an important position in the mass media in history of Chinese modern music.This paper is a study in Chinese musical journals focused on the period between early 20th century and time prior to the eruption of the Anti-Japanese War (June,1937). Based on historical materialism, it adopts positive and speculative methods to better understand the early stage of the development of Chinese musical journals by arranging and studying the materials and analyzing the underlying motives as well as potential implication, in order to explore the development law of Chinese musical journals. It is a paper of comprehensive study from aspects of historical musicology, sociology, communication, editing, statistics and other research perspectives, pondering over the journals philosophically by investigating this cultural product among its social and cultural environment. The author took three steps-----"medium shot" (giving a discussion of the overall situation of the journals), "close shot" (concentrating in the main contents of the journals) and "long shot" (pointing out historical significance of the journals)-----to "playback" the trial of this period.The paper is studied from two sides:Chapter One, a survey, reviewed the development sequence of the Chinese musical journals during those 30 years, described the editing and publishing situation as well as the main features of the contents, pointed out the regional blank points of musical journals in the country, and summarized the characteristic of the published journals. Chapter Two to Chapter Six discussed the contents of the journals by dividing them into five special fields----history of Chinese ancient music, reality of musical development, music education in China, survey of music and musical aesthetics, transmission of Western music to China----in which the author arranged, analyzed and summarized as showing their evolution and culture significance.In the final conclusion, the paper summarized the change of characteristic, change of evolution in contents and social function of the journals, and tried to give an objective historical fair assessment to these musical journals that appeared during the 30 years of that period.

  • 【分类号】J609.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1554