

Digital Earth Three-Dimensional Spatial Information Services Research of Key Technologies

【作者】 罗显刚

【导师】 谢忠;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 信息时代,随着信息资源的爆炸式扩张,人类对信息资源采集、存储、管理、分析等提出了更高的要求。在解决人口、资源、土地、环境、灾害、规划、建设等重大问题时,多类型、多尺度、多时态、多维度、海量的空间信息的研究与应用越来越多。传统的二维空间信息表达已经不能同时满足这些方面多层次的需求,三维空间信息服务的研究与应用迫在眉睫,以满足信息产业空前发展的需要。系统论、信息论、控制论的形成,计算机技术、通信技术、卫星遥感等空间信息技术、互联网技术的应用,为信息资源的科学管理展示出更加广阔的前景。数字地球是一个整合GIS、RS、GPS、互联网、虚拟现实等高新技术的研究方向,能够整合海量的地理空间数据,是对地球的三维多分辨率表达。世界上许多国家正积极发展、运用先进的空间信息技术,如遥感技术、地理信息系统技术和全球定位系统技术,以数字化的方式获取、处理、分析我们人类赖以生存的地球上的自然和人文方面的空间信息,并以此为基础,解决人类可持续生存与发展的诸多复杂问题。随着计算机及互联网技术快速发展和广泛应用,我国三维空间信息技术的应用需求也越来越广;经过多年积累和建设,我国三维空间信息技术研究已初具成效,研制出了一批具有自主产权的三维系统软件和应用软件,使三维空间信息资源在很多行业得到了广泛应用。在取得这些成绩和研究成果的同时,三维空间信息管理与应用技术也遇到了一些新的问题亟待解决,具体表现为:(1)三维空间信息格式种类繁多,信息存储空间大,如何高效使用这些三维空间信息成为一大难题,且在进行决策管理时难以通过数据获得分析处理的结果和信息。随着各行应用的铺开,三维空间数据不断增多,长此以往,慢慢积累起来的各种三维空间信息形成无法共享的“信息孤岛”。(2)三维空间信息在互联网上发布时,传输又成为另一个大的难题。互联网的带宽有限,要想发布大数据量的三维空间信息,现有三维模型无法保证快速高效的操作。如何建立高效的三维数据模型,以便客户端快速访问和下载,也是一个技术难题。(3)由于数据资源的保密性,不可能将所有的三维空间信息进行集中管理;而且忽视三维空间操作与分布式技术也使得业界在处理海量GIS三维空间信息的分布式存储与处理方面的研究投入严重不足,所取得的研究成果也缺乏有效的产业化渠道,直接影响了国产三维网络GIS软件的竞争能力。(4)现有互联网上三维空间信息服务无法满足各行业空间信息共享的需求,同时智慧地球、智慧城市等概念的提出,急需整合各类空间信息资源,完善三维空间信息服务。对于以上存在的问题,三维空间信息网络技术亟需引入新的技术、思想和体系来构造一个分布式环境下的三维空间信息网络服务系统。要实现基于数字地球的三维空间信息服务,主要包括两个方面的内容:数字地球技术与三维空间信息服务技术。本论文“数字地球三维空间信息服务关键技术研究”可以为这些需要解决的问题能提供较好的研究思路。本论文在国家十一五“863”专题课题“面向网络的三维空间信息服务技术研究与软件开发”(2009AA122211)项目系统的推动下,研究数字地球技术和三维空间信息服务,并实现基于数字地球的三维空间信息共享与服务体系。本文针对数字地球发展的现状和存在的问题,从数字地球的基础上,对三维空间信息服务层面进行研究,特别是在网络环境下,使用各种现有的数字地球技术,实现三维空间信息共享,为用户提供更完善的三维GIS服务;基于数字地球在各个行业应用的展开,针对空间信息服务在行业应用的迫切需求,特别是三维空间信息服务的提出,本论文展开基于数字地球关键技术以及在此技术的基础上提供三维空间信息服务,并对海量数据共享、三维空间信息服务、服务调度等多项关键技术进行研究与探索,最终应用于气象行业并完成预警与服务系统。本文研究与探讨数字地球相关体系与关键技术,围绕并基于数字地球展开三维空间信息服务的研究,在现有国产大型GIS平台MapGIS Virtual Earth (MVE)的研究开发基础上,扩展MVE的功能与应用模式,立足技术创新与产品跨越,解决关键技术问题,研究并实现具有海量三维空间信息存储能力的、支持分布式网络环境下的三维空间数据高效传输以及分析处理能力的三维空间数据信息服务平台,具体而言,将在以下几个方面开展研究:(1)网络三维地球模型网络三维地球是构建整个系统的基础。该平台系统目标在于面向社会公众提供地图信息搜索服务,满足人们日常出行需求,面向行业结合专题信息提供行业信息管理和应用服务。简单的说主要分为服务器端与客户端,服务器端是三维地球模型的整个数据存储与管理;客户端是地球模型显示包括:客户端数据通讯、客户端数据调度、数据集管理模块与客户端显示模块。(2)海量地理信息的存储与管理三维地形景观模型是数字虚拟空间系统的主要研究内容,并且逐步发展成为三维GIS。目前已有些三维GIS原型系统,但是这些原型系统只是对数据进行了相对简单的管理,而在现实应用中,海量的地理空间数据需要进行存储与管理,需要解决大容量空间数据的快速实时传输、动态显示以及多源海量数据的管理和高效索引。(3)三维空间信息建模及可视化随着“数字地球”、“数字城市”、“数字社区”等概念的提出,以及空间信息和遥感数据处理技术的迅速发展,将必然促使传统二维GIS的服务走向网络化与三维化。在三维网络地球模型的研究基础上,Server端根据客户端的请求,将三维空间数据实时动态的传输到客户端,客户端接收到服务器端传来的数据后对其进行三维可视化映射,然后以三维图形的方式显示在计算机屏幕上通过人机交互的方式控制三维场景的绘制,使得用户能在三维场景中实现漫游。(4)三维空间信息高效传输与分析机制三维空间信息数据量大,必须有高效的传输机制来保证其快速传输,同时传输时需要有容错机制来保证其有效运行,该部分研究压缩传输与安全传输、异步调用机制、负载均衡和容错机制等。(5)网络三维空间信息服务技术网络三维空间信息最重要的目的是提供一系列的三维空间信息服务,在此基础上,能够向互联网上提供服务,真正实现信息共享、跨平台、分布式。基于标准协议、具有开放、跨平台、可伸缩、节点自治的Web服务是分布式系统的核心与基础。为促进地理信息的共享和互操作,实现跨平台的集成,研究OGC的Web服务和XML规范,提出空间地理信息Web服务、GML (Geographic Markup Language).空间地理信息Web服务利用分布在不同节点的空间数据结合与数据绑定的空间信息功能服务,实现基于互联网的空间信息共享技术。这些任务包括:地图可视化、空间信息检索、空间分析、地图报表等等。空间地理信息Web服务使得应用程序开发者将GIS功能集成到他们的Web应用程序而不需要构建本地的功能。(6)软件实现与气象行业应用三维空间信息网络服务的实现有两种模式:B/S模式和C/S模式,这两种模式在数据存储,发布都是使用同一套服务,具有通用性。我们可以将这两种模式合并起来进行分层,包括四个层次:数据管理层、GIS服务层、WEB服务层和表现层。在该体系结构下,根据气象预警的应用要求,实现在气象行业上的实例验证。研究数字地球并基于数字地球研究三维空间信息共享的标准规范,实现三维空间信息一体化的组织与存储机制,从而建立一套具有服务能力的三维空间信息服务集成模块。通过高速网络连接并集成地理上分布的、异构的各种高性能计算机系统、处理工具和软件系统等各种资源为一体,实现跨地域的、分布的高性能联合、多源、异构数据的集成和三维空间信息服务,为用户提供一体化高性能空间信息计算服务、空间信息处理服务和决策支持服务,发挥网络上资源的综合效能。能够集成和协同各种三维空间信息资源,提供多层次三维空间信息服务。本文的创新点在于:(1)基于MVE模型,改进其海量数据存储机制,改进已有的三维空间信息模型与三维空间数据可视化效率,并提供基于海量三维数据的动态分析服务;(2)在高效三维空间数据表达的面向服务的三维空间数据模型上,研究三维空间数据空间存储与传输算法,提高存储效率、数据传输速度,改善三维空间数据分析的处理模型;(3)针对海量三维空间数据,研究三维空间信息计算模式,提供三维空间信息的功能服务,完成基于互联网模式下用户指定的三维空间分析服务;(4)依托MVE三维地球模型,结合海量影像、矢量以及三维模型数据,实现分布式数据部署、分布式服务部署,以压缩传输、负载均衡等机制为保证,构建分布式网络三维数据服务系统,并在气象行业进行研究验证;

【Abstract】 With the explosive expansion of information resources, human put forward higher requirements in information collection, storage, management, analysis. In the settlement of population, resources, land, environment, disaster, planning, construction and other major issues, there are more and more research and application of vast amounts spatial information about multi-type, multi-scale, multi-temporal state, multi-dimensional. Expression of the traditional two-dimensional spatial information can no longer satisfy all aspects of these multi-level needs, therefore, in order to meet the needs of the unprecedented development of information industry, three-dimensional spatial information services research and application is imminent. System theory, information theory, control theory formation, computer technology, communication technology, satellite remote sensing and other spatial information technology, and Internet technology even have broaden prospect for scientific management of information resources.Digital Earth is a multi-resolution three-dimensional expression of the Earth, it can integrate GIS, RS, GPS, Internet, virtual reality and other high-tech, but also able to integrate vast amounts of geospatial data. Many countries are actively developing advanced spatial information technology such as remote sensing technology, geographic information systems technology and global positioning system technology, to achieve digital acquisition, processing, analysis of our human survival on Earth’s natural and human aspects of spatial information, and based on this to address sustainable human survival and development of the many complex issues.With the rapid development of computer and Internet technology and wide application of information technology, three-dimensional space has become an increasingly widespread application requirement in our country. After years of accumulation and construction of three-dimensional spatial information technology research in China already have a base and developed a group of independent property rights in three-dimensional system software and application software, so that makes three-dimensional spatial information resources has been widely used in many industries. In achieving these results and research at the same time, three-dimensional spatial information management and application of technology has also encountered a number of new issues that must be resolved, specifically manifested as follows:(1) Three-dimensional format, a wide range of information, the information is stored in a large space. How to efficiently use the three-dimensional information has become a major problem, and making it difficult to manage the decision-making through data analysis and processing to obtain the results and information. With the development of various industrial applications and three-dimensional spatial data continues to increase, the accumulated information to create a variety of three-dimensional space can not be shared "information islands."(2) Three-dimensional information on the Internet when it is published, the transmission becomes another big problem. As the Internet bandwidth is limited, in order to release large amounts of data three-dimensional spatial information, the existing three-dimensional model can not guarantee fast and efficient operation. How to establish an efficient three-dimensional data model in order to quickly access and download the client, but also a technical problem.(3) Because of the confidentiality of data resources, it is impossible that all of the three-dimensional information centralized management; and the neglect of three-dimensional operation and distributed technology also makes the industry in dealing with mass distributed GIS three-dimensional spatial information distributed storage and processing of a serious shortage of investment in research. Research results achieved by the industrialization of a lack of effective channels to directly affect the three-dimensional network of home-made GIS software competitiveness.(4) Existing three-dimensional space on the Internet information service unable to meet all sectors of space information sharing needs. While the concept of wisdom of the earth, the wisdom of cites is put forward, it is urgent to integrate various types of spatial information resources to improve the three-dimensional spatial information services.For the above problems, three-dimensional space information network technology needed to introduce new technologies, ideas and systems to construct a three-dimensional space information network service system under the distributed environment. To achieve digital earth-based three-dimensional spatial information services, mainly including two aspects:Digital Earth technology and three-dimensional spatial information services technology. In this paper, "Digital Earth 3D spatial information services research of key technologies" can provide better research ideas for these issues.This paper studies three-dimensional digital earth technologies and information services, in the Eleventh Five-Year National "863" special issue "facing the three-dimensional network of information services technology research and software development" (2009AA12Z211) under the impetus of the project system, and to achieve three-dimensional space information sharing and service system based on the digital Earth. This paper studies three-dimensional spatial information services from the Digital Earth, under the development of Digital Earth’s current situation and existing problems, Especially in the network environment, through the use of a variety of existing technology of Digital Earth three-dimensional space to share information in order to provide users with a more comprehensive three-dimensional GIS services;Based on Digital Earth in various industrial applications for spatial information services in urgent need of industrial applications, especially in three-dimensional spatial information service needs, this paper provide three-dimensional information services based on the key technology of Digital Earth as well as on the basis of this technology. And we also study the massive data sharing, three-dimensional space information service, service scheduling and many other key technologies. Ultimately, provide the early warning and services system in weather industry.This paper studies and discuss on Digital Earth-related systems and key technologies, launched three-dimensional spatial information services research based on Digital Earth. Extend MVE function and application mode, innovate technologies and products and address critical technical issues, based on the existing domestic large-scale GIS platform MapGIS Virtual Earth (MVE). Study and realize three-dimensional spatial data information service platform which has the capacity of three-dimensional spatial information massive storage, support its efficient transmission under distributed network environment, but also data analysis and processing. In particular, will be to undertake research in the following areas:(1) network model of the Earth 3DInternet 3D earth is the foundation to build the entire system. The platform system, the objective is to provide the public with map information search services to meet the people’s daily travel needs, combining thematic information for the industry to deliver industry-information management and application services. Simply, it can be divided into server and client. Server is a three-dimensional model of the Earth’s entire data storage and management; client-side is the Earth’s model shows, including:client-side data communications, client is the Earth’s model expression; it is including:client data communications, client data scheduling, data set management module and the client display module.(2) Massive storage and management of geographic informationThree-dimensional topography model is the main research contents of digital virtual space systems, and gradually developed into a three-dimensional GIS. Some three-dimensional GIS prototype system is put forward, but they only manage relatively simple data. In real applications, the vast amounts of geospatial data needs to be store and manage, and also need to address the large volume of spatial data fast real-time transmission, dynamic display and multi-source data management and efficient mass index.(3) Three-dimensional information modeling and visualizationWith the concepts such as "Digital Earth", "Digital City", "digital community" proposed, as well as spatial information and remote sensing data processing technology is developing rapidly, it will surely promote the traditional GIS services from two-dimensional to three-dimensional and network. Based on the three-dimensional network model of the Earth, the server transmits the dynamic three-dimensional real-time data to the client according to the client’s request. The client receives the data sent from the server and maps three-dimensional visualization, and then three-dimensional graphics display on the computer screen, through the control of human-computer interaction in three-dimensional scene rendering, allowing users to roam in the realization of three-dimensional scene.(4) The mechanisms for efficient transport of three-dimensional spatial information and analysisLarge amount of information data three-dimensional space, there must be efficient transport mechanisms to ensure its rapid transmission. At the same time, transmission requires fault tolerance mechanisms to ensure their effective operation. This part studies compression and transmission and security of transmission, asynchronous call mechanisms, load balancing and fault tolerance mechanisms.(5) Three-dimensional network of spatial information servicesThe most important purpose of Web 3D spatial information is to provide a range of three-dimensional spatial information services, and can be able to provide services on the Internet, the real information sharing, cross-platform, distributed. Based on standard protocols, with an open, cross-platform, scalable, Node autonomy in distributed systems, Web services are the core and foundation. To facilitate the sharing and interoperability, cross-platform integration of geographic information, research OGC’s Web services and XML specifications, proposed Geographic Information Web Service, GML (Geographic Markup Language). Spatial Web services use geographic information distributed in different nodes of the spatial data integration and data-binding function of spatial information services, to achieve Internet-based spatial information sharing technology. These tasks include:map visualization, spatial information retrieval, spatial analysis, maps, reports and so on. Spatial Geographic Information Web Services allows application developers to integrate GIS functionality into their Web applications without the need to build local capabilities.(6) Industry application software implementation and weatherThere are two modes in the implementation of three-dimensional spatial information network services:B/S mode and C/S mode. These two models in the data storage, release all use the same set of services, with versatility. We can combine these two modes stratification, including four levels:data management, GIS service layer, WEB service layer and presentation layer. Based on the system structure, according to Hubei weather warning application requirements, to achieve the industry on the meteorological examples are illustrated.Study Digital Earth and based on Digital Earth studies the standards and norms of three-dimensional information-sharing, and realize three-dimensional spatial information integration, organization and storage mechanism, therefore, establish the modules which have the capacity of three-dimensional spatial information services and integrations. High-speed Internet connection and integration of geographically distributed, heterogeneous high performance computer systems, processing tools and software systems and other resources as a whole, to achieve cross-boundary, the distribution of high-performance joint, multi-source, heterogeneous data integration and three-dimensional spatial information services, To provide users with an integrated high-performance computing services, spatial information, spatial information processing services and decision support services, to play the combined effectiveness of the network resources. The system can integrate and coordinate a variety of three-dimensional spatial information resources to provide multi-layered three-dimensional information services. The innovation of this paper is:(1) Improve its mass data storage mechanism, and improve the existing three-dimensional information model and the efficiency of three-dimensional data visualization, and provide massive dynamic three-dimensional data analysis services, based on MVE model,;(2) Study three-dimensional data space storage and transmission algorithms, improve storage efficiency, data transmission speed, improve the handling of three-dimensional data analysis model, based on service-oriented data model of three-dimensional space in the expression of efficient three-dimensional spatial data;(3) Study three-dimensional spatial information calculation mode, provide services of function of three-dimensional spatial information, complete Internet-based three-dimensional spatial analysis services which is user-specified(4) Relying on three-dimensional earth MVE model, Combining of images, vector, and three-dimensional model data, to achieve the deployment of distributed data, distributed service deployment, to compression and transmission, load balancing mechanisms such as a guarantee, to build a distributed network of three-dimensional data service system, and conducting studies in meteorology verification;
