

Research on China’s Metal Mineral Resources Security Strategy

【作者】 冯进城

【导师】 关凤峻; 成金华;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 资源产业经济, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 根据“十六大”提出的全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标要求我国经济继续保持当前的良好发展势头,这就对我国矿产资源尤其是金属矿产资源提出了持续、稳定供给的要求。而大量的实践研究表明,我国矿产资源尤其是金属矿产资源对经济社会的支撑力度正在逐渐下降,国内资源不足、自给程度下降将成为我国经济持续、稳定发展的一个重要障碍。因此如何保障我国矿产资源尤其是金属矿产资源安全、缓解我国经济建设的资源约束矛盾,就显得额外重要。这既是一个现实问题,也是一个事关我国全面建设小康社会宏伟目标能否顺利实现的长远发展问题。本文的研究主要围绕我国金属矿产资源安全战略的研究展开,首先从分析金属矿产资源安全的基本内涵、基本属性、与国家安全关心等内容的基础上,分析了我国金属矿产资源供需形式和进口依存度;其次,对我国金属矿产资源安全度进行了评价,并使用战略安全风险指标、市场安全风险指标和突发性事件监测指标对其进行了检测;再次构建了我国金属矿产资源储备体系,在此基础上,分析了我国金属矿产资源储备的管理;然后,构建我国金属矿产资源开发利用战略体系。然后,结合河南铝资源的具体情况,分析了我国金属矿产资源的“两种资源、两种市场”战略。在前人研究基础上,本文对下面三个方面的内容进行了创新。1.中国金属矿产资源安全的评价与检测。首先,使用主成分分析法与聚类分析法运用储量、产量、消费量、进口量、价格、消费强度、供应方集中度和境外运输距离等8个基础数据和消费量与产量之比(C1)、对外依存度(C2)、供应方集中度(C3)、进口价格(C4)、消费量(C5)、世界储量与我国储量之比(C6)、我国产量与储量之比(C7)、消费强度(C8)和境外运输距离(C9)等评价指标评价了我国金属矿产资源安全。结果显示,我国金属矿产供应的安全程度逐步变低。以2002年安全值为基准(数值为1),近十年来,主要金属矿产的不安全程度加剧,普遍的资源不安全程度上升近一倍,个别的矿种资源不安全程度提高一倍以上。从1997年的0.7到0.8提升到2007年的1.3到1.5。最为突出的是金属镍资源的不安全程度从0.7上升为2.7,十年间不安全程度上涨四倍。分析出现这种现象的背后原因得出:造成我国金属矿产资源安全程度下降的主要因素即是我国金属矿产资源储量保证程度和国内相对供应能力不断降低,消费量、对外依存度、价格和境外供应集中度不断升高。然后,使用战略安全风险指标、市场安全风险指标和突发性事件监测指标对我国金属矿产资源的安全情况进行了检测。2.中国金属矿产资源储备战略的形成。从储备形式、储备运作和储备资金运作三个层次构建了我国金属矿产资源储备战略体系。第一级是国务院(国家储备中心)及其下设专门负责实施金属矿产资源储备事宜的国家金属矿产资源储备局。第二级是国家金属矿产资源储备经营管理公司。第三级是各个金属矿产资源储备基地公司,他们是依法设立的具有独立法人资格的经济实体,是具体承担金属矿产资源储备任务的基层组织单位,国家储备的矿产资源分别储存在各国家金属矿产资源储备基地里。3.金融危机背景下中国金属矿产资源开发利用战略的构建。文章构建了金融危机背景下中国金属矿产资源开发利用战略框架。该战略框架主要有三个部分:第一部分,是宏观管理。主要是基于金属矿产资源本身特点,从优势资源、劣势资源和普通资源角度分析我国金属矿产资源的宏观管理战略;第二部分,是微观战略。从金属矿产资源的开发利用现状出发,讨论提高我国金属矿产资源开发利用效率。具体包括加强矿业权管理战略;增强出口竞争力战略;加大储产量战略;加强矿产地建设战略。

【Abstract】 According to "16th National Congress" made a well-off society demands the grand goal of China’s economy continue to maintain the current good momentum of development, which of China’s mineral resources, mineral resources, especially metals made a sustained and steady supply requirements. And the practice of a large number of studies have shown that China’s mineral resources, especially mineral resources metal support on the economic and social strength is gradually declining, lack of domestic resources, the extent of decline in self-sufficiency will become a sustained, stable development of an important obstacle. So how to protect China’s mineral resources, especially mineral resources metal security, ease the economic construction of China’s resource-constrained contradictions, it is extra important. This is a real problem, China is also a matter of building a moderately prosperous society can successfully achieve the grand goal of long-term development issues.In this paper, the main focus of the study of metal mineral resources in China’s security strategy of the research carried out, first of all, from the analysis of metallic mineral resources, the basic connotation of security, basic attributes, and national security concern, etc., based on analysis of metal mineral resources in China and imported forms of interdependence between supply and demand degrees; Secondly, metallic mineral resources of our safety evaluation, and the use of strategic security and risk indicators, market indicators and security risks, emergencies of monitoring indicators for their detection; again constructed of metal mineral resources in China’s reserve system, in this basis, the analysis of China’s metal reserves of mineral resources management; and then build my metal mineral resources development and utilization of the strategic system. Then, combining the resources of Henan Aluminum specific circumstances, an analysis of metal mineral resources in China’s "two kinds of resources and two markets" strategy. In previous studies, based on the following three aspects of this paper,1. China metal mineral resources in the evaluation of safety and testing. First of all, the use of principal component analysis and cluster analysis using reserves, production, consumption, imports, prices, consumer strength, focus on supply-side and outside the transport distance of eight basic data such as consumption and production and the ratio of, the external dependence, supply-side concentration, import prices, consumption), the world’s reserves and the ratio of China’s reserves, China’s production and reserves, the ratio of consumption intensity and outside the transport distance, such as evaluation of the evaluation of the safety of China’s metal mineral resources. The results showed that China’s supply of metal ores and gradually lower the level of security. To safety in 2002 as the base value (the value for the 1), over the past decade, mainly of metal ores almost increased level of insecurity, the general resources, has almost doubled the extent of unsafe, insecure individual mineral resources increased more than double. From 1997 to upgrade from 0.7 to 0.8 to 2007 from 1.3 to 1.5. The most prominent is the metal nickel resources insecurity rose from 0.7 to 2.7, the decade up to four times the level of insecurity. Analysis of the reasons behind this phenomenon is drawn:metal mineral resources caused by China’s decline in the level of security that is the major factor in China’s metal mineral resources and reserves to ensure domestic supply capacity relative to lower consumption, external dependence, price, and foreign concentration of rising supply. Then, the use of strategic security and risk indicators, market indicators and security risk monitoring indicators emergencies metal mineral resources of our country’s security situation was tested.2. China metal mineral resources in the formation of a strategic reserve. Form from the reserve, reserves and reserve funds the operation of the operation of three levels constructed of metal mineral resources in China’s strategic reserves. The first level is the State Council (State reserve center) and has specialized in the implementation of metal mineral resources in the national reserves of metallic mineral resources of the Reserve. The second level is the national metal reserves of mineral resources management company. The third level is the various mineral resources reserves of base metals company, they are established by law has an independent legal personality of the economic entity, is a specific commitment to the task of metal mineral resources reserve unit of the grass-roots organizations, national reserves of mineral resources were stored in the National Metals & Minerals resources reserve base.3. The financial crisis in the context of metal mineral resources in China’s strategy to build the development and utilization. Article constructed against the backdrop of financial crisis, China’s mineral resources development and utilization of metals strategic framework. The strategic framework has three main parts:the first part of the macro-management. Is based mainly on the characteristics of metal mineral resources, from the advantages of resources, resources and general resources, inferior angle of metal mineral resources in China’s macro-management strategy; the second part of the micro-strategy. Metallic mineral resources from the development and utilization of the current situation, discussed ways to enhance the development of mineral resources of our metal use efficiency. Specific management strategies include strengthening the mineral rights; enhance the export competitiveness strategies; increase reservoir production strategies; to strengthen the building of strategic minerals.
