

Research on Environmental Preferences of Residents

【作者】 朱清

【导师】 余瑞祥;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 资源产业经济, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 居民是环境治理的核心动力,也是可持续发展战略实施的微观主体。居民是环境治理的需求者,也是环境治理的推动者,在建设生态文明社会中起着举足轻重的作用。一方面,工业文明背景下的居民环境偏好往往受到收入水平限制,中国人均收入排名世界100名以后,收入水平较低,严重制约居民环境偏好的培育和实现,因此,大部分居民以为环境治理时企业和政府的责任,没有意识到自己本身才是环境治理的推动者和践行者,从而导致居民在环境治理中的主体作用没有得到有效的发挥。另一方面,现有的环境制度体系没有为居民环境偏好的实现提供完备的通道和路径,导致居民环境偏好无法有效的转化为推动企业积极环境行为和政府良性环境规制的动力,从而降低环境治理的效率。如果不能有效的培育居民环境偏好,并为居民环境偏好的实现提供完备的制度保障。生态文明建设将会是空中楼阁,社会的可持续发展也会成为无本之木、无源之水。长期以来,环境治理的经济学基础是“外部性”理论,这个理论的逻辑结论是:政府应该应用政策工具来改变企业的环境行为,达到环境保护的目的。在这个理论背景下,衍生了依靠政府和市场的环境政策工具体系,如环境税费和排污权交易等等。在这样的理论假设下,居民在环境治理中的价值和作用是被忽略的。从宏观和微观的现实来看,忽略居民环境偏好的环境政策没有在环境保护和治理上达到人们的预期。因为环境治理的高投入性和广泛的信息不对称,环境监管和企业减排都需要付出巨大的成本。实际上,许多政府没有能力付出环境监管的所有成本,而企业进行积极环境行为的动力亦有限。在过去的三十年中,空气在不断地遭受污染,淡水日益稀缺,土壤沙化、石漠化严重,森林遭到破坏,生物多样性正在消失,渔业在不断减产等等。在微观上,作为环境治理需求者的居民在环境治理中没有扮演其应然的角色。居民和政府在环境治理上的委托——代理关系导致政府不按居民的偏好出牌,居民和企业的环境治理博弈往往因为制度的匮乏而流于市场口号和宣传。这不得不让我们反思仅仅将固有假设的局限性,并试图为居民环境偏好在环境治理中进行合理的定位。本文以为,作为环境治理核心动力的居民本身在环境保护和治理中没有发挥应有的作用是导致全球环境持续恶化的根本原因。从经济发展和环境污染关系的百年讨论中,本文发现经济发展水平低下是影响居民环境偏好作为环境治理核心动力的根本因素之一。环境库兹涅茨曲线的一般性特征,验证了收入水平对环境治理水平的限制。环境治理水平低下本身是居民环境偏好低下的外在表征。在收入水平对居民环境偏好的决定中,收入水平和消费水平从预算线上根本上制约了居民的环境行为选择,从而压制了人们环境偏好实现的动力和欲望。因此,贫穷的社会不可能是环境友好型社会,贫穷的国家不可能建设生态文明,只有发展才是硬道理。但是在高收入水平下,居民环境偏好实现向环境治理的转化并不是先验的,水到渠成的,而是需要复杂的制度条件予以支持的。而在制度层面上,传统环境经济学理论仅仅将政府和企业作为环境治理的主体,而没进一步探讨企业和政府为什么为成为环境治理的主体,企业和政府进行环境治理的动力在哪里。在环境治理制度中,本文的基本假设是:居民、企业和政府是环境治理和环境物品供给的三驾马车,而居民环境偏好是三驾马车的发动机和驱动力。传统环境政策对居民环境偏好的忽视是导致环境治理三驾马车乏力的核心障碍。居民环境偏好对企业和政府的压力是企业积极环境行为和政府良性规制的根本动力;居民环境偏好亦是居民从事环境友好行为的内生动力。而居民环境偏好转化为对居民、企业和政府进行环境治理和环境物品供给的动力是有条件。这就需要我们解决居民环境偏好的作用机理和影响因素的问题,这也是本文所要解决的根本问题。本文以居民环境偏好的显示为切入点,首先经验的观察了居民环境偏好的一般特征,指出居民环境行为就是对居民环境偏好的显示,再从纷繁复杂的环境行为分类文献中,总结了环境消费行为、环境社会行为、环境生活方式行为(日常行为)三类居民环境行为,指出不同的环境行为反应的都是环境偏好,不同的环境行为反应了环境偏好实现的层次性,并建立了环境偏好显示的一般模型;然后,梳理出收入和制度是制约居民环境偏好的主要因素,建立了环境偏好制约的一般模型;在此基础上,分别就收入和制度对居民环境偏好的制约展开了分析:在收入对居民环境偏好的制约分析中,通过引入词序性偏好分析了人们环境物品偏好和经济物品偏好的一般选择规律,并探讨了收入效应和替代效应对居民环境偏好的影响,同时在环境物品和经济物品的生产可能性边界及生产的一般均衡分析基础上,指出环境偏好对环境质量的决定作;在制度对居民环境偏好制约的分析中,指出了居民环境偏好和环境制度的共生演化关系,分析了居民环境偏好培育制度和实现制度的一般特征和问题,并讨论了心理行为因素在居民环境偏好制度制约中的作用,然后从提出了对环境偏好的制度改进措施。最后,通过实证问卷调查中国大学生的环境偏好,比较分析和验证了本文的基本假设和结论。居民环境偏好研究通过分析居民环境偏好在环境物品消费、供给和环境治理中的地位和作用,指出了居民环境偏好在环境经济学中的主体地位,为居民环境偏好的深入研究提供了理论起点。同时通过分析居民环境偏好的显示模型和制约函数,指出收入、制度对环境偏好制约及其改进,为提高居民环境偏好和居民环境偏好的实现提供了理论支持和制度选择,为发挥居民环境偏好在建设生态文明社会中的价值和作用提供了微观理论基础。国内有关居民环境偏好的文献尚不多见,为此,本文在借鉴国外研究成果,分析国内已有研究文献的基础上,以行为分析为切入点,采用理论研究与实证研究相结合、演绎分析与归纳分析相结合的研究范式,结合居民环境偏好的具体实践,以新古典经济学、制度经济学和行为经济学的相关理论为依托,将环境经济学、环境管理学、环境心理学、环境社会学等学科的相关知识进行融合,专门对居民环境偏好进行了深入探讨。研究目的在于构建居民环境偏好的基本分析框架,包括居民环境偏好的概念、层次、显示、制约等一系列基本理论问题,探讨居民环境偏好的微观和宏观影响因素及其作用机理,试图找寻居民环境偏好培育和实现的有效路径。本文以理论分析为基础,实证分析为验证,蒋整个研究分七个部分。主要内容如下:第一章导论部分,包括本研究的背景、意义和目标,回顾了“外部性”理论视野下,居民环境偏好的产生与壮大历程,分析居民环境偏好在环境治理中的理论困境和现实障碍,并梳理居民环境偏好研究的价值和意义,通过阐述本研究的技术路线和研究方法,来说明本文的研究思路;第二章偏好与环境偏好。通过梳理偏好理论的发展脉络及其实现应用,并分析了心理行为经济学对偏好的拓展,偏好理论的梳理有利于我们更深刻的认识环境偏好;然后分析了居民环境偏好在环境经济理论中的出现与发展状况,探讨了环境偏好与其他偏好、环境价值之间的联系。由于居民环境偏好的研究既离不开现有偏好研究的诸多假设,又有赖于现有偏好研究成果的论证和支持,这是本章写作的价值所在。第三章居民环境偏好观察。首先对环境偏好进行了初始观察,指出了居民环境偏好的异质性和不断发育的特征,并在显示偏好理论的基础上分析了居民环境行为对居民环境偏好的显示,将居民环境行为分为环境消费行为、环境社会行为和环境生活方式行为(日常行为),建立居民环境偏好的一般显示模型,然后,在现有文献基础上梳理出收入和制度居民环境偏好的主要影响因素,提出了居民环境偏好制约函数和一般模型。第四章收入制约下的居民环境偏好分析。本章指出居民环境偏好和经济物品的消费偏好具有词序性,引入了词典偏好的概念对居民环境偏好在收入水平差异下的物品选择;通过对环境物品进行分类,分析了收入效应和替代效应对居民环境偏好的影响;同时分析了居民环境偏好下的一般均衡,指出了环境偏好对环境产出的决定作用。第五章制度制约下的居民环境偏好分析。本章分析了居民环境偏好和环境制度的共生演化关系。理清了居民环境偏好的宏微观层次,然后分别就居民环境偏好的培育制度和实现制度展开诠释,讨论了制度对居民环境偏好培育和实现的多种制约,并将心理行为因素融入到制度制约的分析中,最后提出了制度改进建议。第六章基于实证的验证。本章通过中国大学生环境偏好问卷调查,验证了部分人群的环境偏好及对其偏好产生影响的若干因素,通过对理论和实证的综合分析,进一步阐述了理论和实证的验证的异同点,给出相关解释,并通过模型验证修正提出的理论和模型。第七章结论。得出本文研究的最后结论。总结本文的研究,并指出研究中的不足和需要进一步研究的问题。通过对以上七方面内容的阐释,我认为本文的创新之处主要表现在两个方面:在研究内容方面,第一、居民环境偏好的显示模型。通过将居民环境行为划分为环境消费行为、环境社会行为和环境生活方式行为(日常行为),指出不同的环境行为,居民对环境的支付是不一样的,通过分析居民环境行为的难易程度解读了偏好对行为的作用层次,建立了多类型环境行为下的偏好显示模型。第二、居民环境偏好收入分配实现。本文将环境物品分为排他性环境物品(市场环境物品)与非排他的环境物品(环境质量),指出了收入分配在环境偏好实现中的词序性特征,并通过分析环境物品的收入效应和替代效应,勾画了收入结构和收入水平对居民环境偏好的作用过程,得出了居民环境偏好对环境物品产出的决定作用。第三、居民环境偏好的制度实现。本文认为居民环境偏好是政府良性环境规制、企业积极环境行为、居民环境友好行为的根本动力,并详细的分析了居民环境偏好的制度实现过程,探讨了环境制度对居民环境偏好的制约机理,指出只有政府环境规制和企业积极环境行为的压力最终来自于居民,居民环境偏好才真正发挥了作用,生态文明建设和可持续发展才有希望。方法论方面:第一、在研究视角上,以偏好分析为切入点,将新古典经济学、制度经济学、行为经济学心理学、社会学、环境经济学、环境管理学等相关学科有机融合系统研究,并将心理行为因素研究引入其中。第二、在研究方法上,大胆地将归纳法、演绎法、系统分析法、均衡分析法、博弈分析法、定量分析法、比较分析法、静态分析、动态分析等多种融入到居民环境偏好的分析中,有力地支持了本文的研究结论。提高居民收入水平,培育居民的环境偏好,使居民环境偏好顺利的成为政府、企业、居民进行环境治理和环境物品供给的根本动力,通过一系列的制度设计消除居民环境偏好培育的障碍,为居民环境偏好的实现提供良好的路径保障,我们的环境治理的难题才能从根本上扭转。正如十七大报告所提出的那样,“必须把建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会放在工业化、现代化发展战略的突出位置,落实到每个单位、每个家庭”,我们的生态文明建设才有希望,我们的资源节约型、环境友好性社会的建设才会成功。

【Abstract】 Residents are not only the core of environmental governance, but also the micro-main who implemente the strategy of sustainable development. As the promoters of environmental governance, residents who demand environmental governance play an important ecological role’ in building a civil society. On the one hand, residents who have low environmental preferences think that the environmental governance is the responsibilities of enterprise and government, and not realize that they themselves are the agents of environmental governance and practice, and thereby lead to residents has not been play the effectively role in environmental governance. On the other hand, the existing system of environmental regimes is not the preferred environment for the residents to achieve with complete access and the path leading to ranking China environmental preferences can not be effectively translated into actions to promote a positive environment for business and government environmental regulation benign power, thereby reducing the efficiency of environmental governance. If we can not effectively nurturing environment for the residents preferences nor provide a complete system to the realization of the environmental preferences, ecological civilization construction will be castles in the air, sustainable development of society will also become a rootless tree.For a long time, environmental governance economics is based on "external nature" theory, the logical conclusion of this theory is:the Government should use policy instruments to geovence the enterprise environmental behavior to achieve environmental objectives. Some environmental policy instruments rely on the Government and the market system based on this theory rise, such as environmental taxes and emissions trading and so on. In such a theoretical assumption, the role and the value of the residents in environmental governance is ignored. The reality of the macro and micro view, environmental policy that ignore the Residential environmental preferences in environmental protection does not reach expectations. Because of high-input of environmental governance and a wide range of information asymmetry which lead governments and enterprises to spend enormous cost to reduce emissions. In fact, many governments can not afford to pay all the costs of environmental regulation, and the active power of enterprise environmental behaviors is limited. In the past three decades, the air is constantly subjected to pollution, the growing scarcity of fresh water, soil desertification, serious rock desertification, forest destruction, biodiversity is being lost, fisheries continued to cut and so on. In the micro level, residents who demand for environmental governance did not play its deserved role. Residents and the government in environmental governance are the principal-agent relationship, which lead the government does not regulate the pulltion according to the preferences of the residents. The game beween residents and enterprises on environmental governance is failed regularly because lack of the system. It had to make us reflect on the inherent limitations of hypothetical assumptions, and attempt to residential environmental preferences in environmental governance reasonable position.We considered that:the residents as the impetus for of environmental governance do not play its due role in the environmental protection and governance, which led to the continued global environmental deterioration. Traditional environmental economics theory regards the government and enterprises as the main body of environmental governance, but do not further explore why business and government to become the main body of environmental governance, and where the power to push enterprise and government reducing pulltion.In this article, we set the basic assumptions:residents, enterprises and governments on environmental are the three subjects who governance environment and supply environmental goods. Residential environmental preferences are Troika engine and driving force. Residential environmental preferences were neglected by traditional environmental policy, the core of the Troika lost its power in environmental governance. Residential environmental preferences as the fundamental driving force put pressure on the enterprise and government to regulate environmental pulltion. At same times, residential environmental preferences are also endogenous motivation of residential environment-friendly behavior. There are some conditions to limite Residential environmental preferences coming into residential environment-friendly behaviors, enterprises positivly behaviors and governments environmental governance. So the article,addresses that the mechanism and the influencing factors of residential environmental preferences,which are the most important questions for this paper to figure out.In this paper, we analyze the reveal of residential environmental preferences as an entry. Firstly, according to observing the general characteristics of residential environmental preferences, we point out that residential environmental behaviors reveal the residential environmental preferences. Then, the paper summes up the environment consumtion behavior, environmental social behavior, environmental lifestyle behaviors (routine behavior) three residents of environmental behavior from the complicated classification of the environmental behavior literature, pointing out that the different environmental behaviors are all response to environmental preferences, but the different environmental behaviors achieve the different level of environmental preferences. After that, the paper establishs the general model to reveal environmental preferences. Next step, we suppose that the income and the system are the influencing factors of residential environmental preferences, and establish the general constraints model of residential environmental preferences. Then we analysis how income and institutional restrict residential environmental preferences. In the analysis of Residential environmental preferences restrict by incomes, according to introduce lexicographic preference to analysis people’s preference on environmental goods and economic goods preferences, we find the law of environmental lexicographic preference. Next, the paper explores the income effect and substitution effecting on the residential environmental preferences. At last, it points out that the environmental preferences make decisions for environmental quality through the output-environment curve and the production of general equilibrium analysis.In the analysis of residential environmental preferencesin restrict by the system, the article points out that the residential environmental preferences and environmental systems are symbiotic evolutionary relationships, analysis the general characteristics and problems of the training system and achievement system of the residential environmental preferences. At same time, it discusses how the psychological and behavioral factors impact on residential environmental preferences. Finally, it comparative analyzes and validates the correctness of the basic assumptions and conclusions through empirical survey two groups of university students’ environmental preferences in China and the United States.According to analyzing the role of residential environmental preferences in environmental governance and environmental goods supply mechanism, the research points out that residents are subjects in environmental economics, and provides a theoretical starting point for further research on residential environmental preferences The same time, s by analyzing the display model and constraint functions of residential environmental preference,noting that income and institutional constraint environmental preferences and how to change, providing a micro-theoretical basis on the value and role of residential environmental in ecological civilization society.The domestic literature of residential environmental preference is still rare. This paper references on foreign research results based on the analysis of behavior as an entry point, conjoint using theoretical research and empirical studies combining deductive analysis and inductive analysis of a combination of research paradigm, analyzing the concrete practice of residential environmental preferences based on neo-classical economics, institutional economics and behavioral economics, the environmental economics, environmental management, environmental psychology, environmental sociology. The study is designed to build a basic analytical framework for the residential environmental preferences, including the residents of the concept level, display constraints, a series of basic theoretical issues of environmental preferences, and the micro- and macroeconomic factors and their mechanism of environmental preferences, trying to find a valid path to nurture and achieve residential environmental preferences.In this paper, the main contents are as follows: ChapterⅠ:Introduction, including the background to the study, significance and objectives. According to reviewing the development of residential environmental preferences research under "external nature" theory, this chapter points out the theory difficulties and practical obstacles of residential environmental preferences, and value the study of environmental preferences residents in environmental economics. Then it illustrates the study thinking through the elaborate technical line and research methods of this study.ChapterⅡ:Preferences and environmental preferences. By combing the development of preference theory, the chapter thinks about that the analysis of psychological preferences develop the behavioral economics, and preference theory sorting will help us gain a deeper understanding of environmental preferences. Then it analyzes the emergence and development situation residential environmental preferences in the economic theory, discussing the link between the environmental preferences and other preferences, environmental values. As the residential environmental preferences is inseparable from the many assumptions of existing preference studies, but also depends on the preferences of existing research evidence and support, which is the value of this chapter writing.ChapterⅢ:The observation of Residential environmental preferences. First, the environmental preferences of the initial observation, pointed out that the environmental preferences of the residents of the heterogeneity and continuous development of character and, on the basis of the theory of revealed preference analysis of environmental behavior of residents in environmental preferences of the residents of the display of sub-environmental behavior of local residents for environmental consumer behavior, environmental social behavior and environmental lifestyle behaviors (daily behavior), the establishment of environmental preferences of the general population show model, and then, on the basis of the existing literature to tease out the income and institutional residents in environmental preferences of the main factors put forward residents of the environment function and a general model of preference constraints.ChapterⅣ:The analysis of Residential environmental preferences under the constraints of income. This chapter pointed out that the residential environmental preferences and consumption of economic goods with the lexicographic of preference, the introduction of the concept of dictionary preference Residential environmental preferences in the incomes of items under different choice; through environmental goods classified analysis of the income effect and substitution effect on the residents of the impact of environmental preferences; also analyzed under the environmental preferences of the residents in general equilibrium, pointing out that the environmental preferences of the decisive role of environmental outputs.ChapterⅤ:The analysis of Residential environmental preferences under the constraints of institution. This chapter analyzes symbiotic evolutionary relationships between the residential environmental preferences and environmental institution, straightening out the macro-hierarchical and micro-level of residential environmental preference, discussing the constraints of cultivation system and the realization system on the environmental preferences, and melt psychological and behavioral factors into the analysis of the institution constraints. Finally it put forward suggestions for improvements of institution.ChapterⅥ:An analysis based on empirical verification. According to questionnaire survey on Chinese students, this chapter verifies the theory conclusion and the hypothesis of the impact factors on the environmental preferences. At last, the paper passes over the amendment proposed by the theoretical model validation and model through a theoretical and empirical comprehensive analysis.ChapterⅦ:Conclusion. It summaries this study, arriving at final conclusions and pointing out that research gaps and the need for further research.Through the above seven aspects of the interpretation, I think the innovation of this paper is mainly manifested in two aspects:In research content, first, the display model of residential environmental preferences. Environmental behavior by residents are classified as environmental consumer behavior, environmental social behavior and environmental lifestyle behaviors (daily behavior). It points’ out that the residents pay different on different environmental behavior. According to analyzing the hierachical of environmental behavior of residents, the paper establishes a display model of environmental behavior preferences.Second, the analysis of residential environmental preferences under the income constraints. This article will be divided into exclusive environmental goods environmental goods (market goods) and non-exclusive environmental goods (environmental quality), pointed out that the lexicographic characteristics between environmental preferences and good preference on income assign. Then, through analysis of environmental goods the income effect and substitution effect under the income structure and income levels, it finds that environmental preferences of the residents decide the environmental goods output.Third, the analysis of residential environmental preferences under the institution constraints.. This paper argues that the residential environmental preferences are the fundamental driving force of government environmental regulation, enterprise positive environmental behavior, residential environment-friendly behaviors. According to analyzing how residential environmental preferences explore the environmental system, it points out that only the pressure of government environmental regulation and positive enterprise environmental behaviors final comes from the residents, the residents environmental preferences really played a role on ecological civilization construction and sustainable development.Methodological aspects:first, the research perspective, it uses the lexicographic Preference analysis as an entry point, and applies the knowledge of neo-classical economics, institutional economics, behavioral economics, environmental psychology, environmental sociology, environmental economics, environmental management to analyze the residential environmental preferences. Second, it uses the induction methods, deduction methods, systems analysis method, equilibrium analysis, game analysis, quantitative analysis, comparative analysis, static analysis, dynamic analysis on the environmental preference analysis, which strongly supported the conclusions of this research.Totally, it is so important to improve the income level of residents and use the residential environmental preferences as the driving force to make the government, enterprises and residents to governance environment and supply environmental goods. The only way to solve the environmental problem is to provide a good path for the cultivation and realization of residential environmental preferences through a series of system design to eliminate barriers of environmental institution. As the recommended by the the 17 party congress report, "we must build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society on the industrialization and modernization development strategy, a prominent position, implemented in each unit, each family", our resources-saving and environment-friendly society should come ture, the construction of ecological civilization should be successful.

【关键词】 居民环境偏好收入制度
【Key words】 Residential Environmental PreferenceIncomeInsititution
  • 【分类号】F224;F205
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1267
  • 攻读期成果