

A Study on the Value of Ecologicalizational Development of Ideological and Political Education in Higher Institutions

【作者】 黄平槐

【导师】 程样国;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在自然生态危机、社会生态危机、心理生态危机和教育生态危机背景下,人们不得不对“片面、畸形、机械、封闭、异化、不平衡、不可持续的”发展方式进行深刻反省;科学的“生态学化”和生态学的哲学化,给人们的这种反省提供了科学理论的前提,并使人们逐步认识到必须加快向“生态化发展”方式的转变。高校思想政治教育的生态化发展价值,是指高校思想政治教育满足高校人、高校和经济社会系统等价值主体的生态化发展需要,促进这些主体从“片面、畸形、机械、封闭、异化、不平衡、不可持续的”发展方式,转变为生态化的发展方式,通过优化系统性、提升生态性、创造发展的综合效益、提高发展的生态效率,使价值主体实现具有“整体涌现性”品质和“与时俱进性”品质的发展。与价值主体的不同层次相对应,高校思想政治教育的生态化发展价值形态分为社会个体价值形态、社会组织价值形态和复合系统价值形态。现代生态学认为,虽然社会、经济和自然是三个不同性质的系统,都有各自的结构、功能及其发展规律,但它们各自的存在和发展,又受其它系统结构、功能的制约。因此,以人为主体的社会、经济系统和自然生态系统在特定区域内通过协同作用而形成了复合系统。高校及高校思想政治教育属于社会-经济-自然复合生态系统中的社会系统,属于复合生态系统动力机制的社会力范畴。具有人才培养、科学研究、社会服务、文化引领等基本功能的高等学校,理所应当在生态文明建设中大有作为。因为只有这样,高等学校才能基业长青;作为大学办学重要实践活动的高校思想政治教育,没有理由不为发展方式的转变和生态文明观念在全社会的牢固树立竭尽所能。因为惟有如此,高校思想政治教育才‘能切实提升自己的影响力、凝聚力和生命力。因此可以说,对高校思想政治教育的生态化发展价值进行研究,是生态文明建设时代高校发展和高校思想政治教育生命力建设的双重呼唤。高校思想政治教育的生态化发展价值具有“合规律性”、“合必然性”和“合目的性”等三大本质特性。决定其“合规律性”、“合必然性”的基本矛盾,是社会—经济—自然复合生态系统的生态化发展对高校思想政治教育的客观需要,与高校思想政治教育具有满足价值主体生态化发展需要的客体属性之间的对立统一。决定其“合目的性”的主要矛盾,是社会—经济—自然复合生态系统的生态化发展客观规律与人们对生态化发展规律的主观认识相对滞后之间的对立统一。高校思想政治教育不仅具有导向功能、保证功能、育人功能和开发功能,而且还具有提高认识功能、赋能于人功能和系统优化功能。这些功能是高校思想政治教育的生态化发展价值自身存在和得以实现的内在依据。高校思想政治教育的生态化发展价值的实现,是主体客体化和客体主体化的有机统一、价值传递和价值创造的有机统一。在价值实现过程中,影响价值实现的因素包括主体客体化的前提性因素、客体主体化的基础性因素、价值创造的关联性因素和价值实现的内驱力因素。高校思想政治教育的生态化发展价值实现的规律除了思想政治教育所具有的一般规律外,由于“高校”的特性和“生态化发展价值”的本质,其内容还包括四条特殊规律,即“整体涌现性”品质与“与时俱进性”品质相统一的规律,系统的整体性与组分的多样性相统一的规律,生态位与环境系统、行动系统相统一的规律,社会生态适应与社会生态责任相统一的规律。高校思想政治教育的生态化发展价值实现至少具有四条途径,即根据“整体把握”的原则,加强高校思想政治教育的基本建设;突出“提高认识”的功能,培育价值主体转变发展方式的自觉;树立“形态统筹”的目标,提升生态化发展价值实现的全面性;塑造“三层平衡”的状态,深化高校思想政治教育的有效性。对高校思想政治教育的生态化发展价值进行评估要秉承系统性原则、生态性原则、协同性原则和行动性原则,按照基本矛盾与一般矛盾、主要矛盾与次要矛盾的辩证关系来确定其评估指标内容及其权重,建立评估指标体系,并且按照具有可操作性的要求,把握好评估的切入点。

【Abstract】 Under the background of ecological crisis in nature, society, psychology and education, people have to deeply reflect themselves on developmental approach of "being one-sided, deformity, machinery, closure, alienation, imbalance, unsustainability". The ecologicalization of science and the philosophicalization of ecology provide people with scientific premise, and people gradually realize that the change towards "ecologicalizational development" must be speeded up.The value of ecologicalizational development of ideological and political education in higher institutions refers to that the ideological and political education in higher institutions satisfies the needs of ecologicalizational development of value entities---people in high institutions, high institutions and economical and social system, and promotes these entities to change from developmental approach of "being one-sided, deformity, machinery, closure, alienation, imbalance, unsustainability" towards ecologicalizational development. It makes these entities develop with character of "integrated emergence" and "advance with the times" by means of optimalizing systematicity, promoting ecology as well as creating comprehensive benefits of development and improving ecological efficiency of development. As counterparts of different levels of value entities, the value forms of ecologicalizational development of ideological and political education in higher institutions can be divided into the value forms of social individual, social organizations and compound system.Modern ecology holds that although society, economy and nature are three different systems with their own structure, function and law of development, their respective existence and development are constrained by the structure and function of the other systems. Therefore, the society with human beings as major entity, economical system and natural ecological system constitute a compound system by coordination in particular area. The ideological and political education in higher institutions belongs to social system in the compound system of society, economy and nature, and belongs to the category of social force with motive mechanism in the compound ecosystem. Entrusted with fundamental functions as personnel training, scientific research, social services, cultural guidance, higher institutions are supposed to accomplish much in ecological civilization construction. Only in this way, higher institutions will be able to be built to last. As for ideological and political education which is an important practice in higher institutions’s educational activities, it has no reason not to make an all-out effort in the ecological civilization construction. Having this in mind only, the ideological and political education in higher institutions could be able to enhance their own influence, cohesion and vitality in a practical manner. Therefore, it can be said that a study on the ecologicalizational development value of ideological and political education in higher institutions is both the demand of higher institutions development and the vitality development of ideological and political education in the higher institutions in ecological civilization construction era.The value of ecologicalizational development of ideological and political education possesses three essential features of "consistent with the regularity", "consistent with the necessity" and "consistent with the purpose". The basic contradiction which determines the first two features is that the objective needs placed by the social-economic-natural complex ecosystem on the ideological and political education in higher institutions are both oppositional and united with the object property of the fact that the ideological and political education in higher institutions has to meet the ecologicalizational development of the value subject. The principal contradiction which determines the feature of "consistent with the purpose" is that the objective laws of the ecologicalizational development of the social economic-natural complex ecosystem are also both oppositional and united with the relative lag in higher institutions people’s awareness in the law of development. The ideological and political education in higher institutions functions not only as guidance, guarantee, education and development, but also having the function of enhancing understanding, bestowing abilities on people and optimizing system. These functions are the intrinsic basis for its own existence and realization of ecologicalizational development value of ideological and political education in higher institutions.The realization of ecologicalizational development value of ideological and political’education in higher institutions is the organic unity of subject-object-rization and object-subject-rization, and the organic unity of value transmission and value creation. In the value realization process, factors that affect value realization include:prerequisite factors of subject-object-rization, basic factors of object-subject-rization, relevant factors of value creation and motivated force factors of value realization.Because of the characteristics of "higher institution" and the nature of value of ecologicalizational development, the laws of the achievement of ecologicalizational development value of ideological and political education in higher institutions, in addition to the general laws of ideological and political education, entail four particular laws:unity of character of "integrated emergence" and "advance with the times", unity of system integrity and the diversity of components, unity of ecological niche- environmental system and action system, unity of socio-ecological adaptation and social- ecological responsibility.The approaches to realize the value of ecologicalizational development of ideological and political education in higher institutions include strengthening the basic construction of ideological and political education according to the principle of "overall grasp", developing the consciousness of value entities in transferring style of development by focusing on the function of "enhancing understanding", setting the goal of "form co-ordination" to improve all-sidedness of realizing value of ecologicalizational development, moulding the state of "three-tier balance" to deepen the validity of ideological and political education in higher institutions.The assessment of the ecologicalizational development value of ideological and political education in higher institutions should uphold the principles of being systematic, ecological, collaborative and actional. The content of evaluation indexes and its weights in system should be established in accordance with the dialectical relationship between the basic contradiction and the general contradiction, as well as between the principal contradiction and the secondary contradiction; while the assessment entry point should be assured in accordance with the requirements of being operational.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期