

Research on Method of Function-Oriented Visual Innovation Conceptual Design

【作者】 路强

【导师】 刘晓平;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 概念设计是产品设计过程中的早期阶段,对产品的全生命周期有着极为重要的影响。产品设计的目标是实现产品的功能,在概念设计的研究中,核心问题在于概念设计的功能建模和针对功能的创新设计求解过程。提升概念设计能力的重要途径就是结合设计者的创造性思维和计算机推理演算的计算能力。在综合分析概念设计领域国内外的研究历史和现状后,针对当前计算机辅助概念设计研究存在的主要问题,探讨了面向功能的可视化创新概念设计的描述、方法和系统实现,取得了一些具有理论意义和应用价值的成果,主要体现在以下四个方面:(1)面向功能创新的功能模型研究在研究了国内外概念设计过程理论和实现方法的基础上,着重论述了功能在创新概念设计求解过程中的作用。通过分析现存功能定义存在的问题,提出了体现了人类问题求解特征的基于粒度计算的功能模型,给出了功能粒度表示、功能层次结构和功能粒度运算规则,并提出了基于相似推理的功能模型建模过程。(2)功能模型创新推理方法的研究推理功能是人类智能的主要特征之一,而模糊推理是模糊专家系统、模糊控制系统的理论基础和核心,是信息科学中进行模糊信息处理和实现机器智能的重要工具。面向功能的创新概念设计,既包含了设计者的思维所带来的启发性和创造性,也包含了针对功能模型的模糊推理过程。针对概念设计的特点,提出了基于三I模糊推理和相似模糊推理两种方法,以此快速地从功能需求出发得到较合理的功能模型。(3)基于信息可视化的“人-机”结合功能设计系统研究功能模型创新推理的来源一方面是计算机的逻辑推理,通过将人类智能中极具逻辑性和可计算性的部分计算机化得到;另一方面是设计者的创造性思维,由计算机启发人的创造性思维,并将启发性知识应用于设计之中,两者相辅相成,缺一不可。定义功能模型格式语言FFL,建立FFL模型(以FFL语言描述的规范化的功能模型);并把信息可视化手段引入创新概念设计之中,建立FFL模型与可视化模型、可视化视图的映射关系,以直观生动的可视化方法动态显示,在人机交互的支持下,提高创新推理过程的灵活性、有效性和交互性,从而高效地获得创新设计解。同时,也使得设计者的创造性思维能够推动逻辑推理的有效进行,增强逻辑推理的合理性和创新性。(4)面向功能的可视化创新概念设计原型系统实现以上述理论框架为基础,依托行业科研项目,结合企业实际产品创新需求,开发了面向功能的可视化创新概念设计原型系统,它包含人机交互、功能建模、概念求解、结果输出和知识管理等子系统。该系统在井下掘进机自动测量和定向系统的创新设计中得到应用,提出了基于激光双目的三维表面建模系统。其中,可视化创新概念设计原型系统已获得国家软件著作权登记,所设计的基于双目的三维表面建模系统已经获得国家发明专利的授权。

【Abstract】 Conceptual design lies in the early stage of the product design process. It is of great significance to the entire life cycle of the product. The goal of product design is to achieve product functions where the core problems are the function modeling and the solution process of innovative design of functions. The important way to enhance the ability of the conceptual design is to combine the designers’creative thinking with the computers’power of reasoning computing.After an integrative analysis of the state-of-the-art about conceptual design at home and aboard, focusing on current main problems in the research of computer-aided conceptual design, this dissertation discusses the description, methods and system realization of the function-oriented visual innovative conceptual design. There are some theoretical and applicable results listed as follows:(1) Research on innovation-oriented function modelBased on studying the theory and implementing method of the conceptual design at home and aboard, the important roles of functions in the solution process of innovative conceptual design are confirmed. By analyzing the problems in current function’s definition, the function model is defined, which is based on granular computing and reflects the characters of problem solving. The representation of function granularity, functional hierarchy structure and rules of functional granularity computing are given, and then the modeling process of functional model based on similar reasoning is also proposed.(2) Innovative reasoning methods of the function modelReasoning ability is one of the main features of human intelligence. Fuzzy reasoning is the theoretical basis and core of the fuzzy expert systems and fuzzy control system, which is also an important tool to handle fuzzy information and attain machine intelligence in information science. Function-oriented innovative conceptual design contains the inspiration and creativity from the designers’thinking and also the fuzzy reasoning process for functional models. Aiming at the features of conceptual design, two ways of getting a reasonable function model quickly from function requirements are proposed where one is triple I fuzzy reasoning and the other is similar fuzzy reasoning.(3) Research on human-computer functional design system based on information visualizationOne source of innovative reasoning on functional model is the computer’s logic reasoning, which is obtained by the logic and computable part of the human intelligence. The other source is designer’s creative thinking, which is inspired by computers and used into design process. Both are indispensable.The function-model format language FFL is defined, while the FFL model (standardized and described function model in FFL language) is set up. And, information visualization is brought into the innovative conceptual design. The mapping between FFL model and visualization model and visualization view is built, and a vivid dynamic view is displayed by multiple visualization methods. With the support of human-computer interaction, the flexibility, effectiveness and interactivity of innovative reasoning are improved, thus the efficient solutions of innovative design are obtained. At the same time, the progress of logical reasoning is promoted; the rationality and innovation in logical reasoning are enhanced.(4) Realization of the prototype system of function-oriented visual innovative conceptual designOn base of the above-mentioned theoretical framework, relying on industry research projects, combined with the business needs on product innovation, a function-oriented visual innovative conceptual design system is developed, including subsystems such as human-computer interaction, function modeling, concept solving, result output and information management. This system has been applied to the innovative design of underground boring machine, as a result the laser-based binocular three-dimensional surface modeling system is proposed, where a national software copyright registration is acquired due to the prototype system; a national patent of invention is achieved from the laser-based binocular three-dimensional surface modeling system.
