

Vehicle Chassis Integrated Control Based on Multibody Dynamics Model

【作者】 秦炜华

【导师】 王其东;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 车辆工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着科技的发展,为提高汽车的舒适性、操纵性和主动安全性,各种动力学控制系统,如电动助力转向系统(EPS)、主动悬架系统(ASS)、防抱死制动系统(ABS)等相继应用到现代汽车上。在这些系统的集成控制设计中,两个重要问题---模型的建立和控制策略的确定近年来成为专家学者研究的热点。论文阐述了汽车底盘集成控制的研究意义,讨论了集成控制的必要性;介绍了底盘集成控制研究中所采用的控制结构、算法以及模型;总结了集成控制的研究现状。应用笛卡儿坐标法建立了EPS和装备ASS的整车多刚体动力学模型,并应用到系统的控制研究中。其中利用EPS多刚体动力学模型能够良好反映转向系统负载特性的特点,还对EPS系统进行了回正控制研究。仿真结果验证了控制效果。根据转向和悬架系统的运动耦合关系,应用多刚体动力学模型,分别对EPS和ASS进行了集中式和分层-监督式集成控制研究。在集中式控制中,考虑到汽车实际行驶过程中存在着诸多约束条件和种种不确定性,设计了预测控制器;在分层-监督式协调控制中,基于整车空间多刚体动力学模型,设计了子控制器和上层协调控制器,协调控制器对各子控制器进行监督和协调。同时,又应用多刚体动力学模型和分层-监督式协调控制思想,根据转向、制动系统,以及转向、悬架、制动3个系统之间的运动耦合关系,分别对EPS/ABS和3个子系统进行了分层-监督式协调控制研究。仿真结果表明了集成控制的有效性和多刚体模型应用在集成控制中的可行性。基于PXI硬件系统和LabVIEW软件,搭建了一个实时的具有数据采集、逻辑控制功能的硬件在环试验平台。在此平台上,分别对EPS系统的助力控制以及EPS和ABS的协调控制进行了硬件在环实车试验。结果反映出控制策略的合理性。同时硬件在环试验也为实际产品的开发打下了一定的基础,有利于提高开发的效率。

【Abstract】 With the development of technology, in order to improve the vehicle comfort, handling and active safety, a variety of dynamic control systems such as electric power steering system (EPS), active suspension system (ASS), anti-lock braking system (ABS) have successively applied to the modern car. In the integrated control design of these systems, two important issues --- the setting up of the model and determination of the control strategy become the research hotspot which the experts and scholars study in recent years.The paper described the research significance of the integrated control of chassis, discussed the necessity of it; introduced the uses of control structures ,algorithms and models; the research status of the integrated control was summed up.The EPS and full vehicle equipped with ASS multibody models were established by the Cartesian coordinates method, and applied to the control studies. The returnability control were carried out which making use of the steering load characteristics which well reflected by the EPS multibody model. The simulation results verify the control effect.Based on the motion coupling relationships between steering and suspension systems, the centralized and hierarchical-supervised integrated controls of EPS and ASS which using of multibody models were studied. In the centralized integrated control, taking into account there are many constraints and uncertainties in actual vehicle driving course, the MPC control strategy was designed; in the hierarchical-supervised coordination control, based on the full vehicle space multibody dynamics model, the sub-controller and the upper controller which supervises and coordinates the subsystems were designed. At the same time, applying of multibody dynamics models and the hierarchical-supervised coordination strategy, according to the motion coupling relationships between steering and braking systems, as well as steering, suspension and braking systems, respectively, the hierarchical-supervised coordination control of EPS/ABS and the three systems were studied. The simulation results show the effectiveness of integrated control and feasibility of applying multibody models to the integrated control.Based on the PXI hardware and LabVIEW software, a real-time hardware in the loop platform which provided with the data acquisition and logic control functions was created. In this platform, the vehicle hardware-in-the-loop test for the EPS power assisted control and the coordination control of EPS and ABS were carried out. The results show that the control strategy is reasonable. Also this test will lay the foundations of the actual product development, and improve the efficiency of the development.
