

The Conception and Methodic Research of Chinese Medical Regimen in Ming Dynasty

【作者】 林文雄

【导师】 金宏柱;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 养生是根据生命发展的规律,采取能够保养身体,减少疾病,增进健康,延年益寿的手段所进行的保健活动。中医养生学是以中医基础理论为指导,涉及多学科知识在内的一门学科。由于中医养生学是以中华民族文化为主体背景下发生发展起来的,所以中国传统文化也深深的体现在中医养生思想中,并指导着中医养生实践,同时各个时期的中医养生理论又都包含着时代的烙印,各个时代的经济、文化、政治、及民俗等背景都在深深影响着中医养生的理论与实践。中医养生将人与自然、社会融合在一起,强调整体观,辩证观,因此探讨一个时代的养生思想必需多层次多方面的探讨相关背景。本论文考察明代养生理论的发展情况,对明代的养生文献进行系统整理与研究。本论文研究目标有三:第一,通过整理、发掘明代养生文献来丰富传统中医养生理论;第二,揭示明代中医养生思想和发展情况,发现其内在价值;第三,总结明代养生理论的规律,挖掘其对当今中医养生的指导意义。论文首先对中医养生理论的历史渊薮进行简要概述,然后对明代养生思想与理论进行研究。论文研究方法有三:其一,文献分析方法。查阅明代养生文献,及后人关于明代医家的研究资料。通过比较、分类,汇总明代的养生文献资料。二,文献综合方法。该方法首先归纳,分析文献资料,然后得出明代的养生大家,养生文献及特点,并进一步归纳出明代中医养生学发展的特点规律。三、比较法。论文推古及今,比较明代养生文献与现代中医养生理论的差异不同,建议科学对待明代文献,摒弃糟粕,指导现实。本论文内容有六部分构成。第一,简要介绍中医养生理论的发展形成情况;第二,分析明代养生理论形成的社会、政治、经济及文化背景;第三,分类探讨明代养生文献;第四,分析明代的养生大家及其代表著作;第五,推求明代养生理论的特点与规律;第六,探讨明代的养生思想对现代养生学的启发。论文第一部分的主要内容与观点:我国殷代已有了健康长寿的思想,周代医学卫生有了进步,致使春秋战国时期的养生、导引术有了较大的发展。先秦诸子在探讨自然规律及生命奥秘的过程中,提出了有关养生思想,对中国传统养生观念产生了较大影响。《内经》是集先秦诸子理论及医学实践之大成,为中医养生学的形成奠定了理论基础。后汉、魏晋、隋唐时期,是养生理论初步形成期。宋、辽、金、元时期,养生理论的学术专著问世,各个学派之间讨论争鸣,养生理论得到发展。明、清时期,传统养生理论的内容得到了充实与完善。近年,中医养生学得到较大发展。传统的养生保健得到更加迅速的发展,出现了蓬勃向上的局面。第二部分的主要内容与观点:分析了明代养生思想形成的社会、政治、文化与医学背景。认为明代的政府对医学的重视客观上促进了中医养生的繁荣,再者,社会的发展,经济的繁荣、西方进步思想的传入,新的医学观点,都给中医养生带来了新的气息,为养生从经验上升到理论提供了沃土第三部分的主要内容与观点:对明代的主要文献进行了分类,分为综合性医著,如明代李梃《医学入门》,临证各科如陈实功的《外科正宗》,本草方剂类,如明代《普济方》李时珍著《本草纲目》等,医学丛书类如《道藏医书十四种》《长平阳府所刻医书六种》等,养生专著类如明代沈仕撰《摄生要录》,冷谦的《修龄要旨》,养生类书如明代吴正伦辑《养生类要》,养生丛书类如明代胡文换校刊《寿养丛书》,饮食本草类如明代卢和的《食物本草》,调气养性类如明代尹真人撰述《性命圭旨》,王蔡传撰《修真秘要》,导引按摩类如明代夏尚恒著的《导引法》,针灸类如高武的《针灸聚英》。第四部分的主要内容与观点:分别介绍了冷谦及《修龄要旨》,万全及《万氏家传养生四要》,龚廷贤《寿世保元》,龚居中《福寿丹书》,曹元白《保生秘要》,沈仕《摄生要录》,高濂《遵生八笺》,陈继儒《养生肤语》,郑瑄《昨非庵日篡·颐真》》,王蔡《修真秘要》,王文禄《医先》等。第五部分的主要内容与观点:阐述了明代的养生思想的特点,分别是,一,养生重“命门”和治形宝精说;二,重视老年养生;三,重视综合调养;四,反对封建迷信的养生思想;五,养生理论的系统化与专门化;六,养生文献的量多但质上没有太大发展;七,藏象与养生理论结合;八,开创了药饵与饮食养生的先河;九,发展完善了古代保健体操。第六部分的主要内容与观点:从现实意义的角度出发分析了明代养生思想对现代养生的影响,认为无论在健身理论还是健身方法方面,明代的养生思想都对现代养生有一定的影响,明代的调神养生、起居调摄养生、食后保养、茶养粥养等新的养生思路都值得现代养生观借鉴。明代的医疗保健体操十二段锦、十六段锦有较大的现实意义,却不为人所熟悉。因此第六部分最后重点比较了八段锦,十二段锦,十六段锦的功法,为普及中医保健养生体操提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 A regimen is the health-preserving means for maintaining physical condition, reducing illness, improving health, and reaching longevity according to the regular pattern of life development. Chinese medical regimens utilize basic Chinese medical theory as the guidance, and it involves many studies. Because the development of Chinese medicine regimens is based on the Chinese ethnic cultural background, the Chinese culture is manifested in Chinese medical regimens, and it also directs the practice of Chinese medical regimens. At the same time, the economy, culture, politics, and customs of all dynasties imprinted and influenced the theories and practice of Chinese medical regimens of different Chinese historic stages deeply. Chinese medical regimens combine human, nature, and society, and emphasize the sense of wholeness and dialectic. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the thought of Chinese medical regimens of a certain period of time from diversified dimensions and backgrounds.This thesis is to research the development of regimens in Ming dynasty, and systematically organize and study regimen documents of Ming dynasty. There are three research objectives for this thesis:A. Enrich traditional Chinese medical theory through organizing and discovering the regimen documents of Ming dynasty. B. Disclose the thoughts and development of Chinese medicine regimens in Ming dynasty, and finding the internal value of Chinese medicine regimens. C. Conclude the rules of the regimen theory of Ming dynasty, and discover the guiding meaning for modern Chinese medical regimens.The thesis first briefly introduces the history of the theory of Chinese medicine regimens, and then conducts the research of the thoughts and theory of Ming regimens. There are three research methods. The first one is the document-analyzing method. It checks the documents of Ming regimens, and the later research data about Ming medicine. Through comparing and assorting, the thesis organizes the documents of Ming regimens. Second, the document-synthesizing method, which induces and analyzes documents, and then finds regimen masters, documents, and features. Furthermore, it can induce the specialty and pattern of the development of Ming regimen. Third, the comparison method, and it compares the difference between Ming regimen documents and modern Chinese medicine regimen theory, and suggests that everyone sees Ming documents from scientific perspective, and keeps the precious part for guiding modern regimen theory.There are six parts in the thesis. First part briefly introduces the development of Chinese medicine regimens. Second, this thesis discusses different regimen documents of Ming dynasty. Third, it analyzes Ming regimen masters and their best writings. The fourth part studies the specialty and pattern of Ming regimen theory. Fifth, it analyzes the social, political, economic, and cultural backgrounds of the formation of Ming regimen theory. The sixth part discusses the inspiration from Ming regimen thoughts to modern regimen.The first part of the thesis tells that in China, Yin dynasty started to have the thoughts of health and longevity. Until Chou dynasty, medicine and sanitation were improved, and therefore regiment and Daoyin had better development in Pre-Qin Period. Pre-Qin masters raised their regimen thoughts during the process of discussing the law of nature and the secret of life, and they had great influence to traditional Chinese medical regimens. "Neijing" is the accomplishment of medical theory and practice of Pre-Qin masters, and it formed the theoretical foundation for Chinese medical regimens. Later Han, Wei, Ji, Shui, Tang dynasties are the beginning stage. During Song, Liao, Jin, Yuan dynasties, academic writings of regimen theories were written, discussion and dispute were among schools, and therefore regimen theories were developed. During Ming, Qing dynasties, traditional regimen theories became fulfilled and perfected. Recently, Chinese medical regimens have received greater development and have become thriving.The second part classifies Ming documents. Some are synthesized medical writings, such Ming Liyan’s "Introduction of Medicine". Some are about clinical, such as Shigong Chen’s "Surgery Orthodox". Some are about herbal medicine, such as Shizhen Li’s "Pen Ts’ao Kang Mu" in the book "Pujifang" of Ming Dynasty. Some are about medicine series, such as "Fourteen Medical Books of Taoist Canon" and "Six Medical Book of Changping Yangfu"...etc. Some are regimen writings, such as Ming Zhanglun Wu’s "Regimen Keynote". Some are regimen series, such as Ming Wenhuan Hu’s "Longevity Developing Series". Some are herbal food, such as Ming He Lu’s "Herbal Food". Some are for cultivate Qi and self-nature, such as Ming Yi’s "Guidance of Nature and Life", Chaichuang Wang’s "Secret Keynote for Cultivating Nature". Some are about Daoyin and massage, such Ming Shanghen’s "Daoyin Method". Some are about acupuncture, such as Wukao’s "Acupuncture Essence".The third part introduces Qian Leng’s "Keynote of Cultivating Longevity", Quan Wuan’s "Four regimen keynotes from Wan Family", Yanxian Gong’s "Keeping Energy and Reaching Longevity", Juzhong Gong’s "Longevity Medicine Book", Yuanbai Chao’s "Secret Keynote for Preserving Life", Shi Sheng’s "Keynote of Maintaining Life", Lian Kao’s "Eight notes for Keeping Life", Jiru Chen’s "Brief Introduction of Regimen", Xuan Zhang’s "Zhuofei Temple Richan—Yizheng", Chai Wang’s "Secret Keynote for Cultivating Nature", Wenlu Wang’s "Heal Essence".The fourth part describes the feature of regimen thoughts, they are:A. Regimens emphasize the importance of "Physical Door", and the saying of Zhixiong Baojian. B. Care about regimens in old age. C. Value synthesized regimens. D. Disagree superstitious regimens. E. Make regimen theories become systematic and specialized. F. The development of regimen documents is mainly in quantity but quality. G. The combination of the reflection of internal organs and regimen theories. H. Found the beginning of diet regimen. I. Develop good ancient regimen gymnastics.The fifth part analyzes social, political, cultural, and medical backgrounds for forming Ming regimen thoughts. It claims that Ming government cherished medicine, and it objectively promoted the Chinese medicine regimen boom. Besides, the development of society, the prosper of economy, the coming of western advanced thoughts, and new medical view points, all give Chinese medicine regimens new atmosphere, and provide advantage for regimen experience to become theories. The sixth part analyzes the influence of Ming regimens to modern regimens from practical meaning. It thinks that no matter regimen theories and means, Ming regimens both have influence to modern regimens. Ming’s regimen thoughts, such as adjusting spirit for the regimen, daily life regimens, after-eating regimens, and tea and rice regimens, are all good for modern regimens to learn.

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