

A Study on the Legal Management System of Nonpublic Forestry

【作者】 包玉华

【导师】 蒋敏元;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球生态环境的恶化,世界各国越来越重视森林资源在保护生态环境中的重要作用,为此各国政府都采取了各种措施扩大森林资源,发挥森林资源在改善环境、调节气候和涵养水源中的重要作用。我国是一个贫林的国家,扩大森林资源,提高森林覆盖率,充分发挥森林资源的三大效益,是我国目前林业建设和发展的重要任务。为了尽快实现我国林业的发展目标,国家提出了大力发展非公有制林业,充分调动社会各方面力量投入林业建设的方针政策。保障非公有制林业的健康发展,保护投资造林者的合法权益,巩固林业改革所取得的成果,是我国目前急需解决的问题,而这些问题的解决亟待法律的调整和规制。非公有制林业法律管理制度是指通过非公有制林业相关的法律、行政法规、行政规章,和地方性法规中确立下来的一系列具体调整和规制非公有制林业活动的法律措施和手段。产权有限分离理论、制度变迁理论、物权理论和林业分类经营理论是非公有制林业法律管理制度的理论基础。我国非公有制林业法律管理制度经历了土地改革时期的分林到户,农业合作化时期的山林入社,人民公社时期的山林集体所有、统一经营,集体林权改革的林业“三定”和集体林权改革的深化五个阶段。从目前非公有制林业法律管理制度的现状来看,非公有制林业法律管理制度存在的主要问题是:非公有制林业物权保护法律制度不完善、非公有制林业林权流转法律管理制度存在缺陷、现有的森林经营管理法律制度制约非公有制林业的发展、非公有制林业资源保护法律制度缺失和非公有制林业法律管理制度实施的外部保障机制不健全。解决非公有制林业法律管理制度存在的这些问题,在立足于国内的基础上,还应当借鉴国外的先进经验。美国、芬兰和日本属于私有林法律管理制度的先进国家,其值得我国非公有制林业法律管理制度借鉴之处在于:稳定的林权、健全的法制、高效的管理体制和经营机制、适应林业发展的分类经营政策、完善的森林保险法律制度和政府促进私有林发展的扶持政策。在完善非公有制林业法律管理制度方面,首先应当明确非公有制林业法律管理制度的基本原则,其中林业可持续发展原则、保护非公有制林业经营者合法权益原则、稳定性和连续性原则以及效率优先兼顾公平原则是必不可少的,基本原则的确立在于指导法律管理制度的设计。我国当前迫切需要建立和完善以非公有制林业物权法律制度为核心,以非公有制林业林权流转法律管理制度、非公有制林业经营管理法律制度和非公有制林业资源保护法律制度为主要内容的法律管理制度体系。非公有制林业物权法律制度是非公有制林业法律管理制度的基础和核心,其建立既必要又可行。非公有制林业物权法律制度的建立,应当明确主体的范围,从物权体系角度出发,非公有制林业物权体系包括非公有制林业所有权、非公有制林业用益物权和非公有制林业担保物权。林权流转法律管理制度是非公有制林业经营中的一项重要法律管理制度,对保护非公有制林业经营者的经营权,具有重要的现实意义,林权流转应进一步明确林权流转的主体、客体、内容和程序。非公有制林业经营管理法律制度是落实经营权的重要保证,应当区分公益林和商品林进行不同经营,公益林应实行国家购买和补偿制度,商品林采用采伐报告备案制度。非公有制林业资源保护法律制度是保障森林资源免遭损害的重要手段,随着林权改革的深入,必须创新森林防火、森林病虫害防治和森林保险法律制度。此外,为了保证非公有制林业法律管理制度的顺利实施,从法律实施的外部环境而言,还必须建立健全与非公有制林业法律管理制度配套的外部保障机制,主要包括行政指导机制,经济激励机制和社会服务机制。

【Abstract】 With the deterioration of the global ecological environment, every country in the world attaches more and more importance to forest resources in protecting the ecological environment. All governments have taken various measures to increase extent of forest resources, and forest resources play important role in improving the environment, regulating climate and the conservation of water. China is a poor country in the forest resources. So our China important tasks of current forestry are expanding forest resources, improving forest cover and giving full play to the three major benefits of forest resources. In order to achieve quickly the development goals of China’s forestry, the state proposes great efforts to develop non-public forestry, and fully mobilizes all sectors force of society into the building of forestry policies. Nowadays, the problems that China urgently needs to resolve are to guarantee health development of the non-public forestry, to protect legitimate rights of the planters and to steady achievement of forestry reform, whereas solutions of those problems need the adjustment and regulation of law.Non-public forestry laws management system is a series of specific adjustments and rule of law non-public forestry action and means established down by the relevant laws, administrative regulations, administrative rules and local legislation. The theoretical basis of legal management system in non-public forestry has four aspects:the limited separation theory of property rights, theory of system vicissitude, theory of real-rights and classification management theory of forestry. These are importance for theories in non-public forestry.China’s legal management system of non-public forestry experienced five stages:hand out trees to individuals during land reform, distribution forest to commune during agricultural co-operation, forest collective and unified operation during people’s commune, forestry "San Ding" of collective forest rights reform and the deepening of collective forest rights reform. Nowadays, from the view of current state of legal management system in non-public forestry, the main problems in legal management system of the non-public forestry are:imperfect protection legal system of real-rights and forest rights in non-public forestry, insufficient transfer law management system of non-public forestry, operation and management legal system of current forestry restricted the development of non-public forestry, the absence of forest conservation legal system in non-public forestry, lack of external protection mechanism of legal management system in non-public forestry. In order to solve these problems, we should reference the advanced experience of foreign countries, besides of understanding domestic situations. The United States, Finland and Japan belong to advanced countries in the legal management system of private forest. It is worthy to the legal management system of China’s non-public forestry:a stable forest rights, a perfect legal system, efficient management system and operational mechanism, classification operation policies adapting to development of forestry, improving the legal system of forest insurance and supporting policies of promoting the development of private forestry by government.In improving the legal management system of non-public forestry, first the basic principles of legal regulation system of non-public forestry should be made clear. The principles of sustainable development of forestry, protection of non-public operators with the legal rights and interests, the principles of stability and continuity, and efficiency first taking into account the principle of fairness are essential. Establishing the basic principles guides the design of the legal system. China urgently needs to establish law management system that perfects the legal system of non-public forestry property rights as the core and takes the legal management system of transfer rights of non-public forestry, non-public forestry management legal system and the non-public ownership of forestry resources protection as main contents. The legal system of non-public forestry property rights is the foundation and core of the non-public forestry legal regime, which is both necessary and feasible. The establishment of forestry property rights should be a clear scope of the subject. From the perspective of property rights system, non-public forestry property rights system includes non-public forestry ownership, non-public forestry unsufructuary right and security interest in non-public forest. The forest ownership transferring legal management system is an important legal management system in the non-public forest management, which has important practical significance in the protection of non-public forestry operating rights. The transferring of forest ownership should follow the right of the main forestry, object and procedures. Non-public forest management legal system is an important guarantee for the implementation of the franchise. The different categories of ecological forest and commodity forest management should be distinguished. National purchases, compensation system and commercial forest harvesting reporting record should be implemented in ecological forest. Non-public forestry legal system is an important means of protection forest resources from damage. With the deepening of forest tenure reform, forest fire prevention, forest pest and forest insurance system must be innovative. In addition, from law enforcement in terms of the external environment, a sound legal and non-public forest management system is necessary to established in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the management system. The external security mechanism mainly includes administrative guidance mechanisms, and economic incentives and social service mechanism.
