

Study on Modern Forestry Construction of Heilongjiang State-Owned Forest Region

【作者】 于志善

【导师】 王永清;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 林业是经济和社会可持续发展的重要基础,是生态建设最根本、最长期的措施。黑龙江国有林区是我国林业的重要组成部分,在我国林业建设和我国社会经济发展中具有十分重要的地位和作用。现代林业是我国林业发展的战略选择,黑龙江国有林区建设现代林业既是适应我国林业发展战略的需要,也是实现林区生态、经济和社会科学发展的必然选择。本文应用理论研究、系统分析、模型分析和定量分析等方法,通过对黑龙江国有林区现代林业建设的战略思路、主要内容和对策措施的探讨以及对制度建设、林业生态体系建设、林业产业体系建设和生态文化体系四大主题的系统研究,企望对现代林业理论发展有所裨益,对黑龙江国有林区现代林业建设的实践有所贡献。黑龙江国有林区现代林业要充分体现自身区域经济社会发展的特殊性。本文构建了现代林业评价的指标体系,并基于改进的熵值法,以伊春国有林区为例进行了实证分析,进而综合多方的研究成果,对黑龙江国有林区现代林业建设程度的基本判断是:黑龙江国有林区虽然出现了一些现代林业的元素,但总体上尚处于刚刚起步阶段,建设现代林业任重而道远。分析了黑龙江国有林区现代林业建设的现实状况、宏观环境和微观环境因素以及障碍因素,谋划了现代林业建设的总体思路,提出黑龙江国有林区现代林业建设既要制度创新与理念转变并重,也要林业生态体系、林业产业体系和生态文化体系建设并进。计划经济时期,黑龙江国有林区服从国家垄断自然资源、攫取自然资源加快国民经济发展的整体需要,形成了以“国”有产权为制度基础,以大一统的森工企业为主要形式的制度安排。这种制度安排的特性和林业的特殊性,使国有林区处在既有社会负担,又有生态义务,既有历史问题、又有现实责任的错综复杂的状态。制度瓶颈使黑龙江国有林区的各种要素,特别是市场要素,难以通过市场机制有效地配置。本文分析了黑龙江国有林区制度建设,特别是过去制度建设和制度创新路径选择的现状,描述了制度建设的总方向,勾画了黑龙江国有林区制度体系的基本框架。通过政府选择和社会选择理论的辨析和对比,以及对制度建设的经验和教训的总结,推论出黑龙江国有林区制度建设将由政府选择转向社会选择,呈现出创新主体多元化和路径选择方式多样化的趋势。分析了黑龙江国有林区林权制度、社会保障制度、监督检查制度、经营制度和组织制度建设存在的主要问题,并提出了对策建议。阐述了制度建设有效性概念,并进行了实证分析。构建完善的林业生态体系是黑龙江国有林区现代林业建设的根本要求,能够为产业体系和生态文化体系建设提供坚实的物质基础。本文分析了林业生态体系的内涵和黑龙江国有林区林业生态体系建设的现状,概括了林业生态体系建设的主要内容。认为黑龙江国有林区林业生态体系建设不仅要重点搞好作为主体的森林生态体系的建设,而且要搞好森林生态伴生体系的建设,同时还要搞好人文生态体系的建设。完善的林业生态体系建设就是要构建良性存在、天人补益、可持续发展的和谐型生态体系。应用因子分析法,确定了森林生态体系的重点建设领域是林木资源的培育与利用。搞好林木资源的培育与利用的着力点是现有林的培育,同时,要充分发挥林业生态重点工程的作用。从行政保障、法制保障、经济保障、技术保障等方面提出了林业生态体系建设的保障政策与措施。构建发达的林业产业体系,才能发挥林业的经济功能,促进黑龙江国有林区走出经济危困,更好地推动生态体系和生态文化体系的建设。本文阐述了黑龙江国有林区林业产业体系建设的主要内容,分析了主导产业及其变化趋势。森林资源经营组织上拓展了林业分类经营理论,提出分功能区经营和分区域经营的模式;林产品加工业经营组织上提出了调整和改革的方案。从统筹规划、制度保障、科技支撑和手段创新等四个方面讨论了林业产业体系建设的政策保障措施。构建繁荣的生态文化体系,才能转变黑龙江国有林区林业发展理念,保障生态体系和产业体系可持续发展。本文界定了黑龙江国有林区生态文化体系的特殊内涵,并阐述了主要建设内容。分析了影响因素,提出了相应措施,并从把握方向、完善制度、服务支持和创新方式等方面提出了林区生态文化体系建设保障政策的建议。

【Abstract】 Forestry is an important foundation of economy and the sustainable development of society. It is the most basic and long-term strategy of the eco-construction. Heilongjiang state-owned forest region(HSFR) is an important component of China’s forestry, and it plays an important part in China’s forestry development and the social economy development. Modern forestry is a strategic choice of China’s forestry development, the building of modern forestry in HSFR is not only to adapt to the needs of China’s forestry development strategy, but also to achieve forest ecological, economic and social scientific development. In this thesis, it adopts the method of theoretical research, system analysis, model analysis and quantitative analysis. After analyzing the strategies, the main content and measures of modern forestry construction in HSFR, and the research of construction of institution, forestry ecological system, forestry industry system and eco-cultural system. It hopes to benefit the development of modern forestry theory and the practical construction of HSFR.The development of modern forestry of HSFR is supposed to fully embody their own peculiarities of regional economic and social development. This thesis constructs the evaluation of the modern forestry. Based on the improved entropy, taking state-owned forest in Yichun as an example, it focuses on an empirical analysis, then considering some research achievements comprehensively,we can draw the basic conclusions that they are still in the infant stage and have a long way to go although there are some modern elements in HSFR. This paper analyzes the construction of modern forestry of HSFR in the following four aspects--- the realities and the macro-environment and micro-environmental factors and barriers. On this basis, it makes an overall plan of the modern forestry construction in HSFR. It proposes that equal importance should be attached to institutional innovation and idea transform. And the ecological system, the industrial system of forestry and the eco-cultural system should be developed at the same time.During planned economy period, under the circumstance of state monopoly of natural resources, state-controlled natural resources, HSFR obeyed the principal of "state-owned". The particularity of it is a complex situation of social burdens, ecological obligations, historical issues, and the realistic obligations. As a result of the system bottlenecks, it is hard through the market mechanism to configure effectively many factors of HSFR, in particular, the market factor. This thesis analyzes the institutional development in HSFR, with the focus on it in the past and present system innovation method selection. It describes the overall direction of the system in HSFR. It outlined the basic framework of the system. After the comparison the government and social choice theory, and the experiences system-building, it is concluded a transfer from government chose to turn to social choice. Its trend is multiply choice of the agent of innovation and the path of diversification. It analyzes main problems of the right system, the social security system, supervising system, operating system and the organizational system of HSFR. Then it puts forward some suggestions, and expounded the validity of institution building, and conducts an empirical analysis.The construction of complete forestry ecological system is the fundamental requirement of the construction of modern forestry in Heilongjiang state-owned forest regions, which can provide a solid material foundation for the construction of the industrial system and eco-cultural system. This paper analyzes the content of the forest ecological system and the current situation of the forest ecological system construction of state-owned forests in Heilongjiang state-owned forest regions, and put forward the overall goal of it. The forestry ecological system construction in Heilongjiang state-owned forestry regions in forest should not only focus on the construction of forest eco-system, but also on the construction of associated forest eco-system, while also improving the construction of cultural eco-system. A complete construction of forestry ecological system is to build a positively existing, heaven reinforcing, and sustainable developing harmonious eco-system. The focus of the construction of forest ecological system is the protection and nourishment of the forest eco-system. This paper analyzes the key construction areas of the forest eco-system:the cultivation and utilization of forest resources, which is the key points of the forest ecological system construction in Heilongjiang state-owned forest regions, by the application of factor analysis. This paper gives a sketch of the importance of the main forest ecological projects to the forestry ecological system construction in Heilongjiang state-owned forest regions, discusses improvements, and set the corresponding safeguard policies and measures from the perspectives of administrative, legal, financial, and so on.Only if the modern industrial system of forestry is fully developed, we can fulfill the economic functions of forestry, help find a way out of the economy difficulties in Heilongjiang state-owned forest regions, and better promote the construction of eco-systems and eco-cultural system. This paper describes the main content and objectives of the forestry industrial system construction in Heilongjiang state-owned forest regions. It analyzes the dominant industries and their trends. It broadens the classification management theory in Forest resource management organization. It proposes a management model according to functions and areas. It brings forwards the adjustment and reform programs of forest products processing industry. It also discusses policy safeguards.Only if a prosperous eco-cultural system is constructed, the developing idea of the Heilongjiang state-owned forest region can be transformed, the eco-cultural system and the industrial system can be developed sustainably. This paper defines the state-owned forest eco- cultural system in HSFR, and describes the main construction contents and the objectives. It analyses of influencing factors, and proposes the appropriate measures and policy safeguards.
