

The Comparative Study on American and Japanese Information Society Construction and Development

【作者】 李理

【导师】 刘昌黎;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 世界经济, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 从生产力角度划分,人类社会形态可分为农业社会、工业社会和信息社会。由农业社会向工业社会的演进是从技术革命开始的,是以蒸汽机的发明和应用为主要标志的产业技术革命带动了人类社会由漫长的农业社会快速进入了工业社会。由工业社会向信息社会的演进也是如此,是以电子计算机的发明和应用为主要标志的信息技术革命带动了人类社会由工业社会迅速地向信息社会演进。在向信息社会演进的动态过程中,人类社会的劳动工具、生产方式、交易方式、产业结构、生活方式、聚居特点乃至组织结构等都发生了显著变化。这种社会形态的演进本身不仅意味着生产力的进步,而且意味着深刻、全方位的社会变革,并最终决定国际秩序。作为人类社会的一个社会形态,信息社会的建设与发展本身,应该是一个世界性现象,但是,正如世界各国由农业社会向工业社会演进步伐不一致,各国由工业社会向信息社会的演进步调也是不一致的,存在着快慢之分,存在着竞争。哪个国家的信息获取、处理、传播的能力越强,信息社会建设的步伐也就越快,水平就越高,就越能保证“制信息权”,甚至如美国著名未来学家阿尔温·托夫勒所预言的那样,通过掌握信息、控制网络来拥有整个世界。在这场社会形态的演进竞争中,有两个国家的表现非常突出:一是作为信息技术革命发源地的美国,其不仅是最早开展信息社会相关研究的国家,最早向信息社会演进的国家,还是迄今为止世界上信息社会发展水平最高的国家;二是早在上世纪60年代就提出信息社会概念的日本,虽然其在上世纪于实践上演进显著落后于美国,但是,由于日本政府已经清醒认识到了差距所导致的后果,于新世纪出台了一系列战略措施来加快信息社会建设,在短时期内跃居为当前信息社会较发达国家。这两个国家,一个是信息社会的“先发国家”,而且不仅“先发”,还实现了“先至”,其演进路径本身可能就代表了一种最优演进路径;一个是相对而言的信息社会“后发国家”,虽然还没实现“先至”,但是发展速度惊人,其发展路径对广大信息社会后发国家具有非常重要的借鉴意义。我国在当前还处于工业社会的发展过程中,工业社会作为人类社会演进的一个重要形态是不可跨越的,我国不可能跨过工业社会演进过程中的重化工业阶段直接进入信息社会。然而,由于信息社会的生产力要素本身就蕴含在工业社会之中,信息技术作为一种通用技术,可作用于传统产业,推动传统产业更新改造,带动产业结构高度化,因而,我国可通过发展信息社会生产力要素来加速推动工业社会发展,加速从工业社会向信息社会的演进,实现党的十五届五中全会所提出的“以信息化带动工业化,发挥后发优势,实现社会生产力跨越式发展”的目标。由于信息社会是在信息化生产力的要求下,国民经济以信息技术作为主要技术力量和技术基础,产业结构以信息产业为支柱,生产、生活方式以信息技术的应用为依托,社会结构框架呈现出网络化和扁平化特点的社会,其演进本身不仅包括信息技术及信息产业的发展,而且包括信息技术在社会各领域中的应用,信息作为一种资源的管理、开发和利用,以互联网为代表的信息网络建设、IT人才队伍建设和信息制度环境的完善,所涉及的层面非常之广,建设中需要支付大量的经济成本乃至社会成本,而我国作为一个发展中国家,一个信息社会后发国家,如何以最小的成本、最快的速度实现这场宏大的社会形态演进,是我国学术界、产业界和政界都应深切关注的重大课题。对于美日两国信息社会建设和发展的比较研究,有助于我国在当前发展阶段,通过比较这两个在信息社会建设上先进及典型的国家信息社会发展的异同及造成差异的诱因,来摸索信息社会建设的一般规律,总结其中的经验教训,充实、发展本国的信息理论体系,以此来指导信息社会建设实践,尽可能地选择一条社会成本最低的社会演进路径,低成本、高效率地推进信息社会建设。因此,笔者选择“美日两国信息社会建设与发展的比较研究”为题来展开系统研究。本文是遵循这样的研究思路展开的:在对信息社会内涵认识的基础上,对美日两国信息社会建设与发展的主要方面展开系统分析,研究其共同遵循的规律,结合内外部制约因素,分析两国信息社会建设与发展的不同及差距,明确这种差异性是否符合信息社会建设与发展的内在要求,哪一种做法及模式才更接近信息社会演进的最优路径,从而得出对我国信息社会建设的启示。具体研究的展开是从整体观出发,采取从环状看因果的观察角度,采取演绎推理和经验实证分析的研究方法,在广泛收集国内外研究成果与资料的基础上,将理论分析与实证分析相结合、具体分析与综合分析相结合、纵向分析与横向分析相结合,对美日两国信息社会的建设与发展进行系统和层层递进的分析,力求得出规律、理论方面的认识。全文共分为10章,各章的主要内容是:第1章讨论和分析了研究的背景和目的,对相关概念和研究范围进行了界定,对国内外的相关研究进行了回顾和评述,确立了研究方法和基本框架;第2章在分析美日两国信息基础技术、信息系统技术以及信息应用技术发展的基础上,对美日两国信息技术发展的异同之处及导致差异产生的主要原因做出探讨;第3章在对美日两国信息产业发展背景、历程及IT外包的发展进行分析的基础上,探讨美日两国信息产业发展的异同之处及导致差异产生的主要原因;第4章在分别对美日两国信息化的主要方面——企业信息化、电子商务、政府信息化、家庭和个人生活信息化、教育信息化以及农业信息化发展情况进行研究的基础上,对美日两国信息化的异同之处及导致差异产生的主要原因做出探讨;第5章在对美日两国信息资源管理、开发和利用情况进行分析的基础上,对美日两国信息资源管理、开发和利用的异同之处及导致差异产生的主要原因展开研究;第6章在对美日两国信息网络建设情况进行分析的基础上,探讨美日两国信息网络建设的异同之处及导致差异产生的主要诱因;第7章分别从信息技术教育与培训、IT人才引进、人才激励机制三方面对美日两国IT人才队伍建设情况进行分析,总结出两国IT人才队伍建设的异同之处,并探讨导致差异产生的主要诱因;第8章在对美日两国信息制度环境进行分析的基础上,对两国信息制度环境建设的异同之处及导致差异产生的主要原因做出探讨;第9章提出本文的研究结论,总结了美日两国信息社会建设与发展的基本经验,得出了对我国信息社会建设与发展的启示;第10章在上述研究的基础上,就信息社会的内涵与基本特征、信息社会建设与发展的基本内容及其相互关系、信息社会与工业社会的区别、信息技术革命对经济增长的作用机理展开理论思考。经过两年来坚持不懈的努力,本文初步建立了信息社会比较研究的系统分析框架,率先对美日两国信息社会建设进行了系统比较研究,并进行了系统和层层推进的分析,得出了若干规律和理论方面的认识,主要创新点包括:一是从信息技术革命、信息产业发展、信息化三个方面,全面比较研究了美日两国信息社会的建设与发展,体现了研究视角、研究内容、研究体系的创新。二是作为本文研究的结果,得出六个方面的结论,比较全面地总结了美日两国信息社会建设与发展的基本经验及其对我国的启示和借鉴意义。在此基础上,对推进我国信息社会的建设与发展提出了十条有针对性的政策建议。三是作为本文的理论思考,在信息社会的内涵、信息社会建设与发展的基本内容及其相互关系、信息化与工业化的区别方面系统提出了新观点。信息社会是一个崭新的社会形态,其发展刚刚开始,人们对这种崭新社会形态的认识尚处于摸索之中,很多认识需要伴随信息社会的发展而不断深化,去伪存真。受研究能力和研究水平所限,本文的研究还只是一个开始,还不够全面,不够深入,理论思考也不够深刻,很不成熟。和卷而思,深感本文无论是对崭新的信息文明的丰富内涵,还是对信息社会建设与发展的最优演进路径和高水平信息社会的定义,都还未能形成一个自成体系的明晰思路,有关论断也有待进一步推敲和完善。这既是本文的缺憾与不足之处,也是笔者今后进一步研究和努力的方向。

【Abstract】 From the perspective of productivity, the forms of human society can be divided into agricultural society, industrial society and information society. The social formation evolution from agricultural society to industrial society started from technological revolution. It was the industrial technological revolution marked by invention and application of steamer that made social form evolve quickly from the long agricultural society into industrial society. The social formation evolution from industrial society to information society also started from technological revolution. It was the information technological revolution marked by invention and application of electronic computer that made social form evolve fast from industrial society into information society. During the dynamic process into the information society, human society’s production tool, production mode, trading method, industrial structure, living pattern, habitat characteristic as well as the organizational structure have changed significantly. This social formation evolution in itself means not only the progress of productive forces, but also implies a profound, comprehensive social change, and will eventually determine new international order. As a social form of human society, the construction and development of information society should be a worldwide phenomenon. However, as countries around the world do not keep in step from agricultural society into industrial society, they can not step into information society in the same time. There must be competition in the new social formation evolution. In this competition, the stronger country’s capacities of information acquisition, processing, transmission are, the sooner its pace of building the information society is, the higher its level of developing the information society is, the more it is able to achieve information superiority, even as the famous American futurologist Alvin Toffler has predicted, dominate the others through grasping the information and controlling the network.In this competition of social formation evolution, there are two countries with outstanding performance. The first one is United States. As the cradle of information technology revolution, U.S. is not only the first one researched on information society and evolved towards information society, but also the one has achieved the highest level of information society development so far. The second one is Japan, which put forward concept of information society in 1960s. Although Japan fell behind U.S. in practice quite substantially in the last century, for the Japanese government has clearly recognized the consequence caused by the gap and promulgated a series of strategic measures to speed up information society developing, it has leap to an Information developed society in a short time. The above two countries, one is the information society pioneer country, and not only is the pioneer, but also achieve the highest level, its evolution path in itself may represent the optimal evolution path; the other is a relative latecomer, which has developed with amazing speed even thought have not achieved the highest level yet, its development path has some important reference value to the other information society latecomers.China is still in the process of industrial society currently. Industrial society as an indispensable social form of human society can not be leapt over. So our country can not leap over the heavy chemical industry phase of industrial society into information society. However, the productivity elements of information society are involved in industrial society. Information technology as a general technology through acting on traditional industries can promote the renovation of these industries and accelerate industrial structure supererogation. Therefore, through developing the information productivity elements, our country can accelerate the social formation evolution from industrial society to information society, and achieve the goal that the Fifth Plenary Session of the Fifth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed "promote Industrialization by Informationization, give full play to follow-up advantages, and carry out great-leap-forward development". Information society is the social form that under the request of the informationized productive forces, information technology becomes the main technical force even the technical base of national economy, information industry turns into the pillar industry in the industrial structure, production mode and lifestyle rely on the application of information technology more and more, and framework of social structure presents networking and flat characteristics. The evolution towards it not only contains many aspects, such as the development of Information technology and information industry, the management and exploitation of information resources, the construction of information network represented by Internet, the construction of information personnel and the improvement of information system environment. The evolution involves so many contents, so its construction absolutely needs to pay a lot of economic costs and even social costs. How to minimize the cost, and achieve this ambitious social formation evolution, is an indispensable issue should be deeply concerned by the academia, industrial circles and political circles in China which both are a developing country and an information society latecomer. Studying on the comparison of American and Japanese Information society construction, through comparing the two typical advanced information society’s similarities and differences in the development of its information society, in the current stage of development, can help our country explore the general rules of information society construction, sum up experiences and lessons from it, enrich and develop our own system of information theory, to guide the practice of informationization and choose a social evolution path which costs the lowest social costs with high efficiency. Therefore, I chose "the comparative study on American and Japanese information society construction and development" as the theme to carry out systematic research.My doctoral dissertation follows this train of thought:on the basis of study on the connotation of information society, analyze the main aspects of American and Japanese information society construction systematically, research on the laws which they followed, indicate their differences with their own internal and external condition factors, to make clear whether the differences between them accord with information society’s inherent requirements, which way or mode that they took is closer to the optimal evolution path, and eventually draw the enlightenment for our country’s information society construction. The concrete study in my dissertation starts from holism, through circular causation perspective, takes deductive inference and empirical analysis research methods, on the basis of extensive collection of domestic and international research results and data, integrate theoretical analysis with empirical analysis, detailed analysis with comprehensive analysis, vertical analysis with horizontal analysis, studies American and Japanese information society systematically, and make every effort to attain cognition at the level of laws.The entire dissertation consists of ten chapters, and the content of each is introduced as follows. Chapter 1 discussed and analyzed the background and purposes of the study, defined related concepts and range of study, reviewed and commented on domestic and international related research results, and established research methods and the basic research framework. Chapter 2 on the basis of analyzing the development of American and Japanese information supporting technology, information systems technology, and information applied technology, probed into the similarities and differences of the two countries’ information technology development, and analyzed the inducements behind them. Chapter 3 on the basis of presenting American and Japanese information industry’s development background, history and IT outsourcing, probed into the similarities and differences of the two countries’ information industry, and analyzed the main inducements behind them. Chapter 4 based on looking into the main aspects of American and Japanese information technology application-enterprise informatization, electronic commerce, government informatization, family and personal life informatization, education informatization and agriculture informatization respectively, studied the similarities and differences of the two countries information technology development, and analyzed the main inducements behind them. Chapter 5 on the basis of investigating into American and Japanese information resources management and exploitation respectively, probed into the similarities and differences of the two countries’information resources management and exploitation, and researched on the main inducements behind them. Chapter 6 based on analyzing American and Japanese information network construction, discussed the similarities and differences of the two countries’ information network construction, and explored the main inducements behind them. Chapter 7 based on analyzing the three main aspects of American and Japanese IT personnel construction-IT education and training, IT professionals’ introduction, and incentive mechanism, summarized the similarities and differences of the two countries’IT personnel construction, and studied the main inducements behind them. Chapter 8 on the basis of presenting American and Japanese information system environment, researched on the similarities and differences of the two countries’ information system environment’s construction and improvement, and discussed the main inducements behind them. Chapter 9 drew the research conclusion of this paper, summarized the basic experience from the American and Japanese information society construction and development, and drew the enlightenment for our country’s information society construction. Chapter 10 on the basis of the above-mentioned studies, expanded the theoretical thinking on the definition and basic characteristics of information society, the basic factors of information society construction and development and the mutual relations between them, the difference between information society and industrial society, and the mechanism of information technology revolution acting on economic growth.After two years’insistent effort, I have attempted to establish the systematic analysis framework of information society comparative study, been the first to do the systematic study on American and Japanese information society construction, and sought to bring forth new ideas on the basis of predecessors’ studies. There are three main innovations in my dissertation. Firstly, on basis of analyzing information technology revolution, information industry development and informanization, I have conducted a comprehensive comparative study on American and Japanese information society constrction and development, and made an innovation on research perspective, research content and research system. Secondly, as a result of this study, I have drawn six conclusions, made a relative comprehensive summary of American and Japanese information society constrction and development, drawn enlightenment for our country’s information society construction, and put forward ten directed policy recommendations. Thirdly, as the theoretical reflection of this study, I put forward new opinions systematically on the definition of information society, the basic factors of information society construction and development and the mutual relations between them, and the distinction between informanization and industrialization.Information society is a new form of society, and its development has just begun. People’s understandings of it are still going forward in exploration, and many understandings need to be deepened with information society development to winnow truth from falsehood. Although I have done my utmost to study it, due to limitations in capability, and information society as a social form of human society, the construction of it refers to extensive contents, there are undoubtedly shortcomings in my thesis. My study is not comprehensive and in-depth enough, theoretical considerations are not profound and mature. From the specific content of the new information civilization, post information social form’s existence, to the optimal evolution path of the existing information society and the connotation of high level information society construction, I have not been able to form a clear idea and proposed an explicit treatise. These are the limitations of my dissertation as well as my next research topics to pursue.

【关键词】 信息社会比较研究启示美国日本
【Key words】 information societycomparative studyenlightenmentU.S.Japan
  • 【分类号】F49
  • 【被引频次】8
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