

Study on the Integrated Construction System

【作者】 刘禹

【导师】 何佰洲;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 建筑工业化是建筑业发展的必然趋势。在建设部《建筑业改革与发展研究报告(2007)》一书中,除了工业化的技术问题之外,同时将建筑工业化背景下的建设生产组织管理与产业组织管理问题,列为今后重要的研究方向之一。但从我国目前的建设管理与产业组织模式来看,建筑工业化产业组织模式的构建却存在着诸多障碍,不仅阻碍着建筑工业化的进步,也制约着当前建筑业的发展,使得建筑业与制造业相比,效益低下、利润偏低。改变这种状况的途径之一,就是调整现有的建筑业的产业结构与建筑产业的组织模式,建立立体化的多层次的产业协作与竞争体系——建立以大型建设施工总承包企业为核心的,以中小型专业化企业为分包商、供应商或协作企业多层级的建设产业链。这样,一方面可以有效的减少建设市场中直接参与总承包竞争企业的数量,缓解市场竞争程度,避免由于恶性竞争所形成的全行业低利润的状况,使企业获得足够的研发能力;另一方面,通过增加专业承包上的数量,强化专业承包在市场中的地位,促进建筑业微观生产的专业化与工业化的发展,从而带动建筑业全行业的工业化进程。同时,基于中小建筑施工企业的有效协作,也可以使得大型建设施工企业具有更加强大的生命力,承接大型建设项目;而依托于大型建设企业,中小企业可以避免直接面对激烈的市场环境,以分包商、协作商、供应商的方式参与项目建设,获得相应的利润。这种多层及的产业协作体系,在制造业——这一几乎是完全工业化的行业中,已经成为现代化的、主流的产业组织模式之一,即集成制造系统(Integrated Manufacturing System)。因此,借鉴制造业的生产组织与产业组织模式,可将建筑业的以总承包商为核心的,基于分包与协作所构成的产业组织模式称为集成建设系统(Integrated Construction System)。从目前建筑产业管理的相关研究进展来看,借鉴制造业成熟的概念、理论与方法,改革建筑业的产业组织模式、产业流程、项目管理方法以及企业管理的方式,已经成为工程管理的热点之一。本研究就是在诸多理论、方法以及相关领域研究的基础上,综合的提出了集成建设系统的概念,并在相关理论与方法方面做了进一步的探讨。首先,本研究提出了集成建设系统的基本概念,定义了集成建设系统的内涵与外延,即集成建设系统是以总承包商为核心所构建的,基于专业包商的协作而形成的、集成化的建设流程组织系统,是以协调众多分包协作者共同完成建设目标的建设组织系统。其次,对于集成建设系统的集成化的理论体系、构成与组建模式、运行与管理方法等方面进行了研究,论述了集成建设系统的三个基本构成要素:系统集成、组织集成与信息集成。系统集成,是对于集成建设系统产业流程的探讨。本研究具体论述了集成建设系统的生产组织过程,和以集成建设系统为基础的建筑业工业化的产业组织过程,阐述了集成建设系统产业流程重组的几个关键问题和环节。组织集成,集成建设系统的控制与管理的实施。本研究具体探讨了多层级、离散化的生产协作体系,确定了基于虚拟建设企业为基础的、产业链一体化模式下的集成建设系统的组织与管理问题。信息集成,集成建设系统的系统集成与组织集成的技术平台与保障。本研究主要论证了信息集成对于集成建设系统的重要作用,同时阐述了集成建设系统实现信息集成的方法,提出了系统信息门户(SIP)的概念,并对于该平台的运行问题作了基本的阐述。1.提出了现代集成建设系统的概念,确定了该概念体系的内涵与外延。2.提出了建筑工业化的生产组织模式3.对于集成建设系统的构成与运行进行了充分的论证集成建设系统的相关研究在理论上和实践上具有重要的的意义与价值。首先,本研究所提出的集成建设系统,符合建筑工业化的发展方向,适应建筑工业化的产业进程,可以有效促进建筑工业化的快速发展;其次,本研究对于形成建筑业多层级的产业发展模式,缓解建筑业恶性竞争的市场状况,提高建筑业的效益与利润水平等问题的有效解决,有着重要借鉴意义;第三,本研究对于建筑业的产业组织模式的改革与发展提出了新的思路,不仅为大型企业,也为中小企业的未来发展方向提供了新的视角,也为建筑业的各级管理者提供了行业管理与发展的相关借鉴,为其制定相关产业政策提供了理论上的支撑。

【Abstract】 Construction industrialization is one of the inevitable trends in this industry. In Study of Report on Reform and Development of Construction Industry in China (2007), a book edited by Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China, the problem of construction management and industrial organization management in the context of industrialization was given the same weight as the technical problem in industrialization, being ranked as one of the important directions for future development.Judging from the present models of construction management and industrial organization, however, there exist many obstacles against the establishment of industrial organization models for the industrialization in construction industry, which not only hinder the progress of construction industrialization, but also hamper the current development of construction industry, thus leading to its lower efficiency and profits when compared to manufacturing industry.One way to change this situation is to adjust the existing organizational mode of industrial structure and the industrial chains of China’s construction industry and to set up the three-dimensional and multi-level industrial cooperation and competition system-taking large-sized construction and contracting enterprises as the core and the small- and medium-sized specialized enterprises as subcontractors, suppliers or coordinated enterprises. In this way, on the one hand, those enterprises directly involved in general contracting can get fewer and competition in construction markets can be reduced effectively, thus avoiding low profitability caused by the vicious competition in the industry and increasing their R&D capability. On the other hand, with the increasing specialized contractors, they can gain more market power, promoting the specialization and industrialization of micro-production and facilitating the industrialization of China’s construction industry. At the same time, the effective coordination of construction enterprises can also make large construction enterprises more powerful to undertake large-scale construction project while small- and medium-sized construction enterprises can avoid the direct, fierce market competition, acting as subcontractors, collaborators, suppliers in project construction to gain technical profit.In manufacturing industry, this kind of multi-level industrial cooperation system has become the mainstream of modern industrial organization model, i.e. the Integrated Manufacturing System. Therefore, drawing ideas from the manufacturing sector, we can call the industrial organization model based on subcontracting and collaboration in construction industry Integrated Construction System, in which general contractors in the construction industry are taken as the core.According to the related findings of current construction industry management, taking reference to the established concepts, theories and methods of manufacturing industry and subsequent reforming of construction industry organization model, industrial processes, methods of project management and business management mode have become one of heated topics of project management. This dissertation, based on a variety of theories, methods and related fields, puts forward a comprehensive concept of the integrated construction system and conducts some further discussion on the related theory and method.Firstly, this study proposes the basic concept of integrated construction system and defines its connotation and denotation, that is, the integrated construction system is a construction process organization system, which takes general contractors as the core, coordination of specialized contractors as the basis, and collaboration of many subcontractors as the goal.Secondly, the theoretical system, structuring and organizing mode, operation and management methods, are all studied in terms of the integration of integrated construction system, and the three basic elements of integrated construction system are also discussed: system integration, organization integration and information integration.System Integration explores the industrial process of the integrated building system. The study in this respect expounds 1) the production & organization process of integrated construction system,2) the industrial organization process of industrialized construction industry based on the integrated construction system, and 3) especially, several key issues and links in the reconstruction of industrial process of the integrated building system.Organization Integration focuses on the implementation the control & management of integrated building system. The study in this respect expounds the multi-level, discretized cooperative system of production, and analyzes the organization and management issues on the integrated building system based on virtual construction firms and under the model of industrial chain integration.Information Integration provides the technical platform and guarantee for the system integration and the organization integration. The study in this respect illustrates the important role of information integration in the integrated building system, and meanwhile, elaborates upon the specific means by which the integrated building system realizes the information integration, puts forward the concept of SIP (System Information Platform) and a brief introduction on its operation.1. Having put forward the concept of contemporary integrated construction system and defined its connotation and denotation2. Having established the production organization model in the process of construction industry’s industrialization3. Having demonstrated the composition and operation of the integrated construction systemAll in all, the research on the integrated construction system is of great significance and value both in theory and in practice.First of all, the integrated building system proposed in this dissertation is in accordance with the process and trend of the industrialization in the construction industry, and consequently can readily facilitate its rapid development. Secondly, this study will provides a significant reference to the establishment of the multi-level industrial development in building industry, to the relief of vicious competition in the building market, and, to the improvement of efficiency and profits level. Finally, the research offers some new ideas for the reform and development of construction industry’s industrial organization model, and provides a new perspective for large-sized enterprises as well as SMEs; secondly, it offers some reference for managers at all levels in construction industry and some theoretical support for the making of relevant industrial policies.
