

Technology Research of Fire Accident Investigation in Mine Based on Material Evidence Analysis

【作者】 牛会永

【导师】 周心权;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 安全技术及工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 通过理论分析矿井火灾不同燃料燃烧的过程和机理,确定了适用于矿井火灾的火源燃烧模型,得出了矿井火灾时期火源的蔓延传播数学模型,分析了水平巷道火灾浮羽流的特性和形成顶板射流的原因,运用理论分析和数值计算方法,得出了风流与巷壁的非稳态热交换条件下的巷道纵向温度衰减理论模型,通过分析火源邻近区域烟流逆退现象的成因,得出了影响临界风速的各物理参数,通过全尺寸巷道火灾模拟实验与数值模拟,验证了理论分析的正确性,完善了矿井火灾燃烧与蔓延理论,理论分析了矿井火灾现场痕迹物证材料的破坏机理,通过模拟火灾现场对常见的物证材料进行了导电性能测试、金相分析以及硬度测定,建立了火灾温度与物证材料破坏程度的量化关系,与火灾蔓延传播规律有机结合,形成了矿井火灾事故调查综合分析技术,为矿井火灾事故调查提供了理论技术支持。

【Abstract】 Through theoretical analysis of the process and mechanism of different fuel, the proper fire combustion model and the fire spread model was determined. By analyzing the formation and characteristics of buoyant plume, which the author used the method of theoretical analysis and of numerical calculation, the author established the attenuation model under non-steady state heat-transfer conditions. By analyzing the causes of inverse plume phenomena near fire, the author concluded the type of physical parameters that influence the critical wind speed. With the method of quantitative analysis, combining full-sized tunnel fire accident simulation and numerical simulation, the analysis was approved and the theory of combustion and of spread was perfected. First step, the author analyzed the destruction mechanism of evidence in fire accident; second, the author determined the conductivity, metallographic structure and hardness of common material by simulation; third, combining the law of fire spread with established quantitative relationship between temperature and damage of evidence during fire accident, the author advanced a comprehensive analysis investigation technology, which supply technical support for the investigation of fire accident in coal mine.
