

Harmonic Suppression and Reactive Power Compensation Theory and Application Research in High Voltage Distribution Networks

【作者】 赵伟

【导师】 罗安;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 电气工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在6kV、10kV、35kV等高压配电网集中治理谐波和补偿无功的方式投资较少,便于集中运行维护,是目前国内外供电系统谐波抑制和无功补偿研究的热点,但是,受限于电力电子开关器件的耐压和容量等级,在高压配电网同时实现谐波和无功综合动态治理具有一定难度。本文以国家自然科学基金项目——企业谐波动态抑制与节能新方法新技术研究(60774043)和国家“863”计划项目——大型工业企业电气节能新技术新装备及其工程应用(2008AA05Z211)为依托,为实现低成本的高压配电网谐波电流动态治理,提出了三种改进结构的注入式混合型有源电力滤波器(IHAPF),为实现高压配电网谐波和无功综合动态治理,提出了IHAPF和静止无功补偿器(SVC)联合运行的高压混合补偿系统HVHC,研究内容涵盖了治理装备的基本补偿原理、检测和控制算法、主电路参数的设计和相关工程实现方案等方面,形成了较为完整的高压配电网谐波与无功综合动态治理的技术方案,主要研究内容和创新如下:1、提出了三种改进结构的高压配电网IHAPF,建立各类结构IHAPF的统一电气模型,分析了IHAPF对避免电网谐波放大、无源补偿器件与电网发生谐振的作用,提出了改进遗传算法并引入了IHAPF注入支路参数的多目标优化设计。本文在典型的单谐振注入式混合型有源滤波器(S-IHAPF)结构的基础上,提出了三种适用于高压配电网的注入式混合型有源电力滤波器:双谐振注入式混合型有源电力滤波器(D-IHAPF)、多通道注入式混合型有源电力滤波器(M-IHAPF)及改进的注入式混合型有源电力滤波器(I-IHAPF),分析了它们各自的优缺点以及适用的场合,并通过建立各类结构IHAPF的统一电气模型,为对适用于高压配电网IHAPF的特性研究奠定基础;然后,与单独电容器直接补偿方式作比较,分析了注入式混合型有源电力滤波器对避免电网谐波放大和无源器件与电网发生谐振的作用;最后,以单谐振注入式混合型有源电力滤波器为例,从达到滤波效果、经济成本以及安全稳定性等方面考虑,提出了改进的遗传算法并引入了IHAPF关键部分注入支路的多目标优化设计。2、针对高压配电网IHAPF的两类关键算法:谐波电流检测和控制算法进行了研究,分析了直流侧电压泵升现象产生的原因,并提出了三种解决方法。本文提出了基于ip,iq算法和自适应滤波器的谐波电流预测检测方法,有效减小了延时,提高了系统滤波效果;提出了基于递推积分加PI参数模糊自整定的电流跟踪控制方法,简化了控制算法复杂度,提高了时变量的跟踪控制精度;从动态和稳定两个方面分析了IHAPF在高压配电网应用时产生直流测电压泵升现象的原因,提出了一系列稳定直流侧电压的方法,包括滞环控制能量泄放法、基于逆变器两侧能量平衡的直流侧电压控制方法和基于基波能量交换的直流侧电压PI控制方法,同时详细介绍了三种方法的具体应用场合和效果。3、提出了一种高压混合补偿系统HVHC,在能够动态治理谐波的情况下,实现了容性和感性无功连续调节,提出了HAPF和SVC抗耦合复合控制策略,采用了基于同步旋转参考坐标变换的SVC补偿电纳计算方法,提出了谐波电流分频补偿控制方法,实现了HVHC系统在高压配电网综合动态治理谐波和补偿无功的作用。本文针对适用于高压配电网IHAPF无法进行动态无功补偿的缺点,提出了一种高压混合补偿系统HVHC,它由IHAPF与SVC并联组合而成,同时IHAPF部分抑制了晶闸管调节时产生的谐波电流,实现了高压配电网高品质电气节能。在分析该装置结构的基础上,就谐波域和基波域进行了模型推导,模型推导的结果证明了该装置的可行性。此外,为了使HVHC实现补偿负载不平衡、提高功率因数、动态治理电网电流谐波的作用,对HVHC的控制方法进行了研究。提出了HAPF和SVC抗耦合复合控制策略,采用了基于同步旋转参考坐标变换的SVC补偿电纳计算方法,提出了谐波电流分频补偿控制方法,仿真及实验结果表明了采用上述方法的HVHC能够在高压配电网稳定、快速、准确的治理谐波电流、补偿负荷的无功功率,维持电网电压的稳定。4、结合现场需求,探讨了HVHC在35kV高压配电网应用时的设计和典型应用方案。本文以广西电网公司某110kV变电站谐波与无功问题综合治理需求为基础,分析了引起谐波参数超标的原因,根据现场测量的各种数据,建立了110kV变电站的系统等效模型,通过各种工况下的仿真验证了模型的合理性和准确性。在前述理论和设计方法的基础上,设计了一套适用于35kV高压配电网的HVHC,给出了SVC装置组成元件的参数设计方法,对所提出HVHC进行了整体仿真,仿真结果证明了HVHC能够满足现场需求,能够在35kV高压配电网下具备较高的谐波电流注入能力,以较低的成本保证各种工况下的谐波与无功参数满足要求。在高压配电网谐波与无功动态综合治理相关理论和技术的指导下,成功研制出了S-IHAPF和TCR联合运行的HVHC实验装置,给出了详细的硬件、软件设计过程,并在实验样机上进行了大量的实验,实验结果验证了本文所提检测方法、控制方法以及相关设计方法的正确性和有效性。

【Abstract】 It is low cost and convenient to eliminate harmonic currents and compensate reactive power in high voltage distribution networks. However, due to the voltage and capacity limit of power electronic switching device, it is difficult to realize harmonic currents dynamical suppression and reactive power dynamical compensation at same time. Based on the financial support of The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No.60774043) and The National High Technology Research and Development of China (863 Program) (Project No.2008AA05Z211), this paper proposes three types injection type hybrid active power filter(IHAPF) to realize harmonic currents dynamical suppression in high voltage distribution networks. High voltage hybrid compensator (HVHC), consists of static var compensator (SVC) and IHAPF, is proposed to realize harmonic currents dynamical suppression and reactive power dynamical compensation at the same time in high voltage distribution networks. This dissertation expands the structure, principle, detection and control method, as well as the optimum design means of main parameters and some important realizing technologies. The emphasis and achievement of the paper mainly manifests in the following aspects:1. Three novel topologies of IHAPF are proposed and their universal electric model is established. Based on the establishment of the electric model, the thesis analyzes the effect of IHAPF to avoid the harmonic amplification, and resonance between passive devices and the grid. Finally, improved genetic algorithm is proposed to design the parameters of injection branches of IHAPF.Based on the topology of single-resonance IHAPF(S-IHAPF), this paper proposes three improved topology of IHAPF such as Double-resonance IHAPF (D-IHAPF), Multi-branches IHAPF (M-IHAPF) and Improved IHAPF (I-IHAPF). Their respective strong points are analyzed. The universal electric model is established in succession, it helps to the uniform research of different sort IHAPF. And then, the effect of IHAPF to avoid the harmonic amplification and the resonance between passive devices and the grid is analyzed compared with capacitor. Finally, take S-IHAPF as an example, improved genetic algorithm is proposed to design the parameters of injection branches considering three aspects such as filtering performance, cost, security and stability.2. Two key algorithms such as harmonic currents detection algorithm and tracking control algorithm are researched. Furthermore, three methods were proposed to solve the problem based on the steady and dynamic analyze on the sharp rise of DC-side voltage.Harmonic predicted detection method based on self-adaptive noise countervailing principle was proposed in this paper. The method reduced the delay and improved the filtering performance. Harmonic current tracking control method based on recursive integral and fuzzy-PI control is proposed to improve the control precision when the controlled variable is periodic. Furthermore, based on the steady and dynamic analyze on the sharp rise of DC-side voltage, three methods were proposed to solve the problem such as hysteresis control energy release method, DC-side voltage control based on energy balance, and DC-side voltage PI control based on the fundamental energy exchange. Their respective strong points are analyzed.3. High voltage hybrid compensator (HVHC) is proposed to realize harmonic currents dynamical suppression and reactive power dynamical compensation at the same time in high voltage distribution networks. Furthermore, suppressing coupling crosstalk hybrid control strategy is proposed to eliminate the infection between SVC and IHAPF consists of compensator susceptance calculation method base on synchronous reference frame and harmonic currents dividing frequency control.In allusion to the status that IHAPF can not compensate reactive power dynamically, this paper proposed HVHC consists of SVC and IHAPF. In the proposed system, harmonic currents generated by SVC can also be eliminated by IHAPF. HVHC realize high quality energy saving in high voltage distribution networks. Based on the analysis of its topology, model inference has been done in fundamental frequency and harmonic frequencies, the inference results show the validity of HVHC. Furthermore, control method suitable to HVHC is researched to prove that HVHC can compensate reactive power, eliminate harmonic currents and three-phase unbalance. Suppressing coupling crosstalk hybrid control strategy is proposed to eliminate the infection between SVC and IHAPF consists of compensator susceptance calculation method base on synchronous reference frame and harmonic currents dividing frequency control. Simulation and experiment results show that, after the proposed control method has been adapted, HVHC can compensate reactive power and stabilize the grid voltage, suppress harmonic currents steadily, speedily and exactly.4. Based on the industrial need on harmonic suppression and var compensation, application scheme when HVHC applied in 35kV grid is researched.Based on the project of harmonic suppression and var compensation in an 110kV substation in Guangxi province, this paper analyzes the reason why harmonic parameters exceed the limit, and then system equivalent model of the substation is founded according to the data measured in the substation. Simulation results in three different conditions show the rationality and veracity of the model. Based on the above-mentioned theory and design method, HVHC which is suitable to 35kV grid is designed. Parameters design method of SVC is given. Simulation results show that HVHC can satisfy the industrial need, the harmonic current injection ability can be guaranteed even in 35kV grid, and it is low cost to eliminate harmonic currents and compensate reactive power in each conditions.Under guidance of theory and technique in eliminating harmonic currents and compensating reactive power in high voltage distribution networks, HVHC consists of SVC and S-IHAPF has been developed. The design process of hardware and software has been given in detail. Experiment results show the validity of the principle, signal detection, control method and parameter designing means in eliminating harmonic currents and compensating reactive power in high voltage distribution networks.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期