

【作者】 焦杰

【导师】 贾二强;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 历史文献学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文从《易》、《礼》、《诗》等儒家经典对妇女的定位来探讨西周礼乐制度和儒家思想的妇女观,兼论西周至两汉时期妇女观的变化。全文由五部分组成。第一部分是绪言,介绍选题的原因与意义,评述当代妇女史研究的状况、妇女观研究和《易》、《礼》、《诗》中性别观念的研究现状,同时还说明了本文的研究思路、方法与创新意义。本文认为,在世界多元化的时代,妇女发展已经成为国际潮流,为了适应这一时代的要求,我们必须正视男女不平等的社会现实,从不同的层次、不同的领域、不同的学科探讨妇女发展滞后的原因。从历史学角度讲,探讨传统妇女观是非常有意义和有价值的。第二部分、第三部分和第四部分是文章的主体部分,分别以《易》的经传、《礼》的经传和《诗》的经传为核心,从男阳女阴、男尊女卑、淑女形象三个方面分析探讨了这三部典籍对妇女的定位,并进而说明了西周春秋和战国两汉时期的妇女观的基本内容。本文认为从经义到传义,妇女观有一个明显的从族权到夫权的变化过程。在第二部分的《<易经>确立的传统性别观念》一章中,着重探讨了乾坤观念与性别之间的关系,以及《周易》经传中所表达的妇女观。本文认为在经本义中,乾和坤的取象无高低贵贱之分,也与男女两性无关。在《彖传》中,乾和坤有了主从之分,但两者互补,缺一不可。在《象传》中,乾和坤都是君子观象修省的对象。虽然《乾》《坤》两卦的本义与性别无关,但由于卦爻辞编排者的性别立场,因而《易经》也反映出西周时代男性至上的妇女观念,如男大女小、男主女从,以及尊父轻母和一夫多妻的家庭模式,以及要求妇女主中馈无攸遂、婚姻期间守贞等观念。在《文言》和《系辞》中,乾和坤与男女两性扯上了关系,乾成为君道、夫道、父道,坤成为臣道、妻道、子道,因为君臣、夫妻、父子有尊卑的区别,所以乾和坤也有了高低贵贱的区别。秦汉以后随着阴阳思想的广泛流布,男为阳、女为阴就成为传统性别观念的基调,男尊女卑也就成了合理的存在。在第三部分的《(礼经)构建的性别等级制度》一章中,着重分析了《仪礼》中的《士冠礼》、《士婚礼》、《丧服》和《礼记》中的《内则》一篇所表达的性别等级与妇女观念。本文认为,冠礼赋予男性社会性成人的地位,而笄礼却剥夺了女性社会性成人的权力;婚姻是构建“合两姓之好”的媒介,但却是通过控制女性的身体和意识来实现的;丧服制度排斥母系亲属关系,提高父权和夫权,贬抑母权和妻权;《礼记·内则》强调妇对舅姑的柔顺和夫妻之间男女有别的身份。这些礼制虽然表现出了男尊女卑的差别,但对妇女的控制并不是很严,主要限于许嫁以后,其目的是确保丈夫家族血缘的纯洁。成书于战国至秦汉时代的《礼记》,其妇女观与先秦礼仪有很大的不同,阳唱阴和、男主女从、夫死不嫁、从一而终成为婚礼的主题,女性的服丧原则——三从——成为女性的道德规范,三从中的从夫成为汉代礼学家重点强调的内容,妇事舅姑并顺于舅姑变成了妻事夫顺于夫,夫权超越了族权。在第四部分的《<诗经>中的传统女性观》一章中,着重分析了淑女形象从《诗经》本义到《毛传郑笺》的变化,并分析了《诗经》时代的女性观和毛郑对妇女的定位。本文认为在《诗经》本义中,淑女是具有君子之德的女性形象,她知礼守义、精通女工,虽然矜持而不失温柔多情,虽然温良恭淑而不失活泼开朗。由于宗法制度的需要,人们不仅期待淑女相貌美丽,勤劳能干,也期待她们高大健美,具有多生多育的能力。但是在《毛传郑笺》中,淑女的形象发生了很大的变化,由温柔可爱的少女一变而为贤良内敛的后妃,其貌不求美,其德必求佳。她们不但持礼知义、非礼不行不言,而且贞专守一、宽容不妒,一心一意为君子着想,全心全意为丈夫服务,精神与意念完全系于丈夫身上,变得拘谨呆板而缺乏个性。论文的最后一部分是全文的总结,首先总结了西周春秋礼乐时代和战国两汉时代儒家的妇女观的具体内容,并且指出了其中的不同点。其次,从社会结构变迁和主流思想文化的演变分析了造成妇女观变化的两个基本原因。在最后的余论里,针对现实社会依然流行的不利于女性的传统观念,本文指出,改变传统的思维方式,改变文化体系中单一性别(男性的)标准,是促进社会和谐发展,实现两性平等的有效途径。

【Abstract】 Focusing on the three classical works of Confucianism("the book of changes"," the book of odes","the book of rites"),the article tries to study the views on women in Western Zhou Dynasty’s ritual system and the Confucianism and the changes of perceptions on women from Western Zhou Dynasty to the Han Dynasty. Full-text consists of five parts.The first part is introduction. This part introduces the the reason and the significance of the thesis describes the contemporary situation of women’s history studies and the research of ideas on women,reviews the research status of gender in "the book of changes"," the book of odes" and "the book of rites", also illustrates the research ideas and methods and innovative signifance of this article. This paper argues that women’s development has become an international trend in the era of diversification of the world.In order to meet the demands of the times, we must face the reality of social inequality between men and women,explore the laging reasons of women’s development from different levels,different fields and different disciplines.From the historical perspective, it is very meaningful and valuable to explore the formation,development and change of traditional views on women.PartⅡ, PartⅢand PartⅣis the main part of the article.The main part uses the original books and the works which explain "the book of changes","the book of odes" and "the book of rites" respectively to analyze the change process of views on women from the three aspects such as male as yin and female as yang, male as superiority and female as inferiority, gentlewomen image. This paper argues that women have a clear change which has a close relationship to the social change since the Warring States and Confucian political ideology from the family to the husband.In the second part "the traditional gender concept which is established in’the book of changes’",the chapter focuses on the relatonship between the concept of qian and kun and gender, also illustrates the ideas on women.In the original books, qian and kun has nothing to do with lowliness and nobleness and sexes. In the "tuan", there is distance between qian(as master) and kun(as salve), but the two complement each other,they are indispensable. In the "xiang",qian and kun are the gentleman’s objects to cultivate his moral character. Though the original meaning of qian and kun has nothing to do with sexes, because of the scheduler’s gender position, "the book of changes" also reflects the male superiority in Western Zhou era,such as the love and the marriage patten that male dominates over female,the polygamous family patterns in which they emphasize on the father and ignore the mother, and the concept that requires women to stay at home and to preserve chastity during the marriage. In the "wenyan" and "jici", the qian and kun has anything to do with the gender.Qian respects the prince,the husband and the father, while qun respects the minister,the wife and the son.At the same time,qian is noble than kun.As the wide spreading of ideas about yin and yang and the strength of husband’s right, respect for men as yang, yin for the humble woman, becomes the keynote of traditional gender concept. The presence of male superiority has become reasonable.In the third part " the gender caste system which is established in ’the book of rites’", the chapter will focus on analyzing the concept of gender hierarchies and women expressed by the " crown ceremony", "marriage ceremony", "mourning ceremony" and" liji·neize". This paper argues that the crown ceremony gives adult male social status, while the hairpin rite is depriving women of their social status in adults; marriage ceremony is the media to build "two names together well",but it is achieved by controlling the female’s body and consciousness; mourning system excludes matrilineal kinship, improves the rights of father and husband, belittles the rights of mother and wife; "liji-neize" stresses women’s submissiveness to their father-in-law and mother-in-law and gender-identity between husband and wife. Although these rites have shown male superiority, women are not stringently controlled.lt is mainly confined after the permission to marry, whose purpose is to ensure the purity of blood of their husbands’families. In Liji which was wirtten in the Warring States to Qin and Han Dynasty, views on women and the ritual is very different from the pre-Qin times:yin submissiveness to yang, male dominance over female, to preserve chastity after the death of her husband and to be faithful to her husband onto death become the subjects of marriage, women’s mourning principle-three subordinations-become women’s moral rules, obeying to her husband is emphasized on in Han Dynasty.To a woman,looking after and obeying her father-in-law and mather-in-law is replced by looking after and obeying her husband. Husband’s right exceeds the the right of the family.In the forth part "views on women in ’the book of odes’",the chapter will focus on analyzing the changs of the gentlewoman from the original "the book of odes" to the "Mao Zhuan Zheng Jian",to analyze the ideas on women in the times that " the book of odes’was written.This paper argues that in the original "the book of odes", the lady is a gentlewoman of great virtue:she has a reserved manner but is also gentle, obeys the rule,is proficient in works, at the same time, she is genial and lively. Because of the needs of the patriarchal society, people not only hope lady look beautiful, hard-working and capable, but also expect them to be fit,tall and prolific. However, in the "Mao Zhuan Zheng Jian", the lady’s image has undergone great changes:from the gentle and lovely girl to the modest empress of great virtue. They need not be very pretty but must have high moral.They are not only holding the ceremony strictly but also faithful and constant to her husband,tolerance and does not envy, wholeheartedly think and dedicate to her husband, mental and ideas completely hinges on the husband’s body, the image becomes stiff and lacks in personality.The last part is a summary. Firstly, it not noly summarizes the changes of ideas on women from Western Zhou Dynasty to Han Dynasty through the original "the book of changes", "the book of odes"and "the book of rites", but also points out the differences between them. Secondly,the article analyzes the two basic reasons which result changes in views on women from changes in social structure and the evolution of the mainstream ideology. Finally, for the traditional ideas on women which is still prevalent and is not conducive to women in the real world, this article points out that to change the traditional way of thinking,to change the single-sex (male) standard in the culture system is the effective way to promote the harmonious development of society and to achieve gender equality.
