

Transforms the Borderland into Inland

【作者】 孟凡松

【导师】 萧正洪;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 历史上民族地区,国家政区的设置及相应地方管理体制常常与内地有很大区别。但这并不是问题所在,问题在于不同地方管理制度之间的空间接触与冲突。武陵山区处湘鄂川黔数省之交,又为土民、苗民与汉民交错杂居的地区,研究其明清地方行政管理体制的演化,关系到山区开发、民族治理等问题,具有一定的历史与现实意义。绪论由三节组成,第一节回顾了中国区域史研究的进程,指出区域是一种历史构建的结果,研究重点应在于对这一构建过程的揭示。第二节指出地方行政管理体制的演变关涉赋役制度、山区开发等诸多重要问题,地方行政管理体制研究也应该“回到历史现场”,作动态的整体的考察。第三节对本文研究的时间断限、空间范围及其他一些相关问题作了说明。第一章首先介绍了武陵山区的地理环境,接着从区域控制的角度论述了明朝政府的制度设施。通过驿道的开通,卫所的设置,加强了对土司的监管与控制,也起到屏障郡县的作用。第二章从中央与地方关系的视角讨论明代土司制度的演变。土司制度的地方实践也是一个动态历史的过程,制度在中央与地方的互动关系中确立、规范化,并走向危机。第三章以容美土司为例,从中央与地方关系的视角讨论清代土司制度的演化。明清鼎革之际及吴三桂叛乱其间,土司以一种地方性势力依违其间以求自存,并伺机向相邻土司或经制地区扩张。明嘉靖而后,虽屡遭世变,然经过田氏数代人的经营维持,康熙中后期的容美渐呈鼎盛之局。但是,与此相应的却是清政府节制土司能力的加强。最终,土司田旼如不能因应改土归流大势,土司被裁废,清政府在武陵地区的改流运动因容美的覆灭而告基本完成。第四章以九溪、永定二卫的沿革及安福、永定二县的设置为例,勾勒了郡县行政管理体制在武陵山区确立的过程。指出卫所制度在地方行政制度变迁过程中具有军事控制、地方管辖与民族治理三方面的意义。第五章从赋役制度审视不同地方行政管理制度之间的空间冲突。首先整体上论述了明以前的赋役制度与华夷之界的冲突。再以容美为例讨论了土司与郡县之间的赋役冲突,指出在明清地方行政管理体制变革过程中,应充分估计到赋役制度的推动意义。最后以慈利、石门赋役管理中存在的问题为例,分析了卫所与郡县之间的赋役冲突。制度上的叠床架屋,国家义务方面的彼此差异,导致地方管理中出现种种弊端与纠纷,随着这些问题的出现与解决,地方行政管理体制也进行着相应的调整与变革。第六章首先从改土归流前后地方赋役制度的差别入手,分析上历史上维持汉土之界的赋役意义。随着山区开发的逐步深入,至康熙中后期,改土归流的社会基础已经逐步具备。改土归流导致的赋役制度变革正是在清代中期人口压力与日俱增的背景下发生的,它促进了客民进入武陵山区开发的热潮,同时有利于州县地方官员在地方行政过程中建立、推行与巩固郡县制下的各种制度。最后,本文指出,无论地方行政制度的演化还是赋役制度的相应变革,郡县政治在武陵山区的最终实现,都是明清时期山区开发驱动的结果。

【Abstract】 In minority area, the establishing of administrative divisions and the local management system are different from the inland. The crux of the matter is not the above reason, but the space contact and collision among different local management systems.Wu-ling Mountain Area is located at the boundaries of Hunan, Hubei, Guizhou provinces and the Chongqing Municipality, which is historically a multi-ethnic place mixed with Tujia, Miao minorities and Han. The Study on Local Administrative System in Ming and Qing Dynasties relate to mountain exploring, the managing of minorities and so on, which has important historical and realistic significance.The exordium contains three segments. The first segment reviews the process of the studies on regional history about China; point out the region is a result and key on the revealing of construction process. The second segment shows that the processing local administrative system is related with tax and corvee, mountain exploring and son on, and the study on local administrative system ought to come back to circumstance making integral investigation. The third segment shows the article’s ideas, structure and keynote.The first part introduces the environment of Wu-ling Mountain Area, then shows Ming dynasty’s system with the focus of area controlling, to prove that by opening post roads and setting defense places, the government presses the controlling and supervision against the headman of minority, which is also helpful to safeguarding the county.The second part makes a research on the processing of Ming dynasty’s chieftain system with the focus on central and local government. The application to chieftain system’s localization is a motive historical process, which is settled and standardized with the relationship between the central and local government, and finally step into the danger.The third part will take Rongmei Tusi as an example discussing the transforming process of Qing dynasty’s chieftain system. During the late Ming and the early Qing period and the upsurge of Wu-Sangui, the headman of minority existed between them, and tried to expand the territory to near headman and counties. After the emperor of Jia-jing in Ming dynasty, although met with many obstacles, Rongmei Tusi peaked into climax in the middle and later Qian-long emperor with the operation of several generations’ Tian family members. In the contrast, Qing dynasty’s capability of controlling the headman of minorites is powerful. In the end, the headman of Tianmin couldn’t follow the "Gai Tu Gui Liu"a system of appointing headmen changed into the system of appointing on the move by the central government’s situation and abolished. From that time on, the "Gai Tu Gui Liu" movement in Wu-ling Mountain area were achieved and ended with Rongmei Tusi’s collapse.The fourth part took the two defense places "Jiuxi and Yongding" and the setting of "Anfu and Yongding"as an example, shows the county administrative system’s application to Wuling mountain area, pointing out Wei-Suo system has the significance of controlling in army, managing local area and minority governance.The fifth part pays attention to the space collision among different local administrative system with the focus of tax and corvee. And then take Rongmei Tusi discuss the collision between chieftain and counties on tax and corvee, makes that the tax and corvee system was very significant t in Ming and Qing dynasties’ local administrative system transforming. Then it will take Cili and Shimen to analyze the collision between defense places and counties on tax and corvee. Political mess, differences in country duties lead to kinds of defects and disputes in local administrative. With the above question solved, local administrative system precedes its adjustments and changes.The sixth part begin with the local area’s tax and corvee system before and after "Gai Tu Gui Liu", analyzing the significance of keeping the tax and corvee between Han and headman of minority. With the exploring of mountain area, "Gai Tu Gui Liu"’s society basis are gradually completed in the middle and late time of Kang-xi emperor. The changes lead by "Gai Tu Gui Liu" happened on the background of increasing population pressing, which implicated the Hakkas’ entry into Wu-ling mountain to explore and is helpful to make local governor consolidate kinds of systems.In the end, the article point out that the processing of local administrative system, the tax and corvee’s improving and the application to the county system are the results of the stimulating of mountain area’s development.
